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Name: G Mhlanga

Student No: 920317064

Crash, Brakes, Speed, Cell Phone, Road Signs, Pedestrian Crossing, Rail Road Crossing

Question 1 One word answer Crash, Brakes, Speed, Cell Phone, Road Signs, Pedestrian Crossing, Rail Road Crossing 1.When crossing the road we cross at the 2. When two cars collide it is called a ________________ ________________

3.What helps the driver to drive by the rules of the road? _____________ 4.The _______________ kills. 5.You are not allowed to drive while you answer your ______________ Question 2 Filling the missing words Earthquake

1.A sudden release of energy is called _____________ (earthquake) 2.An earthquake is a _____________ (natural)
3.Which picture shows an earthquake

4.The other name of an Earthquake is called ____________ (temblors) 5.Earthquake are caused mostly by rupture of geological _____________ (faults)
Question 3 Paragraph Learners listen to the story about the man who sets himself on fire outside Breivik trial. Man sets himself on fire outside Breivik trial
OSLO, Norway (AP) An unidentified man was seriously injured in a self-immolation Tuesday outside the courthouse where right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik is being tried to the trial on terror charges for a bombing and shooting massacre that killed 77 people on July 22. Police said the man didn't appear to have any connections to trial, which has been under way since mid-April in the Oslo District Court. Before the incident the man had stopped on Norwegian lawyer Bente Roli, where he dropped off an envelope with ''confused'' notes, Roli told The Associated Press. ''He was disturbed very much. He has nothing to do with the July 22 events,'' Roli said. A video clip of the incident posted on Norwegian newspaper VG's website showed the man setting himself on fire before stunned witness. He walked up to police with flames shooting up from his sweater and hat, and appeared to yell ''shoot me, it hurts'' in a Scandinavian language with foreign accent. He then ran towards the security checkpoint outside the court but turned right just before the entrance and slumped to the pavement. The man shouted in pain as police officers rushed up to him and tore off his burning sweater.

Instructions Learners will write a paragraph about the story, what did they understand. They must also sequence the story in five (5) lines

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