That Was Me 2

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THAT WAS ME ~Paul Story~ (BOOK2) September 1947 Paul- 5 years old "Paul, love, come on its time

for school." A soft voice whispered in my ear. My mum pulled my covers off me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I blinked and yawned; she laughed making me laugh to. "Your first day of school is today, you excited." She asked.

I shook my head. "Why aren't you?" "Because, you wont be with me." I told her. She smiled and cuddled me in her arms. "Your clothes are here and i will be getting your brother up." She smiled and stood up to walk out. My first day of school, and i was to leave my home and go to a place where i wouldn't know anyone. I didn't like this idea of school, i don't understand why we need school. My older cousin is almost in the highest grade and she says its hard. I pulled off my cloths and put on the ones my mum put on my bed on. She got me new clothes for school and i liked these. My door swung open and my little brother Mike waddled in with his shirt off. "Your walking Mikey!" I exclaimed and got on the ground. He smiled and fell over, but crawled back to me. His small hands grasped on to my coat and he looked up at me. Mum came in with a smile. Mike looked behind him then back at me and swat my face, i laughed which made him laugh. "Okay Paul lets get some breakfast then we got to leave." She said picking Mike up. "Yes ma'am." I stood up and went down stairs with her. My dad was sitting at the table reading a news paper. "Morning Daddy." i said bitting food off my fork. "Good morning." He smiled and folded his paper up then placed it neatly on the table and took a sip of coffee.

"Can i try some of your drink?" i asked. "Sure." He said and handed me his cup. I took a sip and swallowed the strong substance. "Well?" He said, a little smile forming on his face. I handed it back. "You can finished it." "Alright Paul we got to leave now." Mum said she grabbed her coat and mine. I gave my dad a kiss and said goodbye to Mike then we walked to school. We got on the bus that took us into the town. It was my first time on the bus and i enjoyed it. My school was a small one, inside it was crowded with kids. Most of them were my age, i think. We went to the first room and a lady was sitting at a desk, kids were in front of her at little tables. The lady turned to my mum and smiled at me. "We have a few new children today, whats his name?" She said cheerfully. "Paul McCartney." Mum introduced me. "And you are, Mary McCartney?" She circled something on her paper. "Yes ma'am." Mum replied. "Okay, Paul go go have a seat some where and we'll get started." She smiled. "Bye Paul, be good." Mum whispered to me and gave me a hug, then left. I turned around to face the kids, they were all watching me. I slowly walked to the back and sat down, some still watched me. I put my books on the table and pencil. The teacher called us to attention and stood up.

"I'am Mrs. Prudence as some of you know. Will the new children stand up?" She asked. I looked around and once some one stood up i stood up. We were told to introduce ourselves. I was last. I hesitated and stumbled. "Pp-aull." I quickly took my seat, making the heat in my body go down a bit, and looked at the teacher. She sat back down and put on some glasses. "Okay Starting from here tell us your names, so we cant get to know each other." She said and pointed her pencil to a lad at the front of class. The children said their names and we began class. It was spelling and reading. I had the alphabet in my head already because my dad taught me, but we wrote it out in class. My next class was a little different, we read in this one. I hated reading, because you had to stand up and every one looked at you. I couldn't read without someone laughing. But in this class our teacher, Mrs. Deacon was not such a welcoming teacher, she really got stern if you didn't do as she said and some one got caned. This was my least favorite class. After reading we had lunch, my mum packed me a simple lunch, peanut butter sandwich. This was a time where kids could go play. My class mates were all running and chasing each other. I sat at a window seat and watched the kids as i ate. A ladies voice spoke next to me unexpectedly and it gave me a start. I turned around to see Mrs. Prudence with a piece of paper. "Paul, can i talk to you about something?" She asked. I nodded and swallowed what food i had in my mouth. Then i left my seat and followed her out, we went back to our classroom. I was nervous, i hope i wasn't in trouble.

"Now your not in trouble or anything." She said taking a seat. I breathed out. "Its about your paper. Just for something to save you, this is a warning for future homework, which you wont have a lot of." She said and showed me the paper that i had written on. "You wrote your name backwards and a few other words i told you to write, now there correct but can you write them correctly?" I stared at my paper and sat it down. She handed me a pencil and i erased my name then rewrote my name. "Your left handed?" She asked. I nodded. "Are you a talker?" She smiled. I shook my head, still focused on what i was writing. I finished and handed it back. "Thank you dear." She took the paper and i left her room. When i went back to my seat some kids were crowded around it and looking in my lunch, and bag. I hurried over. "Get off my stuff." I yelled. "This is yours?" One of them asked. "Yeah." I said. "Sorry." He said and they walked away. I sat back down and looked into my bag. My drink was gone. I got up and went to look for them. I found them outside playing with others. The one who had talked to me had my drink and was playing

with the others. I started walking then stopped. I was afiad to go near him, i wouldn't know what to say, besides he was taller. I shrugged and went back inside and sat down. First day and my drink got stolen. "Hey Jamie." A girls voice said next to me. It was my cousin, she went to this school. "Hey, Katherine." I smiled and put my hands on the table. "Why aren't you playing?" She asked taking her lunch out. "I don't feel like it." "Why?" "I don't want to, i was eating." "Why?" She said and took a sip of her drink. "Stop asking that!" I said and put my head in my hands. She giggled and patted my back. "Im just playing with you Jamie." Katherine is the only one who calls me Jamie and she takes different classes here then me, but i found out my last two we had together. She's also a few months older. "What have you done today?" i asked. "Well, i played tag, then came here to eat and saw you all alone here." "Oh. Katherine?" "yeah?"

"What do you have to drink?" I asked. "Why?" "Im thirsty." "Wheres yours?" "Stolen." "Stolen?" She exclaimed. "Yeah." "Who stole it? Ill get it back." She said and stood up. "Um it was," At that moment the boy and his friends came in. "It was him." She nodded and walked over. The boy looked surprised to see Kathy comforting him. She grabbed the bottle and ran back to me. "Got it back. He wouldn't get it but the best was to grab it." She breathed and sat down. I took it and looked in it. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that." "Its fine i wanted to. Why didn't you just go ask him." "I didn't want to cos i..." i paused. "You were scared." She finished my sentence. "No i wanst i just didn't want to." I lied.

"Thats always your answer Jamie." She said. "Here ill share my drink with you." "Okay thanks." I said and took a drink of hers. "Theres a fountain back in the hall, you could fill your cup up there." "No thanks." I said and started to pack my lunch. "How are you liking school?" She asked. "Its okay." "You'll like it, i love it." "You haunt been here for a year!" "So a lot can happen in a year." She grinned. Our next classes were very nice, i sat next to Katherine the whole time and it gave me some confidence. After school my mum came inside the school and we walked back. "How was school?" She asked hold my hand softly. "Okay." I said. "Was it enjoyable?" She asked. "I saw Katherine." "Hows she doing? I need to visit them some time." Mum said. "She loves school."

"Do you?" "No." "Why?" "I don't like it because its boring. All you do is sit and eat then you have classes where you just read or write or learn something." "Thats what school is Paul." Mum chuckled. "I know but id rather be home." "Well that wont work because im at work. Why is it boring, you had fun didn't you?" "No." "What did you do today at recess?" "Ate lunch." "Did you play at all?" "No." "Why not?" "I...i just ate then i had to correct something on my paper i tirned in. I wrote my name backwards and some other words." "You wrote backwards?" She giggled. "I do that, sometimes i catch it and some times i don't. I don't understand."

"Its okay Paul don't feel like thats bad, your just beginning to write, it'll come to you." She said and lifted me off the ground. We were only a few miles away from the house. I was beginning to get cold. Mike greeted me with a toy of his in his hand as he reached them out to me. I threw my coat off and hugged him. Mum went into the kitchen and began to get the dishes set. "Paul, walk Mike upstairs will you?" Mum asked me. I told her i would, and would be careful. I slowly walked Mike upstairs. He was putting one foot on the step at a time. He would look behind him then at me and smile. We finally got to the top and headed into the baby room. I opened some drawers and took out a one piece nightie. Mum showed me how to change Mike into his nighties and so i did this to him. I undressed him and replaced the close with the nighties. Mum came in and gathered Mike into her arms then placed him in his bed. She then took my hand and we quietly walked out of Mike's room and downstairs. The front door opened and dad came in. "Hi daddy!" I smiled and ran to him. He picked me up and gave me a tight hug. Then placed me back into my chair at the dinner table and he sat in his seat. Mum served us then we began to eat. "Where were you daddy?" i asked. "Just visiting a friend. How was your day? Make any friends?" "It was okay. I didn't make friends." "Well, its your first time you'll make some in time." Mum and dad exchanged words and then i interrupted them.

"Paul wait till we're finished speaking." My dad said. "Now what do you want to say?" "Sorry, i wanted to ask, what was school like when you were a little boy like me?" I asked. "It wasn't exactly like your school today." "How were the kids?" "Most of them were nice." "I mean did you play with all of them on your first day?" "Well, yes. There was this one boy who just loved to talk to new people and he introduced himself to me." "Oh." i said and looked at my plate. Mum and dad glanced at each other and smiled. -----------I was getting ready for bed when mum came upstairs to tuck me in. She kissed me and pulled the covers up to my chin. "Mummy." i said and grabbed her hand, when she turned off the light. "Yes?" She turned the light back on and sat on the side of my bed. I sat up. "Do i have to go back tomorrow?" "Yes, today was thursday so you have one more day of school, then Saturday and Sunday you have off. THen back to school."

"I don't want to go back. I hate it." "Paul you may hate it but you have to have education." I wrapped my arms around her. "I don't wanna go mummy." "Dont cry. Whats wrong?" She said running her hands threw my hair. "They don't like me." "What do you mean?" "A...bboy stttole my drink...and hee wouldn't gggive it bback." I tried to stop crying. "Oh baby, its okay." She said and rocked me back and forth. "They don't lllike mime therrre." "Paul, i'll have to tell you this, there will be bullies. You just got to stand up for your self. Be brave. But if they don't give something back or is they do anything to you, don't fight back, go and get one of the teachers and tell them." Mum leaned me back on my pillow and told me it will be all right and to take her advice. She gave me a kiss and turned my light off then laid down next to me and hummed a tune to me. I curled up next to her and adventually drifted off to sleep, her sweet voice filled my dreams. Next morning my mum woke me up again and i had to go to school the same way, we walked today since we got out later. I said good bye to mum and went into class. As i went inside i ran into a boy smaller than me, probably younger too. "Oh im sorry." He said and handed me a book i dropped. "Its okay. i havent seen you around."

"I don't go to school yet, next year, im here because me older brother is going here. My mummy just wanted to talk to his teacher. Im leaving now." He said his last words were said quieter. "Oh, i wish i didn't have to go to school." I frowned. "My brother Peter has skipped school one day. he told me.." He covered his mouth. "I wasn't suppos'd to tell anyone. Don't tell him i told you okay?" He pleaded. "I wont. Im new here so i don't know anyone. Just my cousin." "Oh, how old are you?" "5." I replied. "You?" "Im 4. You don't look 5 you look younger." "Thanks. Well i got to go. Bye, nice meeting you." "Maybe ill see you when you get out?" He asked. "Maybe." I hurried back into my class and sat down. I realized i sat next to one of the boys who was with the Mean Boy yesterday. I looked around for an empty seat but there was none. The boy next to me scooted over a bit. I sighed and concentrated on the teacher. Nothing bad happened in writing. My next class was reading. We were assigned seats and i ended up with the Mean Boy. I didn't understand, my luck was bad today i guess. Today he did stuff to me, making me get in trouble, more like yelled at. He slid a folded piece of paper over to me and i took it. Looked at him. He smiled and nodded his head. I opened it and read what he wrote. I glared at him and crumbled up the paper then threw it at him. "Ow. Ma'am he threw paper at me." He blurted out. She came over to the me and leaned on the table. "stand up." "I didn't do it." "You did too." "Read what he said!" I pointed at the paper. "You don't throw paper at anybody, Paul." She said sternly. I began to say something when she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front of the class. "Stand here for the rest of class. You can read here." She said and sat down. I began to become hot all over, until sweat beads where rolling down my face. Everyone was staring at me. I started to feel bad, i began to feel sleepy and i

was about to just run out when the bell rang. She said dismiss and everyone ran out. I breathed out and walked out. "Paul." She said as i put my foot out the door. I turned around and stood where i was. "If you do anything more, you'll be punished." She warned me. I nodded and left the class. Went to the lunch room and saw Katherine waiting at a table. She was with some friends. There was an empty table next to me so i sat there. "Hey, whats up baby face?" I heard some one say, and turned to see the Mean Boy. I glared at him as he walked over with a cheesy smile. "Go away." I said. "Why?" he asked. "Because." "What if I don't? Run and get help?" he said and leaned on the table. "Probly." "Well ill see you chubby." he said and grabbed my apple then ran off. I was to humiliated to run after him. He hurt me. My stomach felt like some one dropped a rock in it. I grabbed my things and walked to a place where they wouldn't see him. It was outside. I sat in a shadowed corner and took a bite of my sandwich. I look in my bag and took out a piece of paper and pencil and began practicing my writing. I felt that rock feeling in my stomach and saw a water droplet fall on the paper. Another one followed. I sniffed and wiped them away and continued writing. More came and soon I dropped the paper and barried my head in my knees. "Paul?" I heard Katherine's soft voice from around the corner and looked up. She came over and sat next to me then put her arm around me. "Here's your apple." she said handing me an untouched apple. I sniffed and took it. She pulled me in tighter to her. "Don't let Jack bother you like that, he'll just pick on you mire." "Kathy am I really fat?" I asked tears stil rolling down my face. "No! Your chubby not fat. Fat is what..." she looked around, "that kid looks fat." She pointed out. I sniffed. "Paul your not fat, your chubby, like babies are, you just haven't lost your baby fat. Your thin to me." She said.

CHPATER 2 Next morning my mum woke me up again and i had to go to school the same way, we walked today since we got out later. I said good bye to mum and went into class. As i went inside i ran into a boy smaller than me, probably younger too. "Oh im sorry." He said and handed me a book i dropped. "Its okay. i havent seen you around." "I don't go to school yet, next year, im here because me older brother is going here. My mummy just wanted to talk to his teacher. Im leaving now." He said his last words were said quieter. "Oh, i wish i didn't have to go to school." I frowned. "My brother Peter has skipped school one day. he told me.." He covered his mouth. "I wasn't suppos'd to tell anyone. Don't tell him i told you okay?" He pleaded. "I wont. Im new here so i don't know anyone. Just my cousin." "Oh, how old are you?" "5." I replied. "You?" "Im 4. You don't look 5 you look younger." "Thanks. Well i got to go. Bye, nice meeting you." "Maybe ill see you when you get out?" He asked. "Maybe." I hurried back into my class and sat down. I realized i sat next to one of the boys who was with the Mean Boy yesterday. I looked around for an empty seat but there was none. The boy next to me scooted over a bit. I sighed and concentrated on the teacher. Nothing bad happened in writing. My next class was reading. We were assigned seats and i ended up with the Mean Boy. I didn't understand, my luck was bad today i guess. Today he did stuff to me, making me get in trouble, more like yelled at. He slid a folded piece of paper over to me and i took it. Looked at him. He smiled and nodded his head. I opened it and read what he wrote. I glared at him and crumbled up the paper then threw it at him. "Ow. Ma'am he threw paper at me." He blurted out.

She came over to the me and leaned on the table. "stand up." "I didn't do it." "You did too." "Read what he said!" I pointed at the paper. "You don't throw paper at anybody, Paul." She said sternly. I began to say something when she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front of the class. "Stand here for the rest of class. You can read here." She said and sat down. I began to become hot all over, until sweat beads where rolling down my face. Everyone was staring at me. I started to feel bad, i began to feel sleepy and i was about to just run out when the bell rang. She said dismiss and everyone ran out. I breathed out and walked out. "Paul." She said as i put my foot out the door. I turned around and stood where i was. "If you do anything more, you'll be punished." She warned me. I nodded and left the class. Went to the lunch room and saw Katherine waiting at a table. She was with some friends. There was an empty table next to me so i sat there. "Hey, whats up baby face?" I heard some one say, and turned to see the Mean Boy. I glared at him as he walked over with a cheesy smile. "Go away." I said. "Why?" he asked. "Because." "What if I don't? Run and get help?" he said and leaned on the table. "Probly." "Well ill see you chubby." he said and grabbed my apple then ran off. I was to humiliated to run after him. He hurt me. My stomach felt like some one dropped a rock in it. I grabbed my things and walked to a place where they wouldn't see him. It was outside. I sat in a shadowed corner and took a bite of my sandwich. I look in my bag and took out a piece of paper and pencil and began practicing my writing. I felt that rock feeling in my stomach and saw a water droplet fall on the paper. Another one followed. I sniffed and wiped them away and continued writing. More came and soon I dropped the paper and barried my head in my knees. "Paul?" I heard Katherine's soft voice from around the corner and looked up. She

came over and sat next to me then put her arm around me. "Here's your apple." she said handing me an untouched apple. I sniffed and took it. She pulled me in tighter to her. "Don't let Jack bother you like that, he'll just pick on you mire." "Kathy am I really fat?" I asked tears stil rolling down my face. "No! Your chubby not fat. Fat is what..." she looked around, "that kid looks fat." She pointed out. I sniffed. "Paul your not fat, your chubby, like babies are, you just haven't lost your baby fat. Your thin to me." She said.

CHAPTER 3 "Paul..." A faint voice spoke, and i felt some one nudge me. I slowly pulled my eyes open and my dad was smiling at me. He sat me up and gave me a kiss. "Go get on a shirt and wash up, then come to dinner." He said. I got down and hurried upstairs.

How long had i been sleeping? Must of been long.

I put on my nighties shirt and trousers. It was cozy in the cold rainy day. I went down stairs and sat at my chair. Mum served us roast beef, my favourite. I had a full plate, i also had to have green beans, i like those to, and we had mash potatoes. While my parents talked about, grown up stuff, i sat and listened. I wish Mike was old enough so we could talk, or something. Dad helped mum put the dishes away, and i went in the family room to wait. Once my dad came in he went to his piano and started to softly play something. I sat next to him and watched his hands hop around the keys in a flowing way. He used to play a trumpet, still does, in a band, in the 40s. He plays piano to. I like it, my mum came and sat in her chair and read. He stopped playing at sat down next to my mum. I stay'd on the piano and messed around, my hands were to small to reach the keys. I wish i could play like my dad. My dad came over and sat down with me. He took my hand and helped me. Nothing he even said made sense, i didn't understand how to play, or how he made such beautiful music.

