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1 Site Creation in Nokia BSC

1.1.1 Required Data prior to site creation:
Before proceeding to adding a new site (BCF) under a Nokia BSC, we require the following: 1. Site Configuration Data These details are received from the RF Planners. The configuration data for a given site shall minimally contain the following: a. BCF data BSC identification, BCF identification and BCF name. b. BTS data The BTS data should contain the following sets of parameters. i. BTS identification parameters: BTS identification, BTS name, LAC, CI, MCC, MNC, NCC, BCC, BAND. ii. Hopping parameters (optional): Hopping mode (HOP), MAIO Offset (MO), MAIO Step (MS) and Mobile Allocation frequency List (MAL). iii. GPRS parameters: GPRS enabling (Yes/No), RAC and NSEI. iv. EDGE parameters: EDGE enabling (Yes/No). c. TRX data BTS identification, TRX identification, TRX frequency, TSC, GPRS enabling (GTRX = Yes/No) and Radio Timeslot type to be assigned to the TRX traffic channels. d. Neighbors List of neighbors of the given site. 2. Site Transmission Plan: These details are received from the Transmission Department. The information required is a. Transmission plan containing the timeslot mapping for the OMUSIG,TRXSIG links and the radio timeslot allocation to the traffic channels. b. Information whether the given site is to be stand-alone or cascaded with another site.

1.1.2 Operational Procedure to create site

1. Create LAPDs. Each base station has one LAPD link called OMUSIG. It is connected to the OMU of the base station and used for O & M purposes like remote sessions to the BTS, software up- and downloading, transferring of alarms, transferring of configuration information, etc. Each TRX has one LAPD link called TRXSIG and up to eight traffic channels. There can be fewer traffic channels if some of the TRXs' radio interface time slots are used for signaling. The bit rate of the LAPD links can be either 16 or 64 kbit/s. Also 32 kbit/s is possible with TRX links. The MML command to create the LAPDs is: ZDSE:<link_name>:BCSU,<index>:<sapi>,<tei>:<rate>,<pcmtsl>,<sub_tsl>; Where: link_name =Name of the LAPD link .(eg. OMU01, T0101) index =Index of the BCSU controlling the link. (either 0 or 1)

sapi tei

=Service access point identifier. (62 for OMUSIG, 0 for TRXSIG.) =Terminal end point identifier. Must the same as defined in the BTS. Usually the same as the TRX number. For OMU link, the value is 1. rate =Bit rate of the link. (16 kbps) pcm-tsl =ETPCM and the time slot used by the link .(eg. 33-25) sub_tsl =The starting bit of the sub time slot in the ETPCM .(eg. 2) eg:
ZDSE:OM001:BCSU,0:62,1:16,17-1,2; ZDSE:T0011:BCSU,0:0,1:16,17-1,0; ZDSE:T0012:BCSU,0:0,2:16,17-3,0

2. Create BCFs. It is connected to the OMUSIG link created earlier. The MML command for the creation of a BCF is: ZEFC:<bcf_nbr>,<site_type>:DNAME=<omusig>:<test_eq>:<bbu>; Where: bcf_nbr =Index of the BCF. (eg. 0,1 .) site_type =The type of the base station. ( eg. B=NOKIA 2nd Generation, D=NOKIA Talk-Family, P=Ultra Site) omusig =The name of the OMUSIG link. (eg. OMU01) test_eq =Test equipment of the site. (not applicable) bbu =Battery back-up procedure. (not applicable) eg:

The BCF parameters can be modified later with the EFM and EFT commands if needed. 3. Create BTSs. A BTS is a logical counterpart of a sector in a base station site. It should not be confused with a base station even though they have the same abbreviation. The MML command for the creation of a BTS is: ZEQC:BCF=<bcf_nbr>,BTS=<bts_nbr>,NAME=<bts_name>,REF=<bts_nbr >,:CI=<ci>,BAND=<band>:NCC=<ncc>,BCC=<bcc>:MCC=<mcc>,MNC=<m nc>,LAC=<lac>:HOP=<hop>,HSN1=<hsn_number>:; Where: bcf_nbr =Number of the BCF having the cell under creation. (eg. 1,2,3..) bts_nbr =Number of the BTS. (eg. 1,2,3..) bts_name =Name of the BTS. Not obligatory. (eg. KashimiraV1, ..) ci =Cell identity. (eg. 11031) band =Frequency band of the cell.(eg. GSM) ncc =Network colour code. (eg. 2) bcc =BTS colour code.(eg. 7) mcc =Mobile country code. (eg. 404)

mnc lac hop hsn Ref Note:

=mobile network code. (eg. 21) =Location area. (eg. 125) =Frequency hopping mode for normal layer TRXs: N = no, BB = base band, RF = radio frequency hopping. (eg. RF) =Hopping sequence number1. (eg. 38) as given by RF. =Reference id of an already created BTS. It is very important to give a reference BTS ID during the creation of the BTS, as all the BTS parameters are then taken which are required for BPL Mobile Network and not the default parameters which will then have to be changed each time a BTS is created. In case of ULTRA SITE only, change the parameter "RX DIVERSITY" to yes using the command ZEQM:BTS=<bts_nbr>:RDIV=Y:;

