JCSE Veterans Assn 2012 Reunion Program

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JCSE Veterans Association Reunion 13 - 17 June 2012 The Hyatt Regency Hotel 211 N.Tampa Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Tel: (813) 225-1234 JCSE-VA President’s Message Greetings and welcome to the 2012 Joint Communications Sup- port Element Veterans Association Reunion. This is our 7” reun- ion and | expect we will have as much or more fun and camarade- rie as in years past. Our theme is to celebrate the 50-year Birth- day of JCSE which started as the Communications Support Ele ment (CSE) of the United States Strike Command on December 2, 1961. We also are honoring the current and past men and women of the “Greater JCSE” Family; recognizing their selfless contribu- tions to our nation’s security. These service members who proudly serve and accomplish the mission are recognized as the finest communicators in the Department of Defense. Some of our family remains in harm’s way today and we pray for their safety and well being and give thanks in honor of their sacrifices. During this reunion, | ask that everyone pause for a few moments of silent prayer, each in your own way and words in tribute to our fallen comrades who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Their sac- rifices and the sacrifices of the many Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, and Marines before them allow us to be here today to enjoy our freedom and the American way of life. Please take some time to remember your tour of duty with the CSE/JCSE and reflect on your individual contributions to our stellar 50-year history. Once again, welcome to the 2012 JCSE & JCSE-VA Joint Reun- ion. | am sure that you will enjoy the camaraderie and festivities that have been planned and | pray that your stay will be safe and memorable. 2D an ET Fe Dave Jones President JCSE-VA Board of Directors President Ist Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Past President Member-at-Large Dave Jones Charlie Meeks John Lescanec Rhonda Smith-Shields Bob Yee John C. Wise Willie Stokes Charlie Monson JCSE Command Group Commander CSM COL Stephen Corcoran CSM Lemuel Brock 2012 Reunion Committee Willie Stokes (Chair) Bob Manwaring Lamont Akins Odie Jones Jr. John Srekely Bernard McGriff Tony Downing Charlie Monson jerry Perry Bob Yee julie Copeland Rick Dautzenberg Patsy Kellom Chery! Bunn Terry Fort Carol Allard Hospitality Room Hosts Charlie Monson Jerry Perry Bob Yee john Szekely Delores Perry

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