Worth Reading: Year 10 Work Experience

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Senior & Intermediate Netball, AFL, Badminton & Soccer

Thursday 31st May

West Gippsland Cross Country

Friday 8th June

Year 10 & 11 Queens Birthday Exams Public Holiday

Friday 8th June Thursday 14th June Monday 11th June

worth reading


2 5 th M a Y 2 0 1 2

YEar 10 Work ExpErIEncE

The year 10 locker bay echoed with silence last week as 120 students entered the workforce as part of this years work experience program. The work experience program run as part of Industry and Enterprise is designed to get students thinking about their future career choices. Students are encouraged to seek placements in an industry or occupation of interest and experience the world of work first hand. This year students were spread across a variety of industries and locations far and wide, from Event Management at Melbourne's Flemington Racecourse to Law at Morwell Law Courts. Staff were given the opportunity to visit most students during their placement and were overwhelmed with positive feedback. Congratulations to all students who took part in this years program. Many local businesses in the Baw Baw Shire supported the program by taking on one or more students. The school would like to extend a huge thanks all the employers who supported the program.

A Proud History, a Bright Future

prIncIpaLS rEporT
acE program - Education Week project Congratulations to all of the students involved in the ACE Education Week Project. I was blown away by the presentations from students whose task was to present a TV based Court drama based on the events of a nursery rhyme (Nursery Crimes). If this wasnt hard enough all of the dialogue had to be presented as rhyming couplets. Students worked in mixed year 7, 8 and 9 teams and had two hours to prepare for their presentation. The judges, Mayor Dianne Blackwood, Assistant Principal, Margaret Graham and myself were totally amazed by the talent of the students we have in this school well done to all who participated. A big thank you to the many parents who were able to make it along and show their support. Finally congratulations to the event organisers Andrew Brehaut and Kay Frost for the wonderful challenge they set for the students. Exams Mid Year Exams are two weeks away check inside Worth Reading for details of exam timetables and exam rules. Students should be in study mode in order to be as prepared as possible for these important assessments. One of the key skills that students need to master if they are to be successful at VCE and university is the exam. It is important that students recognise that exams are different from the normal SAC process and must therefore require a different sort of preparation. While this is slightly different for each subject what is universally true is that regular revision, wide reading and practice exams are key ways you can ensure you are ready to take on the challenge of the exam. napLan Last week saw year 7 and 9 students immersed in NAPLAN Testing. I was particularly pleased with the serious and diligent way the students applied themselves to these important national tests. I would also like to thank NAPLAN Coordinators Kay Frost and Ewan Harris for their professional organisation of the testing process. We await the results of the NAPLAN tests in August. china In July/August the College, along with other local secondary schools will be hosting a delegation of 35 students and teachers from our sister city in Jui Jiang. In order to manage this visit we are looking for families who are prepared to host a homestay student from our sister school. At this stage we have 4 or 5 families who have already volunteered to help but we still need to find another 3 or 4 interested families to help us with billeting our sister school students. If you are interested in helping please ring Andrew Brehaut, Les Ponton or Iain Luck at the school on 56239900 to register your willingness to help out.
Rob Juratowitch Principal

chappYS cornEr
During my time as Chaplain at Warragul Regional College, I have been involved in assisting families in need with the purchase of text books and uniforms for their children. I received notification last week from States School Relief, (the charity organisation which provides funds to assist families in need), advising us that they are reducing their funding to schools, which means the school will now be required to make up the shortfall. In effect this will mean it will cost the school more to support the welfare needs of students and unfortunately the school will not receive extra funding to cover this shortfall. What this means to you We are required to be more stringent with the support we give. Only families with a health care card will be given assistance for text books and uniforms. If you have any concerns or require assistance, please dont hesitate to talk to us. Our aim is to help the families of our school by providing the best possible education for their children.Thanks Chappy, Lee.
Lee Tilley School Chaplain

pUbLIc LIbrarIES of ThE fUTUrE

The Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Libraries is conducting a landmark review of Victorias public libraries and wants to know what you want in the library of the future. You can have your say by going to www.tomorrowslibrary. com.au and join the conversation before 31 May by Liking Tomorrows Library on Facebook and Following on Twitter. The Victorian Government is committed to ensuring public libraries remain vibrant, modern and effective resources for all Victorians in partnership with local government. Shape the future of Victorias public libraries.