E.g. ZEQC:BCF=1,BTS=2,NAME=BTS1,REF=1:CI=1,BAND=1800:NCC=0,BC C=0:MCC=404,MNC=90,LAC=125:HOP=RF,HSN1=6:; The BTS parameters can be modified later with the EQE, EQF, EQG, EQH, EQJ, EQK, and EQM commands. Note:After all the 3 BTSs for the BCF are created, the MAIO step (MS) and the MAIO Offset (MO) is to be changed as per the Change Request given by RF. The default values given by RF are usually MS=6 for all the three sectors, and MO=0/2/4 for the three sectors. You can change the MS and MO using the following command: ZEQA:BTS=<bts_no>:MS=6,MO=0/2/4; 4. Create TRXs. A TRX is a logical counterpart of the transmitter receiver equipment in the base station. It is connected to the TRXSIG link created earlier. Create the TRX using the following MML command: ZERC:BTS=<bts_nbr>,TRX=<trx_nbr>:GTRX=<Y/N>:<freq>,<train_seq>,<pc m_tsl>:DNAME=<d_link>:CH0=<ch_type>:; Where: bts_nbr =Number of the BTS. (eg. 1,2,3.) trx_nbr =Number of the TRX. (eg. 1,2,3.) freq =Frequency of the TRX in terms of GSM/DCS channels. (eg. ARFCN value given by RF) train_seq =Training sequence code. (eg. BCC value of the BSIC) pcm_tsl =First of the two Abis time slots used by the TRX. (eg. 35-1, It is not same as the value given for TRX signalling, whereas the TRX signalling sub-time slots start from 25 onwards, the TRX sub-time slots starts from 1 onwards.)

d_link =Name of the TRX link used by the TRX. (eg. Name of the signalling LAPD, T0011) ch_type =Type of the channel. Each of the eight radio channels can be assigned a type. Default is TCH.(eg. MBCCH or TCH) tsl_cnt =This optional parameter is used if some of the TRX's Abis time slots are used by signalling links. tsl_cnt is the number of the Abis time slots used for something else than traffic. Eg:

The TRX parameters can be modified with the ERM command.

1.2 Cell Broadcast Message Handling of a BTS

Creating and activating Cell Broadcast Message: The activation of cell broadcast message is done in the following MML commands: 1. Check if Broadcast Message has been created: ZECP; 2. Create Broadcast Message if required: ZECA:50:<next_msg_code>:4:1,ENG:2:; 3. Enter the message and type Ctrl+c to the end the message. 4. To activate a message to BTS: ZECS:<msg_id>:BTS=<bts_id>:; Deactivating and deleting a cell broadcast message: 1. This is done as follows by the command ZECE:<msg_id>:BTS=<bts_id>:; 2. Deleting all deactivated messages is done by the command: ZECD:0:;

1.3 Modification of the channels assigned to the radio timeslots of a TRX Modification of channels assigned to the radio timeslots on a BCCH TRX: The modification of channel behavior in case of BCCH TRX is done as follows: 1. Lock the BTS using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:L:; 2. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 3. Change the channels allocated to the radio timeslots as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:CH<channel_no>=<channel type>:;

Where, channel_no can take decimal values from 0 to 7.Channel type can be TCHF, TCHD, MBCCH, MBCCHC, MBCCB, SDCCH, SDCCB, MPBCCH. 4. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; 5. Unlock the sector, using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:U:; Modification of channels assigned to the radio timeslots on a Non-BCCH TRX in a Non-Hopping BTS The modification of channel behavior is done as follows: 1. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 2. Change the channels allocated to the radio timeslots as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:CH<channel_no>=<channel type>:; Where, channel_no can take decimal values from 0 to 7.Channel type can be TCH, MBCCH, MBCCHC, MBCCB, SDCCH, SDCCB, MPBCCH. 3. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; Modification of channels assigned to the radio timeslots on a Non-BCCH TRX in hopping BTS The modification of channel behavior in case of BCCH TRX is done as follows: 1. Lock the BTS using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:L:; 2. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 3. Change the channels allocated to the radio timeslots as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:CH<channel_no>=<channel type>:; Where, channel_no can take decimal values from 0 to 7.Channel type can be TCH, MBCCH, MBCCHC, MBCCB, SDCCH, SDCCB, MPBCCH. 4. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; 5. Unlock the sector, using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:U:;

1.4 Modification of the frequency assigned to a given TRX Modification of frequency of a BCCH TRX The modification of frequency in case of BCCH TRX is done as follows: 1. Lock the BTS using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:L:; 2. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 3. Change the frequency as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:FREQ=<new_freq_val>:;

4. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; 5. Unlock the sector, using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:U:; Modification of frequency of a Non-BCCH TRX in Non-hopping BTS The modification of frequency is done as follows: 1. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 2. Change the frequency as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:FREQ=<new_freq_val>:; 3. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; Modification of frequency of a Non-BCCH TRX in a hopping BTS The modification of frequency is done as follows: 1. Lock the BTS using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:L:; 2. Lock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:L:; 3. Change the frequency as follows, ZERM:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:FREQ=<new_freq_val>:; 4. Unlock the TRX using the command, ZERS:BTS=<bts_id>,TRX=<trx_id>:U:; 5. Unlock the sector, using the command, ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:U:;

1.5 Frequency Hopping

Frequency hopping can be enabled in a given BTS using the following set of commands: 1. First, verify that the required mobile frequency allocation list exists, using the following command: ZEBI:<mal_id>:; 2. If the required MAL (mobile allocation frequency list) is not present, create the MAL using the command: ZEBE:<new_mal_id>,1800:<list of frequencies separated by &>:; 3. Lock the BTS using the following command: ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:L:; 4. Next, assign the parameters HSN1 and HOP by the command: ZEQE:BTS=<bts_id>:HSN1=<hsn1_value>,HOP=RF:; 5. Now the parameters MAL, MAIO Offset (MO), MAIO Step are assigned to the BTS by the command: ZEQA:BTS=<bts_id:MAL=<mal_id>,MO=<new_mo_val>, MS=<new_ms_val>:; 6. Verify that the values have been correctly assigned by the command: ZEQO:BTS=<bts_id>:HOP:;

Unlock the BTS using the command: ZEQS:BTS=<bts_id>:U:;

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