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►All anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into 2

(a) Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory) drugs ; (b) Steroid anti-
inflammatory drugs
Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs are classified according to
chemical structure and anti-inflammatory activity.
I group – preparations with strong anti-inflammatory activity
A. Nonselective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase (COX)
I. Acid derivatives
1) Derivatives of salicylic (ortho-oxybenzoic) acid
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
Lysine acetylsalicylate
Sodium salicilate
Methyl salicylate
2) Pyrazolone derivatives
3) Derivatives of indole-acetic acid
Derivatives of phenylacetic acid
Diclofenac Sodium (Voltaren)
Derivatives of propionic acid
Derivatives of anthranylic acid
Mefenamic acid
Oxicam derivatives
II. Non-acidic derivatives
B. Preferential inhibitors of COX2
C. Selective inhibitors of COX2
II group – preparations with poor anti-inflammatory activity
Pyrazolone derivative
Paraaminophenol derivatives
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
Preparations of other chemical structure- Ketorolac

► Antihistaminic drugs – blockers of H1-histaminic

Drugs of the first generation (”old”):
Diphenhydramine (Dimedrol)
Promethazine (Diprazine, Pipolphen)
Chloropyramine (Suprastin)
Clemastine (Tavegyl)
Mebhydroline (Diazoline)
Antihistamines of the second generation:
Loratadine (Claritine, Clarotadin)
Acrivastine (Semprex)
Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
Ebastine (Kestine)
Desloratadine (Aerius)
Fexofenadine (Telfast)
Inhibitors of mast cell and basophile degranulation:
for internal use – Ketotifen
for inhalation:
Cromoglicic acid (Intal)
Nedocromil (Tilade)
combined drugs (cromoglicic acid +fenoterol = Ditec)
for local use:
Cromoglicic acid (Ifiral)
Others drugs with antiallergic action:
antileukotriene drugs:
- lipoxygenase blockers: zileuton
- blockers of leukotriene receptors: zafirlukast, montelukast
β2-adrenomimetics – – adrenalin, isadrine, orciprenaline (alupent)
muscarinic receptor blocker: Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent)
methylxanthines: theophylline, aminophylline (euphylline)
antileukotriene drugs:
• lipoxygenase blockers: zileuton
• blockers of leukotriene receptors: zafirlukast, montelukast

►Classification of analgesics,
I. Narcotic analgesics
II. Non-narcotic analgesics
1. Narcotic analgesics containing alkaloids of opium. Among these
are Morphine and Codeine.
Synthetic narcotic analgesics.
Trimeperidine (Promedol)

• Fentanyl
• Piritramide
• Pentazocine
• Tramadol
• Butorphanol
Classification of narcotic analgesics according to their
action on different types of opioid receptors.
A. Full agonists of opioid receptors. They stimulate all types of
opioid receptors. Among these are Morphine, Trimeperidine,
B. Partial agonists of opioid receptors. The drugs are also
called agonists-antagonists because they stimulate some
types of opioid receptors and block others. Among these are:
• Pentazocine
• Butorphanol
• Nalbuphine
• Buprenorphine
• Piritramide
C. Narcotic analgesics with a mixed mechanism of action.
For example,Tramadol.
2.Non-narcotic analgesics of different chemical
The main non-narcotic analgesics are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAID).

1. Pyrazolone derivatives: Metamizole sodium

2. Paraaminophenol derivatives: Paracetamol
3. Heteroaryl-acetic acid derivatives: Ketorolac
4. Drugs with a high anti-inflammatory activity can be
recommended for the treatment of pain syndrome caused by
inflammation of peripheral tissues.
Among these are Diclofenac, Indometacin, Acetylsalicylic
acid and Meloxicam.