mIddLE SchooL prIncIpaLS rEporT

napLan Testing I would like to thank the Year 7 and 9 students for their excellent attention, effort and behaviour during the NAPLAN tests. I would also like to recognise the thorough organisation and professionalism of the staff involved. This also ensured that the tests went very smoothly. Parents can expect a summary of their son/daughters performance, via mail, later in the year. The Learning agenda at Wrc Recently, the Year 9 students did some work on two of our learning behaviours. They were asked to think about and discuss what these behaviours looked like in action. Here is some of what they said: Challenge Yourself and Explore Possibilities Keep trying and never give up Beat your personal best Dont just do the bare minimum Think like youre in another persons shoes Think up ideas/examples to support the opposite viewpoint to your own opinion on a topic Be persistent Keep on task Pay attention Do more than expected Do maths without a calculator Learning With and From Others Get in a group and share ideas Listen to others and help friends Show respect for one another Ask other students for help Teamwork Sharing what your method is Let everyone voice their opinion Employers are now looking for people who can display many of the qualities above. A lot of companies are now less interested in what you know (they want to train you), but rather, the how you work, learn and interact with others. In the 21st Century, becoming a life-long learner is even more important than before. School Uniform With the cold weather now upon us, it is a requirement that all students wear either a school jumper and/or rain jacket. If you are experiencing any difficulties in purchasing these items, please contact the relevant Year Level Manager, or Lee Tilley, the School Chaplain. Whenever possible, the school insists students change the out of uniform jumper, for a clean, borrowed jumper from sickbay. This may occur, even when the student has a note because the school, parents, students and the school community prides itself on the presentation of its students.
Vaya Cross Middle School Principal

SEnIor SchooL prIncIpaLS rEporT

progress reports The first progress report for Term 2 will be mailed out this week. The progress reports are used by our Student Management teams to identify students who are performing at a high level and to acknowledge their pleasing performance. This group of students is known as our GPA All-Stars. The progress reports also indicate students who may be struggling or not performing at the expected level. The Year Level Team Leaders and the Year Level Managers will be speaking to each of these students and implementing some support mechanisms to get students back on track. We encourage all Parents and Students to use the reports as a way of initiating discussion with each other about progress at school. Parents are welcome to contact the school if they have any concerns about student progress. Congratulations to all the students named as GPA All-Stars. parents Victoria online conference Parents and other interested participants are warmly invited to take part in the sixth annual online conference to be held by Parents Victoria. The conference will be held non-stop on the internet during Education Week, commencing at 6.00 a.m. on Sunday 20 May, with discussion topics including: Celebrating Public Education, Travel to School, Multiculturalism, Curriculum, Bullying, Mental Health, School Payments and Funding. There is also the opportunity to comment on other Education issues that may concern you. No special software is needed just an internet-connected computer and a browser. The online discussions are very easy to join in, and guidelines about how to participate are provided. There are prizes for schools for participation. The conference is proudly sponsored by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Register at: http://www.cybertext.net.au/pv/ For further information, email: office@ parentsvictoria.asn.au
Les Ponton Senior School Principal

carEEr nEWS
rEmIndErS UndErGradUaTE mEdIcInE and hEaLTh ScIEncES admISSIon TEST (UmaT) register at www.umat.acer.edu.au by 5pm (aEST) 1 June; test 25 July carEErS In SporTS mEdIcInE SEmInar olympic park Sports medicine centre; Wed 23 may; aamI park Stadium;$25, regn: http://www.trybooking.com/bhcW. bachELor of mEdIcInE and bachELor of SUrGErY aT monaSh information; Wed 30 may; bld 63, Lecture Theatre c1, clayton mEdIcInE and opTomETrY InformaTIon EVEnInGS aT dEakIn at Geelong Waurn ponds, ballarat hospital and burwood. Info: 9251 7777, health-enquire@deakin.edu.au. focUS on mELboUrnE UnIVErSITY information seminar series at melbourne; focus on arts, IT and engineering, biomedicine, agriculture, commerce; registration: http://go.unimelb.edu.au/w6c.

