Mural Photos

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Queensbury Elementary School

2020 Moody Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7L 3V3 Phone: 604-903-3730 Fax: 604-903-3731
Queensbury School Mission Statement Education at Queensbury is directed towards providing all children an equal opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to maximize their potential in intellectual, social and physical development. Queensbury School Code of Conduct Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Cooperative. Believe in Yourself and Others Please visit our school website:

A school-wide assembly will take place at 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19, to allow our school community to participate in the official unveiling of the murals created by James Harry and Julie Fox. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Images of the new mural being created by James Harry and students

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