"Daddy, will i be as good as you?" I asked him looking up. "If you practice, music doesnt come to everyone like it does some people. Some people take lessons, some, like me, do it by ear." "Whats that mean?" "Doing by ear?" I nodded. "It means you don't have sheet music you just can hear a song and play it." He replied. "Oh, play a song!" I smiled. "I just did." He laughed. I frowned. "Pwease daddy. Pwease?" I looked at him sadly. "Alright." He chuckled and looked at mum, she smiled and shook her head. He began to play and i watched him closely. I lost it because he was going to fast. "Wait, wait." I said and put my hand on his. He looked at me. "What are you doing?" "Im going to try to play like you." I grinned up at him then turned my attention to the piano. I put my hands where his was and moved it one by one up the board. It was making a funny sound. "Look daddy, I playing something!" I laughed and smiled up at him. He laughed and then stood up and stretched. Mum stood up and walked over to me. "Come along Paul. Time for bed." She said, i took her hand and got down. We walked up stairs. My dad flicked off the light in the family room and went upstairs with us. I got in bed and they kissed me good night. Mum was fixing something on my bed while my dad left. I watched her. "Mummy?" "Yes dear?" She said smiling at me. "Can you sing to me?" She sat down. "Okay, what?" "Somehting soft. You have a lovely voice." "I wouldn't say that." "Yeah, i hear you in the kitchen, you hum and say words. I think its pretty." I hugged her and laid back down. Her hands smoothed out my hair as she slowly

hummed. Last thing i heard was a whisper, "Good night Paul." ------------Today was a saturday and i woke up at 7. No one was awake, so i went into the living room and sat at the piano. I wanted to try to play like him, i wish i knew how he did it, but if he could do it i could. Ive tried blowing his trumpet but that was impossible! I took one blow and i was out of breath, my dad is so talented i think. He had a band, plays trumpet and piano, what else? He's a great dad. I pounded on the keys softly for i don't know how long. My dad came in, he looked tired. He came over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Paul i don't think playing that is such a good idea right now." "Did i wake you?" I asked quickly removing my hands. "Not really, a little." "But can i play, please?" "Why don't you go do something quiet. Then once everyone wakes up you can, well once your mum wakes up." "Can i go wake her up?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. "No, go colour or something." He said and went to his seat. I got down and went upstairs to get some paper then came down and got in his lap. "Thats something you can do!" He said. "What?" "Go get dressed." "Daddy can i stay in my clothes?" I asked. "Okay, till your mum wake up." He said and turned on the radio and put it on low. My mum woke up and i was sent upstairs to get dressed. Then while breakfast was being made i played on the paino. I did something which sounded like something. "Daddy! Daddy!" I called. He came in, followed by mum. "Yes?" He asked. "Is this something?" I asked. My mum sighed and shook her head, with a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready." "Be right there. Okay Paul, what is it you played?" He asked sitting next to me. "This." I said and pressed the keys in front of me.

"Yup that does sound like something." He nodded. Mum told us breakfast was ready and we went to wash up. We had oatmeal, not one of my favourites, but it would do. Mum had to finish fast then head off. "Today im gonna quit the day job and just do mid wife." "Whats that mummy?" i asked. "A mid wife is some one who delivers babies." "Did you deliver me?" I asked and smiled. They just laughed, i didn't get it. "She delivered you but not in the way she means." "Oh, i meant," I paused and swat my head. "You couldn't because your me mum!" I chuckled. "'my' Paul, not 'me'" Mum corrected me. "Yes, ma'am." I said and she said good bye. My cousin Bett would be coming over to watch us as my dad looked for a job. He was looking just for a job...skip that i don't know why i said that. Any ways, Bett came over and we did some fun things. She was always fun. Saturday went by fast, my mum came home at 5. She made dinner and me and Mike headed to bed. One more day away from school, i wish i could spend the whole day with my family. But i knew it would never happen. Besides i hope that boy will come to the school, I wish i knew his name. I fell asleep, my dad was down stairs playing piano in a soft tune. CHAPTER4

Christmas Day, 1947 ------------------------It was December, which meant Christmas break, for school kids! Our house was crowded on Christmas day, we had a little house so it seemed. I was busy with helping mummy set up, and watching Mike. Bett's family came over to help a bit. She watched Mike so i was stuck helping mum or dad. At 7pm everyone began to arrive. Both my parent's mum and dads came, and siblings. i loved family gatherings, because Auntie Jin would always make a great desert, it was her own make, she says, so she hasn't thought of a name. She told me and my cousins if we think of one to tell her. I still haven't given it a

thought though. We opened gifts at 8. I opened my 8, i had 1 other from this morning from my mum and dad. Me and Mike get to open one of our's in the morning. We ate desert afterwards and then my and one of my cousins, close to my age, came up stairs to my room, the girls all went to put Mike and the other baby down. Then came in with us and we played games. It snowed earlier today, so we went out to play. At 9 everyone began to leave, mum said i had to go to bed. I said good night to everyone and went to bed. "Paul, your not going to that school anymore." mum said after she pulled the covers snuggly on me. "Im not?" I grinned. "Oh thank you!" i jumped up and hugged her. "We're just switching schools." I sat down and frowned. "But why?" "Because of expenses." She said. "Are we poor mummy?" "You could say that, compared with some others, but not to poor. We can afford school for you and Mike." "A boy i met said his parents probably weren't going to be able to send him to that school next year, when he was old enough." "No? Liverpool is not a wealthy part of the country Paul, you have to understand that." "I know, but im glad im in your family." I smiled. She smiled and chuckled a little. Then bent down and kissed me then walked out. I fell asleep. ---------------------------------

First Day at New School: Stockton Wood Primary School(his official school.) January 1948 -----------------------------This one was a bit different, i liked the different teachers, but two were not my favourite here. My first day wasn't bad, kids watched me as i walked to class, sadly i wasn't ever going to see that boy again. I discovered today to that that same kid that introduced himself and sat next to me a while back was at this school. At lunch he came and sat next to me. Looked around and unpacked his lunch, i slowly looked into mine and pulled it out.

"What do you have?" He asked. "I...uh, you wouldn't take it, would you?" i asked, protecting my lunch incase. "No, just wondering, what your mummy packs." "Oh, um a peanut butter sandwich and milk." I opened my milk container. "Same here, do you want some apple?" He asked. I looked at him and hesitated. "I..uh..." "You can have one its okay." He said and put the bag out. "Okay, thank you." i took a slice out of the bag. "Whats your name again?" He asked, "Paul." i said after i had swallowed. "Ah, if you don't remember mine its Ivan." "Yeah i didn't remember." I said. "Why did you switch?" i asked. "I and along with my parents didn't like the school. Mum and dad didn't like the school mainly." "Oh, i didn't like the school but my parents kept me in." "Oh." He said "How old are you?" "Uh, 5." "I was wondering because i know some one who is here that is 6." "Okay. When is your birthday?" I asked him. "18 of June. Yours?" "Mine too!" i smiled cheerfully. "Cool, and the same year! So both our mum's were busy huh?" He laughed. "Yeah, i guess so." "Do you have any siblings?" "One brother. You?" "Im an only child." "Whats that?" "Im the only child." "Oh!" i giggled shyly. "Its okay, how old is your brother?" "Hes 1. He turned one on the 4th." "Week ago." "Yeah." "Must of been cold."

"It was. Well i was only 4 so i stay'd who with me auntie." "Ah." He luaghed. "Are you doing anything on Saturday?" He asked. "I don't know, i can check with me mum." "Well i was wondering if you wanted to come over, if you wanted." CHPATER 5 "Hey, Paulie." Ivan called me when i walked into the classroom. "Yes, Ivan?" I sat down next to him. "Can you sleep over? Me mum said that it would be okay, besides your eating dinner with us!" He smiled. "I, huh, i dont know." I said rubbing my books. "Please?" He pleaded. "We can do all kinds of stuff! Me parents will let us sleep outside, but i know you don't want to do that. We can also secretly stay up late!" I looked at him. "I guess, okay!" I smiled. "Good, when we get to my place we can call your parents, and ask." "Okay, but, ivan, wouldn't i need clothes?" "No, you can borrow some of mine." "But, i" "Paul. Its fine, my mum wont care! Be sides we're the same size." "I know its just..." "Just what?" He looked at me, his face had 'please say you will' all over it. I sighed and told him fine. He smiled and sat back down. -----"What do you have for lunch?" Ivan asked. "I, huh have, mm," I searched through my brown sac. "an apple and sandwich, and milk." "Oh, is it sliced?" "Which? the milk, apple, or sandwich?" I joked He laughed. "The apple silly." "Yeah." I grinned and took one from the bag then placed it between me and Ivan. "Thanks." He said and gave me some of his chips his mum made.

"Your mum is a good cook." I complemented "Thats the only thing of her's you had!" "I know." He laughed. "She makes good fish n' chips! We had it last night." "Oh thats good. Ive had ones from the store." "I love home made better." "Me too." I stuck a chip in my mouth. "Have you met anyone?" "Yeah, but i don't know them as well as you. Theres one boy." He said nodding over to a table. "Oh, nice. Was there some one missing today?" I asked. "I don't think so, oh two people. But i don't know who they are." I nodded. A girl that sat next to me came over. "Hi my name is Melody." She smiled. Ivan was the first one to speak. "Hi! Im ivan!" "And who are you?" She asked. I hesitated and looked at Ivan, he just nodded at me. " Paul." I mumbled. "Nice to meet you." She smiled. "Have you gone here long?" Ivan asked her. "All my life, or school life." She giggled. Ivan giggled. "Do you like it?" "Yeah, its nice when you've had friends. What about you Paul?" she turned to me. I quickly looked up from my paper. "I..huh..what?" "Do you like it?" "huh, yeah." I shrugged then turned back to my paper. "Well, see you." She said and walked away. "Are you scared?" "Me?" i looked up at Ivan. "Not scared, but shy." "No, i just didn't want to talk." "You didn't talk at all, or show any interest." "I show interest to you don't i?" I frowned. "Yeah, but her."

" not feeling good is all." "Why? whats wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nothing." "What you drawing?" "Im practicing writing." "Why?" "Because, i keep writing backwards, and me daddy wants me to learn to write the right way. But its impossible to do it with my other hand, because the letters look terrible." "How do you write backwards?" he laughed. "I don't know. Just do. I seem to do a lot of things backwards. Thats what me dad says." "What about brushing your teeth?" "No i do that the right way." I chuckled. "Hm, do you sleep backwards?" "How do you sleep backwards?" "I don't know." He shrugged. "Just ask me mum and she'll tell you what things i do backwards." "Okay, i will." He laughed. ------------------------After school me and ivan walked out with ivan's mum. They had a car and we drove to my house to check with me mum if it will be okay. She nodded, "Yes. Paul go get your clothes that you'll need, some is in my room." She said. Ivan followed me to me mum's room. "You cant come in." I whispered. "Why?" "Because you cant." I said and shut the door, I came back out after a second. "What were you doing?" "Im going to pack first. Then ill get what journeyed up the steps to my room. "Nice room!" "Thanks." i pulled out a bag and stuffed clothes in, then we went down to my mum's to get what i needed. "Can i just look in?" Ivan asked. "No." i need later. come on." I said, we

"Wheres your dad?" "At me auntie's." "Oh, why?" "Ivan!" "Sorry." He chuckled. I got what i needed and walked to the front door. I said good bye and left. We drove back to Ivan's house and Ivan showed me his room. "Yours is bigger than mine." "Is it? It looks the same to me. You have a bigger bed i think." "Yeah i guess, and more stuff in it. Its a guest room when family come to stay." "Oh, where do you sleep?" "With me parents." "What happens when you get older? Will you still sleep with them." "Maybe, maybe on the couch." "Ah." "We're thinking of moving though." "Not far i hope." "No a few streets down." "Good." "Yeah id hate to leave you." We played till it was supper time then after supper we went to get ready for bed. Ivan let me use the bathroom first then he used it. His mum came up to check on us. "Paul do you want a bed? I can bring in the one in the next room." "No, ma'am its fine. Well, maybe, yes." I smiled. "Alright." "My dad makes things out of things." Ivan said and sat on his bed. "What?" I asked confused. "Here you go." His mum sat the bed down next to Ivans. "Thank you." I said and sat on the mattress. "That bed, it was my old crib, but now its a bed!" "No wonder its small." I hit the pillow. "I like it, but its in the nursery, the play room, for my little cousins."

"Thats cool." "What does your dad like to do?" "He likes to read and do crosswords and play piano. He's wonderful at it. I want to do it like him some day." "Piano doesn't look fun, besides you'd not see boys dong it." "I think anyone can play." "Have you heard Frank Sinatra?" "Yeah, i think so." "He doesn't play, but he has a good voice." "What does that got to do with anything?" I exclaimed. Ivan chuckled. "I listen to him at night." "Oh. Well i don't." "Want to listen to music?" "How? You have a radio?" "No, a record player. Its my small one." He said. "Okay." He put on the big round black disc and put the point it and it started to play. It was some sort of Jazz. "My dad had a Jazz band." "What was it called?" "I cant remember." I said. "Ill ask him tomorrow." "Okay." he laughed. The lights went out and we laid down in bed. As i looked up into the dark space, I began to feel bad, something was wrong, i didn't know what. I felt like i was afraid, or something. Ivan was fast asleep next to me, and the light under the door was off. I wish my mum was here. I sat up and began to cry. Ivan woke up and asked what was the mater. "I want my mummy and i don't feel good." I hid my face in my hands. Ivan turned on his little lamp and went out to get his parents. Mrs. Vaughan came over and put me on her lap. "Sh, its okay Paul." She rubbed my back. "Whats wrong with him?" Ivan asked. "Do you miss your mum and dad?" She asked me. I nodded and sobbed more. "Hes homesick thats all." She told the other two. "What can you do for home sickness?"

"Ill just take him down stairs, you can get some sleep." She pointed to Ivan then the bed. She carried me down stairs and we sat down on the couch. "Want me to ring them up?" Mr. Vaughan asked. "No that will only make it worst." She said, taking my fingers out of my mouth. She was softly humming to me, and i began to feel drowsy. But i couldn't fall asleep. I tried to shut my eyes, but nothing happened. "Turn off the lights honey, please." She said. Her husband switched off the lights. "Well, im going to bed. Good night Paul." Mr. Vaughan said and left. "Ma'am?" "Yes?" "Why do i feel bad?" "Its just part of homesickness, darling. I don't know why." I nodded and leaned my head on her shoulder. A tear rolled down my cheek again, i couldn't stand being here anymore. "I want to go home." I sobbed. "Paul, i know. I guess i better call them. Come in the kitchen." She led me in the kitchen and placed me in a seat. Then poured me some milk. They talked on the phone then hung up. "Paul, your parents will come and pick you up, in a little. Do you have all your stuff?" I shook my head. "Itsss bb-by the d-door." "Okay. Everyhting?" I nodded. The door bell buzzed and my mum and dad came in. I ran to her and she picked me up. "Im sorry about that." My mum apologized. "Its all right. Its his first night away from parents, you have to expect things like that. Ivan did it too." "True. Alrighty Paul, got his stuff Jim?" Mum asked dad. Dad nodded. "Bye, and sorry again." "Its fine Mary. You told me this might happen, so i expected it." Ivan came running down at the moment. "Where you going?" "Paul wants to go home, and its best he does." Ivan's mum said.

Ivan frowned. "Okay, bye." I looked at my dad as i was turned to face behind mum. "Can i stay?" I asked. "You sure you wont be scared anymore?" Mum asked, giving me a kiss. "Yes mummy." I hugged her. "Alright. Now go to bed." mum said and put me down. "This is probably good for him, anyways." I heard my dad say, and i knew there was a smile to go with it. Ivan's mum replied. "Yes, it helped Ivan." My mum and dad both thanked her and said good bye. IMe and ivan got back in bed. Ivan tossed a pillow at me, i tossed it back. "Want to pillow fight?" "No, im tired." I admitted, i was tired. "Okay, well night Paul." Ivan smiled and turned his light off. "Night Ivan." I whispered before dropping off to sleep. CHPATER 6

1950 Paul: age 8 ------------------------------------Me and Ivan have been best friends for a long time now. Im 8 years old and Mike is now 4. He's in school. My school changed, my grade that is. Not everyone was going there, but there were new people. Ivan always asked them to play with us. I had matured a bit, Ivan still said i was scared, i think i was getting better. Today, Friday, is the last day in the week we have to go to school. Saturday is up. I had some strict teachers this year, only one was nice. I walked back to my locker, for i had forgotten an assignment. I ran into the girl i hadn't seen in forever, Hannah. "Oh, im sorry." She apologized. "It is alright. Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever." "Ive, well, my mum took me out of school because she wanted me to do it at home, she's protective of me. And now she put me back in. And i've been sick lately." "Oh, so whats your last name?" "Its Maloy. Don't you remember when she called out our last names? I remember yours, McCartney." She smiled.

I laughed. "I feel bad now." "Its alright, i only remember your name because i have that note still." She handed me the note i had written when i was 5. "Wow, i had terrible hand writing!" I chuckled. "I did too." "Yours is better, but all girls are better." "Really?" "Yeah." I laughed. She smiled and i smiled back. She had short blond hair, blue-green eyes, and looked like a real British girl, I think she is lovely. "Paul McCartney." An angry voice came from behind me. I turned to see Mrs. Potter. She was mad as ever. "You can talk after class, now get in there." She continued pointing to the door. I walked quickly to the room, but she grabbed me arm. "If your late again, i will have to punish you." She growled and swat my rear. Yeah thats the kind of teacher she was, mean! After class i went to the lunch room, with Ivan of course. Hannah was sitting at a table, and i told Ivan ill be back. "Want to come and sit with us?" I asked. She looked up at me. "Sure, thanks." Her smile was so sweet. She followed me back to our table, another group of kids was with us. I didn't know these people real well, only a few. "Hey Paul! Who's this?" Ivan asked indicating Hannah. "Its Hannah, she was sitting alone." "Here sit down." A boy moved a chair to us. We sat down. "Want to go play tag outside?" Ivan asked everyone. They all said 'yeah' and i looked at Hannah questionably. "No ill stay, i don't feel like running today." "Alright, im going to stay Ivan." I told him "No, please you can go! I don't want to prevent you from having fun." She said putting her hand in the air. "No its okay, i don't feel like running either." I waved my hand. Ivan winked at me. "Have fun, see you Paul." They left and i sat across from Hannah. I pulled out my lunch and she did the same.

"Its alright, im hungry anyways." I assured her. "Wel if you ever feel like it, go head." She smiled. "Do you know anyone?" "Not anymore, my friend left. She is at another school, don't know where, but i do see her a lot." "Thats good." I smiled. "Hi! What you doing over here?" The girl Melody asked, she was bothering me. "Just eating." I shrugged. "Do you want to hang out with us?" She asked Hannah. "No thank you. Id rather eat alone." "Your with him though." "I know, but he afford me." "I did too!" She wined. "I know, but he did first." "Fine. See you." She walked off. "She likes you." Hannah giggled. "really?" "Yes, i can tell. I saw it in class, and i saw her pass a note to a friend, cought a glimpse it said i love P... tahts all i saw." "P could mean anyone." "No, your the only boy who starts with a P." I frowned. I didn't want Melody around me, she just didn't, fit. "Oh well." "Who do you know here?" "Ivan, and a few of his friends, i never talk to, only Ivan." "Why? You've been here for so long." "Im just shy and nervous around people." I blurted out, i didn't want to tell anyone how i really felt. "Don't feel bad you said that, Im that way too. Thats why i eat alone. My close friend, who left, came up to me one day and asked if she could sit with me, thats how i get to know people." "Same here! ivan just sat down while i was waiting for me mum. And introduced himself, i also met this little 4 or 3 year old, i never got his name. He said he was going to my old school, he was pretty nice, i thought when he did come we could hang out, but i dout ill ever see him. He was funny, you know how little kids are."

