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D) What are his mother qualities? E) Does he like his family? F) Is Carloss mother a teacher?

r? G) Whats his favourite school subject?

Father Name: ___________ Age: ____________ Job :_____________ Appearance: ___________________ ___________________ __

2. Com plet e with info rmat ion from the text .

Ans Hi! My name is Carlos. There are five people in my family. Theres my dad, Lucas, my mum Diana, My brother Paulo, my wer sister Snia and me. We live in a house in Lisbon, Portugal. thes My father is forty- five yearseold. He Works as a mechanic. Hes tall and thin, has gotques brown hair and short black eyes. Hes very understanding and helpful. tions My mother is fourthly and she is a nurse. She Works in a abou hospital near our house. She is also tall and slim She has got t short red hair and green eyes. Shes lovely and generous. the My sister, Snia, is twelve. Shes pretty and has got long text red hair and green eyes. She is a student. My younger brother, Paulo is eight .years old. He is also a student and he is a kind and calm. Now Ill write about me. Im fifteen years old . Im tall, my hair is brown and Im not very pretty but my friends say Im a nice person. My favourite subject is English. Im very lucky to have a wonderful family.


1.Carlos has got a brother and a sister. 2.His father is a journalist. 3.His mother is short and fat. 4.He is a student. 5.His sister, Snia is pretty and she has got brown hair. 6.He doesnt like his younger brother. 7.He has got red hair like his mother.

1. Are thes e stat eme nts true or fals e? Corr ect the fals e stat eme nts.


D) What are his mother qualities? E) Does he like his family? F) Is Carloss mother a teacher? G) Whats his favourite school subject?

Father Name: ___________ Age: ____________ Job :_____________ Appearance: ___________________ ___________________ __

2. Com plet e with info rmat ion from the text .

Ans Hi! My name is Carlos. There are five people in my family. wer Theres my dad, Lucas, my mum Diana, My brother Paulo, my sister Snia and me. We live in a house in Lisbon, Portugal. thes My father is forty- five yearse old. He Works as a mechanic. Hes tall and thin, has gotques brown hair and short black eyes. Hes very understanding and helpful. tions My mother is fourthly and she is a nurse. She Works in a abou hospital near our house. She is also tall and slim She has got t short red hair and green eyes. Shes lovely and generous. the My sister, Snia, is twelve. Shes pretty and has got long text red hair and green eyes. She is a student. My younger brother, Paulo is eight .years old. He is also a student and he is a kind and calm. Now Ill write about me. Im fifteen years old . Im tall, my hair is brown and Im not very pretty but my friends say Im a nice person. My favourite subject is English. Im very lucky to have a wonderful family.


1.Carlos has got a brother and a sister. 2.His father is a journalist. 3.His mother is short and fat. 4.He is a student.

Sister Name: ___________ Age: ____________ Job :_____________ Appearance: ___________________ ___________________ __

5.His sister, Snia is pretty 1. and she has got brown Are hair. thes 6.He doesnt like his younger e brother. stat 7.He has got red hair like his eme mother. nts true or fals e? Corr ect the fals e A)How manystat people are there in Carloss family? eme nts. B) Where do they live?

Mother Name: ___________ Age: ____________ Job :_____________ Appearance: ___________________ ___________________

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