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DATE: MAY 14, 2012 TIME: 7:00 PM



Cheryl Smith-Communications & Social Chair Bunten Road Park Activities Building Barry Smith Cheryl Smith for Yvonne Hunter-Cabell Rick Austin, Sam Carr, Mark Carter, Andy Miller, Barry Smith, Bill Smith , Rob Welch Yvonne Cabell, Susan Holland

Meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Barry Smith. APPROVAL OF MINUTES


Motion made to approve the minutes (copies previously sent for review). Approved by majority vote. TREASURERS REPORT


Report available week of 5-29-2012


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Andy Miller reported that the dam would be cut tomorrow. Barry Smith asked that the path maintenance be added to the lawn mowing list. GENERAL MAINTENANCE



Sam Carr said that he and Barry had visited the dam to discuss the list to bring the dam into compliance and he is getting quotes for the fence repair. He is also trying to get the status of the sign replacement project. Andy Miller suggested that some of the worn posts also be replaced. Mark Carter reported that one of the street lights was out and it was decided that the City of Duluth takes responsibility for this. DEVELOPMENT

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Barry Smith announced that a permit has been secured from the City of Duluth for a clearing, and grubbing and brush removal to make a clear and wide footpath to the lake. The gate now at the path entrance will be removed and replaced with steel posts allowing lawn equipment in, and keeping cars out of this area. The board is taking quotes for a fence from the tennis courts to the lake establishing our property as strictly for Norman Downes residents use. Bill Smith is in charge of this. Signs are to be added later. Approximately 5 pine trees will be removed from the foot path. The board is getting quotes for that work also. Mark Carter offered the services of a civil engineer friend at no charge to advise the board on debris disposal. Any fill retrieved from the lake will be deposited in the sunken area to the right of the path. The fence at the top of the drive was discussed, including a common code access to all amenities. WEB DEVELOPMENT Rick Austin reported that the site has been moved to a different hosting company, Word Press and that it is backed up every night. There is new security and he is continuing to make improvements. The covenants are now easy to access. Rick was asked to add easy access to the community standards proposal also.


POOL Rob Welch reported that the pressure washing is now completed. He brought paint samples for the deck for approval and asked Sam Carr to put a final coat of paint on the doors as well as post the gender signs. The pool will be open Saturday the 19 th of May and Sunday the 20 th. As of May 24 th the pool will open full time. There will be a Bunco Party at the pool this Thursday. TENNIS Bill Smith brought up the unattractive tennis furniture at the courts. Mark Carter will arrange for sanding the benches and table at the courts with Bill Smith. Cheryl Smith offered some paint she has in storage and help with the painting, if needed. COMMUNICATIONS/SOCIAL 1. 2.



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Cheryl Smith reported on previous event: Easter Egg Hunt hosted by Suzette 15-20 children in attendance; Neighborhood yard sale 12 families participated; Yard of the Month began in March. Upcoming activities May 26th at noon Schools Out Pizza Party; Social Tennis on Friday nights in May/June; Mens Alta team formed but not playing until fall; July 4 th picnic. Cheryl asked the men on the board to cook and will solicit other help from the community. 4 welcome baskets have been delivered to date and we have new neighbors at the corner of Bunten and Health to still deliver to. Next Norman New deadline is May 30 th Directory Updates are ready and will be delivered with Normans News. Andy Miller brought up the sign board for the pool and Cheryl suggested that Sam Carr get the project to complete from Barry. OLD BUSINESS Proposed Community Standards are to be included in the next newsletter. Andy Miller asked if the bill for Humphreys shed had been submitted. Barry Smith will check. Barry Smith reported that all the documents have been removed from Peter VanArsdale and are in his basement. Barry has set up a scanner to start the scanning process and said he had some cheap labor available NEW BUSINESS There was some discussion regarding the increasing number of cars parked on the street overnight making it a hazard for people walking and drivers, particularly near the crests of the hills. It was decided that Mark Carter would write an article for Normans News regarding the problem. Letters will follow to those who are not in compliance if the article does not solve the problem. Also for tall grass offenders. Rob Welch mentioned that 5 out of 7 comply once issued a letter.

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MEETING ADJOURNED Andy Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by majority vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37PM by Barry Smith.

NEXT MEETING: The next board meeting is scheduled for July 23 rd, 2012

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