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Health, Safety and Environmental Concerns

Contaminate drinking water resources

Liquid Effluents if not treated

Potentially harming the environment

Endangering the health and well being of human population

Reduction in Economic value of resources

Sources from top: 1-Wageningen University ,2011; 2-Greenpeace(India) / John Novis, Oct 2009;3-DreamsTime,2000;4-CutCaster 2010.

Environmental Effects
High levels of nutrients cause algae grown, preventing aquatic life finding food and shelter.
Brian D. Hoyle,2012

Increase in level of BOD reduces the dissolved oxygen

The New york Times , May 2012

Oil may clog respiratory structures, smothering breathing roots of mangroves, killing or reducing survivorship of organisms.
Water Encyclopedia;Science & Issues,2005


Health Effects & Impact on humans

Consuming bacterial contaminated water causes typhoid fever,cholera,dysentry, and gastro intestinal diseases.

Britannica Kids Encyclopaedia ,May 2012

Greenpeace ,May 2008

Pathogens (parasites & Virus) can be transmitted by direct contact and cause various skin diseases.E.g. coming in contact with animal waste or by bathing or swimming.

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