I. Agents influencing an appetite
a) stimulants of an appetite (bitter stuffs)
b) preparations inhibiting an appetite (anorectics)
• Phepranone
• Sibutramine
II. Agents regulating motor (motional) function of GIT
1. Emetics
a) emetic drugs of direct action
• Apomorphine
b) emetic drugs of reflex action
• preparations of Thermopsis
2. Antiemetics
a) blockers of dopamine receptors of trigger zone of vomiting
• Tiethylperazine (Turicam)
• Bromopride
• Metaclopramide (Cerucal, Reglan)
• Domperidone (Mothilium)
c) Blockers of serotonin 5HT3 receptors
• Tropisetrone
• Ondansetrone
d) drugs of other mechanism of action
M-cholinoblockers (Scopalamine, “Aerone”)
Antigistaminic drugs (Diprazine, Dimedrol)
3. Preparations increasing tone of smooth muscles and
motility of GIT
Anticholinesterase drug (Proserine)
4. Preparations decreasing tone of smooth muscles and
motility of GIT
Spasmolitics (Papaverine, Drotaverine, Dibazol)
M-chlinergic blockers (Atropine)
Gaglionic blockers (Pirilen, Benzoxexonium)
III. Laxatives
A. Preparations causing mechanical irritation of
mechanoreceptors of mucous coat of intestine
according to nature
1. Salt laxatives
• Magnesium sulfate
• Sodium sulfate
• Mineral salts
2. Preparations swelling in intestine
• Laminaria
• Bran
• Seed of plantain
• Linseed
• Methylcellulose
• Carboxycellulose
• Prune
3. Lactulose preparations
• Normaze
• Duphalac
B. Preparations causing chemical irritation of
chemoreceptors in intestine
1. Preparations containing anthraglycosides
• Rhubarb root
• Buckthorn bark
• Common [purging] buckthorn
• Senna leaves
• Rhamnil
• Antrasennin
• Senade
• Agiolax

2. Synthetic laxatives
• Phenolphtalein
• Oxyphenisatine
• Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
• Sodium picosulfate (Guttalax)
3. Castor oil
C. Preparations softening fecal mass and facilitating their travel
through intestine – eccoprotic preparations
• sunflower-seed oil
• almond-oil
• olive oil
• liquid paraffin
• Poloscalpol
D. Carminative agents – stimulate passage of gases.
• Fennel seeds
• Dill seeds
• caraway-seeds
• aromatic waters (mint, anise, dill)
IV. Antidiareal agents.
a) preparations of specific action – acting on pathogenic
organisms (antimicrobial and antibacterial agents)
b) preparations of non-specific action (for symptomatic
therapy) -
drugs inhibiting intestine peristalsis
• Loperamide Immodium)
• Attapulgit (Caopectate)
• Smecta (Diosmectide)
V. Agents influencing on secretion of GIT
a) stimulators of secretion
• Histamine
• Pentagastrine
b) agents inhibiting stomach secretion

