Candidate Form 2012

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REQUIREMENTS Date of Birth: Are you a college/university student in the state of Nevada?: Primary YDNV Chapter: CONTACT INFORMATION Phone Number: E-Mail Address: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please answer the following questions in 250 words or less. These answers will be distributed to delegates at the State Convention to reference. 1. Briefly describe the experience you have that qualifies you for the office you are seeking. 2. Why are you seeking this position and what do you wish to gain from the experience? 3. What particular goals do you wish to accomplish if elected to this office? Please list any relevant programs or ideas you would like to institute. SIGNING STATEMENT By typing my name by the x below I am verifying that: the above information is correct and accurate in every respect; I have read and understand the responsibilities for the office I am applying to; and I promise to fulfill the obligations of the office and represent YDNV with integrity at all times once elected. X ______________________________ Date: _____________

President Michael Cabrera Vice President Adrian Viesca Western Director Mandie Drummond Southern Director Ryan Cotter National Committeeman Leo Murietta National Committeewoman Heather Brown Secretary/Treasurer Kim Rios Northern Director Vacant

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