Speaking Day 3

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English for Biology

How do you like the soup?
Bagaimana dengan supnya? 1. The group discussion 2. Your new building 3. Your colorful room 4. This sophisticated notebook 5. The one day training 6. His teaching methods 7. The meals

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8. The beverages The weather report doesnt sound too good.

Laporan cuacanya kedengarannya tidak terlalu bagus. 1. The information 2. The news 3. The program 4. The decision 5. Your plan 6. Her idea 7. His career

Would you mind taking a picture of me?

Maukah anda memfoto saya? 1. Taking care of my little sister 2. Keeping my books 3. Hanging my paintings 4. Helping me before you leave 5. Getting me some coffee 6. Helping me with my English : merawat adik saya. : menyimpan buku-buku saya. : menggantungkan lukisan saya : membantu saya sebelum kamu pergi : Mengambilkan saya kopi. : mengajarkan saya bahasa Inggris : menyampaikan salam saya padanya

7. Sending my regards to him

Too much is going on today, and Im starting to get confused!

Hari ini terlalu banyak hal, saya jadi mulai linglung. 1. Feel hungry 2. Feel desperate 3. Feel nervous 4. Feel exhausted 5. Get depressed 6. Feel sleepy 7. Feel weak 8. Loose my appetite 9. Forget everything : merasa putus asa : merasa gugup : merasa sangat lelah : tertekan : merasa mengantuk : merasa lemah : kehilangan nafsu makan : lupa segalanya

Do you mind if I turn on the radio for a while? 1


English for Biology

Apakah anda keberatan jika saya menyalakan radionya sebentar? 1. The TV 2. Your PC 3. The Air Conditioner 4. The lamp 5. My flashlight 6. The fan 7. The water 8. The dispenser : (keran) air : senter saya

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Where have you been? I havent seen you in class all week.
Kamu kemana saja? Sudah seminggu ini, saya tidak melihat kamu di kelas. a. At campus b. In the office c. In your apartment d. In this room e. At home

How is your experiment getting along?

Sudah sampai mana percobaan kamu? 1. Your writing 2. Your research 3. Your relationship 4. Your wifes business 5. Your attempts to get her 6. Your discussion 7. Her English program 8. His English course : program bahasa Inggrisnya : kursus bahasa Inggrisnya : usahamu untuk mendapatkannya : hubungan kalian

Its so noisy in the dorm, I cant get anything done.

Berisik sekali di asrama, saya tidak dapat menyelesaikan apa pun. 1. My house 2. The class 3. The hall 4. The office 5. The ballroom 6. My brothers room 7. The library 8. The living room 9. Your apartment : ruang tamu : ruang dansa : Aula


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