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Lydia The daughter of the chief hunter in the Lumia.

She is adept in hunting and consi dered as one of the best hunter in the community. Though she brings honor as a g ood huntress, her father is against her doings. Apparently, her father was expec ting a son to inherit his position as the chief hunter. Due to Lumia's rule of o ne offspring, this was a big disappointment for him. For her father, only males have the right to be the leader of hunters. Lydia grew up trying to prove things to her father. But as time passes, she only recieves rejection and felt that her father really can't accept her to inherit the position as chief. She almost grew tired trying to win her father's favor. But one day, the darknes s starts to swallow the lights of Lumia. Mushrooms starts to lose lights for som e reason. Aaliyah, daughter of one of the council of Lumia, asked help to Lydia. Seeking f or honor and favor from his father, instantly she accepted the friends request. Together they searched for the cause of the catastrophy to resolve the mystery o f Lumia..

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