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Respiratory Unit ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS Asses the response to an intervention Asses ventilator status O2 and acid base

status INDICATIONS Respiratory failure COPD Renal failure Asses acid /base status Liver failure CONTRA INDICATIONS Weak absence of radial pulse Burn overlying puncture site Severe atherosclerosis Positive allens test With fistula /AV fistula Bleeding Complications Bleeding (received anticoagulant) Infection Arterial spasm Thrombus occlusion Thrombus in the artery CPAP continous positive airway pressure Continous level of elevated pressure to maintain adequate O2 pH 7.35-7.45 pCO2 35 -45 mmHg pO2 80- 100mmHg HCO3 22-26 meq/L O2 sat 97% - 100% BE (+)(-) SIMV synchronize Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Pt. initiate a breathing using either pressure or close sensor MECAHNICAL VENTILATOR INDICATION Acute lung injury Apnea COPD Hypoxemia Tachypnea CONTRAINDICATIONS Severe swallowing dysfunction Types of mech vent PLV-102 7200 MA-1 LPG LP10 Bear Cub Inspiratory Reserve Volume the maximal volume inhaled after normal inspiration Fractional inspired O2 21%

DOB Pneumonia/congestion Atelectasis Contraindications Increase pulse Increase BP Hypersensitivity MI Vital Capacity The amt. of air a person can expel from the lungs after a minimal inspiration Expiratory Reserve Volume The maximal volume of air can be expelled from the lungs after normal expiration PEEP -oppose the passive emptying of the lungs and keep the airway pressure above the atmosphere pressure Tidal Volume Computation - BODY wt x 10 The vol. of gas inhaled and exhaled during one respi. Cycle Contraindication of CPT Fracture IMV- intermittent mandatory ventilation The patient is allowed to breathe spontaneously from ventilation via demand value and the present intervals the machine is in control mode Cal gas 5% CO2, 12 % O2 Bal nitrogen Slope 10% Co2 bal. Nitrogen Sample port Drip tray Electrode module Reagent pump Tubing sample pump display monitor printer module guage for module

NEBULIZATION Indications Tightness in chest Thick secretion

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