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Role Of Designer In Our Society


Architect: The person lawfully licensed to practice architecture or an entity

lawfully practicing architecture.
The roots of the architect can be traced back to the times of the Ancient Greeks. The term architect, or arkhitekton in Greek, was the title given to the master builder who would oversee the design and construction of each construction project.

The Architect of Today. The architect is no longer the construction technology expert. That knowledge is now

reserved for the manufacturers, suppliers, and specialty consultants. The architect today is not a master builder; he is a manager and systems 24 integrator. The duties of an architect today, in the design-bid-build method, begin with conceptual design and continue through the completion of construction. The ecology of architecture requires an understanding of living systems and basic science. Buildings need to be conceived as part of larger systems. This includes understanding the local and regional environmental contexts, the complex network of material and constructional systems and their impact, and the cultural, social and economic contexts.

role of architect as leader has two complementary facets: vision and facilitation. Facilitation involves expanding on the traditional idea of the designer to include the ability to collaborate with the client to solve problems. A facilitation process will enable the client to recast the design problem and from this may emerge new, unexpected opportunities.

The designer is to develop a language that enables defining the role of the architect to include being a social change agent and an advocate for natural systems and ecological thinking. This would encompass concepts such as Community, Refinement, Integrity, Completeness, and 'Sense of Place'. A new language of architecture would have architects espouse a principle of the luxury of limits and move away from the luxury of excess. A new language in design would also shift thinking in society at large beyond Descartes and help broaden the definition of sustainability

We are influenced by our senses. What we see, hear, feel, smell and taste all have impacts on our psychological and cultural identities. The fact that we are being exposed to those sensations relates to a manifestation of current culture. Every piece of human culture has physical aspects that exist within the definite senses. Architects and those who design spaces must therefore take into account the physical multi sensory aspects of their creations in order to best understand the psychology of the space, acting in reference (or not) to the physicality of the culture that they are conveying. The creation of space is a physical manifestation of culture through the presentation of texture, color, timing, depth, light cycles, temperature etc. and though some of us might like to believe that ideas come from the core of a white cube everything we think and do has relation to the greater temporal scale. The mind is composed of little bits of culture that all intertwine leading us to extrapolate what we call consciousness, cultural identity.

An architect is responsible for conveying the progress of civilization through the creation of spaces that have function for its inhabitants while using environmentally sound processes and materials. An architect must take into account the past, present and future of both building techniques and global cultures in order to convey a structural message that relates to past and present ideologies while gently leading the path for the future of human consciousness and cultural identity. So in summary, an architect helps to build the evolution of society by physically manifesting items of culture in the form of spatial constructs where representations of culture meet the human mind in a multi sensory locality. An architect has a physical sensory responsibility to the people who experience the constructed space while also acting as an artist and painting the picture that we call society

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