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Exame Review

Prof. Msc. Alyson

a classe gramatical que qualifica o substantivo (nome) - Pessoas, objetos, cidades...

Os adjetivos nunca variam, ou seja, ficam sempre no singular e aparecem antes do nome.


Fat girl
adj Subst.

(menina gorda)

Girl Fat

2 Adjetives

He is a cool short brother

(ele um irmo legal e baixo)

She is a ____________ ( Girl / blond / bore)

loira chata

She is a bore blond girl

She is a ____________ ( Girl / blond / Tall/ bore)

loira chata

She is a bore, blond and tall girl.

Plural of Nous
Regra geral acrescenta S ao nome: Car Cars / Dog Dogs Nomes terminados em Y precedidos por consoante troca-se o Y por IES Sky Skies - Fly Flies TOY ???

Plural of nouns
Nomes terminados em : S,SS,SH,CH, X, O e Z acrescentamos ES ao final Bus buses Fox foxes Buzz Buzzes Tomato Tomatoes
Excees : Piano/ monarch/ Disco/ Patriarch/Dinamo + (s)

Plural of Nouns
Nomes terminados em F ou FE troca-se por VES WOLF WOLVES WIFE WIVES KNIFE - KNIVES



He is going to work tomorrow

(Vai/ ir)

(+) She is going to work tomorrow (-) She is not going to work tomorrow (?) Is she going to work tomorrow?

Pronomes adjetivos (Posse)

My Your His Her Its Our Your Their
(I - eu)

(You voc))
(He - Ele) (She - Ela) (It ele/ela) (We- ns) (You - vocs) (They- eles)

I have a car. My car is old. You have a car. Your car is old He has a car. His car is old She has a car. Her car is old We have a car. Our car is old They have a car. Their car is old. The dog has a bone. Its bone is big It has a bone. Its bone is big.

Good luck with your exame!!!

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