"Yeah, i do. I have my little cousin and she makes no sense." she giggled. "My little brother is that way too, he always ask questions. He's 5." "Aw, i love little kids." "There so fun. Because , well, there not like older kids. You know." "Yeah." "Do you have any siblings?" "I have one older brother, who is in the RAF. My dad is in the RAF as well, but he's retired." "Whats the RAF?" "Royal Air Force." "Wow!" "yeah, my dad fought in WW2 for a while, then his plane ran out of fuel and he had to para-shoot down. But my brother is the one we worry about, I did worry about Dad. But now that Jimmy is in the air im scared he might down. I would hate to loose my brother." "Im sorry, i would too." "Sorry about that." "No its okay." I smiled. "What about your family?" "Mine, well me dad is, he doesn't have work. he was a cotton sales man, before that he had a band. he plays piano and trumpet. Me mum is a midwife." "Interseting. I play piano!" She smiled. "really?" "Yeah. Me mum wanted me to take piano, i like it." "Do you know all about piano? Me dad doesn't, cause he plays by ear." "Oh, yeah i can. I'd need a piano first." "That would be easy. I could ask mum if you could come over some time." "Okay. Do you want to play?" "Yeah, every now and then i mess around on the piano, dad said he should let me take lessons, but he's thinking." "Oh, i know a good teacher, the one i go to. I can give you the phone and address. Its near Penny Lane but just off the town's main road." "Okay! Thanks." I smiled. The bell rang and we went back to our classes. In history we were put in teams of boy and girl, i got to be with Hannah. She loves history. After our classes we

waited in the hall. Ivan was off with his friends, i told him i needed to wait for me mum. She came in and i gave her a hug. "Mummy, this is me friend Hannah." "Hello." Hannah waved. "Hello, and Paul say 'my' not 'me'. Thats not good grammar." She corrected me. "Okay, okay." "Yes ma'am?" "Yes ma'am." I sighed. "I need to go talk to your teacher real quick, ill be back." She walked away. "My mum wants me to not speak like everyone else, because she thinks its poor language." "Ah, well some of it doesnt make sense." "True, but i don't see why i cant speak like everyone else." I said. Mike came running up to me. "Hi Paulie! Wheres mummy?" He asked. "Talking to one of my teachers, how was your day?" i asked him. "Okay, i drew somehting for you." He handed me a paper, that had two stick figures. "Thats me and thats you." He pointed out. "I was supposed to draw me and my brother, because it was not a free draw today." "Why do you draw?" Hannah asked. He turned ot her. "Who are you?" "This is Hannah, Mike." I introduced her. "Oh, hello!" He smiled. "And we draw before spelling to have fun, then we do work." "Ah." She nodded. "He's not a bit like you." "No he's not." I laughed. Mike looked at me strangely. "What do you mean?" "You have a different personality then me, is all. You act different." "Oh, Paulie can you draw me a picture. I want to show my spelling teacher how good you are." "Im not that good." "Yeah you are!" Mike exclaimed. "You like art?" hannah asked. I nodded. "I took iti last year and the year before and when i was 5. But im not taking it

this year. I want to though." "Im taking it next year, i love art." She smiled. "Cool." I girnned. "So can you?" Mike pleaded. "Fine. Just give her one of my drawings i drew already." "But, okay. I didn't think about that." He scratched his head. I laughed and ruffled his hair. He made a groan and backed away. "Don't do that." "Okay." I said. "My mums here. Bye Paul, Mike." She waved good bye. "Want to write letters?" I asked. "Uh, i guess. We'll see each other every day." "I know but id like to write. I don't have anyone to write to." "Okay, give me your address." I wrote it down. "Your house isn't to far from mine." She smiled and put it in her pocket. "Bye." Me and Mike waited for my mum. She came out and took both our hands. We took the bus home. "So, did you have fun?" Mum asked both of us. "Yes." I replied. "Yes! It was so fun!" Mike exclaimed. Mum giggled. "Thats good." Mike went through all he did at school. I sat looking out the window, then we stopped near our house and walked to it. Dad was in the garden so i sat down next to him and helped. "Do you have schoolwork you need to finish?" He asked. I dug some dirt up with my hands. "Yes, but id not want to do it now. can i help you?" "Yes you may, im just pulling weeds out. Want some cookies?" "Yes please!" I smiled, my mum made good cookies. "Ill come out with some, want some milk?" "Yes sir. Thank you." i nodded and found a weed to pull out. "Wheres mike?" i asked when my dad came out. "He is in his room playing, your mum wants you to go change. So you wont get your school clothes dirty."

I stood up and walked inside and to my room. I got undressed quickly and went back down stairs. It was a nice sunny day outside. Warm and perfect for just wearing trousers. It also prevented my shirt from getting dirty. After digging in the garden. We were called in for dinner, first we had to clean up. I went up stairs to put on a shirt and went down stairs. Dad came in after me. We ate and me and Mike were told to get ready for bed. Mum helped Mike get dressed and we both got a bath. Then dressed in our nighties. Mike went to bed and me and Mum went down stairs. I sat with dad and helped with a crossword puzzle. At 9pm, i was told to go head for bed. Mum kissed me, said good night, and turned off the lights. CHAPTER 7 Woke up on monday morning, got my uniform on and left my room to wake Mike up. I found he was already up and had been for a while, longer than me, is what he was indicating. We ate breakfast then mum walked us to school. Ivan was waiting for me as usual. "Im staying in class Ivan." "Why?" "Because if im late im going to get punished and me dad wont be happy." "Oh, then lets go." I followed Ivan in and we sat at the back of the class. I got out my books and opened to the lesson. ------"I wish lunch break was longer." I said as we walked out on the way to lunch room. Ivan nodded. "is something wrong?" I asked. He shook his head and winced. "Whats wrong?" i asked throwing my books down and grabbing him. He pulled away from me and ran to the bathroom. I ran in after him. He was leaning over to toilet, throwing up. "Whats wrong?" i asked again. "My stomach is just feeling bad."

"Should we tell the teacher?" "No, i feel better now. Don't worry." He said and smiled. We walked out and got our lunches. Ivan just sat at the table. He didn't look happy at all. "Whats wrong Ivan? Tell me." "Nothing. Im just not hungry." I sighed. "want to go play tag?" "No, i don't feel like playing." I looked around and out the window. "You can go play." "No im staying with you." "I don't need you to worry over me. Go play." He said. "Im eating." I took my sandwich out and bit into it, Ivan looked down at his bag. "May i sit with you Paul?" Hannah asked. I nodded and patted the seat next to me. "Are you okay?" She asked Ivan, who looked up at her. "Im fine." "You look sick." "Im not." "He thr..." Ivan hit me, "Ow, why'd you do that?" "Don't have to tell everyone." "Im only telling one." "So, keep your mouth shut sometimes." His voice sounded angry. "Fine. If you want it that way." I stood up and with a quick turn of the heal, walked away to my locker. I never had fought with Ivan in my life. I just cant believe he said that. I didn't think i talked to much, or do i? I put my books i didn't need in my locker and shut it, then sat down in front of it. "Paul," I heard Ivan's voice and turned my head to see him and Hannah. "Don't cry. Im sorry it came out that way, i didn't mean it to sound mean. I just don't want to tell anyone is all, i don't want to go home and have to take stuff." "Why owuldnt you want to go home? Id go home if i had the chance." I

mumbled and shifted my feet. He sat down next to me, Hannah took the other side. "I just like it here, with friends. Can you forgive me?" I sniffed and nodded. "Alrighty want to go play, um, something that doesn't involve moving?" Ivan chuckled. "We could play a game on paper." hannah suggested. "I have a crossword." i told them. "That cant be easy." Ivan replied. "Just an idea." I shrugged. "Why do you have a crossword?" He asked. "I do, sometimes i like to see if i can do any, but my dad usually helps me." "Ah." "We can just go finish our lunch and talk, until we think of something." Hannah said. "Lets do that." Ivan laughed and stood up, offering me a hand. We went back to the lunchroom and talked until the bell rang for another class. Afterwards Ivan left earlier then usual because he had thrown up in class, so he was at home now. I had to wait for Mike, mum just came in when he came running towards us. "Mummy I made this for you." Mike handed her a drawing. "Very nice Micheal." She smiled and picked him up. We walked all the way home this time. Dad helped me with grammar, while mum entertained Mike. Afterwards i turned on the radio to listen to any BBC shows. There was one comedy on. Right in the middle i had to switch it off and go eat dinner. We finished and I went back and listened to another show while i did my math homework. Then, Me and Mike went to bed. CHAPTER 8

1953 Paul: age 11 20 September

---------------------------On 18 June Ivan and me celebrated our 11th birthdays together. I rode my bike

over to his house and Hannah's every day to play with them and some other boys and girls. The summer went by fast. Soon it was time for school! Today was an exciting day, my first day of school. Well, not first ever but since last year! I walked in and met Ivan as normal, then we went to our class. I noticed a few new kids, two or three. We began class, but we were to do a project with people we didn't know to well. I got teamed up with this boy named George, we exchanged a few words, but he was quite most of the time. There was also something vaguely familiar about him, i couldn't put it down. Maybe I've just seen him passing along, he didn't go tot his school, or didn't use to. "Do I look funny, or something?" George asked noticing me staring at him. "Huh, sorry." I looked down at the blank piece of paper, which we were handed. He breathed and began to write his name. The teacher began to give us our assignment. It was going to be a 3 day project. We were to write a play or story that was fantasy. Dragons, knights, unicorns, and anything. "We can do this at lunch and discuss." I told him. "No...i don't want to." "Fine." At lunch i sat with Ivan and Hannah, i lost George for some reason. "Whats bothering you?" Hannah asked. "Nothing, well that kid isnt here." "What kid?" Ivan asked "Uh George." Noticing i didn't mention who. "You two were signed up with each other right?" Hannah asked. "Yep." "There he is!" Ivan said pointing out of the door. I turned around but didn't see anyone. "Where?" "He's out there some where." Ivan said and went back to his meal. "Im going to look for him." "May i have half your sandwich?" Hannah joked. "Yeah you can." She stared in surprise. "You serious?" "Yeah." I smiled at her pretty self, then walked off to find my partner.

"Hey baby face." I turned and glared at the boy Jack. "Where'd you come from?" "From another school, where else?" "Fine." I said and turned around. "Where you going?" "To find some one." "Who?" "A friend." "Your friend is in there." He pointed. "I know. Some one else." "Your girlfriend is too." "What did you say?" I said curtly. "Your girlfriend is in there." "She's not my girlfriend." "Yeah she is. Ive seen you two." "Friends!" "No. Besides isn't it true every girl loves a baby." "Stop it." I said and walked quickly away. He seemed he was becoming nice, but he was really insulting me. I went into the boys toilet and found George in there just sitting. "What you doing in here?" "Hidding." He said. "From who?" "The guy out there. That kid that is tall and his name is Jack." "He messed with you?" "Earlier today." "come on out!" "Im waiting for my friend, i told him to meet me here." "Fine, you can sit with us if you like." "No thanks." He said he still didn't look at me. I sighed and walked out. Jack was just going about to head in, i turned around and rushed in to tell George. He hid in the cabinet, at least he was small enough. "What you rush in for? Had to go?" Jack asked.

"Thats a good answer isn't it?" "What?" "Yes i had to go!" "Whats your middle name?" He was washing his hands. "Whats that to you?" "Just wondering. What is it?" "Im not telling." "Why?" "Because." I frowned and walked out. I went over to the fountain and took a drink, then went back to the lunch room. Ivan was only there. "Hannah went with some friends." "Oh okay. Thats fine." I sat down. "What took so long?" "I was trying to find him and i did." "Good." "Paul McCartney." my teacher came up to me. "Yes ma'am?" "Did you do this?" She showed me a piece of paper with writing on it. "Nno." I shook my head. "Then why was it on your desk AND has your name?" "I didn't write that!" "Its your hand writing!" "But i didn't do it!" "Dont yell at me. You know you writing this sort of stuff can get you in trouble. "I didn't do it!" "Prove it." She said and put her hands on her hips. "Your not going to tell my parents, are you?" I asked. "I already phoned them, this is a warning for you, but next time, your suspend for a while." "I didn't do it! Honest!" "He didn't do it." Ivan said. "How do you know, Mr. Vaughn?" She asked. Ivan was silent. "Come on your going to the principles, your dad is going to be waiting."

"But i didn't do it!" I whined and pulled away from her. She just grabbed my arms again. Tears were rolling down my cheeks i knew what my punishment would be when i got home, and i began to shake. I heard Hannah ask Ivan what had happened. When we went into the office, my dad was waiting there with a frown. "How could you write this Paul?" He scolded. "I didn't though!" "Its your writing." He said. "But i wouldn't write stuff like that! You know i wouldn't!" I shouted threw my crying. "Calm down. But everything shows you wrote it. It was inside and crumbled up in your desk." He said. "Daddy, i didn't!" "Okay, well i have to leave. You be good." Dad said. I don't know why he didn't help me or defend me. Maybe he didn't like me. I was allowed back to the lunch room, but all was given extra homework by my teacher. I knew who had put the papers there, it was him. I stomped off to the lunch room, and over to Jack and gave him a punch in the face. "There! Thats what you get!" I screamed and went to sit next to Ivan. They were both staring at me. Jack stood up, holding a hand over his eye and came over. "Your going to pay for that baby face." He raised his fists. I slinked under the table, and he ended up hitting the table. He then attempted to kick me. I moved out and went to the bathroom, for fear of my life. This was not the safest but it was good enough. As i was coming up to the restroom, i stopped and headed out to the front. I went over to a tree and climbed up. I stayed up for some time, until the school bell rang. I still didn't move, i was still scared. Hannah came out looking about her, then she looked up and saw me. "Paul get down. Your going to get in to serious trouble." "Ive already gotten introuble once today." "So you don't want to get introuble again. Come on." She said then began to climb the tree, she was a fast climber. "Okay! Okay, ill go." I said. She sighed and jumped down and waited for me at the end of the stump. We both walked into class. Jack was scowling at me the whole time, i felt sick to

my stomach. After both our classes i rushed outside and up the tree to wait for me mum. Hannah came out and climbed up with me. "You cant hide for ever." She said, once she had gotten up next to me. "I know, i cant. But im...don't tell anyone but im scared." "I would to Paulie." "I don't know what i will do." "Do what you can do, tell the teacher." "If i do he'll get mad at me!" "Ill get him out of the way." "No." "Why not?" "Because. hannah?" "Yes?" I turned my head away. "Never mind." "My mum's here! See ya!" She said. I count see anything threw the tree's leaves. Before she got down she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned my head to look at her. She winked. "See ya McCartney." I felt the part she kissed and smiled. She loved me? Or did she just do that to cheer me up? I don't... My thoughts were interrupted by my little brother calling y name. I jumped from the tree and joined him. "Mum is waiting for us!" He shouted. "Sorry." "She's not happy with you either!" He grinned. "Why you grinning?" "Your getting introuble for once!" "Thats not funny." I mumbled and was about to push him when mum stepped in. "Paul come on, and don't hurt your brother." "But he's..." "No. None of that." I stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. I ate dinner and then was put to bed right after. Mike laughed and said he was glad he didn't have to go to bed ealy anymore. Then went to his room. Some times Mike could really hurt me, i was

already hurt today. I cried after everyone had left. I couldn't sleep, because i felt lonely and has if everyone laughed at me, or was mad. But then i felt my cheek and remember Hannah kissing me, she loved me, didn't see? She cared for me. My dad came up afterwards and told me to stop crying, and that it was my fault. I asked if i could sleep with them but he said no, because i was getting to old. He shut the door and then i adventually fell asleep,i kept hearing Hannah say something that she didn't say today. "I love you, and don't be scared." CHAPTER 9 Mum woke me up and told me to get ready for school. She didn't seem mad, just a bit irritated. "Mummy?" "Yes, Paul?" I gave her a tight hug. "I love you too Paul." Mum patted my back and smiled at me. She gave me a kiss and headed back downstairs. I hurried and got dressed then me and Mike both went on the bus to school. Ivan was sick today, and was alone that day. Hannah was out playing with girlfriends, George was some where, then again, we weren't really friends. I watched Hannah run away and giggle with her friends. 'She is so Paul, she's just a girl, she's just a friend...but i feel...i have

a feeling for her...' These thoughts ran threw my head. I did love her, I had my
first crush! I don't know what mum and dad would think, but i really hope she likes me. I wont tell anyone, this will just be my secret. Mine. She and her friends came in and sat at the table. I watched her, one of the girls whispered something to her and they looked over and giggled. I shook my gaze off her and continued to eat. George sat down in front of me, i looked up and smiled. He didn't take notice and began to take his lunch out. Again, George wouldn't talk to me. I guess not a lot of people liked me. I was 'to fat', as i hear people say, i bet thats it, and i doubt Hannah likes me because of it. I removed my lunch and went outside, i felt bad about leaving George in there, but i wanted to be alone. Hannah came outside with her drink and began to walk the opposite direction. Then she turned around and came towards me, she smiled when she noticed me. "Hey Paul, all alone?"

"Yeah, i like it though." "Ah." "Hey Hannah." A boy came up to her. He was short, but thin, thinner then me that is. "Hello. This is Paul." "Yeah i've seen him. My names Dominic." "Oh, hi." I said. The bell rang just then. We walked in, Ive never seen Dominic around before. I wondered what grade. "Oh Paul, can you come to my party?" Hannah asked. "Maybe, when is it?" "THis Saturday." "Ill ask." "Thanks! Bring one of your friends, besides Ivan. I've already invited him." She giggled and she went to sit down. I took a seat in the back, next to George, who didn't look up from his hands, which were placed in his lap. I whispered his name, he didn't move. I then looked at his face. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be asleep. I looked up at the teacher, who didn't take notice thankfully. I woke George up, who then slapped me. "What was that for?!" I asked, a bit to loud. "Is everything okay back there?" The teacher asked, looking at me. "Yes ma'am." I said. She continued on talking. George had his head on his hand and was drawing something. I tried to see what it was but couldn't quite see it. After school i went to the hall to wait for mum or Mike. Hannah was putting something away, and theta boy Dominic came over to her and helped her. They laughed and walked right by me and out the door, they were so engrossed in their conversation Hannah didn't even say hello. I watched them as Dominic jumped up and caught the branch, then swinging himself. Hannah smiled and watched him, then he climbed on the branch and helped her up. I felt like, like, i didn't know, but i had a hateful feeling towards this boy. I had never seen him till today, im guessing he was new and sick yesterday. They both got down and Hannah waved good bye, then Dominic came in. He didn't bother to look at me or anything. Yeah, maybe Hannah was like all the rest of them, pretend to like me, or she was just a friend and didn't want to be seen around the 'fat boy'. I leaned against the wall, i didn't want to go Saturday if he was there.

A wad of paper hit my forehead. I looked up to see Jack coming towards me. I sighed. "Hit you." He cackled. "Hold these." He shoved his books into my stomach, hard. I gasped and dropped the books, which landed on my foot, and that hurt. "Look was you did!" "You shoved them into me." I yelled. "You can hold them. Your not a baby are you? don't answer that, you are." "No im not." "Yeah you are." "No im not." I frowned at him. "Yeah right. What do we have here?" He took something that had hung out of my pocket. It was something my cousin gave me for my first birthday. "Thats mine." I said and snatched it back. "Oh fine. My mum's here any how." he said and grabbed a sheet up paper from my back as he ran out the doors. He hopped into his car and tore the paper. My eyes widened, that was my homework. I worked hard on that long writing. And my first wouldn't be as good as my last, and i would have to do it again, and it was due tomorrow and i didn't have enough time. I was begining to panic, then my mum came in and told me to go get Mike. I did and was afraid to tell her, i didn't want her worrying. As i made my way to Mike's end of school i bumped into George. "Sorry." I said. "Its fine." He said. "Georgie." A woman's voice called. "Comin mum." He called and went over to his mum, Ive seen that person before, i know i have. Mike came out and we walked back. George was just walking out the door. "Wait George!" He turned around. "We need to get to gather and do something." "Okay, when?" "well soon, we have like 1 more day left!" "I know, mum we need to do a project when would be good." "Wheres your mum, young man?" George's mum asked. "She is..."i looked around for her, Mike came out of my teacher's room, holding her hand. "There."

