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Family and friends feedback form

Your name: Dcio Manuel Santos Catarro Name of person receiving feedback: Cristina Sousa Dias Your friend/family member is trying to better understand their leadership style. Understanding their strengths and potential areas for development is part of this process. Please take ten minutes to answer the following questions. When you have finished, please email it to Verity Stroud at who is coordinating the Cambridge Advanced Leadership Programme. Your feedback will only be shared with your friend/family members personal coach. Thank you for your time. 1. If you were describing this person to a very good friend, what would be the first words that come to mind? Very professional and dedicated

2.What do you think this person is really good at? Work

3. What do you see as this persons key driving force? In other words what do you think truly motivates them? Development news projects 4. What three things do you feel make this person effective and that they should continue to display? 1. Have Objectives 2. 3. 5. What three things do you feel could make this person more effective and that they should display more? 1. 2. 3. 6. What three things do you feel make this person ineffective, and that you feel they should stop doing, or at least do less of? 1. 2. 3. Bad Company ambiance Other ideas against their own ideas Work in a INDUSTRIAL Company Make their own company Lead big projects

Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education Advanced Leadership Programme

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