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Lecture 8: Mechanical Vibration

Discrete systems Energy method Lumped-parameter analysis 1 d.o.f. Multi-d.o.f. (Eigenvalue analysis) Continuous systems Direct solving of partial differential equations Rayleighs method (the energy approach) Example: a laterally-driven folded-flexure comb-drive resonator
Reference: Singiresu S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1990
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 1

Energy Method
Conservation of energy; the maximum kinetic energy is equal to the maximum potential energy: Tmax = Vmax Also known as Rayleighs energy method Example: Effect of spring mass ms on the resonant frequency n
Kinetic energy of spring length dy:

dTs =
l Total kinetic energy:

y dy k m x(t)


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The total potential energy:


1 2 kx 2

By assuming a harmonic motion x(t) = Xcosnt,

m 1 2 (m + s ) X 2n 2 3 1 U max = kX 2 2 By equating Tmax = Vmax, Tmax =

n =

k m + ms / 3

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Lumped-Parameter Model
L-shape spring


x m

Simplified description of 3D physical model using minimum required number of variables (coordinates) Do we have mass-less spring? A valid assumption? Can consist of a set of ordinary differential equations depending on the number of variables In Linear Control Systems, we call them the state-space equations
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 4

Degree of Freedom
x1 k1 m1 k2 k1 m1 x1 k2 m2 x2 k3

1 degree of freedom system

2 degree of freedom system

The minimum number of independent coordinates required to determine completely the positions of all parts of a system at any instant of time defines the degree of freedom of the system

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Equations of Motion for a 2 D.O.F. System

F1(t) k1 m1 b1 b2 x1(t) k2 m2 b3 F2(t) x2(t) k3

m1 x1 = m2 x 2 =
&& &&

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Equations of Motion for a 2 D.O.F. System

[ m ]x + [ b ] x + [ k ] x = F 0



In addition to the free-body diagram, equation of motion can also be derived through the Lagranges equation from the energy perspective

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Solving of Dynamic Equation

Gives complete transient response under Free vibration: without external applied force How can a structure move without a force? Natural frequency and damped natural frequency can be obtained Forced vibration: with external applied force Motion Types: Underdamped Critical damped Overdamped Remember how to solve a set of linear ordinary differential equations for multiple d.o.f. systems?

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[m ] =


, [b ] =

& r

&& r

b1 + b2

k1 + k 2 b2 ,[ k ] = b2 + b3 k2

k2 k2 + k3

Determine Resonant Frequency

Design of micromechanical devices needs to know natural frequency and damping To many performance indexes of the transient response, such as rise time, overshoot, and settling time Resonant frequencies of a lumped-parameter mechanical system can be obtained by Solving the eigenvalue problem (exact solution) Rayleighs Method (approximate solution) etc

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Eigenvalue Problem
Under free vibration and no damping, natural frequencies of a multi-d.o.f system are solutions of the eigenvalue problem

Let x = x sin(t ), then [[ K ] 2 [ M ]] x = 0

The roots i = mi2/k, so i can be solved The eigenvector corresponding to the individual eigenvalue is the mode shape of the system

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[ K ] 1

x 0,

= [[ K ] 2 [ M ]] = 0 [[ I ] 2 [ K ] 1 [ M ]] = 0 , [[ I ] m2 [ D ]] = 0 k

From the free-body diagram:

k1 m1 x1 k2 m2 x2 k3 m3 x3

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Let m1 = m2 = m3 = m, k1 = k2 = k3 = k, and = (k/m):
0 0