OUr mum spoke and said that would be fine. We parted and me and George were to get together tomorrow afternoon after school. I was to go to his house. We could call each other tonight. "Ill call you okay." George said quickly then rushed out. I shrugged and went out. ---I went straight to my room and looked in the mirror, at my self. Im sure people didn't want to talk to me because of my weight, though mum says im not fat, and dad. I took off my shirt and put on one of my fresh tops, not that i cared what i wore. My mum came up and peeked into the toilet. "Are you okay Paul?" "Yes i am." I said, kind of lying. "How was school?" "Normal." "You didn't get introuble?" "No." "Alright." She smiled and kissed me, i hugged her and kissed her. "Mummy, do i look fat?" "Paul, you're not fat, your quite thin actually. Why?" "No reason." "Your not fat Paul. and thats enough said. Don't call yourself fat, it's not true okay. This baby fat will all go away. Your less chubbier then you were years ago." She smiled and wiped a tear form the corner of her eye. "Why are you crying mum?" "Im not, its just my baby boy is growing up." She smiled and hugged me again. "But Mike's your baby boy." "You both are." I giggled as she tickled me. She then left my room and i sat down at my little desk and began to write my paper that had been torn up. I began to write, and hours past and it was time for dinner. We ate then i asked to be excused because i had homework. They allowed me and told me to get in bed at 8. My punishment was still up, i guessed. I trudged upstairs and sat back down. When it was 8 i got dressed and went to bed, my parents came up to say good night then once they left and all was still i turned on my lamp and began to write. I had to get that written.

I began to feel drowsy... ---IN MARY AND JIM's ROOM MARY's POV "Jim, don't you think we should unpunish Paul? I mean i've been thinking and im sure he didn't write those things." "This will be his last night. I really need to think of something else." "No, don't think to hard. He wont do it again. He's a good boy." "Alright, good night..." Jim was cut off by a loud thud from upstairs. We hurried out of the room and Jim went to check Mike while i checked Paul's. I opened his room. The light was on and he was laying on the floor with a pencil in hand. His chair had fallen over. "Jim." I whispered and told him to come over. Jim came over and smiled. I walked over to Paul and picked him up. Jim went over to his desk and picked up the paper. "Mary," He said and showed me the paper, as i tucked Paul in. I took the paper and read it. "Why is he rewriting this at this time a night. His first was prefect." I said as i place the paper down. "Yes, well lets let him get some sleep." Jim and i left Paul's room and went back to ours, for a good nights sleep. -----PAUL's POV "Paul, darling time to get up." Mum said. I opened my eyes and saw that it was sunny today and that i was in bed. I quickly regained my senses and jumped out of bed. "Paul calm down. Whats wrong?" Mum asked grabbing me. "Mum, i don't, i cant, no..." "Stop the whining. Whats wrong?" She asked. I looked at my desk and at the clock, which said it was almost 9, we had to leave for school soon. I collapsed and sat down on my bed. Mum brushed my hair back and then stood up to leave. I then went to the desk and looked down at my paper. All it had was my name and title. I sighed then went to get dressed. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and then we had to leave. I when i was on the bus with my brother and his friend bounce all over the place, i began to shake, and feel like it was becoming hot. We got to the school and i began to

walk into class. I made it to my desk, but i was beginning to feel awful. The teacher came over and when i didn't reply to her asking, if i was okay, she dragged me to the nurses office. They asked and asked, but i didn't answer. I didn't know what was wrong. I could just hear, but i couldn't answer. CHPATER 10 "Yes. Mrs. McCartney. Well, he's not responding to anything, are you sure he was okay when you left? Was he? was there a reason? You don't know. Alright ill give him water, but i suggest you come over." I heard the nurse phone my mum. She hung up then gave me water. I grabbed the water and drank it. "Lay down." She instructed me. I obeyed, i began to feel really claustrophobic. I felt sweaty and cold. Was i coming down with something? I felt fine this morning. No, im sure its that paper...oh, the paper. -----I woke up in my room. Mum was sitting by the bed reading, and once she noticed i was awake she asked if i was okay. I nodded. "You had a nervous breakdown." "A what?" "What were you nervous about?" "I..huh..." I bent my head, remembering the paper. "Why am i home then?" "The nurse said that it'd be best you went home. If you better by lunch ill take you." "Mum, its that paper. I...i didn't have it." "You did it was in your bag." "No...i...i lost it." I was scared to tell mum about Jack, because i knew he would be mad at me. "And you got nervous?" "I was scared of what she would say, and you and daddy!" I exclaimed and put my head in my hands. Mum rubbed my back. "It'll be okay, lets go take you there. We'll tell her. Where do you think it is?" I shook my head. "Paul, you'll find it. Want to look till lunch?" I shook my head. "Its useless mummy." "No its not, im sure its in your room or your backpack." She took my bag. " got stolen."

"Stolen?" I nodded. "From a kid." "What his name?" She asked directly. "I...hes...i don't know!" I lied. She sighed and stood up. "What did he look like?" "I don..." "Paul, you have to know, if you know a kid stole it." "I don't know!" "Paul, i think you do know this boy. Don't you." I let my tears go, that i was holding in, i held them since the nervous breakdown. Mum pulled me in closer to her. "Whats his name?" "Ja...Dominic." I said, I knew i shouldn't of said him, he'd kill me just the same. "Dominic what?" "I don't know, but he's new." "Alright, ill talk to the headmaster. Lets go back." We went back and i went to the lunchroom. Every one was just coming in. Ivan wasn't here again, but once i saw Dominic i ran outside. I didn't like that kid at all, id like to see him suffer. I went to my corner at the far end of the building, i people rarely came over here, so i was safe. It was beginning to cloud up, another rain. The first drop fell and i was forced to go in. It was pouring when i shut the door. I looked around for George but didn't see him. Then went to a table. "Hey, have you heard from Ivan?" One of Ivan's friends asked. I shook my head, not wanting to talk with food in my mouth. "Okay, thanks." He walked away and back to his group. The George kid came in and went to another table, farther down in the room. I stood up and went to the table. "Can i sit?" He nodded. He was always so quiet. But he also looked bad, like he was sick. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just got introuble." "How?" "I got angry at the teacher." "Oh."

"I don't mean to get angry, i just do. Im like that at home, ill blow up at my siblings and parents. Makes me feel bad afterwards." "Im sorry." "Its okay." "Do you like school?" "No, i thought i would, but i don't. I always wanted to go, but i don't like it." There was something very familiar about him. He reminded me of that boy i met when i was 5. I wonder what happened to him...okay back to George! "WHy do you keep starring at me?" He asked. "Im sorry you just look like some one..." "You do too, but please don't stare at me. Not trying to be rude, like yesterday. Im sorry if i seemed like i didn't want to talk to you. I didn't have a good night." "Its okay. So you would of talked to me yesterday?" George nodded. "You look familiar too." "I do?" "Yeah. Though your face is a different one." "What?" "I mean, its not a face to remember, i don't know..." He frowned and put his head in one hand. "Its okay George." "Paul, in class, some one told me that you hated me." "What! I don't! who said that?" "I don't know, its that kid who sits behind me all the time." "Can you point him out?" George looked around and turned his head quickly. "He's sitting on Jack's right." "I don't know him. But if he's one of Jack's friends...he's just lying." "They also are calling you names and said you acted like a baby." "They always say that." I frowned. "I just want you to know, its not true." I looked up at him. "They told you this?" "Yes, but i didn't listen, because they make fun of my weight...and my ears." I looked at him. His ears were big, and he was thin, thin for his age. "Don't listen to them, okay." I said and finished my water.

"Hey George!" A boy, who looked older sat by George. "Oh, Paul this is my brother Peter. Peter this is Paul." "Hey isn't he the kid you were talking to a few years ago?" "When?" "You were 4 at least." George looked at me and i looked at him. "How do you know?" I asked. "You haven't changed." He said. I frowned and looked at my empty bag, which held my sandwich. George whispered something to his brother and i heard Peter say something. "Hey, um, im sorry, Paul. I didn't, um, mean it that, um, way." He said tripping over his words. "Its fine." I said in a monotone. The table was silent as i put my stuff away. George began to pack up too, Peter went to the bathroom. I got up and to walk to the dust bin, half way there Jack stopped me. "Where you going chubby?" "To throw away my trash." I said and began to walk, he pulled me back. "Throw this away." He handed me wads of paper. "You." I said and pushed by him. "No, baby face, you." "Stop calling me that." "Why? You know you are fat." "No im not." "Says who?" "My friends and family." "You know their just saying that. Parents do that to make their kids better, and im sure your friends, aren't really friends. That George kid said he didn't like you either and agreed with us. He did, i can proove it i have a recording." "No you don't." "Yeah, here listen to this." He handed me the recorder. I was afraid to take it. Suddenly the doors burst open and in walked Dominic. His face was red and he marched straight over to me. Then gave me a punch in the face. "Thanks McCartney, for getting me in trouble." I cupped my hand over my nose. Peter had came back from the bathroom and

saw me then grabbed Dominic and punched him. Then socked Jack in the stomach. "Both you leave him alone, okay." He growled. A teacher came in and grabbed Peter. "What are you doing? You know better then to punch younger children." She said. "I was saving my brother's friend, they punched him. Please, i only did it for him." He pleaded. She said alright, but if it happened again he was in trouble. Dominic and Jack went back to sit down. Hannah came in with her friends, and Dominic asked them to sit with his friends. Peter came over and asked if i was okay. I had gotten up and moved to the table. Peter tried to remove my head from my hands, but i didn't want any one to see me crying, then i would be really teased. Peter got up and grabbed my hand, he told George to follow him and he dragged me out of the room. We went to the nurses office to get something for me. "Now whats wrong, young McCartney?" The nurse said, it had been my second time today. "He got hit in the face." Peter said. George had his hand around me. "Come on dear, lets go get something." She took my hand. The bell rang as she had finished. Me and George walked out to our class. After school, George and me waited outside. I didn't want them to come out. Hannah came out though and came over to me. "Paul, are you okay? You werent in class. And you were rushed out of the lunch room. What happened?" "He got punch and before that...i don't know." "I had a nervous breakdown." I mumbled. "Im sorry Paul. Bad day huh? Well ill see you tomorrow." She waved good bye. "George do you want to come to the party?" I asked. "Uh, i cant. I have to help my dad." "Oh, okay." I sighed. "Wait Hannah!" I called after her she turned around. "I cant come tomorrow." "Oh, thats to bad. Why not?" "I...huh...because i cant." "Okay, i understand." She said and turned around and walked back to her mum, she didn't look happy.

"Bye my mum is here." George said and he left. I waited, my brother came out, and after him Dominic. He came over to me. "Why'd you do it? Huh? What did i ever do to you?" "I, im sorry." "You better be. You'll get something back, McCartney. You will." He growled and walked off. Mike looked at me. "What happened?" "What do you mean?" "Your nose is red." He laughed. I touched my nose and it hurt. Then i watched Dominic get in his car, he looked at me with fury and stuck his tongue out, i returned it. "Paul!" My mum exclaimed, i hadn't noticed she was coming. "Hi." I smiled shyly. "Don't stick your tongue out, and-" She stopped and bent down to my level. "What happened to your nose, darling?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. I sighed and shrugged. "Oh, Dominic just punshed me." "He did?! Oh you poor baby. I better go in and talk to them again." She stood up and went inside the building. I grinned, thinking Dominic would be done with. But then, i would be done with... I winced at the thought and ran to catch mum. "Mummy, please don't tell. It was an accident." I pleaded, everyone stopped and stared at me. "An accident?" "He moved his hand to quickly and hit me in the face." I lied. "Alright, why didn't you tell me. Lets go." She said and pushed me to the door. We went home, tomorrow was a saturday, i hope i was sick in the morning. I knew my mum would make me go. CHAPTER 11 Saturday came, and i stayed in bed. I had to fake something. My mum came up to get me at 11, she was sort of surprised i wasn't up yet. "Paul are you okay?" She asked sitting on my side.

I groaned, trying to fake a sickness, of some sort. Mum felt my for head then shook her head. "You don't have a fever. Are feeling anything else?" I thought for a moment, "My stomach hurts bad." "Does it feel like sharp pains?" I nodded and then moaned, that was a good one. Mum stood up and walked out, then came back. "Your going to the doctor to have a look at." "Cant you mummy?" I asked, not wanting to go to the doctor. "Well, they can give you something for the flu." "I have the flu?" "Yes, ill just call Hannah's and tell her you cant come." She walked back out. I laid back in my pillows and smiled. At least i wouldn't have to face him. She came back in with a thoughtful look on and then sat down. "Paul, Mrs. Maloy said that you told Hannah you wouldn't be able to go, yesterday." "I, huh...I felt like i was getting sick." "I don't think you sick. Your nervous about being around all those people aren't you?" " yes."

"Well, it'll be good for you. You need to get used to it, you've been sick on all family gatherings and i think you need to be around lots of people. Go get dressed." She said and pointed to my dresser. I sighed and got out of bed. She over and helped me into my clothes then tied my tie. "There you look handsome, Paulie! Almost like your father." She smiled. I nodded and walked out. I was not excited. Mum called Mrs. Maloy and told her i would be coming. We walked over and i was greeted in by Mrs. Maloy. There were a lot of kids, not a lot but a lot more then i wished. Ivan ran up to me. "I thought you would never come!" He laughed. "No im here." "I know that, we're going to play games, come ed." He said and dragged me over outside. Dominic and Hannah were at the corner with some friends, laughing and talking. She saw me and the smile went off her face and she turned to look at her friends. Dominic had noticed and stuck his tongue at me then mouthed something and continued to talk. I turned around and went inside, much to Ivan's dismay. I sat down with some kids, a few from class, some i found out were her cousins and some were friends from far. I couldn't think why Hannah hadn't came over and greeted me. And Dominic didn't look happy. "Alright children! Time for food." Mrs. Maloy said. We went and sat down. I sat between to Ivan and a girl. We were given mini sandwiches and given pop. "Paul do you want some more?" Mrs Maloy asked. I was wanting to say yes but then Dominic caught my eye, he looked at me and then turned away. "no thank you." I said finally . She smiled and kept going around and asking. I stood up and went over to her

to ask for the bathroom. She showed me and I went and came out, Dominic was waiting out side. "So, you came huh? Hannah said you weren't." "I...huh, changed my mind." He nodded and shifted his weight. I began to walk back, when Dominic tripped me. He laughed so loud some other kids looked our way, Mrs Maloy made sure I was okay. I got up and pushed past her and ran out into the backyard. I sat down and Ivan came out and sat next to me. "I told Mrs Maloy you were alright. Are you?" he asked. I nodded and held back tears. I had to show them I wasn't a 'baby'. "Paul stop trying to be some one your not. I had a friend, before you, who was like you. But he's a trouble maker and that's why I changed schools." "Because you didn't want to be with him?" "no my parents didn't want me to be with him. I went to his house once, much to my mum's dislike. It was for his birthday. She said he's probably a trouble maker because he was born in October. I didn't understand then but now I do. Hallowe'en" "ug I hate that!" "Hallowe'en?" "yeah! Do you ever see your friend?" "not anymore, since me mum's banished me from being with him." "He's that bad?" "No, but i think it was just because of his aunt." "His aunt?" "She is strict with him." "oh." "Come ed boys time for cake!" Mrs Maloy called to us. Ivan had to force me in. I sat down at the couch while everyone crowded around the table. "Paul come over here." Mr Maloy said, I shook my head and watched everyone. Dominic was always with Hannah, every time she noticed me watching her she would frown and make a face. I knew she never liked me, then when Dominic came she liked him. I guess this is how my life will go. Jack is right girls only like me cause they liked 'babies' and I was one...I knew this is why...but I loved her...I want Dominic out of the way, he's on Jack's side I know it! Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I hadn't noticed. I really wish George was

here. Ivan was a friend but he had friends here and spent time with them. I stood up and headed for the bathroom. I locked it and sat down against the door and covered my face. I didn't want to be here, I wish I was sick and I don't like all these people. I wish I was with George and working on our project... Suddenly a knock came on the door, which scared me for a moment. Then I stood up and put my ear to the door. "Who is it?" I said trying to hide my crying. "It's Mrs Maloy. Are you okay?" I unlocked thedoor and walked out. "I'm fine." I said and smiled a bit. "Good, come in and get some cake." she said "I'm not hungry." I said. She sighed. "Alright, then come and sit down." We walked in and I was seated between two kids I didn't know. Bad thing I was right across from Dominic. "Not having any desert?" he asked. I shook my head. "Hannah made it you know, shed be really sad if you didn't try any." "I...I'm not hungry. She'll understand." I said "Suit yourself." he said. "Oh I forgot my gift!" he jumped up and went over to her. I sat there board. I looked at Iven who was laughing with friends. I blinked and looked at my hands. Dominic sat back down. It was then time to play a few games. Some of which I didn't partisepate in. I kept my eye on Hannah she was so happy, but the one thing was, was that Dominic was with her. None stop. Everyone was leaving, but my mum called and said she'd be a bit late picking me up. So I was alone with Hannah. She began helping her mum and I helped to. "Go outside and pick up out there." Hannah said to me, not even looking at me. I nodded and went outside. I was alone, and alone I wanted to stay. I went to a shaded part of the house and sat down. I wanted my mum to cone now. I heard a bell and ran in to see who was at the door, but it was just the mail. I put the outside stuff where I was told to and then sat down on the couch. Hannah went upstairs. "Paul, I'm going to be at my next door neighbours, she needs me. I called your

mum and she said it will be at least an hour. So I'll be back." mrs Maloy told me and walked out. I moved on the couch and took off my shoes so I could lay down. I was thinking of all the things today, then found something in my pocket. I opened the paper and read what it said. It was from Dominic and it was insulting me pretty much. I crumpled up the letter and threw it. I stood up and went over to a piano which was in the corner. I sat down and began to mess around and imitating my dad. Then I remembered where I was and in who's house. She didn't like me and I knew it. No one liked me, only people who have been made fun of. I was just plan mad at Dominic and everyone pretty much. I hit the keys and got down then went to the toilet and slammed the door, making the Walls rattle. I looked at my self in the mirror, I was crying again. I covered my face and let it out. It was probably best. The door to the room opened slitely and Hannah's head appeared. I forgot to lock the door. I quickly wipped my face and pushed by her. I didn't want her thinking I was really a 'baby' too. I went to the backyard and waited to hear my mum. The door opened and Hannah came out, she bent her head and moved slowly tirades me. "Um, Paul-" "Leave me alone." I said curtly. She ignored me and continued. "I'm sorry." "Your sorry?" "Yeah for not involving you with everyone. It was my job to involve everyone." "Oh. That's fine." "We're still friends right?" I nodded and rang my hands together and looked at the grass. Hannah came and sat down, and put her arm around me. This made my whole body warm up. "What's bothering you?" I shook my head. Then the gate unlatched and there was Dominic coming threw. Hannah jumped up and walked over. "What's he doing here?" "His mum isn't here." Hannah replied. "oh." "What are you doing here?" "I left my socks here." he lifted up his trouser legs to reveal sockless legs. "Alright I'll get em." Hannah went in to look.

I stood up. "You better not be doing anything. She's mine, and will always be mine. Got it baby face?" he growled. "Stop calling me that!!" I yelled and swung a punch at him. He just grabbed my shirt and threw me to the ground. I jumped on him again but he just gave me a full blow to the face and stomach. "Dom!" Hannah shouted and stood there in shock. She threw the socks at him and went over to me. "Why'd you do that?" "He punched me first and then attached me." "He didn't hurt u bad." she frowned. I got up and ran out of the yard. Then made my way behind the house. I sat down and cried. It hurt but my feelings hurt more. Hannah came running and soon found me. "Whyd you hit Dom?" she asked. I sniffed and lifted my heard. She made a 'ug' face and sat down next to me, alot closer then before. "Paul, I found this while searching. Has Dom called you this?" she showed me the paper. I let out a cry and covered my face. She embraced me and said it was okay. "Dom is fat, your not fat. Your healthy to me." Hannah smiled. "Nice and strong like my brother. I'll show you a picture, he looks like you and that's not fat." It was a picture if a boy with blond hair, about my age and my size, and he didn't look fat at all. "Thats what you look like. I don't call that fat. But you are like my brother, it took him a while to get rid of baby fat. I think boys like you are quite cute. But honestly, Dom is a snob and eats alot. He's wealthy too. So don't let him tell you your fat." "Hes not the only one." "Jack? I know he's busted me to. But-" she paused and smiled. "Remember in the tree?" I nodded. And she cuddled me in her arms, then let go. She gave me another kiss on the cheek. "One day, maybe, it'll be on the lips." she giggled.

