Persuasive Selling Format

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Persuasive Selling Format (P&G): 1.

We understand their SITUATION = Summarize the Situation Set the stage and provide a common background for the idea you are selling:Conditions: increased competition, general market picture, etc.Needs: achieve objectives, greater Return on Investment, etc.Limitations: time, money, competitive pressures, etc.Opportunities: lower costs, increase sales, customers, etc.Your goal is get the buyer INTERESTED up front in the idea and the action youll want them to take: So whats in it for ME? How will this help MY business?How will this help ME in my job?How will it help ME meet my objectives?Determine buyer interest by using general leads, restatements and pauses2. They understand the IDEA = State the Idea Is your idea simple, clear and concise?Does it relate to the buyers current needs or opportunities addressed in thesummary of the situation?Does it suggest action from the buyer? 3. They understand HOW the idea works = Explain How It Works Discuss the details: explain who does what, when, and whereGive assurance the idea is practical: use features and benefits to explainhow your idea will meet the accounts conditions, needs, limitations, or opportunities Ask questions to involve the buyerAnticipate questions and objections the buyer might have 4. They see the BENEFITS to them = Reinforce Key Benefits Briefly summarize how your idea meets their needs as stated in the summaryof the situation 5. They find it EASY to agree = Suggest an Easy Next Step (Close the Sale) Ask for the order : Based on our discussion, I recommend Suggest something you can do to ignite the action: Ill go back and

. . . Offer a choice

: This week or next, strategic or tactical package etc. Ask an open ended question : When do you place your next order?

Then be silent, so they can decide..

All new sales people at Procter & Gamble attend a 1 week training course called NRTC, or New Rep Training Course. Lucky for me and other new hires into P&Gs Brand Management organization, the marketing people got to go to the course as well. What a wonderful training program is was. To this day, I remember many of the Best Practices in Selling Techniques that we were taught. At the core of the Sales Best Practices is P&Gs Persuasive Selling Format, also called The 5 Steps of Selling. If you meet any P&G sales person in the world they will immediately be able to tell you these 5 steps. I have used this process instinctively ever since I first learned it and to great success. So, here are the 5 Steps of Selling according to P&G. 1. Summarize the Situation First, start the conversation by sharing information that gets the listener interested and that makes them receptive to what you have to say. It is best if you talk about things your customer said were important to them the last time you spoke. You can also share key facts, information or industry trends that set up the discussion. 2. State the Idea Now that you have their attention, bot beat around the bush, get right to the point and tell them a brief statement of the idea. Just provide a headline of your recommendation stated in a way that makes it compelling. 3. Explain How It Works Once youve clearly stated the proposition, now is the time to provide details of the recommendation. Typically this includes more information about the product, pricing, and execution of the proposal such as timing and logistics. 4. Reinforce Key Benefits - Now that they understand the detail, now is the time to hit home the key reasons they should agree to move forward. P&G also calls these the 3 Reasons. P&G says if you only have 2 reasons, its not enough, and if you have more than 3, then none of the 3 is powerful enough. So, we were taught to always have 3 reasons. I have found this very helpful because it is easy to try win over the customer with a long list of why they should agree. But a prospect will only focus on the top couple issues, so it is an excellent preactice to narrow down the list to the top 3 key reasons. 5. Suggest Easy Next Steps Naturally, no sales process would be a best practice without The Close. At P&G, we were taught to move very naturally right into the close by suggesting easy next steps. The emphasis was to make it easy for them to say yes by planning in advance to remove barriers and showing them a path to agreement that fit easily into their situation

you wish to be a successful businessman or salesperson, you can learn some simple yet effective power persuasion techniques to boost your sales by reading this article.

Power Persuasion Technique #1: Know Your Product It is useless to be all ready and dressed up if you don't know anything about the product that you are selling. Although people are attracted to businessmen who "look" like they know a lot about the product that they are selling, the magic dies out immediately once potential customers can detect that the businessman is just bluffing and does not actually know anything about the product that he is trying to sell! Study your product and gain as much information as you can about it so that you will be able to persuade potential customers more effectively. Power Persuasion Technique #2: Practice Your Sales Pitch Do not confuse practicing your sales pitch with memorizing your sales pitch. Practicing and memorizing are two entirely different things. Practicing your sales pitch is more effective since you will be more fluent in talking to your customers about the product that you are selling. It is not advisable to memorize your sales pitch because one mistake could lead to your downfall.

Power Persuasion Technique #3: Be Smooth And Suave You may be faced with very fussy or annoying customers and you should be ready for those kinds of situations. Learn to work well under pressure because your ability and skills as a businessman will truly be tested when you can successfully convince customers to buy your products even when you are already under pressure. Just stay cool, calm and collected in answering or demonstrating to your potential customers and sooner or later, you will have them wrapped around your little finger. Power Persuasion Technique #4: Be Honest It is much easier to convince a person about something that you know is true rather than convince them about something that is bogus. Do not oversell your product because if your products fail or cannot live up to the promises that you gave your customers, it will just boomerang to you and you will end up having a bad reputation in the sales industry. Power Persuasion Technique #5: Maintain Eye Contact Learn the art of looking into someone's eyes. Looking straight into the customer's eyes has a very powerful effect in their decision as to whether they would buy your product or not. However, you should keep the eye contact to a moderate intensity or else you might be misinterpreted or you might get in trouble for doing so. Don't underestimate the power of these power persuasion techniques. They may be simple, yet they have been proven to work time and time again.

Personal Appearance (clothes, shoes, jewelry, style, maintenance) Personal Hygiene (hair and facial hair, body odor, breath) First Impression positive walk, eye contact, smile, greeting) Communication Skills (volume control, pitch, pace, pausing, and emphasis) Listening Skills (focused not distracted, semantics, comfort zone, non-verbal signals) Enthusiasm, belief in self Attitude (thoughts, demeanor, actions) Dependability (on time, ready to work, wanting to help customers) Loyalty (unified team builder, positive about company) Selling Skills (phone) Selling Skills (sales presentation, product presentation) Marketing tools used Product knowledge Research in industry Use of displays and sales tools Belief in products and services Follows up, keeps in touch with customers Sales profitable, uses approved markups Error free paperwork Reports and sales orders turned in on time Builds loyal and repeat customers

Gets referrals Meets or exceeds each standard of job Makes self available to help co-workers Gives positive suggestions to management Appreciates every customer Loves coming to work

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