VI. Antiulcer agents

1. Antacids
of systemic action (Sodium hydrocarbonate)
of non-systemic action (Magnesium carbonate,
Magnesium sulfate, Calcium carbonate,
Aluminium hydrate)
2. Preparations decreasing secretion of hydrochloric acid
a) histamine H2-receptors blockers:
• Ranitidine
• Famotidine
• Cimetidine
b) proton pump inhibitors (blockers Н K+ - ATPase):
• Omeprazole
• Pantoprazole
• Lansoprazole
c) muscarinic receptor blockers:
• nonselective m-cholinoblockers
• agents blocking M1-cholinoreceptors mainly
3. Gastroprotectors – preparations protecting mucous
coat of stomach from lesions
a) Preparations producing mechanical protection of mucous
coat (ulcer surface).
• Sucralfat
• Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate
b) prostaglandin analogues:
• Misoprostol
• Enprostil
• Rioprostil
4. Preparations stimulating regeneration of mucous
coat of stomach
a) Preparations received from liquorice
b) synthetic analogue of enkephalins – Dalargin
c) preparations of biostimulants
• “Solcoseril”
• Methyluracil
• Vitamin U
5. Preparation inhibiting chelicobacter pylori
• Metronidazole
• Macrolide antibiotics (Clarythromycin, Roxithromycin)
• De-nol
VII. hepatotropic agents
A. Influencing on liver function:
bile-expelling preparations are divided into
a) Agents stimulating bile production (choleretica (chole – bile,
rheo – flow) or cholesecretica).
b) Agents promoting bile excretion (cholagoga (chole – bile, ago
– turn out) or cholekinetica).
c) Preparations relaxing biliary tracts
d) Preparations thining bile (dilutent)
B. Hepatoprotectors
• Silibinin
• Essentiale
• Corsil
• LIV-52
C. Cholelitolitics
• Ursodeoxycholic acid
• Ursofalc
• Chenodeoxycholic acid
VIII. Agents used in disorders of excretory function of
1. In deficiency of pancreas function substitute therapy is used
Pancreatin – enzyme of pancreas
2. Drugs used in increased function of pancreas (acute
pancreatitis) -
Inhibitors of ptoteolitic enzymes
• Aprotinin
• Contrical
IX. Drugs regulating balance of intestine microflora (so-
called “eubiotics”)
• Lactobacterine
• Bifidumbacterine
• Bactisuptil
Classification of antianginal drugs: group and
I. Drugs decreasing the myocardial oxygen demand
1. Nitrates
• Short acting: Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, Nitroglycerine)
• Long acting: Isosorbide dinitrate (short acting by
sublingual route), Isosorbide mononitrate, Erythrityl
tetranitrate, Penta erythritol tetranitrate
2. Nitrites – closed to nitrates on mechanism of action:
Amylnitrite, Sodium nitrite
3. β- adrenoceptor blockers: Propranolol, Metoprolol,
Atenolol, Nebivolol etc.
4. Calcium channel blockers. They decrease the myocardium
functions and so the myocardial oxygen consumption too.
• Phelyl alkylamine: Verapamil
• Benzothiazepine: Diltiazem
• Dihydropyridines: Nifedepine, Felodipine, Amlodipine,
Nitrendipine, Nimodipine, Lacidipine
5. Potassium channel opener - Nicorandil
II. Drugs increasing oxygen delivery to the myocardium:
They are less effective and so less popular and used rare.
1. Validol – the drug of reflex action, it is used for relief of
angina pectoris symptoms
2. β2- adrenoceptor agonists: Oxyphedrine
3. Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase
4. Coronary vasodilating drugs with adenosine mechanism of
They increase adenosine concentration in the myocardium,
dilate collateral vessels – Dipyridamole
III. Inhibitors of platelet aggregation - Aspirin
(acetylsalicylic acid) in small doses – up to 100 mg in a day
Group I - neurotropic drugs of central action
1) α2-adrenomimetics
Clonidine , Methyldopa , Guanfacine
2) Agonist of imidazoline receptors
Moxonidine , Rilmenadine
Group II - neurotropic drugs of peripheral action
1) Ganglionic blockers
Hexamethonium Benzosulfonate
Trepirium Iodide (Hygronium)
2) Sympatholytics
Guanethidine Sulfate
Combined preparations:
«Adelphan» , «Brinerdin» , «Crystepin»

3) selective α1adrenoceptor antagonist

a) short term acting drug – Prazosin
b) long term acting drug – Terazosin, Doxazosin,
4) β-adrenoceptor antagonist
1 generation – β1- β2- adrenoceptor antagonists
Propranolol , Pindolol , Bopindolol , Nadolol
2 generation – cardioselective β1- adrenoceptor antagonists
Metoprolol , Atenolol , Bisoprolol , Talinolol
3 generation
• nonselective – Carvedilol, Busindolol
• selective - adrenoceptor antagonists with vasodilating
Group III – drugs of myotropic action
1) Blockers of calcium channel
• L-type - Nifedipine, Amlodipine, Diltiazem
• T-type - Mibefradil
2) Potassium channel activators
• Minoxidil
• Diazoxide
3) Nitrosovasodilators
• Sodium Nitroprusside
• Molsidomine
4) Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase
• Dibasol
• Papaverine
5) Others
• Hydrolazine
• Magnesium sulfate
Group IV – drugs acting on renin- angiotensin system
1) Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
• Captopril
• Enalapril
• Lisinopril
• Benazepril
• Ramipril
• Perindopril
2) Angiotensin II antagonists
• Losartan
• Valsartan
• Candesartan
Group V – diuretics
• Hydrochlorothiazide
• Furosemide (Lasix)
• Spironolactone