I laughed too. "No not much girls like me." "That's where your wrong. Your all my friends will talk about. They say 'oh that McCartney boy is so cute!' and they'll just be fighting over who will be your future girlfriend!" Hannah laughed. "really?" "Yeah!" I giggled and Hannah stood up. "It's been an hour Paulie, come on." I took her hand and we walked inside my mother had just arrived and I said thanks to Hannah and she said to meet her at the corner tomorrow. I told her I would.


20 February 1956 Paul passed the 11+ exam along with some other kids, to a grammar school.
---------I woke up and got dressed, then put my coat on and got ready to ride the bus. I stepped out into the chilly Liverpool air along with my brother and we walked to the bus stop. We got our seats, George came over and sat next to me. He had seemed to get skinnier over the years, but he ate a lot, for his age. We were dropped off at the grammar school. I went to my first class, with Ivan. George was in his grade now. Also Hannah was in this class, and Dominic. Hannah told me she just pretends to be his friend, because he has a temper and if you aren't his friend when he says you are, then your in for it. At lunch me and Ivan shared a table and i started to study, while i ate. "Why are you studying?" Ivan asked, he looked a bit weirded out. "Because, we have a test." "You have always done homework over lunch! Ever sence you started school. Is there something bothering you?" "No. Im just studying for the test!" I said. "Hey, guys!" Hannah said, one of her friends, Mariah was with her. Thing was i knew Mariah had a crush on me. In fact every girl had a crush on me, i liked it though, and it was easy to get a girlfriend, but i wanted Hannah. Just was, she didn't seem interested in me, and i didn't know how to tell her that i loved her. I moved over for Hannah to sit down, but Mariah sat down. Hannah took across

from me, at least i could look at her eye to eye. "So what you doing McCartney?" Hannah asked smiling. "Sstuding." I said. "Do you feel ready?" Mariah asked us. "Iam!" Ivan exclaimed and nodded. "Not really. I hate studying really, though im not good a memorizing." Hannah laughed. "Paul?" Mariah looked at me. I shook my head, "I think so. You?" "Yup." She nodded. I also felt i could get on better with Mariah. We always talked, and i found my self talking to her more. Though i really liked her, i just wish it was easier with Hannah. "May i join?" George asked, with a joking smile. "No!" Mariah laughed and patted the seat next to her. "Okay, then i will." George sat down and smiled. "Who invited you?" I asked. "I think you did." He pointed to Ivan. Ivan laughed. "Nope, havent seen this guy in my life! Can i have your autograph?!" George shook his head. "But you may have a hand shake." "You all are a bit weird." I said shaking my head. George stood up and walked around to sit next to me. He slammed his books down and stared at me. I lifted my head and stared back at him. "Yes?" He smiled and slammed my book on my hand. "Ow! Goerge!" George laughed. "Lets go do something besides school!" Ivan stood up. "I vote for that!" "Alright. All you had to say was lets go do something!" I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Come ed." We followed George outside. "Its a bit to cold." I said. "Lets run then. Your it!" George said and tagged me.

I sighed and began running after him. He was fast. I finally tagged Ivan and he chased us. "Guys i gotta go use the lou." I told them panting hard, my lungs were heaving from breathing in all the cold air. "Alright. We'll keep playing." I nodded and ran in. Dominic had just came out of the toilet and he stopped me. "How many times do i have to warn you MaChartney?" "Its McCartney. And only once." I pushed away from him and whipped my sleeve. "Ive warned you once. And im serious this time! If i catch you with her again, your dead!" He pushed me making me fall to the ground and walked away. I sat up, my rear hurt bad. "Are you alright Paul?" Mariah asked. "Im fine." I said and began to walk in the lou. "What happened?" She asked. "Nothin...i just. Slipped." "Dom pushed you didn't he?" "How...yes he did." "Why?" "You know why. He has his favourites and his dislikes. Im on his kill list." I mumbled. "Im sorry. K, lets hurry and get back out. Me and Mariah walked back to the others. I just found Ivan, George and Hannah were gone. "Wheres Hannah?" i asked, not wanting George to begin falling for her. "He got punched by Dominic. He got in Dom's way and didn't move in time. Dom just got angry, as always, and hit George hard. To where he began to cry. Hannah went after Dominic, she wasn't happy." Ivan told us. "Oh! Where is George?" I asked a bit worried. "At the nurse. We're supposed to stay here." "Do you think he's okay?" Mariah asked. "He didn't stand up, and was crying. I don't think he is okay, but he has a new name now." "Aw." Mariah frowned and looked towards the door. I looked at Mariah then at Ivan. "Do you think we can go see him now?"

Ivan shook his head. "If you wanna get introuble then you may." "No thanks." I said. Hannah came storming from the other end of the school. She looked angry, then rushed past us. I turned and grabbed her by her arm. "Let go of me." She said angrily and jerked away. Then stopped when she noticed who it was who grabbed her. "Im sorry. Its just him! He's mean to you, and he's mean to George! Just because you are different!" She exclaimed. Mariah went over to her and took her hand. "What'd you do?" She asked. "I gave him a good punch." Hannah frowned. I raised my eyebrows. Dom getting punched, thats a laugh. Hannah looked at the ground then at me. A little smile appeared on her lips. "Lets go see if we can see George." I said and we left for the nurses office. When we got there George was up and he looked a bit our of it. I sat next to him and Ivan took the other side. The girls took seats in chairs across from us. "You okay now?" I asked, put my arm around him. "Im fine." He mumbled. "George you can just fight him back." Ivan told him. "I know, but i couldn't then. Id love to smack him and kick for sure!" George formed fists with his hands. "I did that for you." Hannah said not changing her expression on her face. George looked at her. "Thanks." She nodded. "It was nothing. I wanted to do it anyways." ----After school we waited inside for our parents. George was the first to go home, since is mother heard about him and Dom. Ivan then left and told me he'll call me. Mike adventually came and we said good bye. "Hannah, you want to walk home with us?" "Uh, sure. One minute, im waiting for Mariah's sister." Hannah pointed over to Mariah who was leaning against the wall next to her. "And my brother." She said and sighed. They came and we walked home. Mike and Mariah's brother talked all the way and we just walked with no one talking, well occasionally some one would say something, but thats it. We dropped Mariah and her siblings at their house then

made our way to Hannah's, then me and Mike would go home. We got to the end of their side walk and Hannah turned around and hugged me. "Thanks." She whispered. "Are you okay?" i asked. She nodded and sniffed. "I feel bad about to day is all." "Dont. You helped my friend, and thats all that maters." i put a hand on her shoulder. She nodded then giggled, Mike laughed behind her. "What?" i asked. "Your blushing!" Mike laughed. "You only made him blush more Mikey!" Hannah giggled. "Its okay Paul." I smiled a bit nervously. The door opened and a young man with blond hair came out, with a smile. Hannah turned around and smiled. "Jim!" They embraced for a few minutes then Hannah brought Jim down to see us. "This is my brother Jim!" She smiled. "And this is Paul and his brother Mike." "Hello." Jim smiled. "Your in the RAF?" Mike asked. Jim nodded. "Thats cool!" "You to look alike." I stated. "Yeah, i think all siblings look alike." Jim laughed. "Well we better go. Its nice meeting you." I said and shook his hand. "Nice meeting you too. Bye." Jim smiled and him and Hannah walked into the house. Her brother was older then Paul imagined. But he looked very handsome. "Hi mum we're home!" I called and hung up my coat. Mike ran into the kitchen. "Hello darling, how was school?" She asked and gave me a kiss. "Fine." I nodded and sat down to eat an apple. "I heard that George got hit. Is he play?" Mum asked. "Where'd you hear that?" "I was talking to Ivan's mother not to long ago, wondering where you were." "Oh, i was dropping off Mariah and Hannah." "Thats nice of you." She smiled.

"A friend of Mike's is coming over tonight, along with his family. So if your room isn't clean, clean it." "Oh its clean mum!" I assured her. Mine always was, compared to Mike's. "Its just Mike's thats not." "Hey!" Mike stood up and ran into the living room and came back with a pillow. Which he began hitting me with. "Mike!" I shouted trying to block the pillow. "Boys, go play upstairs." Mum said. "Mum tell him to stop." I whined. "Alright Mike, stop." "Aw come ed Paul lets go have a pillow fight! Please?" I thought for a moment. "Okay! Lets go!" i said and we ran upstairs. CHPATER 13 I woke up at 8am on the 25 of February, a saturday. It was George's 13th birthday. I got dressed and went to call George and ask if he wanted to do anything. "Did get a hold of them?" My mum asked when i walked into the kitchen. "Yeah." "Their probably still asleep." She said and poured some tea for my dad. Then putting eggs on our plates, Mike came running downstairs. "Don't run in the house." My dad said not even looking up from his paper. "Yes sir." Mike said and sat down to eat. "May i go over there?" I asked. "Why don't you wait a little longer." She said and took a seat next to me. Dad put his paper down and talked with mum. I helped mum with the dishes and then went into the living room and sat down to play the piano. "You know it would be a good thing if you would take lessons." Dad said "Dad, i don't like the lessons. I prefer doing it like you, by ear." "Alright." He took a puff out of his pipe and continued to work on a crossword in the paper. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hows it goin'?" I asked looking at the crossword. "Fine. I think." "Dad, Mum im going over to Josephs!" Mike called from the front door. "Alright, come home by 4." Mum said from the kitchen. Mike left.

"Whats that?" I asked pointing to a clue. "Im not sure, its the last one across so im waiting." He scribbled something in some squares. I sighed. "I have yesterdays paper if you want to do one." He said. "No, its fine. Im watching you." I smiled, he smiled back. "Can you do this one?" He asked handing me the pencil. "I...uh, maybe." I read the clue and then the answer came to mind, this was an easy clue. "There!" "Good, now lets go to the couch and we can both do this." He stood up and sat down, i sat down next to him. I began to correct him on his answers or spelling, which he forgot, and i knew he was doing this just to get a laugh. He is pretty smart. "Oh are you still ticklish? I thought you said that past?" He said when he ended up poking my side with a pencil. "No, im not ticklish." I shook my head. "Really?" I nodded then let out a laugh when he began to tickle me. "Okay! Okay! So i am...plaese stop." I pleaded still laughing. He stopped and smiled. "Are you going out today?" I whipped my eyes. "Maybe. Maybe not. I might to see George. Oh that reminds me, im gonna try to call him again. See ya dad." I said and stood up. There still wasn't a reply and so i went out to go see him. "Be back by 4 Paul." Mum told me. "Yes ma'am. Love you." I said and kissed her then left. I got on my bike and biked over to George's neighbor hood. His house was in a colter sac and it was a small one, ours was small but theres was smaller. I went up to the door and knocked. "Hello Paul, sorry but George isn't here." Louise said when she answered the door. "What is he?" "He came down with something and so mum took him to the doctors. She called and said he had...i think tonsillitis." "Oh, im sorry, and on his birthday. Well when you see him can you tell him happy birthday! and that i hoope he gets better."

"Sure will. Sorry, Paul." "Its fine." i smiled and waved good bye. I biked down to Hannah's and picked her up then we went to Mariah's and Ivans. Then we went to a field to go play or something. Time flew by fast, Ivan left us and so the girls and me were the only occupants. I would have to leave soon as well. "So what shall we do?" Hannah asked. "i don't know, but its a bit cold." "You cant be cold Paul!" She exclaimed. "Cant i? Well i am!" I laughed. "Hm, this'll warm you up!" Mariah shouted and then tagged me. I stood up and ran after her and Hannah. We played tag until i had to leave, and so i walked the girls home. Hannah invited me inside for a bit and so i came in. Her mum was sitting down with her dad in the family room, whereas her brother was some where in the house. I was greeted with a smile and then we went up to Hannah's room. "Paul, can i tell you something?" "Anything." I smiled. "Dom said that if im with you anymore he's gonna kill you. Not really kill you but badly hurt you. I don't think we should be around each other at school." "What?! You got to be kidding!" "No, im not. Course we can see each other after school, but not at school." "Hannah!" "Paul, you have to understand. I don't want my friend hurt. And vie see what Dom can do when he gets mad. And you are already at the top of his 'kill' list." I frowned, at school i wanted to be with her. I didn't like Dom, i wanted to kill him myself. I told her that i better leave or else i would get grounded or something. When i got home mum said George had called me and asked me to call him back. I quickly did that. "Are you better?" I asked. "No im not, i wont be able to come over or go to school for a day. But ill be back on my feet soon." "You sound terrible." "Its hard to talk." "Oh, then lets hang up and you rest that throat!" i said with a chuckled. I heard

him laugh and he agreed. Then we said goodbye and hung up. Well that was the last event of that day. The day had come to its end, and a new one would start the next morning.

CHPATER 14 Weeks had gone by, it was almost the middle of march. Hannah was avoiding me and Dom left me and George alone that whole week. But then again, Dom was always around Hannah. I could tell she didn't like it, and she told me. I couldn't stand not being near her, and i wanted to tell her that i loved her. I guess i loved her, it sure felt that way. But girls always liked me, im sure Hannah did too. Today i was going to break that promise, and if it ever occurred defend myself against Dom. "Mariah, Ivan." I walked over to my friends at lunch. George was not here today, because he was sick. "Hey Paul." Ivan waved. "Hey, come ed." I said and pulled them over to Hannah's table and her friends. "May we join?" I asked. The girls giggled and one of them offered a seat to me. I was between one and Hannah. "What are you doing? Its just at school, cant you wait till after." Hannah whispered looking around. "I don't care! Your my friend, i want friends to stick together. Ill defend myself against him." "You cant Paul! You know you cant. He's to big...and besides you'll end up getting hurt!" "So, he'll get introuble and not me." I grinned. Hannah rolled her eyes and shook her head. "He's outside anyways." "Paul!" Hannah mummbled. "I can do it! Im 13! Almost 14!" "So, and he's 15...turned it the other day." "He's behind." "I know but...just becarful." "Hannah,"

She looked at me. "Yes?" I opened my mouth to tell her that i loved her but nothing came out. And then the door opened from outside and Dom came in. I shut my mouth and stared, nervousness took over me. I felt Hannah's hand move over mine and grasp it tight, then stood up and walked away. I sighed. "Paul...are you awake?" The girl, Dot, said next to me. I shook my head and turned towards her. "Yes?" I smiled. "Im seeing Elvis's film. Want to join me? No one can come and i know you love Elvis, do you want to come. Please say yes!" "I...i guess." She shrieked. "Thank you!" "When?" "Tonight." "Okay, want me to pick you up?" "Okay! At 7. Is that good?" "Yup!" I grinned. "Does blubber face have a date tonight?" Dom put his hands on the table and stared at me. "Shut up! And its not a date." "No? Well you'll see, baby face." "Shut up!" I frowned. "Getting tough huh?" He laughed. "Leave him alone, Dom." Dot growled. "Or what?" "You'll get it!" I mumbled. Dom laughed. "Id like to see you do it McCartney. Get up and do it. Put it there." I shook my head. I knew mum wouldn't want me to do it. "Get up!" He yelled and put on his serious face. "Would you leave me be?" I pleaded. "Now your surrendering! I knew you were scared, baby." He stuck his tongue out. "Dom go away." Ivan said and came over. "Now ivan is commin' huh?" "Yeah, leave him alone!"

"Oh Dom!" Hannah called. I turned over to where Hannah was sitting. She had a smile on her face and was wiggling her finger. "Thats mine date. She isn't your date Mccartney got it. we're going out tomorrow." He smiled and walked away. Anger came over me and i hit the table. Dot and Ivan stared at me, along with the others. "I hate Dom." I frowned and put my chin on my hand. Dot rubbed my back. "Its alright Paul, it will be all over." "Yeah, soon. I just hope he doesn't get into a collage." "I dout he will." Ivan mumbled. "But im glad George isn't here today." I smiled. "Why?" He asked. "Dom would mess with him." "Oh." "Why doesn't he like you Paul?" Mariah asked "I...i think it started when i got him in trouble." "Oh." "He's my new enemy, it used to be that one kid...i forget his name." "Oh i remember him! He was so mean." Dot frowned then smiled. I looked over to Hannah and Dom. Then, either i was jealous or angry, or are those the same, anyways, those took over me. Dom was inches away from Hannah's face and he was holding her hand. I couldn't stand it. I met her first! Or did i? Im not sure. Just then the bell rang and Hannah quickly stood up and walked out. I walked by to go to the door just has Dom stood up, then he tripped me. "I think you need to loose a few McCartney." He said very casual and adjusted his uniform tie. "I think you need to loose a lot Dom!" Dot retorted and pulled me away. I heard Ivan and the rest around us chuckle. Then some congratulated Dot on what she just said to Dom. After school i hurried out to see if Mike was waiting for me, but he wasn't. So i went to the brick wall and sat down. Hannah came out and quickly, but cautiously, sat down next to me. "Want to come to m house for dinner?" She asked. "My brother is leaving and we're having a party."

"Oh! Yeah i..." I stopped i had already planned something with Dot. "What Paul?" Hannah's smile faded. "Im sorry, i cant." "Why?" "Dot asked me to see Elvis's movie with her." "Oh, well thats fine." She smiled. "I was just asking. You have fun. I got to go, bye Paul!" She waved as she went to the car awaiting her. I sighed. "Paul! You ready?" Mike asked. I nodded and we left for home. When we got there i told mum about tonight and she said it would be fine, as long has i came home right after that. "I will." I told her then went upstairs to do homework. I had dinner then rode over to Dot's place. Her parents drove us and we were dropped off. "Oh this is exciting!" Dot jumped. I held her hand as we got in line. "Where are we sitting?" "On the second row. A nice place huh?" I smiled. "Yeah!" We sat down and Dot snuggled next to me. She put her arms around my arm and leaned her head on mu shoulder. I liked this, i've never had a date like this before. The film began and all was silent, everyone clapped when Elvis came on the screen. Some people were coming down this row, and i noticed instantly who they were, it was Dom and Hannah. I frowned and put my head on Dot's. I heard her little giggled and i put my arm around her. I glanced over and Hannah was sitting next to me, she had her eyes on the screen though, same with Dom. I reached out my hand for Hannah's she jumped and was about to shriek but i covered her mouth. Dom wasn't away of this. I lifted my head and winked at her. She put her hand to her face and then frowned. "Dot, Im going to get us some pop, do you want?" "Sure! Ill have a coke." "Alright, i thought so." I laughed and quietly got up and motioned for Hannah to follow me. I waited out in the lobby for a few minutes then the doors opened and Hannah came out. "What are you doing here?" i asked.

" were coming to the film and i thought, since you weren't coming to the party then ill probably see you here. And Dom invited me so i came. No, the real reason is, when i got home Dom called and asked if i wanted to go. I didn't tell him you were coming. And so i went." She told me. "Oh, so you didn't know." She shook her head. "Okay. Sorry for scaring you." I smiled shyly. "Its okay, i felt better when i knew who it was. I was looking for you. Didn't exprect you in the second row." "yeah, Dot is a little more richer then me." I chuckled. She giggled. "I better get the coke." i told her. "Ill get us some too." "Ill by you a coke." I offered. "No its fine." She smiled and pulled out some cash. We paid and headed for the studio. "Since we didn't see this film all the way want to see it some other time?" I asked. "Alright! Name it. Ill get the tickets if you like." "Okay, when you get them then we'll go!" I smiled. She nodded. "Hannah...I want to tell you something." "Yes? Is this what you were gonna say in school?" "Yes, but...I don't know how to tell you." I sighed then grabbed her and pressed out lips together. It felt good, my first time. Now she knew how i felt, i told her finally. I just hoped she loved me back. "Hey!" I heard a voice and i was pushed away from Hannah then i received a punch in the mouth. I fell to the ground and broke a bottle. "What'd i tell you about touching her?!" Dom screamed. I got up. "Dom, your being ridiculous. Paul is just trying to get you back in a hard way. He's showing off!" She said. I looked at the ground, that kind of hurt. But Hannah wasn't serious was she? I stood up as Dot came outside.

