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Class Prophecy of II-SOC

One rainy afternoon, I gaze upon the window with a sigh. I have nothing to do inside my abode. I meander around my home. Just then, I saw our archaic scrapbook. I unbolted it and I looked at it. As I peruse to the folio of my scrapbook, I sneer with a delightful beam. I gaze upon the photos of my friends with their own calling right now. Several of them now have International vocation. And some of them have awards too. I stared at the scrapbook that me and my classmates made when we were in high school. We were the ones who wreathed the pages where we will put our delineations when we are now efficacious. I could still remember when we had a Get Together Reunion; we situate our pictures in the scrapbook. That was the very first time I saw my classmates with their new identities now. We had so much diversion in placing our images. I was stunned with all the photos for weve all changed a lot. I shifted to the page were I view the image of my classmates who made International Careers. I was staggered with the pictures. They are now really experiencing the feat of their lives. Some of them are now married and some of them are engaged. I beamed a little. And then I aimed at the photo of the first successor. Carl Joseph Gratil is now known as CJ Gratz. The most paid and famous Hollywood Star of all Time. He commenced a movie that shows the life of being in the city with no friends. This movie is a sensation. It was viewed by 10 million people in just one month. This was appointed as a World Record and this movie aided him to the feat that he is now experiencing. Charles Joshua Tangtang is now the most `renowned fashion model in the entire fashion industry. He is working as the most notorious Fashion Model in the legendary International Magazine, VOGUE. He met several international celebrities and his most esteemed celebrity is Mario Maurer. Myrrazen Kate S. Consulta recently unleashed her book entitled, Love Completes Life. All of Mkays books were bestsellers. Some of her paperwork talks about love, life, inspiration and some of it also are filled with imagination. She also owns a fashion house, the Fashion Perfection. Mkay is now engaged to the famous singer in showbiz, Justin Bieber. They are expected to get married by March. Sarah Rivie Mae Beloro, is now a reporter. Because she is proficient in delivering reports, she gained many awards. One of her most exquisite award is being the Most Esteemed Newsperson. Princess Mae B. Hallare currently exposed her wondrous exhibits to the entire world. Exhibits that revealed her ingenuity. She was awarded as Artist of the Year because of her sculpture The Heart of the Ocean. Maria Kaye Ocampo is the now the worlds youngest business woman. She possesses so many malls in the world. Some of these malls are often used for shootings of some well known actors and actresses of Hollywood. Julie Anne Alcantara. She is now known as the most illustrious chef of the world. She cooked food for the President of the United States and other distinguished names in the world. She is the Presidents Favored Chef. Richard Dancalan is known to be the Worlds Youngest Scientist. He made the very first flying car in the history. This car does not contain any oil. It only uses water. It is very eco friendly and it is now being used by more than 1, 000, 000 people in the world. His flying car is now a sensation. Engr. Subleo B. Melitante III was known because of his splendid designs and architecture. He was the one who designed the new palace of the Royal Family of London. He designed also some of the houses of some notorious celebrities and persons involved in politics. Jojemar Fuentes is the owner of the biggest airline in the whole world. His carrier is very famous. He has more than 1 million employees all over the world. His carrier was once featured in a show in the United States that help him obtain his success. Engr. Kate Petalio, was the one who designed the airline of Jojemar Fuentes. She was one of the reasons why Jojemar is now experiencing this success. She was also the very first engineer to design a house under water. As of now, she is working with her new design, a house in the air. Kate is one of the Most Successful Woman Engineer in the World. Janbern D. Luzon, fulfilled his dream of becoming a man in the sea. He was the most industrious seaman in their company. And now, after years of working as a seaman, he is now an owner of the biggest ship, much bigger than the Titanic that has sailed for almost two years now. He is now known as the Youngest and richest Man of the Sea. Ma. Kate L. Gratil is known as the Worlds Most Magnificent Nurse. She showed grand when there was a mishap in Italy. She saved more than 50 people with no help

from the rescuers. Because of her bravery, she was given an award. She is now also engaged to Arthur Bowen. Atty. Clarice N. Velitario is the most legendary lawyer of all time. She was the first woman lawyer who won 100 cases in her first year of being a professional lawyer. She is the lawyer of Edelen Recto when she filed a case against Therence Cortero. She was once dated by Justin Bieber but she dumped him because she already has Jeremy with her. Actually, she is now engaged to Jeremy Hernandez, another lawyer and they are expected to be married on April 2 this year. Atty. Jeremy Hernandez, the Worlds Most Just Lawyer. He was known for his excellence in his profession. Just like Clarice, he also won many cases and right now, he won Clarices heart. He was the lawyer of Therence Cortero when Edelen Recto filed a case against him. Atty. Kate Myrtle Morillo, was known because of her unique way of representing her clients. She is also the very first lawyer to own her very own fashion house. Hanilyn Daza, is now known as the Worlds Youngest and Richest Doctor. She owns several hospitals in different countries. Her hospital always has complete materials for their patients. She is the current girlfriend of Carl Joseph Gratil. Angelica Federis, experienced a great success. She is now the most famous animator in the world. She was the one who created almost all of the leading characters in Disney, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and many more. I continued on gazing the images and how I ascertain that some of my classmates worked for some of my classmates also. Some of them are working on the airport while some of them are working on the hospital. Jedalin D. Terceo accomplished her dream of becoming a Flight Attendant. Because of her full keenness in her profession, she was rewarded by the Airlines she was working as the Stewardess of the Year. Karen T. Ballon, is also a flight attendant. She showed commitment on her work and she is also nice to the passengers of the plane. She was known for saving a boy with asthma. Because Karen knows what to do, she applied first aid and then she was given a Moral Fiber Award. Lorie Dhel Molina, another flight attendant, was also given honor because of her alertness in every situation. Just like Karen, she was also given a Moral Fiber Award. Christine Lumabe, another flight attendant is with Jedalin also. She showed determination in her work and was also awarded as the Stewardess of the Year.