* accounting cadetships A number of large accounting firms offer CADETSHIPS. These provide the opportunity to gain practical experience while studying at university. For example, at Ernst & Young cadets work full-time and study part-time for two years, then two years is undertaken fulltime at university. On successful completion of the degree, cadets have the opportunity to return to full-time employment with Ernst & Young at a higher level than their graduating peers. Applications for these cadetships open on 21 May at www.ey.com/au/careers. EY is holding an information session 5.30-7.30pm, on 7 and 13 June where you can find out more; Where: 8 Exhibition St, Melbourne. Several other firms also offer cadetships some to check out are at KPMG, Deloitte, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, for example. 2. In YEar 10? rESoUrcES To chEck oUT La Trobe university has a really useful website, offering assistance with issues and questions directed at students moving into VCE (useful for students considering studying at any university). There are videos about subject choice, the ATAR, prerequisites, and what is meant by Clearly-In. See: www. latrobe.edu.au/year10. 3. do YoU WanT To Work WITh anImaLS? Careers working with animals are many and varied, from veterinary surgeon, to farmer, to animal carer and so many more. Melbourne University offers the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine which is completed following an a science degree with the required prerequisites subjects having been undertaken. This is the only course in Victoria offering qualifications to work as a vet. However, in addition to this qualification, other university degrees are available: Deakin University offers the Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science and the B. Wildlife and Conservation Biology La Trobe university offers the B. Animal and Veterinary Biosciences, the B. Agricultural Science and the B. Wildlife and Conservation Biology Melbourne University offers the B. Agriculture Monash University offers the B. Veterinary Biosciences In addition, many university science degrees offer zoology as a major study. Some TAFE Institutes offer a range of courses such as animal care and management, animal studies, animal technology, companion animal services, horse management and equine studies. For those interested in animal studies, RSPCA in conjunction with Victoria University is offering the Cert 2 in Animal Studies in a learning environment developed to provide young people wanting to work in animal care

to improve skills and knowledge with no disruption to normal school commitments. The course takes 10 weeks with practical sessions and guaranteed work placements, held at RSPCA Burwood East. Applications for the latest course close on 14th May (others to follow). See: http://www.rspcavic. org/services/education/cert-ii/. 4. bachELor of fInE arTS and bachELor of mUSIc aT ThE UnIVErSITY of mELboUrnE The Bachelor of Fine Arts is offered at the Southbank campus, 234 St Kilda Rd, while the Bachelor of Music is offered at the Parkville campus. Currently the Bachelor of Fine Arts covers Contemporary Music, Dance, Film and Television, Music Theatre, Production, Theatre Practice and Visual Arts. Find out more information and how to apply at: www.vca-mcm.unimelb.edu.au/ future_students. 5. VIcTorIa UnIVErSITY nEWS OPEN DAY COMING UP SOON! VU Open Day is on Sunday 24 June (earlier than most). Open Day will give you a taste of what VU student life is like, a chance to be taken on a campus tour and provide the opportunity to chat to lecturers and current students. With student bands playing, it should be a funfilled event. When: 10am-4pm. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A HOME ECONOMICS TEACHER? From 2013 Home Economics becomes one of the range of specialisations for students in the B. Education (P-12) course. This course is unique in Victoria and students will get the opportunity to study areas of food, nutrition, and family. They will gain experience working in a range of hospitality industry areas and as pre-service teachers working with experienced teachers of Home Economics. Info: David Eade, ph 9919 8617, david. eade@vu.edu.au. 6. mId-YEar Expo aT SWInbUrnE Whether youre thinking about studying for the first time, want to change your course, or your gap year is over, its not too late to apply for a mid-year start at Swinburne. Lecturers will explain course structures, entry requirements, course content and careers at talks commencing every 30 minutes. When: 4.30-8.00pm, Wed 6 June; Where: Advanced Technologies Centre; Register: www.swinburne.edu.au/midyear/mid-yearexpo/register/index.html 7. hoLmESGLEn opEn daY Holmesglens Open Day is coming up soon. When: 10am-3pm, Saturday June 23; Where: Chadstone campus, Batesford Rd; See: www. holmesglen.edu.au/openday

1. So YoU WanT To bE an accoUnTanT? Becoming an accountant includes completing a major in accounting at university. Several degrees offer accounting majors such as a Bachelor of Accounting, a Bachelor of Business or a Bachelor of Commerce (check the majors available in any degree you consider, to see that it has the majors that interest you). Further exams after completion of university study can lead on to registration as a chartered accountant. It is also possible to study for a Diploma in Accounting at a TAFE Institute, however, to become an accountant you would need to complete university-level study. Often two years at TAFE are equivalent to one year at university. What atar Will I need To access a course? ATARs always depend on the number of places available in the course, the number of applicants for those places, and the ATARs of those applicants. For the 2011-2012 period, the following are examples: Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne: 95.45 Bachelor of Commerce at Monash University (Clayton): 90.30; Bachelor of Business (Accounting)(Caulfield): 83.50 Bachelor of Accounting at RMIT: 84.15 Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin Melb: 75.95 Bachelor of Accounting at La Trobe (Bundoora): 70.15 Bachelor of Accounting at Swinburne (Hawthorn): 68.30; (Lilydale): 51.40 Bachelor of Accounting at Victoria Uni (Footscray Park): 57.50 * NOTE: Monash University offers a SCHOLARSHIP in a Bachelor of Accounting at the Clayton campus. It is a joint industryuniversity initiative involving industry sponsored scholarships. Selection uses the ATAR, a form to be completed and an interview. The program includes periods of industry-based learning.

