Data Analysis: 45 20 Yes No Difficult To Understand

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1. Are you aware of the term green marketing? a. Yes Yes No Difficult to understand Total b. No 45 35 20 100 c. Difficult to understand

Data analysis

20 45

Yes No

35 Difficult to understand

2. Have you heard of any campaign related to Green Marketing? a. Yes b. No c. Heard but not heed on that

Yes No Heard but not heed on that total

53 31 16 100

3. Have you been part of any such campaign? a. Some time Some time Every time Never TOTAL b. Every time c. Never 73 18 09 100

Data analysis

9 18 Some time 73 Every time Never

4. Do you consider the environmental aspects of the products before buying them? a. Yes Yes No Some times TOTAL b. No 59 26 15 100 c. Sometimes

Data analysis
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 59



Data analysis



Some time

5. Do you think that Green Marketing activities are good at addressing environmental issues? a. Strong Agree Strong agree Agree Disagree Strong disagree TOTAL b. Agree c. Disagree 41 23 15 21 100 d. Strong Disagree

Data analysis
50 40 30 20 10 0

41 23 15 21 Data analysis

6. Do you think that Green Marketing activities are good at addressing environmental issues? a. Yes b. No c.Only up to certain limit

Yes No Only up to certain limit TOTAL

58 18 24 100

Data analysis

24 18 58

Yes No Only up to certain limit

7. Do you think Green Marketing activities results in better products? a. Yes Yes No No idea TOTAL b. No c. No idea 65 22 13 100

Data analysis
70 60 50 40 30 20 22 13 Data analysis 65

0 0 1 2 3

8. Give rank to the following factors on a scale of 1-5 (1= lowest. 5= highest) How much the following factors had influenced to you buy green product? Variables 1 2 3 4 Social balance Emotional attachment Environment friendly Healthy products image TOTAL 20 15 35 30 100 23 18 27 32 100 27 45 18 10 100 30 22 20 28 100

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 /100

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0

Emotional attachment Environment friendly Healthy products image





9. Do you think that Green Marketing strengthen company s image in the mind of Consumers ? a. Strong Agree Strong agree Agree Disagree Strong disagree TOTAL b. Agree c. Disagree 27 39 23 11 100 d. Strong Disagree

Data analysis
11 27 Strong agree 23 Agree Disagree Strong disagree 39

10. Do you think that companies that focus on environmental concerns persuade consumers to buy products? a. Stationary product Stationary product Vegetarian product Electronic product TOTAL b. Vegetarian product 43 39 18 100 c. Electronic product

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Electronic product

Vegetarian product Stationary product 0 20

39 43

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11. Do you think that by implementing green marketing strategy the companies are able to gain competitive advantage over others? a. Strongly agree e .neutral Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral TOTAL 29 34 11 13 13 100 b. agree c. Disagree d. Strongly disagree

Data analysis
Neutral Strong disagree Disagree Agree Strong agree 0 13 13 11 Data analysis 34 29 20 40

12. Do you think sometimes companies are trying to cheat customers in the name of green Products ? a. Yes b. No c. some times d. depend on companys policy

Yes No Some times Depend on companys policy TOTAL

32 37 18 13 100

Data analysis
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 37 32 Data analysis 13


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