A. According to nature
1) Dihydropyridine derivatives
• Nifedipine
• Nicardipine
• Felodipine
• Lacidipine
• Nimodipine
• Nitrendipine
• Felodipine
• Amlodipine
• Isradipine
They more influence on artery tone then on myocardium.
2) Benzothiazepine derivatives
• Diltiazem
Equal influence both artery and myocardium.
3) Phenylalkylamine derivatives
• Verapamil
Influence on myocardium is greater then on arteries. So it is used
in arrhythmia and coronary heart disease.
According to generation
Generation 1(short term action)
• Nifedipine
• Nicardipine
• Diltiazem
• Verapamil
Generation 2(prolonged forms of preparations of generation I,
retard-forms or new compounds with long time of action)
• Isradipine
• Nimodipine
Generation III
• Amlodipine
• Lacidipine

Antihypotensive drugs.
Hypotension (low blood pressure) can be acute and chronic.
Acute hypotension is observed in collapse, shock and faint. Chronic
hypotension is characterized by permanent low arterial blood
pressure. For the treatment of
hypotension depending on its cause the following groups of
preparations are used.
1. Vasoconstrictive agents:
a) Agonists of angiotensin II
• Angiotensinamide (synthetic analogue of endogenous
It is manufactured in the form of powder in vials. It is dissolved
ex tempore and administered intravenously. Angiotensinamide has
short-time but vigourous action.
b) Adrenoceptor agonists (mainly α- adrenoceptor agonists)
• Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
• Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
They are non-selective α- adrenoceptor agonists.
• Mesaton –selective ones.
c) Sympathomimetics
• Ephedrine
It stimulates noradrenaline release from presynaptic
All the drugs are mainly used in acute hypotension.
d) Glucocorticoids
• Prednisolone
• Dexamethasone
• Hydrocortisone
They are used in acute hypotension as they increase
adrenoreceptor sensitivity to catecholamines, decreases
penetrability of vessels.
2. Agents increasing cardiac output (improving heart
function). They are used in case of shocks, in postoperative
a) Dopamine receptor agonists
• Dopamine hydrochloride
It stimulates heart function and increases tone of vessels and
used in cardiogenic shock, traumatic shock.
b) β-adrenomometics
• Dobutamine
c) Cardiac glycosides
3. Analeptics. They stimulate both tone of vessels and
myocardium function.
• Caffeine
• Cordiamin (Nikethamide)
• Camphor preparations
4. General tonic (general stimulants) – they increase a tone
of CNS.
• Ginseng
• Aralia
• Devil's-club
• Schizandra
Tinctures from the plants are used in chronic hypotension
5. If hypotension is due to loss of blood then preparations
increasing volume of blood circulation - plasma-substituting
solutions, colloid solutions, crystalloid solutions (salt

Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs, their groups and

I. Drugs blocking ion channels of cardiac hystiocytes
(conducting system of heart and contractile myocardium)
1. Drugs blocking sodium channels (membrane
stabilizers; group IA)
Subgroup IA (quinidine and quinidine like drugs):
Quinidine sulfate Disopyramide
Procainamide Ajmaline
Subgroup IB:
Lidocain Phenytoin
Subgroup IC:
Flecainide Propafenone Ethmosine Ethacizine
2. Drugs blocking L-type of calcium channels (group
Verapamil Diltiazem
3. Drugs blocking potassium channels (drugs
increasing repolarization duration and action
potential; group III)
Amiodaron (Cordaron) Ornid Sotalol
II. Drugs mainly influencing on receptors of heart
efferent innervation
Drugs weakening adrenergic influences:
β- adrenergic blockers
Anaprilin and etc.
Drugs increasing adrenergic influences:
β- adrenergic agonists
Drugs weakening cholinergic influences:
muscarinic receptor blocker
Atropine sulfate
III. Different drugs having antiarrhythmic activity
Potassium and magnesium drugs Cardiac
glycosides Adenosine

Antiarrhythmic drugs are also classified into following

A. Drugs used in tachyarrhythmia and extrasystoles
• Drugs blocking sodium channels
• Drugs blocking calcium channels
• Drugs blocking potassium channels
• β- adrenergic blockers
• Cardiac glycosides (digitalis drugs)
• Adenosine
• Potassium and magnesium drugs
B. Drugs used in bradyarrhythmia and conduction
• Muscarinic receptor blocker
• β- adrenergic agonists