m2 0

0 m3

x2 + x3

k2 0

k2 + k3 k3

k3 k3

x2 = [ 0 ] x3

2 1 0 x1 1 0 0 x1 m 0 1 0 x2 + k 1 2 1 x2 = [ 0 ] 0 1 1 x3 0 0 1 x3

1 0 0 2 1 0 2 k 1 2 1 m 0 1 0 0 1


0 0 1

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2 1 0 m2 I 1 2 1 k 0 1 1

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1



&& && &&

&& && &&



k1 + k 2



= mi2/k, solve:
2 m1 k 1 = = 0.19806, 1 = 0.44504 k m

2 =

2 m 2 k = 1.55530, 2 = 1.2471 k m

2 m 3 k 3 = = 3.24900, 3 = 1.8025 k m

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Contd: Mode Shapes

For each solved i, recall that: [[ K ] i2 [ M ]] x = 0
r r

k 1 0 2 0

2 1 1 2 1

1 ( 1 0 1

i k ) m 0 1 0 m 0 0 1

i x2 i x3

= k 1

1 i 0 1 0 0 0 1

i x2 = 0 i x3

We can solve the eigenvector xji with respect to each i

ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 14

1 0 0


1 0 0


Contd: Mode Shapes

1st mode, 1 = 0.19806

x = x 1.8019 2.2470
1 1 1

2nd mode, 2 = 1.5553

x =x
3rd mode, 3 = 3.2490

2 1

0.4450 0.8020

x =x
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004

3 1

1.2468 0.5544


Vibration of Continuous Systems

A system of infinite degrees of freedom The equation of motion may be described by a partial differential equation which can be solved by the method of separation of variables Many methods can be used to find approximate resonant frequencies and mode shapes (e.g. the Rayleighs method)

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1 .0

1. 0

Example: Lateral Vibration of Beams

y f(x,t): force per unit length y(x,t) x x L y(x,t) V(x,t) dx Free-body diagram M(x,t) O O V(x,t) + dV(x,t) f(x,t) M(x,t) + dM(x,t)

What is the dynamic equation? The inertia force (i.e. f = ma):

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Example: the Lateral Vibration of Beams

The sum of moments around the point O is ZERO M(x,t) O Substitute V = M/x into the last equation: y(x,t) V(x,t) dx O V(x,t) + dV(x,t) M(x,t) + dM(x,t)

For a uniform beam:

ENE 5400

2 M ( x ,t ) 2 y( x , t ) + f ( x , t ) = A( x ) 2 x t 2 2 2 y( x , t ) ] + f ( x ,t ) = A( x ) 2[ x t 2 4 2 y( x , t ) y( x , t ) EI + A = f ( x ,t ) 4 x t 2

, Spring 2004

Example: Lateral Vibration of Beams

For free vibration, f(x,t) = 0, we require 4 2 Two initial conditions, for example: EI y ( x , t ) + A y ( x , t ) = 0 4 x t 2 y(x, t = 0) = yo(x) = 0 y/t|(x, t = 0) = 0 Four boundary conditions, for example: Free end Bending moment = EI(2y/x2) = 0 Shear force = EI3y/x3 = 0 We will use these two Simply supported (pinned) end b.c.s to solve for the Deflection y = 0 Fixed-pinned beam Bending moment = EI(2y/x2) = 0 Clamped end Deflection y = 0 Slope y/x = 0
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 19

Solve Lateral Vibration of Beams

Use the method of separation of variables y(x,t) = Y(x)T(t)

EIT (t )

d 4Y ( x ) d 2T (t ) + AY ( x ) =0 dx 4 dt 2 EI / A 4Y ( x ) 1 d 2T (t ) = = a = 2 Y ( x ) x 4 T (t ) dt 2
(3) (2)

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Solve the Lateral Vibration of Beams

Y(x) can be solved as:

Y ( x ) = C1e x + C2e x + C3e ix + C4e ix


Y ( x ) = C1 cos x + C2 sin x + C3 cosh x + C4 sinh x

The natural frequencies of the beam are (from (1)):

= 2

EI EI = ( l )2 A Al 4

The l product depends on the boundary conditions

ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 21

Solve Lateral Vibration of a Fixed-Pinned Beam

Four B.C.s for a fixed-pinned beam are substituted into Y(x):

Y ( x ) = C1 (cos x cosh x ) + C2 (sin x sinh x ) (4 )


d 2Y (l ) = 0 dx 2

C1(cos l cosh l ) + C2 (sin l sinh l ) = 0 (5)

C1(cos l + cosh l ) C2 (sin l + sinh l ) = 0 (6 ) cos l cosh l sin l sinh l = 0 (7 ) (cos l + cosh l ) (sin l + sinh l )


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dY (0) = 0 dx Y (l ) = 0

( C2 + C4 ) = 0

Y (0) = 0

C1 + C3 = 0

C3 = C1 C 4 = C 2

324 41



From the last matrix, we get the determinant:

tan l = tanh l
The many roots of this equation, nl, will define the natural frequencies:

n = ( n l )2
Mode shape: Yn(x), Y(x), yn(x,y), and y(x,t):

EI Al 4

C2 n = C1n (

cos n l cosh n l ), sin nl sinh nl

from (5) cos n l cosh n l )(sin n x sinh n x )], from (4 ) sin n l sinh n l

Yn ( x ) = C1n [(cos n x cosh n x ) (

yn ( x , t ) = Yn ( x )( An cos n t + Bn sin n t )