"Whats going on?" Dot asked. "Oh Dot, i think Paul turned you down. He was kissing Hannah." She looked at me. "You were?" "I..." "He was! You want to go on a date with some one who doesn't have interest in you? And i know he forced that kiss on Hannah." " wasn't really a date, though he said it was..." She looked at me. "And also some one who flirts with girls, i saw him kiss another one. You aren't the first Hannah. Paul is bad news to girls, i know it." "Thats not true!" I shouted, on the verge of tears. "You know it is!" Dom retorted. "I saw you, and i don't lie you know." "Yeah you do! You are just now!" I told him. "No im not. You know what you did." "Fine you stick to your story. But i didn't!" "Alright." He said and took Hannah's hand. Dot frowned. "Come on Dot." "No, im not! I don't like Dom, but he tells the truth i know that!" She pushed by me. "You can leave." I frowned some times the truth hurt. I opened the bottle of coke and walked out of the movie studio. I walked around town thinking about what i had in store for the future. Im sure Hannah is angry now, and Dot, i don't have a choice with her. It was darker now and i had to get home once the movie was over. But i didn't feel like going home and being asked questions. I went back to the theater and sat down on the bench. The film wasn't over yet, but a couple came out, laughing. I watched them. The boy had a teddy boy hair cut, the same as me. Yes i had accustomed to the hair style. He was dressed like one too, the girl with him had curly hair. My eyes met the eyes of that kid, who was probably about 3 years older then me. Then i pulled my gaze away and he turned back to the girl and chuckled. They walked off. Everyone soon crowded out of the theater when i woke up. I forgot where i was for a second then i realized what happened. I sat the coke bottle down and stood up then stretched. I put my hands in my pockets and began walking home. I looked back to see if i could see the girls in the crowd but i couldn't. Once i got to the corner it was silent. I forgot that i didn't have a ride home and my

bike was at Dot's. I decided to walk home and forget about it, she would probably drop it off anyways. This was a darker part of town, and i really didn't like it. Some cars past by but none stopped, when i tried to hitch hike. I leaned on the corner and then slid down and put my head in between my knees. I felt bad about all that, i lost the girl i loved. Tomorrow i have to tell her i love her, but she wont talk to me, and Dot will get the news around school. A noise came out of my mouth and i whipped my eyes. It was a cold night as usual. I felt a hand on my shoulder suddenly and jumped up. "Its okay, its me." Hannah whispered. I stared. "Leave me alone." "No." She tugged on my hand preventing me from walking any further. "Those things were true, Hannah. Every bit. I actually kissed 3 girls before you, so don't talk to me. I'am what Dom says i am. Im not worth it." "Your worth it too me." She said. "No im not." "Paul." She put her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. Then shook her eyes. "Ive always loved you. And i knew you loved me, more then any other girl. I saw you kiss a girl, that was because you were trying to get me were showing off." She giggled. I looked down at my feet. "I talked to Dot. She told me to tell you she's sorry. I told her you weren't that bad, you were just trying to find the right girl. Weren't you?" I nodded. "Dont cry. Its okay. Im 14, but i think we can be close friends. And i mean close." She winked. " really love me?" "Yes!" I smiled and hugged her. "Are you walking home?" "Yes." "want to walk me home?" She asked holding out her arm for me to take. "No, i do that, silly." I said and did the same and she giggled and took it. We walked back home and then i walked back to my place. Dot was waiting for me, and smiling.

"Here's your bike Paul." She said and hugged me. "Thanks." I smiled and took it. "Im sorry about that. I but why didn't you tell me, i mean, i do love you...which every one i know does...but you could've told me." "You know i love Hannah?" "Yes, she told me. She is very understanding and never took what Dom said into her. If that made sense." She laughed. "Yeah. THanks again. We're still friends?" "Of course! But can you give me a kiss on the cheek? I want to tell some one i got kissed by the cute boy!" She giggled like the little school girl she was. I shook my head and laughed then gave her a kiss. She felt her cheek. "Thanks!" "Your welcome." "Paul, better come in." My dad called from the door. I smiled. "Yes sir! See ya Dot." She smiled. "Bye." "Oh, does everyone, and i mean everyone, really like me?" "Boy they're crazy about you! Manly you and Killian. You two are the cutest boys in school." I felt myself blush. "You cute when you blush." She giggled. i laughed trying to hide my blushing. "Alright, by." Dot said and hugged me again before she hurried down the street. I went back into my house, everything was sorted out. And i felt better now, I knew Hannah loved me, and Dot wasn't mad at me, but she was happy for me and Hannah i could tell. She also got what she was probably always wanting, a kiss from me, she'll probably go ask Killian now. I chuckled as i got under my covers. My parents had already gone to sleep and my brother. I was the last to fall asleep.

CHAPTER 15 SUMMER of JULY 6th 1956 CHURCH FETE (And you all know what this date it!!) --------- Summer was nice, nice to be out of school and being able to stay up

late and out with friends. Hannah and i have been on a few dates in the past and i have been teaching her guitar. I also haven't seen Dominic lately. Or heard from him. At least im finished with him. Today Ivan invited me to a church fete thing. He said his friend was playing and wanted me to hear him, possible introduce me. Mum let me go and i left with Ivan, Hannah came along as well as her friend Mariah. It was crowded and children were running everywhere. Their was music coming from a stage further in, and we headed over there. It ended just as we made our way threw the crowd and another band came on. They were introduce as the Querry Men, the head singer was a boy, who looked much like a teddy boy. They were a skiffle band, that type had come in. Skiffle is for anyone, even with no musical ability. After they had finished Ivan told me to come with him to meet his friend. "So how do you know him?" i asked as we made our way back. "School. Before meeting you, he's older though. Here we go." Ivan breathed in then let it out. We entered into a little room. The band that were playing before were hanging around with their guitars. "Hey John." Ivan went up to the head singer. John looked up and smiled. "How are you Ivan? Long time huh?" He chuckled. "Yeah. This is my friend, Paul." He said and pushed me closer to John. I looked at the boy in front of me. We didn't talk for a while, but i didn't know what to say, i felt nervous. He was the first one to speak, his breath smelled of alcohol too. "Nice to meet you. Im John Lennon." He grinned as he held out his hand. "Yeah, Ivan told me about you." I said hesitantly then shook his hand. "Don't have to be nervous mate." John said in monotone voice and his smile left him. I nodded and looked around then at my hands, which i placed in my pockets. John stood up and a smile appeared on his face again. "Do ya play?" He asked. "I...uh..yes i do." I nodded. "Play something." He took his guitar and handed it to me. "THanks." I said and took it. "Okay play something."

I thought for a moment. "What would you choose?" "Uh, what have you been working on?" John asked. "20 Flight Rock." "Then play it!" I began to strum, but then remembered it sounded out of tune. So i tuned it for him, and showed him how. Then i played it for him and he looked inpress, but his expression didn't change. I gave back the guitar and smiled. "Want to join the band?" John asked. My grin, i knew, grew bigger. He was asking me to join his band! Then again, i better think before i answer. John was older then me and he did seem like a, type me parents wouldn't let me hang out with. "I will think about it." I finally replied. "Fine, make it soon though." He said and then turned to pick his guitar up. "Ill see ya around, maybe." He winked and then we walked out. "Why didn't you agree?" Ivan asked when we were alone. "You didn't tell me he was...that way." I said. "Well, he does drink a bit, but thats it. He's alright." "Well, i told him id think about it. I don't want to get my self involved into seomthing that will hurt me later. Where are the girls?" i asked. "Ill go get em. But stay here, so we don't lose you then we'll leave." "Okay, why cant i come with you?" "I guess you can if you want to, i just thought it'd be easier with this crowd if i went." I nodded and chuckled. "Smart idea." I watched as Ivan disappeared into the crowd. I was trying to make up my mind about John's band. Maybe i should ask my dad, or not. No, i wont. I felt my jacket collar being pulled back and i was pushed to the ground. My jacket slipped smoothly off me. I stood up and looked around for who that was. My back hurt now and my rists had pain running up them. I went around the corner of the little house and saw a kid making off with my jacket. I ran after him and finally cought up but he turned and hit me in the face. I stood back up, it was Dominic, and ran after him again. I pulled his shirt and tripped him. We both fell on the ground, but he took advantage of me and clung me down. "Dom, give it back."

"Why?" He growled. "Thats all i want." "You took my girl, and ruined my life. I can take your jacket right? It is your special one." "How'd i ruin your life? Hannah choose to be with me." "Exactly. You had to be born this way. I could change a few facial features for you." He pulled out a knife. Dominic, who i hadn't seen in almost years, what it seemed like, was dressed in the 'gang' cloths. He had a DA hair cut, too, just like everyone else. But he was a true Teddy Boy, the kind that causes a bunch of trouble, maybe even set stuff on fire. "No, please. I didn't mean it! What is your parents going to say?" I said. "Sadly they don't know, and don't care really." He cackled. "Just leave me alone." "Does baby face need help? Wheres mummy when you need her, huh." He stuck his knife closer. "Get off him!" I heard some one yell and Dom was pushed off me. Then the one who had done it tackled Dom. The boy was John. I stood up. "No, please John. Don't. Please." I yelled. They were fighting over the knife and i was afraid one of them would get hurt. I looked around. I had chased Dominic far, i could just barely hear the music from the Fete. I looked back at John, who was now being over powered by Dominic. I couldn't stand it. "Leave him alone Dom!" I shouted. Dom didn't listen but lifted his hand from John's and gave him a punch. John tried to punch back. His nose was now bleeding and Dom took this chance with his knife and began to lower it. "Stop!" I yelled and went forward and kicked the knife out of his hand. "What'd you do McCartney you broke it!" Dom yelled and stood up. I helped John up, he looked like he had just finished a long fight which he had. Blood was coming from his nose and his face was briused. "Get out of here!" I yelled and tears rolled down my face as i hurled the knife at Dom. He ran away and i saw two other join him as they walked off in the distance. "Are you alright?" i asked John. "Im fine. Okay, your safe. Now go find Ivan." He said and shoved me off then

quickly went away. I went after him. "John, will you be okay?" He didn't reply but kept moving, onwards. I followed him and he met up with one of his friends from the band. But he pushed this one out of the way too. I stood there as the John's friend looked over to me and came over. "What'd you do?" He said angrily. "I didn't do anything. He saved me from some one who carries a grudge on me. Is he okay?" "Yeah, well. With John, you never know. Im sure he's really hurt, a few tears. But John wouldn't show it infront of people. He just ignores them, thats when you know he's probably on a breakdown. Im Stu." The boy held out his hand. "Oh, im sorry. Its all my fault really." "Why?" "Dom, thats the kid who was attacking me, is my childhood enemy. We didn't use to be, he mainly hates me for taking his girl, and probably for blaming something on him." "Man, this has been going on for how long?" "Oh i don't know. Began when i was...8? I don't know. But a long time. he's changed a lot." "Well, want me to walk you home? How old are you?" Stu asked. "Im 14." "Oh, well lets go." Stu walked me back and everyone was asking me questions. I answered and Hannah was a bit angry with Dom. She hadn't seen or heard from him in months. I thanked Stu, then asked him to tell John im sorry, and then we left back to Ivan's. I think i may agree to join, John saved my life, and im greatfull. I want to return it with joining his band. Ill tell him tomorrow. CHPATER 16

29 August 1956
---Because of Scout camp and a family holiday i missed the bands first gig. I had accepted, and today i was going to see John, he was coming to my house, that is.

A knock came on the door as i was sitting down reading. My guitar was laying in a chair next to me. I stood up and went to answer the door. John appeared with an expressionless face and guitar in hand. I smiled and greeted him in. "So, where will we be 'practicing'?" He asked looking around. "Uh, in here or in my room." "Okay, so lets go in your room. Where's your family?" He asked as we headed upstairs. "Mum and dad are at their jobs, Mike is at his friends. Im alone, want a drink?" "No thanks." He grinned. "Right, well, lets get to playing." I sat down. I taught him some guitar chords, since his mum, he said, had taught him on the banjo so he only knew banjo chords. We played a few songs and then he had to go. "We're playing again in a few nights." John told me. "Okay, thanks. So ill see you?" "Yup! Ill call you up." He waved. I began to close the door when he said my name. "Yeah?" "Want to come hang out with me for a bit? Since your not doing anything." He asked. "Sure! You can leave your guitar here, if you want." "Ill drop it by my house, you can meet Mimi, if she will except you." He mumbled his last words. I stepped out of our house and me and John went to his house. His aunt was not to please on seeing me but it was an exception, she just said hello, and not smiling, then told John not to do anything. John rolled his eyes and we walked to the park. "Do you have a girl?" I asked him. "I...yes i do. Gosh, i havent seen her in what it feels like forever!" "Really? How so?" "She lives in London." "How'd you meet her?" I asked a bit stunned this girl lived that far away. "She lived here for a few years, then headed back. She the prettiest thing you've ever seen." He closed his eyes then opened them. "You must really love her."

"Boy do i." He chuckled. "You do don't you?" "Do what?" i asked. "Have a girl." "Yes, i do." "And she is?" "Hannah, here she is now." i smiled as i saw Hannah walking and i got her attention. "Hello! John right?" She asked. John nodded. "Your Hannah!" "Yeah, Paul talks about you a lot." "Hannah!" I frowned, she had to say that infront of him. "Ah thats sweet Paul!" John patted my back. "Well i better get home. I need to help mum with dinner." I said looking up from my watch. "Your makin dinner?" John raised his eyebrows. "Well she's had a hard day im sure so i help her on these days." "Okay, well nice meeting you John. Bye Paul see ya tomorrow." Hannah smiled then walked by us. "See ya Paul." John smiled. I smiled back and said goodbye. We separated and i walked down the pavement and turned right. It was beginning to get darker, which made me more nervous. I was alone, and that encounter with Dominic had left me scared. I never knew why though. I stopped as i thought i heard foot steps behind me, i turned quickly around. No one was there, i began walking towards John's this time. Looking cautiously around me. "Looking for something' kid?" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned. I let out a sigh, as it was only John. "What are you doing?" i asked. "Uh, just walking. I don't want to go home just yet." "Oh." "I thought you were going home." "I...huh...was...i was going to ask you if you wanted to get together tomorrow." "Sure, come to my place." He said and took a puff at his cigarette. "Thanks. Well i'll see you." "Bye." He smiled and i hurried back home. I made it home safely.

-------NEXT DAY ---"Mum im leaving for John's" I called to my mum as i left the house. I rode my bike to his house, with my guitar on my back. I knocked on the door, didn't get a reply instantly, but John soon answered. "Hey! My girl is on the phone. I want you to meet her. She's thinking of coming down." He grinned. I stepped into his house and sat my guitar down. He went to the phone and said something then handed it to me. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. A girl's voice cheerfully said hello and introduced herself as Fer. I told her my name then John took the phone and began to ask questions. For a bit they were talking about guitars because John asked what mine was and how much it was. Once he was done they hung up. "Alright ready to play?" He asked. "Yup! So where do we go?" I asked having not been to his house before. "Up in my room. Come ed." We went upstairs and began to jam. We talked then his aunt came home and told us to go outside to play so i headed home, I was going to spend the night over at her house so i was looking forward to something. I rode over to her house and her mum greeted me in. My parents were going to come in a while so me and Hannah went upstairs to play guitar. "Hows John?" She asked. "Fine. His girl is coming down, so he's excited." "Aw thats sweet." "Can you believe it school is going to be starting soon." "Thats weeks a head!" "Still close." I shrugged. "Paul, you haven't heard from Dom have you?" "No. Why?" "I found this in the mail. Theres no return address so i cant reply. But Dom signed it." She handed me an piece of paper. "He wont hurt you." "No. He wont."

"No." I whispered to my self. "He'll hurt you." "So what!" "I wish he would leave me alone! I can choose who i love, and i love you. Ive always loved you, ever since i saw you at school when we were 5." She curled up next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. "That long?" I laughed. "Well thats just to emphasize how long i've loved you. But every girl thought you were cute" She giggled. I leaned back on the bed, Hannah laid on my stomach. We both sat up once the door bell rang, then we went downstairs to see my parents, and Mike. At least i had some alone time with Hannah.

CHAPTER 17 Me and Hannah were on my bed doing homework. I just wished we could hurry this up, but it was taking so much time. I looked over at her, she was engrossed in writing down some notes. I looked at my book and did the same. "Want something to eat?" I asked. "Sure, whats there?" "I could as my mum to make us something." "I'd make it simple, im not terribly hungry anyways. May i have milk?" She smiled. "Sure." I smiled back and got down. I went downstairs and got two glasses and poured the white substance up as far as we wanted it, above the middle of it. I then carefully walked back upstairs. Mike was coming down the same time. "'Ey Paul!" He smiled. "What?" "Nothing." He shrugged and went down. "Sorry Mike, i was thinking is all." I turned around and smiled. "About her?" He chuckled. I gave him a glare. "No." "Okay, see ya!" I heard him chuckle again. I went back up the steps. As i walked in Hannah asked me the date. "Its uh," I looked over at my calendar on the wall. "the 31."

Hannah looked at the wall. "Im stupid! Its right there!" She laughed. "No your not stupid." I handed her her milk. "No? Well thanks Paul!" "Your encouraging." I smiled, she did help me when i was a little kid. Her and mum were big helps, both understanding. "What time is it anyway?" I asked. "Half past 4." She said sighing. "Want to take a break for a few minutes?" "I guess. Want too?" "Sure." I said and scooted next to her on the bed. The door knob on my door twisted and i instantly scooted away. Mike entered. "Paul will you eat two or one biscuit?" He asked. "I think one." I told him. "Okay." "Why?" "Mum is making some. And i was right on the number you wanted!" He laughed. "Good for you. Bye." He shut the door. I sighed. "I better get going Paul." Hannah told me collecting her books. "Okay, well ill see you tomorrow." "Yeah, its a saturday. Want to do something?" "You name it, oh im going over to John's." "Alright. Want to invite him after your done practicing?" She smiled. "Okay, ill call you." "Right, want to come down" I nodded and we walked down and i opened the door for her. I looked around to see if no one was around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Are you wanting to make your way to that position?" She chuckled and placed a thin finger on her lips. "Maybe one day, i hope." I smiled. "Well bye Paulie." She smiled and left. I shut the door and sighed. Then headed back upstairs, mum was busy in the kitchen and dad was reading his paper as usual. "Paul." I heard my dad's voice say, not quite yelling. I went back to the living

room. "Yes sir?" I asked. "You want to bring your guitar up?" He asked pointing to my guitar which was laying on the couch. "Ah! Yes i do. Thanks dad. Anything interesting?" I asked. "No, just the usual." He said smiling up at me. I smiled back. "See ya." I said and went upstairs with my instrument. We ate supper then afterward helped mum with the dishes and went into the family room. Dad went to his piano playing i sat down next to mum as she did some knitting, she wasn't to fund of it but did it to pass time. I leaned my head on her shoulder as i thought and listened to the music. Mike was reading a book, his feet were on the chair arm. Two minutes that, after i had fallen asleep, mum woke me up and then stood up. She asked us if we wanted something to drink, we al agreed on tea. So she went back to the kitchen. Dad got off the piano and went over to read in his chair. I sat there thinking of everything. I grabbed note book paper and thought of what to write. I chose to fnish that song i was making for me dad. I had to think of one more stanza, just couldn't think of what. Then it came to me and i wrote it down, and ended with,

'...when im 64'
Mum had not come into the living room for a while and I got up to investigate. I didn't hear anything behind the closed kitchen door, but she could just be waiting for the water to heat up. I opened the door and went inside, then stopped. Glass was on the ground a foot away, and mum was laying on the floor, as if she fainted. I ran out of the kitchen and told dad who then came running. "Mike, call an ambulance. Paul, help me get your mum out to the ambulance, quick." He said. We lifted her out to the ambulance that came soon. Mike looked scared and worried. I was worried to, and scared i have to admit. I didn't know what was wrong. We drove to the hospital and brought her in, then we waited in the waiting room for a while. Dad was pacing back and worth, and i was really uneasy about it. Or it made me uneasy. He knew what was wrong with mum, im sure. But i was wondering what was wrong. "Mr. McCartney." A nurse asked.

