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Inggris semester 2 kls VII


a procedure is a piece of writing which gives intruction about how to do or to make something type of procedure : a.recipe b.intruction manuals c.experiment reports d spoken

featurs of procedure text

the opening phrase states the purpose of the procedure . Materials ( ingredients and utensils ) this section list all the materials ,including tools and other equipment needed for the procedure to be successful or effective. Method the method is presented in a series of steps Evaluation some procedures ,such as experimentinclude comments that evaluate the success of procedurs


Exemples from the model text

How to make a cheese omelet 1 egg,50g cheese frying pan fork

1.Crack and egg 2. Whisk the egg


MAKING A CHEESE OMELETTE Ingredients:1 egg 50 g cheese cup milik cooking oil

pepper Utensils Method :frying pan,fork,spatula,cheese grater,bowl,plate :1.crack an egg into a bowl 2.whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth 3.add millk and whisk well 4.Grate the cheese into the frying pan, 5.heat the oil in frying pan 6.pour the mixture into the frying pan 7.turn the omelette with a spatula when it brown. 8.cook both sides. on a plate;season with salt and papper. while warm.

How to cook fried rice Rahma:do you know how to cook fried rice? Shintha:yes,I do.first chop some onion and garlic.then,crush some red chili,and add some salt into work .put aplate of plain rice into the work.mix it well rahma:wahat do you do after you crush the chili the red chili Shinta:after you crush the chili,you put two spoonfuls of oil into the work. Rahma: what do you do after you mix the rice with thew spices

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