Music has been in the spotlight this year with the newly employed Rick Allan. Rick has studied popular music and composition and is teaching Guitar, Vocals, Piano and Choir. Rick plays all sorts of instruments from banjo to ukulele and is coaching the vocalists for the production Alison. With another dedicated classroom teacher on board the culture in the music department has been boosted. Ensembles are a big part of playing music and the instrumental program encourages students to get involved. The Guitar Ensemble (driven by the extremely dedicated year 7 guitar group) is on Monday lunchtime and students will get the opportunity to perform in a concert early in term 3. Other ensembles include the Choir with Mr Allan on Tuesday Lunchtime and Percussion Ensemble with Duck on Wednesday Lunchtime. Concert Band is taken by Mrs Considine on Thursday morning. This year we will enter the West Gippsland Eisteddfod with various music groups.

YEar 7 rEporT
Well, we are all settled in now, and the year 7s have really made their mark on Warragul Regional College. Year 7 GPAs have been consistently improving over the year; this bucks the trend we have seen in previous years. We have had many students involved in extra curricula activities including sport, volunteering for school events, leadership courses, music, and many more opportunities. These students have not only made the Year 7 Team proud, but also the College. We are very impressed with the sense of community that the whole Year 7 cohort is displaying at the moment. When students reflect on their first semester of High School, I think they can confidently be proud of the collective effort that our students have shown. homework club The Year 7 Team acknowledges that some students dont have the motivation to complete homework at home, or they may need a little extra help with their work. For this reason we offer Homework Club on Thursdays at 3:30 until 4:30. There are Year 7 staff are always there to help students with their work and motivate them to complete tasks. There are many students who attend for many different reasons; some just want help, some are behind in their work, some want to improve their GPAs and others just want something to do after school. If your

child thinks that this is something they would be interested in, just let someone in the Year 7 team know. We hope to see some newcomers next week! bullying Our college is working strongly on tackling any issues of bullying in our school. We are currently implementing a new Bullying process that helps staff and students resolve any issues that are identified. We have found in Year 7 this year, some issues tend to escalate unnecessarily as the student has not informed anyone that bullying is occurring. To help students discretely and confidentially report any issues of bullying, Year 7 Students can fill out a Yellow Slip and place this in the Year 7 Letterbox. When this is received, a staff member from the team will deal with the issues promptly. If you have any concerns about your Year 7 child and a bullying issue, please feel free to contact your childs homegroup teacher at the College.

Exam TImETabLES & ExpEcTIonS

WarraGUL rEGIonaL coLLEGE SEnIor SchooL Exam TImETabLES and ExpEcTaTIonS 2012 The following outlines the Exam Timetables and Expectations for students in Years 10, 11 & 12.
key dates Mid Year Exams: Year 10 & 11 Friday 8th June to Thursday 14th June Year 12 Tuesday 12th June to Friday 15th June October Tests: Year 12 (students studying Unit 3 & 4) Wednesday 10th October to Friday 12th October End of Year Exams: Year 10 & 11 Monday 19th November to Wednesday 28th November Year 12 (students studying Unit 3 & 4) Thursday 1st November to Thursday 22nd November Expectations 1. All students are expected to attend their scheduled exams at the given times. The only exception to this is where a Year 10 or 11 student has an exam clash. In this situation, students are expected to arrange an alternative time to complete their exam within the exam period with Mrs Ridsdale at least one school day prior to the exam.

2. The school expects that all students will complete their exams to the best of their ability and use their time effectively. Whilst exams do not contribute to a student passing or failing, they do give an indication of how well a student has achieved in the unit. Exam experience is important for Years 10 and 11 as it enables them to be adequately prepared for Year 12 Exams. Results from Year 12 exams contribute to a students overall score in each subject and therefore contribute to their ATAR score. 3. Whist sitting exams, students are expected to be respectful to other students, remain silent and refrain from distracting others. Students whose behaviour is inappropriate will be removed from the exam venue and their exam will not be marked. Students in Years 10 & 11 will not be able to leave the exam venue early even if they have finished their exam. 4. Students will not be permitted to bring in food, mobile phones, MP3 players or any other electronic devices, except a calculator, into the exam venue. Students who currently use their phone as a calculator will need to arrange to get a calculator for exams. Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water, tissues and cough lollies (if needed). 5. The rules and expectations for Year 12 exams are out of the control of the school. These will be clearly outlined to students in an assembly prior to each exam period. 6. Students in Year 10 studying a Year 11 subject and Year 11 students studying a Year 12 subject will need to check the exam timetable carefully to ensure that they attend exams in these subjects also. Year 11 students studying a Year 12 subject will need to attend the GAT on Thursday 14th June and the appropriate October Test. 7. There will be no formal classes for students in each year level during their exam periods. When they do not have a scheduled exam, students are able to study at school or at home.

