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VPN Access for the IC Servers .

Please Note that RSA Token and Internet connection is required for the access of the IC server from the VPN. Please raise the request in for the Token. Select token provisioning and follow the steps for raising the token request.
Please follow the below screen shots for the connection to the VPN after you get the token. Please use the below link for connecting to the VPN. Start->program files-> Explorer. Paste the below link .

Put you Enterprise ID and the pass code for the authentication click sign in. Then the screen below will appear and it will take 2-5 min for the connection establishment.

After successful connection establishment, a different IP will be assigned. You can view the IP in the Network Connect panel.

An icon will show the status as connected in the task bar.

Please follow the below screen shot for doing the RDP from the remote desktop/laptop.

Put the IP of the server. Click on connect.

Screen for the security policy will appear, accept it.

Put your Login ID and the password. Click on OK it will get you connected to the remote server.

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