Classification of antibiotics (groups and drugs)

I. β (Beta) - lactam antibiotics
• Penicillins
• Cephalosporins
• Carbapenems
• Monobactams
II. Macrolides and azalides
III. Aminoglycosides
IV. Tetracyclines
V. Polymyxins
VI. Lincosamides
VII. Rifampicins
VIII. Glycopeptides
IX. Polyene antibiotics
X. Others: Chloramphenicol, Fosfomycin, Fusidic acid, Ristomycin,

Biosynthetic penicillins can be classified into:

1. Drugs with a short-term action:

 Benzylpenicillin: benzylpenicillin-sodium;
benzylpenicillin- potassium
 Phenoxymethylpenicillin
 Benzathine phenoxymethylpenicillin
2. Drugs with a long-term action:
 Benzylpenicillin-procaine
 Benzathine benzylpenicillin (bicillin-1, extencillin)
 Bicillin-3 (benzylpenicillin-potassium + benzylpenicillin-
procaine + benzathine benzylpenicillin in equal
 Bicillin-5 (1 part of benzylpenicillin-procaine, 4 parts of
benzathine benzylpenicillin)

Semisynthetic penicillins: drugs and their

pharmacological features.
Semisynthetic penicillins can be classified into:
I. Penicillinase resistant penicillins:
 Methicillin
 Oxacillin
 Cloxacillin
 Dicloxacillin
 Flucloxacillin
 Nafcillin

II. Extended spectrum penicillins

 Ampicillin
 Amoxicillin
 Hetacillin
 Talampicillin
 Pivampicillin

III. Penicillins acting on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (blue pus

a) Carboxypenicillins: Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin, Carfecillin
b) Ureidopenicillins: Piperacillin, Azlocillin, Mezlocillin

►Cephalosporins are subdivided into following generations.

I. First generation:

1. Parenteral: Cephalothin, Cefazolin

2. Oral: Cephalexin, Cefadroxil
II. Second generation:

1. Parenteral: Cefuroxime, Cefoxitin, Cefamandole

2. Oral: Cefaclor, Cefuroxime axetil
III. Third generation:

1. Parenteral: Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime,

Cefoperazone, Cefoperazone/sulbactam
2. Oral: Cefixime, Ceftibuten
IV. Fourth generation:
Parenteral: Cefepime, Cefpirome

Modes of Fourteen- Fifteen- Sixteen-
manufacturing membered membered membered

Natural Erythromycin Spiramycin

macrolides Oleandomycin Josamycin

Semisynthetic Roxithromycin Azithromycin Midecamycin

macrolides Clarithromycin acetate


1. Aminoglycosides of the 1st generation: Streptomycin,

Kanamycin, Neomycin
2. Aminoglycosides of the 2nd generation: Gentamycin,
Tobramycin, Netilmicin
3. Aminoglycosides of the 3rd generation: Amikacin
►Quinolones and fluoroquinolones:
1. Drugs of the 1st generation: non-fluorinated
 Nalidixic acid
 Oxolinic acid
 Pipemidic acid
2. Drugs of the 2nd generation:
 Ciprofloxacin
 Norfloxacin
 Ofloxacin
 Pefloxacin
 Lomefloxacin (2 F)
3. Drugs of the 3rd generation:
 Levofloxacin
 Sparfloxacin
 Temafloxacin (3F)
 Enoxacin
 Tosufloxacin
 Fleroxacin
 Rufloxacin
4. Drugs of the 4th generation:
 Moxifloxacin
 Clinafloxacin
 Gatifloxacin
 Trovafloxacin (3F)

1. Classification of antituberculous drugs (groups and

According to their chemical structure antituberculous
drugs can be divided into:

I. Antituberculous antibiotics:
 Rifampicin
 Rifabutin
 Capreomycin
 Cycloserine
 Streptomycin
 Kanamycin
 Amikacin
II. Hydrazides of isonicotinic acid:
 Isoniazid
 Metazide
 Opiniazide
 Ftivazide
III. Derivatives of para-aminosalicylic acid:
 Para-aminosalicylic acid
IV. Synthetic drugs with other chemical structure:
 Pyrazinamide
 Ethionamide
 Ethambutol
 Thiacetazone
V. Fluoroquinolones:
 Lomefloxacin
 Ciprofloxacin
 Ofloxacin
VI Macrolides :