This four flight attendants work in one of Jojemar Fuentes airport. Kathlyn Garcia, is now a nurse that is very fervent in her work. She is always vigilant, dutiful, reliable and conscientious. She is also a very prompt nurse. Jastine Escuro, another nurse is very assiduous. She showed her dedication in work. She does not have absents in her work and she is also very hasty in her work. Manilyn Regalado, another nurse is a very bustling nurse. She is friends with Kathlyn and Jastine and they are all very swift in their work. The three works in one of Hanilyn Dazas hospitals. The three were also awarded as Nurses of the Year because they did something proficient. Joshua Manlangit, is now working on the biggest ship in the world that is owned by Janbern Luzon. He dreams of having the success Janbern is now living through. He and Janbern are now the best of friends. Some of my classmates are about to experience the triumph in other countries. Engr. Christian Retreta, was given a chance to show his designs to the Queen of France. A design of a palace, a rest house and a pavilion exclusively for the Queens family. He was the one who designed the palace for the queen. Engr. Geraldine Bonador, is with Christian Retreta. They were in this project together to please the queen and take the design. Geraldine was the one who designed the rest house which is going to be built in the royal familys private island. Engr. Ma. Vienna Tesnado, is with Christian and Geraldine. They worked together in order to show their talents to the Queen. Vienna was the one who designed the pavilion that is going to be built inside and outside of the palace using gold and silver materials. Romnick P. Llorente, or should I say, Hon. Gen. Romnick Llorente, has just thrived in his daunting mission in Sulu. He steered his group very well with fortitude and unanimity. He was given a medal by the President of the Philippines because of his gallantry. He is now married to an accountant. Edelen B. Recto, an accountant, is now married to a soldier. She drudge a lot in order to satisfy the need of her only daughter. Her husband is not always around because at times, he is on a treacherous operation. She filed a case against another accountant because he made a wrong calculation. He was wrong with one decimal point. Edelen won the case with Clarice Velitario as her lawyer.

Therence Michael Cortero, an accountant works hard so much. He still hasnt found the one. A case was filed against him by Edelen Recto but unfortunately, he did not win. But he accepted his defeat and was given 2 months of training of proper service. His lawyer was Jeremy Hernandez. Jane Aiza Aguila, another accountant, was the one of the reason why Edelen won the case. She proved that Edelens testimony was true. If not because of her, Edelen might have been defeated. Gemica Gaela Gamban, also an accountant, helped Edelen won the case. She was with Jane and Edelen in proving the truth. Also, if not because of her, Edelen will not win the case. Arah Mae Silava, another accountant also helped Edelen win the case. She testified against Therence in order to prove that Edelen was telling the truth. Edelen, Jane, Gemica and Arah were given an award as Most Scrupulous Accountants of the World. Shaira Tanay, one of the teachers of Edelens daughter. She is very benevolent in Edelens daughter. She never fails to recall the times when Edelen and her was still in high school. Cherry Ann de la Rama, is also one of the teachers of Edelens daughter. Together with Shaira Tanay they take good care of Edelens daughter. They are always benign at her. Carlyn Sopita, finished her study in Information Technology. She is now starting her own business. Because she is just a starter in business, she asked the help of Kaye because she knows Kaye is already successful. Because of Kayes help, Carlyns business is now a feat. Joana Marie Burdeos, fulfilled her dream of becoming a call center agent. Right now she has her own business related to her previous job. And business is now famous. I was really astonished with what my friends are now. They are all so successful and they are already living the life they only dream before. Right now, I Claudine Fay Baylon am a very successful fashion designer. I am the one who designed clothes for Charles Joshua Tangtang during his very first cover in VOGUE. I am also the one who made clothes for CJ Gratz and other famous celebrity stars. I am known to be the Most Juvenile and the Most Elite Fashion Designer of the World. Right now, I am living a normal life, with my fashion house, somehow my book, for I write too, and my own family.

When I closed the scrapbook, the rain was very insufficient. For me, it seems that the time is on my side. It is now the time for me and my family to go out for our daily walk in the park. I put the scrapbook in our shelf. And then... Mommy! Mommy! Come on lets go now! Dads already waiting for us outside! Hurry! Alright my dear. Im coming.

-The End -

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