"Yes?" He quickly said going up to her. "You can see her now." I got up along with Mike, but dad told us to stay and went inside. By the time he came out my nails were completely short, shorter then usual. Though i usually bite my nails, its a habit. Anyways Dad came out and we were going to leave. "Whats wrong with her?" Mike asked. "She needs to rest, she...she just had a fainting attack...she, uh, was dehydrated." He said and we walked out. "Thank goodness." I sighed in relief. I really thought something deathly was wrong with her. We went home and i got in bed. I laid awake thinking of mum, she was beautiful, the sweetest mum anyone could ask for. One thing i didn't understand is why should couldn't wait here. ----The next morning i found dad gone and found a note on the table. He said that he was going to see mum and would be back. I waited at the table, Mike came down asking where dad was. "At the hospital."I said. "And didn't take us!" Mike exclaimed. The door opened then and we both rushed out. "How is she?" Mike asked. "Can she come home?" i asked, noticing mum wasn't actually with him. "Boys, i," he paused and sighed. "Come in the living room." There was a knock on the door and i answered it. Bess and her family were there, she looked worried. "Wheres your dad?" "Im here, Bess." Dad told her. She ran to him and hugged him. "Uncle Jim, im sorry." "About what?" I asked. "I haven't told them, Bess." "Mum is with Aunt Mary, but then phoned me." "Yes i know. I...well, ill be back." Dad left and went to the bed room. Bess followed him. I was so confused, what happened, what happened to Mum! I stood there, and was still standing there when Bess returned.

"Boys, come in here." "Whats wrong Bess?" I asked. A tear rolled down her check, she whipped it away and looked at me. I went over and gave her a hug, even though she was my older cousin and already married, she was still a girl, and they need comforting, though i think everyone needs comforting in hard times. Like me. "Paul, your died."She said. I stared at her, and sat down. This had to be a dream, Bess wasn't here, Dad wasn't in his room, possibly crying. Mum never fainted. This had to have been all a dream! It had too. Dad came in looking like he did before entering his room, but he looked like he didn't get any sleep. Mike went over to him and gave him a hug, digging his face into his shirt. Bess sat next to me and rubbed my back. I hadn't moved or talked, Mike and dad went away to the kitchen and Bess went with them. She came back with some water. "Paul." I looked up and she handed me the water. I took it and drank it then handed it back. She sat down and put an arm around me. Another knock sounded and Bess went to answer it. Aunt Jin came in and went to see dad, Bess came back to me. She was my favorite cousin. The grown ups came in and Bess finally snapped me out of my trance. The others began to discuss to Mike what happened and what really was wrong with mum. I spoke for my first time and regretted it afterwards. CHAPTER 18

"...Well I Woke Up Late This Morning My Head Was In The Whirl Only When I Realized I Lost My Little Girl..." ~by Paul McCartney *information below ------------"What are we going to do without the money?!" I exclaimed. The others quickly looked at me. "Paul, is that all you can think of? Is the money?" My dad asked angrily, he was yelling at me. "I...i..d..." I stood up and went upstairs. I wish i had been in my trance at that

time. A few minutes later Bess walked in and sat down on the edge of my bed and ran her fingers through my hair. "Paul, its okay. Don't feel like your dad is mad at you. He's not. Just like you, he doestn know how to handle it. Paul, i know you miss her dearly, you were such a clingy little boy." She smiled. I looked at her. She knew how to handle it. "I..I do love her." I whispered and began to cry again. Bess pulled me into a hug. My eyes got heavy and i adventually fell asleep. I woke up and noticed it was 1pm. And my covers were over me. I sat up and saw Bess sitting down reading something. I realized the events of earlier weren't a dream. Bess looked up at me. "Are you okay Paul?" She asked. I nodded. My Aunt poked her head in. "Paul, your friends are here too see you." I nodded and John came in, followed soon by Hannah. "Im sorry Paul." Hannah said giving me a hug. John looked around him, not sure what to say. "I think...ill be okay." I said trying to hold tears in. "Um, guys, this is my cousin Bess." I introduced Bess to them. "Hello, im Hannah." Hannah smiled. "Im John." John shook her hand. "Hello. Well ill see you. Want anything?" Bess asked. "Its fine Bess, don't play maid." I told her and she smiled, she played maid all the time when i was little, either i was sick or we were just playing for fun, and when i was sick, mum was the nurse. I frowned. "Is something wrong?" She asked noticing my frown. "Yeah." I blinked and smiled at her. "Okay, well bye." "You sure you don't want anything Paul?" Hannah asked. "Yes." I threw the covers off me and got out. "Want to go for a walk?" John asked, he looked concerned. "If you want to." I said and got my shoes on. We walked downstairs and i went to dad's room. The others waited int he kitchen for me. "Dad?"

He looked at me. "Im sorry." "No, Paul, im sorry. You couldn't help it. You didn't know how to react. At least your Aunt was here, to set me straight about you. Im sorry." I gave him a hug and then left the room. Me and the others walked out the door. Bess's husband and her little boy came walking up the steps. "You alright Paul?" He asked. "Yeah, i will be." I smiled. "Hey Dillan." I patted Dillan on the head. He reached his arms out for me and i took him in my arms. Then gave him back to his father and walked off with my friends. "I love your family Paul." Hannah smiled and hooked her arm with mine. "Me too." I said. John was quiet for a long time. Im sure Hannah asked him to come, John isn't the kind to go soft on some one and ask if their alright all the time. He had other things on his mind. ---We got back home and i went to bed. Thats when i began to feel terrible, like i didn't belong in this world any longer. I cried the rest of the night. Why'd you have to die mum, when i needed you most? We needed you most! I need her sweet voice to talk to me or sing to me. She said she didn't have a good voice, but i thought she had a lovely one. I did lose her, she was so happy thought, like nothing was bothering her. She had her two boys and her husband. And quit a full time job to spend more time with us. How i wish i could be with her again, i wish i was young again, no, i wish i could've saved her. ----------

"...Well Her Clothes Were Not Expensive ~I LOST MY LITTLE GIRL by Paul McCartney

Her Hair Didn't Always

Curl I Don't Know Why I Loved Her But I Loved My Little Girl..." This song was written for his mum when he was 14, after her death.The first song he wrote really. He performs this too! Its so sweet! CHPATER 19

-----Today me and John were going to pick up his girlfriend at the station. I met her on the telephone and she seemed like she would be a beauty, but of course she is John's girl, and i already have one. "Paul, Stu is going to come with us, if thats okay." John told me, Stu came walking behind. "Oh thats fine! He's your friend too." I grinned and nodded to Stuart, our bassist. The station was not completely crowded, but it was nice. We made out way to the train she would be getting off. It pulled up just as we got there. John looked like he was nervous and he was not calm at all. Stu noticed John was fiddling with his fingers. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Calm down, mate. She's just a girl." "Not just a girl Paul...she's the girl. I haven't seen her in so long, not in person that is." "John, you sent her a picture and you have called her, its not that bad. Just calm down, or else something will..." I didn't finished because just then John hurried over to two beautiful birds. "Fer, this is Paul and Stu." John introduced us. "Hello, nice to meet you." I said and held out my hand for the both to shake. "This is Hailey." Fer smiled and pointed to her friend. "Want to go to my house?" John asked. "Sure." Fer said and took John's hand, which he gladly excepted. We walked to John's house and he showed the girls around. Stu said he had to leave and then we walked to my place. "Who lives here?" Fer asked. "I do." I replied. "Cool." She smiled, she was full of them. "How long have you known John?" I asked. "Since we were 6 and 7." Fer replied, with a smile again. "That long?" I asked, John knew her longer then i thought. "Yeah." John replied. "John?" Fer asked turning to John. "Yes?" He said and took her hands. "Can we go to the cemetery?" Fer asked.

My heart dropped. The cemetery. Why did she want to go there? "Why do you want to?" I asked. "I want to see my mum's grave." John asked her if that would bother her, but she just said that she wanted to see it and so we left. As they went to Fer's mum's grave i went over to me mum's. I nelt down and threw some dead grass over it, and looked off. A tear fell down my cheek, but i wiped it away. I remembered her lovely smile, her hair, her sweet voice. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that i didn't realize the others behind me, until Fer took a picture with her camera. "Im sorry, it was just a nice picture." Fer smiled. I smiled. "its okay." "What happened?" She asked. I forced my answer out, trying to hold back tears. "Cancer, yorurs?" I said and looked at the stone. "Car wreck." "How old were you?" i asked. "7." "7?" John asked, he looked like that wasn't the correct answer. I looked at Fer, who giggled. "Sorry, i meant, 12." I chuckled. Jhon came over and put his arm around me. I sniffed and we walked to my house. As we walked to my house Hannah came down the pavement towards us. She stopped infront of us. "Hey John." "Hi." John smiled. "Who are you two?" Hannah asked smiling at the girls. They introduced each other, then Hannah looked at me. "You okay Paul?" SHe asked. "Im fine." I repleied. We all continued to my house, including Hannah. Everyone sat in the living room as i left to go get something to drink for them. I came back and offered to play some music, which they said yes too. I sat down and began to play, then they clapped and i bowed and then we listened to Hailey play, which was

beautiful too. Her fingers moved across the piano swiftly. Everyone then left, except Hannah. Me and her sat in the living room. "Paul, me and my family are going to a place near Germany. My father has to go, and said he wanted to take the who family." Hannah told me. "When will you be back?" "Wont be longer then a few days." She smiled and poked my nose. I luaghed. "Want to play something?" "Cards?" "Sure." I went to get a deck and we sat on the ground. We played then sat on the couch. I had my arm around Hannah as she leaned against me. This was my last night to see her, well for a few days. But still its a long time. ------------NEXT DAY I went on a bike ride and met John and his friends. I accompanied them to a little shop, then we headed over to buy Fer a guitar. Me and Hailey went over to the records. "What do you like?" I asked her. "A lot. Just depends." I smiled and we were called back, Hailey got a LP and we left with a guitar for Fer and a record for Hailey. Then we went to my house so i could teach Fer some cords. We did it till 5pm. I was beginning to get tired, because i didn't sleep well the night before, but i kept my eyes' wide'. We then took a break after my dad brought us drinks. Fer said my name and i looked at her then at John. "Yes?" "Whats your last name?" She asked. "Oh you never knew that?" I laughed and smiled, "Its McCartney." "What was your mum's name? Full name." She asked again. "Its Mary McCartney, this is a lot of questions." I laughed. "What was her job?" She asked again. "A nurse.She then stopped her day job to spend more time with us." I smiled. "Thats who!" I exclaimed.

"Who?" John asked, looking a bit surprised at her outburst. "Mary McCartney was the nurse who came and told me my parents were in the hospital. She visited often too." "You knew her? She's nice isn't she?" I asked and smiled, i loved her so much. "Yes. She told me about you." "Did she?" I asked, my mum was always talking about us. "Yeah, i remember she told John's uncle that you should get together some day." She laughed. "Wow, when was that?" John asked, putting his cup down. "The night i came to your house." "How do you remember those things?" John scratched his head. "When one of your parents die, John, you never forget the struggles." She told him and embraced him. "Thats for sure." I frowned, i still never could get over the death. "Don't worry Paul, its okay. Want to change the subject?" I then remembered that my mum did talk about a car reck. I was with her that one day, when she came out. She looked sad, i will never forget that face. I asked her what was wrong, she said a lady just died and she'd have to tell her little girl. I said i felt sorry for that girl. I told them this. "Aw Paul." She giggled, giving me a hug. They left after a while and i went into the kitchen. My aunt Jin was cooking dinner, not as good as my mum's though. "hows everything Paul?" She asked. "Good, i think." "You think?" "Yeah. John's girlfriend met my mum." "Aw, how?" "Her parents were in a car wreck and her mum died. There both burried in the same cemetery." "Oh Paul don't talk of such things." My aunt said. I gave her a hug. "Sorry." "Its alright. Want to help set the table or something?" She asked ruffling my hair. I fixed it. "Sure, ill set the table. Is Bess coming?"

"Yes they are." She smiled and continued her cooking. I set the table and went back to my room to play guitar. CHPATER 20 1959 We got back from Hamburg a few days ago. Our bassist, Stu, has left us so he can stay with his girl, in Germany. And my old school friend George has joined. Im the bassist now, George is lead, and John is rhythm, while Pete Best is on drums. We have become a four piece band, instead of a five piece. We play at a club, sometimes, called the Cavern Club. Its a nice little underground club, seller type thing. 2 years ago, John's mother Julia Lennon has died, now we both have lost our mothers, understand though how he felt. John and i have written a few songs, which we think are fine. And we have been offered a record deal, which we will except. The manager is a fellow called Brian Epstein. He's older then us, but still about our age. So we are excited to get a record out. Also our appearance has changed. Thanks to Brian. We now where suits on stage, and our hair, well me and John chose to do it, our hair is now a bowl cut...type thing. Hannah likes it at least and we like it, George recently got his cut to match me and John's. -----"Paul, Hannah is here to see you." Mike yelled to me from downstairs. I finished combing my hair and then grabbed my jacket. I was taking her out. "Hey Paulie." Hannah grinned and held her coat tighter. I slipped my coat on and adjusted the collar. Then we locked arms and walked down the road to town. We went into a little fish n' chips place and took a booth near the end of the room. "So how are things going?" Hannah asked. "Alright i think...We recorded a song today." I smiled. "Oh! What is it, may i ask." "No you can. Its called Please Please Me. We changed it up a bit, just a bit." "How so?" "Its faster." "Cool, compared to what it was? Do you like it better?" "Yes, but it did sound good slow." "I cant wait to hear it!" hannah exclaimed.

"It'll come out on charts, once that happens we'll be satisfied! George Martin is a fabulous producer. He wasn't quite sure about us at first though." "You have told me that." Hannah giggled. "Oops, sorry." I blushed as she gave me a kiss, which signaled that it was okay. We finished our meal then went for a walk, till we got to her house. "Paul, thanks." She said calmly. "Your welcome. And thank you for coming." I said and hugged her. She raised her head for me to kiss. We were outside till we heard the screen door open. I pulled away and waved to Hannah's mum who stood at the door. "Bye." Hannah smiled. "Bye." I whispered back. "Paul, do you want to come in for a bit?" Mrs. Maloy asked. "I..." "Oh come on Paul." Hannah said with a big smile. I sighed and luaghed. "Alright." I was welcomed into the warm home and we went to the living room. Mrs. Maloy brought some tea and sat down. "Wheres your father?" I asked Hannah, observing her lovely figure. "Oh he was feeling bad so he went to lie down. I knew he would get sick. But he didn't want to lay down at all." Hannah replied and took a sip of some tea. A knock on the door shook me out of my trance. The door was opened and some one yelled surprise. Me and Hannah both stood up and hurried to the door. "Jim!" Hannah shouted and hugged her brother. I hadn't seen him in a long time. He had a small mustache and along with him was a girl, with long blond hair, just like Hannah's. "My you have grown!" Jim joked. "Yes, i have. Oh Jim this is Paul, you have met him a while back." She said introducing me. I nodded shyly and Jim shook my hand. "Yes i remember you, so you walked Hannah home again eh?" I nodded, i really had a lost for words. "No need to be shy Paul. Your 16 aint ya?" Jim smiled and pated my back. "I," I began "im 17." this was said alittle abrupt. "17?!" Jim's eyes widened. "So is Hannah yours now?" His eyes showed a sign of...i don't know how to put it, but John had that look when he was up to

something. "Yes, he's my boyfriend." Hannah smiled. "Congrates!" Jim smiled and turned to his girl. "Well to introduce my lovely lady. We're engaged mother." "Your what?" Mrs. Maloy asked, tears forming in her eyes. She hugged her son. "Really? Thats great Jim!" Hannah smiled. "This is Jane. Jane this is Hannah, my mum, and Hannah's boyfriend Paul. As you would probably have known already." Jim said sounding nervous. "Nice meeting you." Jane smiled. "Come in please. Sorry to keep you waiting." Mrs Maloy smiled and we went into the kitchen. "Want somehting to drink?" Hannah asked. "Tea please." Jane nodded. "Can i help you with it?" "No its fine. Paul." Hannah looked at me and walked out. I followed. "Alright im going to wake my dad, can you make tea?" Hannah asked. "Yeah i can. Your brother has changed." I chuckled. Hannah nodded and left the kitchen, i later came out with the tray of cups and Hannah came in with her dad. Jim told us about how he met Jane while being stationed, she was a pilot too. Hannah got up to answer the phone and soon told me that it was John and he wanted to talk to me. "John?" I spoke into the phone. "We made it!" He exclaimed into the phone. "We have?" I asked excitement taking over me. "Yes! This is fab!" "It is! How'd you find out so late?" "it is 2am." John said a little on the annoyed side. "True but its still early. I better be getting home." I told him. "Why are you at Hannah's anyways?" "I was here just to visit then her brother came home with a soon-to-be wife." "Oh cool. Well you about ready to record another song?" "Yeah! What time tomorrow?" i asked. "Well, I have a song, but George told us to call either him or Brian when we are ready to record." "Okay, well bye."

"Bye!" John said and hung up. "Hannah! We made it! Our song is on the charts!" "So early?" "We did send it in last, the night before." I said. "Thats great!" Hannah smiled and hugged me. "Whats going on?" Jim asked coming into the kitchen, which is where i had been talking to John. "Paul's band's song is in the charts!" "Thats great! Your a musician?" Jim asked. "Yes." I smiled. "And its not my band. Its my mate's John's band. They said we would find out tomorrow where it reaches." "Whats your band called?" Jim asked. "The Beatles." "Beatles? Interesting name." "Had to think of something!" I laughed. "Creeative though. And you all are creative." "How do you know?" i asked. "Well, to be musician's and write you have to be." Jim shrugged. "I guess." I said and let out a yawn. "I better be getting home." "You can stay here." Hannah said. "No its okay." "You can sleep in my room while Jane shares Hannah. I can get to meet you." Jim smiled. "Okay, thanks." We got ready for bed, at least they did, i didnt because i didn't have anything to change into, and shared Jim's room. Jane was with Hannah. After a while i fell asleep. Chpater 21 1960; Traveling To THe USA **** We have made it to stardom. The Beatles is our official name, like i've said. We are now on our way to America. I just with my mother could see my progress. --So we landed in the US at i don't know, 3pm. I was tired none-the-less. We went into the airport and me and George headed to the baggage area. John and

Ringo were some where. Back at the hotel John and Ringo were al excited that they found a girl to go out for dinner. Just one girl! One. Not four one. That means we're going to have to share her. Oh well i think ill just, i don't know. Hannah was going to come down here some time. "Paul hurry up." Brian yelled at me from the hotel door. I sighed and continued to tie my tie. "Ill be there." George came in and grabbed his coat. "We'll be outside." "Im ready." I said and followed George out to the limo waiting us. Some screaming fans followed us then they used a decoy car and the fans followed that. The resteraunt the boys mentioned was smaller then i thought, but it was quite nice inside. Meant for old people. That is not meant to be mean. My father is about 70 something. I went to the restroom after we got there, for the girl was not there yet and so i went inside the restroom to continue combing my hair. I went back out a few minutes later, noticing that i was spending to much time in there. The lads were at the table along with a girl. John and Ringo teased me about being late, which i wasn't really but they made it seem like it. John's the worst. This girl was quite a nice one, i didn't really talk to her much because she asked questions and Ringo was talking to her a bunch. John eyed her a lot. She said she had to leave and we all stood up. "Ill walk you home." John smiled. I frowned. "You always get em!" "Dont pout Paul." John said cheekily. But i laughed when John took her hand and she slapped him. "I already have a fiance, so don't try anything." She said with a frown and warning eyes. "You can have her Paul." John said turning away. I grinned, but that soon passed when she said he could still walk her home. They walked out and me and the rest soon left afterwards. We told Brian that we would like to walk home. Of course Ringo knew what i was up too. We made our way that i thought John went. I soon stopped at what i saw. John was standing there, the girl had her hands around his neck and they were kissing. "John why are you making out in the streets?" I finally said.