 Clarithromycin
 Azithromycin
According to their clinical utility antituberculous
drugs can be divided into:

I. Drugs of first line: These drugs have high antitubercular

efficacy as well as low toxicity; are used routinely

 Streptomycin
 Rifampicin
 Isoniazid
 Ethambutol
 Pyrazinamide
II. Drugs of second line: These drugs have either low
antitubercular efficacy or high toxicity or both; are used in
special circumstances only.

 Capreomycin
 Cycloserine
 Kanamycin
 Amikacin
 Para-aminosalicylic acid
 Lomefloxacin

Classification of antifungal drugs:

According to their chemical structure drugs are divided into
following groups:
I. Antifungal antibiotics:
A. Polyenes: Amphotericin B, Nystatin, Natamycin
B. Heterocyclic benzofurans: Griseofulvin
II. Synthetic antifungal drugs:
A. Azoles:
1. Imidazole derivatives: Clotrimazole, Econazole, Miconazole,
Ketoconazole, Oxiconazole
2. Triazole derivatives: Fluconazole, Intraconazole
B. Allylamines: Terbinafine, Naftifine
C. Thiocarbamates: Tolnaftate
D. Nitrophenol derivatives: Nitrofungin
E. Derivatives of undecylenic acid: ointment “Zincundan”,
ointment “Undecin”
F. Antifungal drugs with other chemical structure:
1. Dequalinium chloride (Decamin)
2. Iodine drugs: alcohol solution of Iodine, potassium iodide
3. Drugs of salicylic acid

► I. Synthetic antiviral drugs:

1. Adamantane derivatives:
 Amantadine
 Rimantadine
2. Nucleoside analogs:
 Zidovudine (AZT)
 Acyclovir
 Valaciclovir
 Vidarabine
 Ganciclovir
 Idoxuridine
3. Drugs with other chemical structure:
 Arbidol
 Oxolin
 Tebrophen
 Bonaphton
 Florenal
II. Drugs of a biological origin:
1. Interferons:
 Interferon alfa (α)
 Interferon alfa-2a
 Interferon alfa-2b
 Interferon beta (β)
 Interferon gamma (γ)
2. Drugs of a herbal origin:
 Flacosid
 Alpisarin
 Helepin
 Gossypol

According to their clinical utility antiviral drugs are classified into:

I. Anti-influenza drugs:
a) Adamantane derivatives:
 Amantadine
 Rimantadine
b) Inhibitors of viral neuraminidase:
 Zanamivir
 Ozeltamivir
c) Inducers of interferon synthesis:
 Arbidol
II. Anti-herpes drugs:
1. Nucleoside analogs:
 Acyclovir
 Valaciclovir
 Famciclovir
 Idoxuridine
 Ganciclovir
2. Inducers of interferon synthesis:
 Cycloferon

III. Drugs used for the treatment of HIV:

1. Inhibitors of reverse transcriptase:

a) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)
 Zidovudine (AZT)
 Didanozine
 Stavudine
 Lamivudine
 Zalcitabine
b) Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs)
 Nevirapine
 Efaverenz
2. Protease inhibitors:
 Saquinavir
 Indinavir
 Amprenavir
 Ritonavir
IV. Drugs used for the treatment of cytomegalovirus
1. Nucleoside analogs:
 Ganciclovir
 Valganciclovir
2. Foscarnet
V. Antiviral drugs with an extended spectrum of action
(nonselective antiviral drugs):
 Ribavirin
 Lamivudine
 Interferons: Interferon α, etc
There are drugs which increase resistance of body cells to an action of viruses
(nonselective antiviral drugs). Among these are:
 Interferons: Interferon alfa (α), Interferon alfa-2a, Interferon alfa-2b,
Interferon beta (β), Interferon gamma (γ)
 Inducers of interferon synthesis: Arbidol, Poludan, Neovir
(Cridanimod), Cycloferonum (Methylglucamine acridonacetate),
 Immunomodulators: Imunofan, Licopid, Levamisole, Polyoxydonium

