Business Plan Template Overview

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Business Plan MAE Julema Rodriguez Rodriguez FACPyA Negocios Internacionales I.

Presentation & Organization: Cover Page Table of Contents II. Executive Summary Elevator Pitch Current Business Structure How to Close Your Introduction or Executive Summary III. Sales & Market Potential Products and Services
Description Problem Solved or Unmet Need Filled Unique Selling Proposition Other Differentiators

The Market
Description of the Market o Growth Rates and Key Trends o Target Market (Including Location, if Retail) o Size of Target Market
Competition Direct Competitors Indirect Competitors

Sales and Marketing Plan

Unique Selling Proposition (repeated) Marketing Budget How Customers Will Find Out About Your Business Who Will Sell Pricing Sales Forecast / How Fast Will the Sales Come Evidence to Support these Projections

IV. Management Team and Operating Plan Management Team

Founders and Key Employees Professional Advisors Hiring Plan

Go-To-Market Plan
Current Capabilities Prioritized Immediate Opportunities Go to Market Goals When Expected Results

Operating Plan
Headcount Facilities and Equipment to Meet Sales Projections Critical Requirements Confirmation that the Operating Plan Supports Go to Market Plan

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Outside Opportunities Outside Threats

V. Financial Information Financial Projections - Overview Income Statement Cash Flow Balance Sheet Capitalization and Use of Funds
Financial Needs Structure (Debt, Equity) Startup Expenses Use of Funds

VI. Exit Strategy, Payback Analysis and Disclaimers Exit Strategy or Payback Analysis
How a Loan will be Repaid How Equity Investors will Recover Their Investment

Notices and Disclaimers

Confidentiality Forward-Looking Statements Not an Offer to Sell or a Solicitation for Securities

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