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OUGD303 / Brief 5 - Penguin


BRIEF : To re design the pegnuin classic One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey.

RATIONALE :To create a design that communicated the story from Chief Bromdens perspective. The Chief sees the hospital as a machine with cogs and working parts.

The colours communicate the anxiety and the madness of the patients in the hospital.

C.11 M.40 Y.98 K.6 C.11 M.57 Y.98 K.27 C.37 M.0 Y.0 K.70

OUGD303 / Brief 5 - Penguin


Full design including crop marks, and the main process colours. Stock - 300 gsm, Bookmarks that would be a freebie when the book is purchased. Stock - 400 gsm.

OUGD303 / Brief 5 - Penguin


Typeface produced for the book cover. Type face also used in propsed screen prints of quotes from the book.

OUGD303 / Brief 5 - Penguin


Cog pattern applied to various gifts that would be appropriate for a male audience. Gift wrap would be sold in the book shop for the gifts and the book.

The cog pattern design is also applied to the inside book cover so the designs tie together.

OUGD303 / Brief 5 - Penguin


Instore promotion for the penguin classic. Book in situation - spine and front cover.

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