1. Classification of antiprotozoal drugs.

I. Drugs used for the treatment and prevention of malaria.
 Chloroquine (chingamin)
 Pyrimethamine (chloridin)
 Mefloquine
 Quinine
 Primaquine
 Sulfonamides: Sulfadoxine
 Tetracyclines: Tetracycline, Doxycycline
II. Drugs used for the treatment of amebiasis.
 Metronidazole
 Emetine
 Tetracyclines: Tetracycline, Doxycycline
 Chloroquine
 Iodoquinol
III. Drugs used for the treatment of lambliasis.
 Metronidazole
 Furazolidone
 Aminochinole
IV. Drugs used for the treatment of trichomoniasis.
 Metronidazole
 Tinidazole
 Trichomonacide
 Furazolidone
V. Drugs used for the treatment of toxoplasmosis.
 Pyrimethamine (chloridin)
 Sulfadimidine (Sulfadimesine)
VI. Drugs used for the treatment of balantidiasis.
 Tetracyclines
 Monomycin
 Chiniofone
VII. Drugs used for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
 Solyusurmin
 Sodium stibogluconate
 Metronidazole
 Pentamidine
 Meglumine antimonite

According to localization of amoebas, antiamoebic

drugs can be divided into:
A. Antiamoebic drugs (amoebicides) used for the treatment of
intestinal and extraintestinal amoebiasis.
 Metronidazole
 Tinidazole
 Ornidazole
B. Amoebicides (with direct action) which are effective against
amoebas localized within lumen of the large intestine.
 Chiniofon
 Iodoquinol
C. Amoebicides (with indirect action) which are effective against
amoebas localized within lumen of the large intestine and in
intestinal wall.
 Tetracyclines
D. Tissue amoebicides acting on amoebas localized in intestinal
wall and in the liver.
 Emetine
 Dehydroemetine
E. Tissue amoebicides effective against amoebas localized in the
 Chloroquine

Classification of antihelmintic drugs:

Antihelmintic drugs can be classified into:
I. Drugs used for the treatment of intestinal helminthiasises.
1. Drugs used for the treatment of intestinal nematodosises
 Levamisole
 Pyrantel pamoate
 Mebendazole
 Albendazole
 Piperazine adipate
 Pyrvinium embonate
 Bephenium hydroxynaphthoas
2. Drugs used for the treatment of intestinal cestodosises.
 Mebendazole
 Albendazole
 Praziquantel
 Aminoacrichine
 Niclosamide
II. Drugs used for the treatment of abenteric helminthiasises.

1. Drugs used for the treatment of abenteric

 Diethylcarbamazine (ditrazine citrate)
1. Drugs used for the treatment of abenteric
 Albendazole
 Praziquantel
2. Drugs used for the treatment of abenteric
 Praziquantel
 Chloxyl
 Antimonyl Na- tartrate

 Emetine
 Diethylcarbamazine (ditrazine citrate)

►Classification of antineoplastic drugs:

I. Aalkylating agents:
 Chlorethylamines: Cyclophosphamide,
Chlorbutin, Dopane, Sarcolysine (merphalan)
 Ethylenimine: Thiotepa (thiophosphamide)
 Derivatives of methanesulfonic acid: Myelosan
 Nitrosoureas: Nitrosourea, Lomustine,
Carmustine, Nimustine
 Triazines: Dacarbazine, Procarbazine
 Drugs containing Platinum: Cisplatin, Carboplatin
II. Antimetabolites:
 Antagonists of folic acid: Methotrexate
 Purine antagonists: Mercaptopurine
 Pyrimidine antagonists: 5-Fluorouracil, Phthorafur,
III. Antineoplastic antibiotics:
 Actinomycins: Dactinomycin
 Anthracyclines: Rubomycin, Doxorubicin,
 Phleomycins: Bleomycin
 Drugs with other chemical structure: Olivomycin,
Mitomycin, Rufocromomycin
IV. Vegetable antineoplastic drugs:
 Vinca alkaloids: Vincristine, Vinblastine
 Taxanes (alkaloids of Western yew tree): Paclitaxel,
 Epipodophyllotoxin: Etoposide, Tenyposide
 Alkaloids of showy autumn crocus: Colchamine,
V. Enzymatic drugs: L-Asparaginase
VI. Hormones and their antagonists:
 Androgens: Testosterone propionate, Medrotestrone
propionate, Tetrasterone
 Estrogens: Ethinylestradiol, Fosfestrol,
 Gestagens: Hydroxyprogesterone,
 Antiestrogens: Tamoxifen, Toremifene
 Antiandrogens: Flutamide, Cyproterone
 Antagonists of hypothalamic hormone stimulating
release of gonadotropic hormone: Goserelin,
 Aromatase inhibitors: Letrozole
 Glucocorticoids: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone
VII. Cytokinins:
 Interferons: Interferon alfa
 Interleukins: Interleukin-2

