Yearbook Boards

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OUGD303 / Brief 2 - Yearbook 1/5

BRIEF : To design the fourth Graphic Design Yearbook

RATIONALE : The concept of the yearbook is to show the breadth of work we do and the personality of students and tutors on the course.

OUGD303 / Brief 2 - Yearbook 2/5

One of the ways we communicated the personality of the course is through the portrait photography. On the day of the shoot I was responsible for directing the students what to do whilst creating

an relaxed atmosphere to produce genuine portraits. Originally we planned to have a dead pan straight on shot of everyone but when

I arranged the photos to make the photos interact with each other it gave a more friendly, interesting and funny outcome

OUGD303 / Brief 2 - Yearbook 3/5

The year book used categorisation as a tool to show the breadth of work on the course. Dividing the students work into 6 categories gave us the opportunity to have showcase pages giving everyone 2 bits

of work in the year book. We subtly categorised everyone on their individual page through the coloured bars which could be compared to the key on the inside cover pages.

i - My original layout idea for the showcase page and orignal idea to have coloured bars on the photo on individual page which developed into the categorisation bars on the edge of the pages.

C -0 M -24 Y -94 K -0

C -19 M -100 Y -100 K -10

OUGD303 / Brief 2 - Yearbook 4/5

We thought that using handwriting was a good way of showing the personal relationships with the tutors, part time lecturers and visiting professionals. We used different colour combinations to show the

difference between the 3. Red on orange for the main tutors, red on white for visiting lecturers and yellow on white for professionals. Orange was the primary colour used throughout the publication and

red secondary. I was in charge of gathering and organising all the signatures and photoshopping them.


BA (Hons.)

BA (Hons.)


OUGD303 / Brief 2 - Yearbook 5/5

One of my ideas was to gather all the logos from the different studios where students had done placements. I was in charge of organising and gathering them from all the students.

I was in charge of designing the front cover of the year book, above are some other ideas.

We photographed the work of the students through different methods including above shots using a crane and also angled shots. Part of my roll on the photograph shoot was to arrange the compositions.

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