ENE 5400

Results of nl for Various Beam Constraints

1l = 1.875104 2l = 4.694091 3l = 7.854757 4l = 10.99541 1l = 4.730041 2l = 7.853205 3l = 10.995608 4l = 14.137165 1l = 3.926602 2l = 7.068583 3l = 10.210176 4l = 13.351768

(1) Cantilever beam

(2) Doubly-clamped beam

(3) fixed-pinned beam


ENE 5400

n =1

y( x ,t ) =

yn ( x ,t ), The final mod e shape

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Rayleighs Method
An approximate analysis using the energy perspective to find the fundamental natural frequency of continuous systems The kinetic energy of a beam:

Assume a harmonic variation y(x,t) = Y(x)cos(t), the maximum kinetic energy:

Tmax =


l 0

Y 2 ( x )A( x )dx

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The potential energy V of a beam: (neglecting the work done by the shear forces)

The maximum value of y(x,t) is Y(x), so the maximum potential energy:

ENE 5400

1 = 2

d 2Y ( x ) 2 EI ( ) dx 0 dx 2
l 26

, Spring 2004


Rayleighs Method
By equating Tmax to Vmax, we obtain:

2 =

EI (

d 2Y ( x ) 2 ) dx dx 2 l AY 2 ( x )dx

For example, a stepped beam with various cross sections:

2 =


Where is Y(x) from? You have to choose Y(x), and make sure: (1) it is a reasonable beam deflection curve; (2) Y(x) must satisfy the beam boundary conditions
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 27

Example: Find the Resonant Frequency

Use the deflection curve Y(x) = (1 x/l)2 The cross section A(x) = hx/l The moment of inertia I(x) = 1(hx/l)3/12 By equating Tmax to Vmax y

anchored 1 h l x


The exact frequency is (for comparison):

= 1.5343(
ENE 5400 , Spring 2004 28

Eh 2 1 / 2 ) l 4



d 2Y ( x ) 2 ) dx + dx 2 l1 A1Y 2 ( x )dx +

d 2Y ( x ) 2 ) dx + l1 dx 2 l2 A2Y 2 ( x )dx +

E2I2 (


Lateral Folded-flexure Comb-Drive Resonator

What is the resonant frequency of the resonator? A lumped-parameter model would be used for analysis

Source: William Tang, Ph.D. Dissertation, UC Berkeley, 1990

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Spring Constant kx
When the resonant plate moves Xo under a given force Fo, the point B and D moves Xo/2, respectively The force acting on each beam is Fo/4 The slope at both ends of the beams are identically zero




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The deflection curve of beam AB is:

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Lateral Resonant Frequency

By Rayleighs energy method:

K .E .max = P.E .max K .E .max = K .E .plate + K .E .truss + K .E .beam

= =
x AB (y ) =

1 1 1 2 M p v 2 + M t vt2 + vb dM b p 2 2 2

For the beam segment AB, remember that:

(Fx / 4 ) (3Ly 2 2y 3 )
12EI z Fx L3 48EI z

for 0 y L

x AB (L ) = X o / 2 = x AB (y ) =

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Xo y 3 2 L

y L


So the velocity profile for segment AB (multiply ) is:

The K.E. for beam AB is:



13 2 2 X o M AB 280

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Similarly for beam CD, the deflection curve is:


The velocity profile and K.E. for segment CD are:

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83 2 2 X o M CD 280

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K .E . CD =

2 X o 2 M CD 2L

3 y 2 L

vCD ( y ) = X o 1

3 y 2 L

y L

y L



xCD ( y ) = X o + ( x AB ( y )) = X o 1

3 y 2 L

y L



X o2 2 M AB 8L


K .E . AB =

v2 AB

y L

y L

1 2

( X o )2

y L

y L

3 2

v AB ( y ) =

X o y 3 2 L

y L


3 2

dM AB =

M AB dy L

beam y


Contd: Total Beam Potential Energy


M AB = MCD =

1 Mb 8 K .E .b = 4 K .E .AB + 4 K .E .CD 13 2 2 83 2 2 X o Mb + X o Mb = 560 560 6 2 2 X o Mb = 35


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The total maximum K.E. is

K .E .max = K .E .plate + K .E .truss + K .E .beam

2 = X o 2

The total maximum P.E. is:

Equating both equations, we obtain the resonant frequency:

ENE 5400 , Spring 2004

Mp +

1 12 Mt + M 4 35 b

P .E .max =

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1 1 6 M p + Mt + Mb 2 8 35


Fx dx =

Xo 0

k x x dx =

1 2 kx X o 2



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