Derivatives of purine alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine) increase cerebral blood

flow. From this drug group Pentoxyphylline (Agapurin, Trental) is used now for
stroke treatment. It takes moderate vasodilating action, decreases platelet
aggregation, increases erythrocyte membrane elasticity and improves
microcirculation. The vasodilating effect is due to the adenosine receptor block.
Besides the drug inhibits phosphodiesterase and increases the cyclic adenosine
monophosphate contents in platelets. Pentoxyphylline is also used in peripheral
circulation disorders, diabetic angiopathy, eye blood flow disorders. Adverse
effects include dyspepsia, dizziness, redness.

Classification of drugs influencing tone and contractions

of myometrium
I. Neurotropic agents
1) M-cholinomimetics
• Acetylcholine
• Carbachol
2) Anticholinergic drugs
• Neostigmine
3) Ganglion-blocking agents
• Pachycarpine hydroiodide
• Hexamethonium benzosulfonate
• Azamethonium bromide
• Pempidine tosylate
4) Dopaminomimetics
• Levodopa
5) α-adrenomimetics
• Noradrenalin
6) β-adrenoblockers
• Propranolol
7) Serotonin receptor agonists
• Serotonin adipinate
8) Agonists of histamine receptors
• Histamine
II. Hormonal preparations
1) Preparations of posterior pituitary
• Demoxytocin
• Oxytocin
• Pituitrin
2) Prostaglandins
• Dinoprostone (prostaglandine E2 preparation)
• Dinoprost (prostaglandin F2α preparation)
3) Estrogenic hormones
• Esrone
• Estradiol
• Estradiol dipropionate
Nonsteroid synthetic
• Hexestrol
• Diethylstilbestrol
4) Corticosteroid hormones
• Cortisone acetate
III. Cyclic nucleotides
• cGMP
IV. Calcium salts
• Calcium chloride
Ergot alkaloids
• Ergometrine
• Ergotamine
• Methylergometrine
Preparations of other plants
• Capsella bursa-pastoris (caseweed) fluid extract
• Polygonum hydropiper (water pepper) fluid extract
• Nettle fluid extract (leaves)
• Arnica infusion (flowers)
I. Neurotropic agents
1) M-cholinoblocking agents
• Atropine
• Platiphylline
• Metocinium iodide
2) α-adrenoblocking agents
• Phentolamine
• Tropodifene hydrochloride
3) β2-adrenomimetics
• Orciprenaline
• Salbutamol
• Fenoterol (Partusisten)
• Terbutaline
• Hexoprenaline (Gynipral)
• Isoxuprine
• Ritodrine
4) GABA-ergic agents
• Sodium oxybutirate
• Gamma aminobutyric acid (Picamolonum)
• Hopatenic acid (Pantogam)
5) Inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis
• Indomethacin
• Ibuprofen
• Mefenamic acid
• Diflunisal
6) Hormonal gestagenic preparations
• Progesterone
• Oxyprogesterone capronate
• Allylestrenol (Turinal)
7) Myotropic spasmolitics (inhibitors of
• Theophylline
• Aminophylline
• Papaverine
• Drotaverine
• Pentoxifylline (trental)
8)Magnesium salts
• Magnesium sulphate
• Atropine sulfate
• Dinoprost
• Dinoprostone

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