mId YEar 10-12 Exam TImETabLE

friday 8 June Tuesday 12 June Soccer clubrooms Biology (9.00-10.45am) Physics (11.45-1.30pm) Accounting (2.45-4.30pm) haLL Unit 1 English 9.00am 10.35am Year 10 Human Development Year 10 Japanese Year 10 Physics haLL Unit 1 Foundation Math Unit 1 General Math Year 10 Money & Me Year 10 Question of Rights haLL Year 10 English Unit 1 Math Methods 11.10am 12.45pm (tech) Unit 1 General Maths Adv. haLL Unit 1 Math Methods (tech free) Year 10 Math Methods (tech free) Year 10 Foundation Math Wednesday 13 June Soccer clubrooms Psychology (9.00-10.45am) Chemistry (11.45-1.30pm) Thursday 14 June haLL GAT (10.00-1.15pm) (All students studying a Unit 3/4) fLExI Year 10 General Maths friday 15 June fLExI Unit 3 English (9.10am 12.25pm)

Year 12

haLL Year 10 Patisserie A3 Year 10 Photography Unit 1 Accounting Unit 1 Literature

haLL Unit 1 Food &Technology Unit 1 Drama Year 10 Hero & Villains Year 10 Hum Bio & Behaviour Year 10 Media Year 10 Drama

fLExI Year 10 Math Methods (tech) Unit 1 Art Painting Unit 1 Physics

Report Writing Day

haLL Unit 1 Business Management Unit 1 Chemistry 1.35pm 3.10pm Unit 1 History Unit 1 Japanese Unit 1 Physical Education Unit 1 VCD

haLL Unit 1 Health & HD Unit 1 Legal Studies Unit 1 Photography Unit 1 Music C3 10VCAL English

haLL Unit 1 Outdoor & Enviro (students doing VET will need to arrange an alternative time for this exam)

haLL Unit 1 Biology Unit 1 Information Tech Unit 1 Media Unit 1 PDT Metal / Textiles Unit 1 Psychology Year 10 Textiles Year 10 Music C3




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community achievement respect Effort

Quote of the week

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. Aristotle
Warragul Regional College

dIarY daTES
Mon 28 May Progress reports 1-3 Uploaded Senior & intermediate netball, aFL, Badminton & Soccer gippsland Junior girls & intermediate Boys aFL Year 10 - Year 12 work requirements due west gippsland Cross Country Year 10 & Year 11 exams Queens Birthday Public holiday Unit 3 exams & gat Council Curriculum Committee Meeting gippsland Cross Country report writing day / Year 12 english exam Practice Start Unit 2 / 4 School Production alison Year 7 & 8 netball, Badminton & Soccer Year 7 & 8 Boys aFL


-2 0 11





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thurs, Fri & Sat wed

21, 22 & 23 June 27 June


Rehearsals are still underway for our production this year. The musical is a light hearted look at a young lady trying to find her way in this crazy world. There is a romance and a villain and a lot of enjoyable music that you can sing along to. It is a fun show.


28 June


29 June

Last day of term 2

Tickets are on sale from the General office from 8:30am 4:00pm each day.

can YoU hELp? We need help in the following areas: Costumes dresses, high heels shoes, mens suits from the 60s A crystal ball that lights up! 3 fancy umbrellas Assistance from anyone who can sew to help with costumes and fabric props. Most of all, come along and see ALISON. It promises to be a warm and enjoyable show.

P.O. Box 213 | 55 Burke Street Warragul 3820 | Ph: (03) 5623 9900 | Absence Line (03) 5623 9963 Fax: (03) 5623 4473 | Web: www.wrc.vic.edu.au | E-mail: warragul.co@edumail.vic.gov.au | A.B.N. 19 320 417 831 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K

Cost :$ 10




31 May

The Musical

proudly presents

5 June

8 June

8 June

8 - 14 June

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11 June 12 - 14 June 14 June


15 June

15 June

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