"Paul, this is Fer. remember?" John said smiling. My eyes widened and i stared at the girl, Fer, infront of me. "Thats Fer? Your prettier then ever." She gave me a hug and asked if me and Hannah were still going out. I told her i was. THen John introduced the others. Fer then asked us to accompany her to her flat. ---------Most of our days were spent with Fer. I phoned Hannah overnight to see how she was, she said she'd be a bit late coming here. I told her it was fine, and that we found Fer. She was excited to meet her again. I was excited to see Hannah again. ---------LEAVING FROM MIAMI to TEXAS: We landed in the airport at the same time Hannah's plane was supposed to turn up. She had been sick for the weeks i was in Florida. But i had to wait and see her after we got to the hotel. With all the fans outside i had no chance. The hotel was quite nice, Fer and John got a room together, i got a room and saved a bed for Hannah.I went down to the lobby and waited for Hannah. The fans were looking inside and just for the sake of it i walked up to the window and smiled and waved. Some girls screamed and clutched at the window, some fainted. A smile and a tiny laugh came out. Then two girls started banging on the window and i backed up, a bit afraid they would break it. I went to the couch and waited. "Would you please go to you room?" The clerk asked, he didn't look happy. "Why?" I asked looking up from the magazine i was reading. "So them girls will go away." He glared at me. I looked at the girls and then at him. I nodded and walked into the hall. The screaming died down and I poked my head around the corner. It was getting dark and the girls were leaving, two were still there. So i waited till they were all gone and then went out to wait again. Hannah came in a few minutes later. Page 2 of 4 "Hey!" I smiled and hugged her. "Hi." She smield. "You okay?" "yeah...just got caught in the crowd. And so i went to get some dinner."

"Oh im sorry." "Its okay, i just had coffee, which was nice." "Come on upstairs i saved a bed for you." "Oh i got my own room Paulie. I thought yours was full." "No, but if you want your own room its fine with me." "I can cancel it." "can you?" I said quickly. She giggled and kissed me. "Sure." We canceled her room and then headed upstairs. Fer and Hannah embraced and began to talk. I went to my room and put Hannah's bags on her bed then unpacked my bags. She came in an hour later and sighed. "Had a nice conversation?" I asked, jokingly. "Yup! Im so tired!" She said and sat down on her bed. "Where is Ringo and George sleeping?" She asked. "In the next room." "In the same apartment?" "yes." She went ot the bath and got dressed then i got changed and we headed to bed. It had been a long day for both of us. "Paul." "Yeah?" "How is John getting along with Fer?" "THey are getting along fine. Just like you and me. John has thought of proposing to her. But don't tell her. He doesn't want me to tell anyone." "You just told me." "Your different." "oh, thanks!" "Want to go horse riding tomorrow? if we can." "Sure!" She yawned. "Good night Paul." "Night, babe." I pulled the covers closer to me and shut my eyes. When John proposes to Fer, i will do the same to Hannah, hopefully. CHAPTER 22 I woke up, Hannah had already gotten up. Her bed was made and her pajamas

folded on the bed. I got up and went out to the kitchen, she and Ringo were sitting at the table with cups of coffee. I poured some for myself and joined them. "Well what time will you like to go?" Hannah asked. "Time? Where?" i asked still waking up. "Horse riding." "Oh, uh when ever is the best." "Okay, just want to know." She smiled and sipped her coffee. I put mine down and walked into our bedroom to get dressed and came back out to find that the rest had waken up. John was nuzzling Fer while she giggled on the couch. Ringo and George read the paper. Hannah was waiting for me, and in the mean time talking to Brian, who had came over. "Hey Paul!" Brian greeted me. "Hey! We don't have anything goin' on today do we?" I asked. "No, not that i know of. Why?" "Im gonna take Hannah for a horse ride." "Oh, a date huh? Have fun." He smiled. "I will." I sat down. At around lunch time i took Hannah to get lunch then we went horse riding. It was nice, having the wind blow in my face. Very nice. The others arrived later and soon caught up with us. We rode for another hour then got off and walked back to the hotel. I went into my bedroom and Hannah came along. "So had fun?" I asked her. She sat down on her bed and smiled. "Yeah." I smiled back and laid down. Tired from the eventful day, semi eventful. --I was soon woken by Brian who said we had a concert in two hours, well he was reminding me. I sat up quickly and got dressed and then grabbed my bass and hurried out the door. The others were waiting. We had to get there 2 hours earlier to set up and get make up. I really don't like putting on the make up but you have to in show business. Hannah and Fer came along. Hannah said she'd get us some dinner and Fer stayed with us. A few minutes before we were to start, Fer came in to tell John that his father wanted to see him. That changed John's mood, he stormed out and Fer

looked pale. "Its alright Fer." I put a hand on her shoulder. "Why cant he forgive and forget?" She sighed and began to tie my tie. "Its just the way John is." I said a bit jumpy from my nervousness. "You know it is kind of hard to tie a tie when your moving." She giggled. "Well try!" I joked. She giggled and then finished. George looked up and asked if she could do his shoe, joking of course. She laughed and reclined. After the show, i still didn't know how John's talk with his dad went. But i didn't care, i was tired. A good dinner and i laid down to sleep. The others did other stuff, and George was eating again. Just like him. ---Yeah this is a short one...there will be a good one next! I hope...;) CHAPTER 23 1964 Holiday with John, Hannah, and Fer ----We went to Washington DC and spent time there as a holiday. We stayed at a friend's little farm house near the city, so it seemed. It was nice and quiet, and cool. The house had four bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room, along with another empty room. Outside they had horses, sheep, and a few chickens. Me and John's friends was back in England visiting family. The other boys, Ringo and George, were off to visit there families in England as well, but then we had to come back to the US. Since we were already here, John and i thought to take our holiday in the USA, so we wouldn't have to take a plane back. "Paul, want to go for a walk?" Hannah asked. "Sure, just us?" "Fer invited us, she's asking John now." At that moment Fer and John entered. "Ready?" I nodded and got up to put my jacket on then followed the lot outside. We went towards a trail. "Want to play hide and seek?" John asked with a smile.

"John, isn't that a little to young for you?" Fer asked, giggling. "No, i think it would be fun, here...theres woods there, then you have the barn. Well what'd you say?" He asked grabbing Fer around the waist. "Alright! You two?" Fer smiled. "Alright, but John your it." Hannah smiled and winked. "Fine. Go!" John said and sat down to begin counting. I quickly began running for the barn. I climbed up to the loft and sat down behind some hay stacks. I saw Hannah and Fer both hiding below. 'Great now John is going to have a hard time, unless he looks here first.' I thought to my self. I heard the door slide open and in came John. "Found you girls, and i bet Paul is up there. Paulie come down!" He called. "You looked didn't you Lennon?" I said and got down. "Maybe..." "John!" Fer hit him playfully on the shoulder. "Alright i saw your foot first so your it Hannah!" John said and ran off. Hannah giggled and rolled her eyes. "1,2..." Me and Fer scurried off and separated, John called to me to follow him so i did. We went into the woods and hid there. "You sure she'll be able to find us?" I asked. "Hannah's a good searcher, she'll find us!" "Uh huh." i sighed and looked up the tree. I locked my hands onto a branch and lifted my feet so they would touch the tree's trunk. I hoisted myself up and climbed a bit higher. "Come ed John!" I whispered loudly. "Paul, you'll give her a harder time." "I havent climbed a tree in years!" I said ignoring John's remark. I heard John laugh from below. "Your so strange some times Paul." "THanks John." I shook my head and hopped down. "Hello." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Sh." "Fine." He said and began walking farther. "Want to explore?" "John really! Your into a childish mood today huh?" I asked, with a little chuckle. "Hey boys!" We started when we heard Hannah's voice behind us.

"How?" John began. "Saw you two, Fer did that is. Want to eat outside? We'll bring a lunch over here." Hannah smiled. "THanks Fer. And sure!" John smiled. "Okay, be back!" "What time?" John asked. "say um we'll be here around 1. Since its 12:25." Fer said as they hurried to the house. "Well lets go look around shall we?" John asked holding his hand out and grinning wide. "I don't need to hold your hand." I said and began walking. We walked some way and we came upon an old house. Windows were broken, the roof was enclosed, there was no door, and it was tilted to one side. "Must've had a bad blow." John said and began walking inside. "John, it could be dangerous." "Yeah, but lets go look in and be careful. Looks like some one has been here anyways-" John's voice faded away as he made his way inside. I shook my head, John could be so brave some times. He could act it i mean. I waited outside so if he did get hurt i could help him. I waited for some time. John had not come out, I began to get a little worried, but if John was okay, he probably would make fun of me for being so worried. But i guess i should just go inside to check on him, i shouldn't think of myself. I stepped forward but my left foot couldn't move. I looked back at it and it was held there by a rope. Why didn't i trip? I bent down to unloose the rope and then continued, but i didn't take a second step before a hand was put over my mouth, and i was turned around to face, a man with muscular appearance. He looked like he didn't have money to even feed him. His clothes were in bad condition. Page 3 of 5 He dragged me to another part of the woods and behind some boulders. Then i was let go and he began to tie me up, a was knife in his hands. Something was familiar about this man, that knife, too. "Wh..." I began to speak. "Quiet, McCartney, or ill have to use this!" He held his knife up to me. "How'd you know my name?!" I stared at him. He didn't reply but once he finished stood infront of me.

"This is a ridiculous way to, what are you doing anyways?" I asked. "Gonna kill you." "But...why?" I asked. "Because of who you are. You stole her McCartney, you stole her!" I relized who i was talking to now. It was the kid i dreaded as a kid. Dominic. "Hey, Dom...i didn't mean it. She failed for me." "Well i can just cut your little face up so she wont!" "She'll still love me." "Not if your dead." He growled and put his knife. "Now, ill count to 4 then you'll be dead, okay." "Dom let me go, please! Im sorry okay! Im sorry." My voice went down to a whispered as i began to be afraid, i began rubbing my ropes on the rocks. "1," "Dom! Please! You can have her!" "2," "I said you could have her!" i shouted. His knife embedded more into my skin when i did that. "Quiet. 3." My ropes loosened and i slowly took them off. "4" He lifted his hand and flung it down. CHAPTER 24 I flung my hands to my eyes and slid down to the ground. My tears were rolling down my face. I was shaking, and felt horrible. Dom's knife hit the rocks in front of him, where i was standing. It fell to the ground. "McCartney! Get up!" He yelled picking his knife up. I didn't move, i was paralyzed. My sobbing became louder. "Shut up!" He yelled at me. I still didn't reply, my body was shaking because of the fear i had, and John wasn't here this time to save me. "Alright ill just have to do it where you are." He said more to himself. He grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me up to the rocks. "Alright Baby Face McCartney." He grinned and pressed me against the rocks. He tied my hands again, i tried to hold the tears in, but it didn't work. I

couldn't speak either and i began to shake even more. Where was John, why hadn't he heard me. "Well lets start here." Dom pressed my face into the rocks, more like the back of my head. It hurt. "Now if you do move our head then your throat will be slit." He said. "1." "Dom.." I faintly said. "2." I felt the knife move away from my throat and then groans on the ground. I looked down and there was John, attacking Dom. Again. Dom was to strong for John, he pinned John down and held the knife in one hand trying to figure a way to use it without letting John go. John struggled under him and i heard my name being called, i turned my head. My imagination. What time was it anyways. Mean while John was pushing his hands up then gave up and let them hit the ground again. Dom took hold of John's hand and put it to his chest then he did the same with the other and then Dom took his knife and was aiming for him. "No!" I ran and kicked Dom over he still held onto John's hands. "get the girls Paul! Call the police or something!" John said, panic in his voice. "We're here. And get off him!" Fer said and lunged at Dom hitting over the head. John stood up and put Dom's hands on his back. Fer helped hold him down. "Is that..." Hannah pointed to Dom on the ground. I nodded. "Go call the police." I told her. She hurried off. Then came back later with a police man. He hand cuffed Dom and walked him back. Hannah took my hand and we all four walked back inside. I went to my bed room, Hannah said she'd bring something for me to eat. I sat down on the side and looked out the window. Why did that have to happen? I didn't notice Hannah came in until she put her arm around me. "Its alright Paul. He's taken care of." "I know, but i was about to die...die!" I put my head in my hands. "I know, and it is mostly my fault." "No it isn't, its my fault for even being with you. For even going to your

birthday party, thats when it all started." "It didn't start there." "Yeah well thats when most of it happened." I sniffed. "I know, but its okay. He's not going to get you anymore." "You knew him?" We turned around to see John leaning in the door way, a bit battered up. I sniffed and looked at Hannah. She nodded. "So who is he?" John asked Fer came up from behind. "A school friend, from when we were, i don't know, 7? I cant remember, but i've known him all my life. Paul met him when we both came to school." "And why did he want to kill Paul?" "He thinks i," I paused as i took a breath, to prevent tears. "I stole Hannah." "Is he that one who was getting you, the day we first met?" John asked. I nodded, Hannah swung her head at me. "You didn't tell me John saved you." "Yes, he did." "The same thing happened." John murmured. "The same thing?" Hannah asked. "Yup, Paul was crying both times, i was pinned down both times. At least im okay now." John smiled. "Come on Paul, lets go get something to eat." Hannah held my hand in hers. John sat down and patted my back. "Don't let it bother you, okay?" He smiled. I smiled back. "Was he a bully?" Fer asked. "Yeah, to Paul and George. But we already had a school bully. Who was doing the same to Paul, he was a good person to bully." Hannah replied. I blushed, "Well...i..." "John was worst...always messed with me. But i showed him most of the times." Fer cocked and eyebrow and folded her arms, and smiled. "Yeah you got me down most of the time. You were the nicest Girl still." John chuckled. "Alright lets stop! And go eat!" Hannah clapped and stood up. The phone rang just then. John got up and went ot answer it then came back in. "We have to end our holiday guys. Brian said we have to have a concert today instead of tomorrow. THe other two are already here."

"Brian! Riuns everything!" I sighed. "Don't make fun Paul." John chuckled and left to pack. We packed then ate something quickly the went to the airport and flew to New York to meet the other two and Brian. CHPATER 25 1968 -----Well, when John finally did propose to Fer, i didn't do it to Hannah. I just didn't know what to say, i mean John got right up to her one night and asked her, right in front of us. We were about to leave the girls anyways. But i couldn't think of what to say. I ask Ringo what i should do, he was already married, so that i was hoping he could help me, but all he said was, 'Just do it.' "Hannah?" I asked, when she entered my house. "Yes? No Hellos?" She giggled. "Oh sorry, hi. Um, i wanted to ask you...can..." She put a finger to my lips, and then kissed them. "Yes, i will, if you really want me too. You know how much i love you." She smiled. "You know what im asking?" I smiled. "Well, hints like an engagement ring, and you making an expression after John's proposal to Fer, and you kept looking at me...i think i figured it out." "I didn't know how to say it...i didn't want to sound...bad." Now that came out bad. "You wouldn't...Paul, you don't have to say it formaly. Did you see how John did it, he was simply tired and stood infront of her and said it." "But thats John." "Anyone could do it." "Yeah, Ringo said to just do it." "Exactly!" Hannah smiled and nodded. I put my arm around her waist. Then heard whining at the back door and glanced at Hannah. "Well better let her in." I chuckled and left to let Martha in. She ran and jumped on Hannah and licked her. She crouch to Martha's height and rubbed her ears and hugged her. Martha was loving it. "When do you want the day to be?"

"Well, maybe wait a while. Im going to have to go soon, like to the states to visit my aunt and uncle. THey have been wanting to see me for a long time." "But could we get married quickly? I don't want to wait." "Want to do it quietly, and privately so we wont have crowds?" "Id love that." I said. Martha sat on my foot. "Thanks girl." I said sarcastically. "Come 'ere Martha." Hannah clapped her hands and Martha jumped up and ran to her. "The others will be here later." "Okay, is Ringo bringing the little Starr?" Hannah joked. "Yup." "Hes a cutie." "Ringo?" "No Zak silly!" I smiled and cuddled her on the couch. Martha laid on the ground and fell asleep. The evening past, me and John couldn't think of what to write and so we just hung out with the others till everyone left. Then Hannah and i went to dinner, she left afterwards. She was leaving for the States. For only a few days, which will feel like years. "Bye Paul, ill miss you. Call?" "Yeah, i will." i smiled and we kissed then she left for her plane. I went back home and got in bed. --------------------------------------I came home, from the studio, Martha was excited and so i fed her. Then sat at the phone and stared, then picked it up. Dialed the number Hannah gave me and waited a response. "Hello? THis is Paul...yes Hannah's boy friend...okay, thank you." I said and waited for her to retrieve Hannah. "Hey Paulie." Hannah said happily. "Hey." "Whats wrong?" "John yelled at the studio today, and we argued again. He always starts these darn fights." "Im sorry. Is everything okay?" "No. Why would it be! Nothing is okay! John is a annoying..."

"Paul, stop it. You know you don't mean it." "I do mean it!" "Lower your voice too." I did so. "I mean it every word of it." "Yeah right." She laughed. "What?" "Why cant you get along with him anymore?" "Because, he has more important things to do. I mean this was just a minor thing." "Then why are you so steamed up about it?" "I don't know..." "Oh Paul...anyways, hows the record?" "okay...with minor fights." "Maybe you all should take a holiday?" "Yeah. Ill suggest it to the guys tomorrow. I miss you Hannah." "And i miss you Paul." She made a kissing noise into the phone, then we said goodbye and hung up. I sighed and looked at my big shaggy English Sheepdog. "Well Martha, what do you think?" She panted and cocked an ear, then stood up and put her paw on my knee. I patted her head and smiled. "Dogs." I chuckled and stood up. ------------------------A few days later i went to pick Hannah up at the airport. We drove to my old house and went over. My dad came out to greet me. Page 3 of 3 "So whats going on?" Hannah asked. "A little family wedding." I winked. "Ah!" She flung her arms around me. The other three Beatles, along with their wives/girlfriends, were waiting there. John congratulated me. I was glad he could come. We had the little wedding and then afterwards stayed for a small conversation. John and Fer wanted to take us out and so We did. It was nice, i forgot about the Beatles, the album, the arguments me and John had, and just focused on my friend, best friend, who seemed to always be with me. John was more cheerful then he usually was, it was quite weird, his attitude i thought.

Me and Hannah then went to my house. Out first night together, almost. Martha sleeted between the two twin beds. Well it used to be a full one, but i just cut the wood and fixed it up to make a second bed for Martha to sleep on if she wanted. I really don't know why i did that, guess i was tired of her wanting on my bed. Today was a great day for me...of course John's attitude today, wouldn't be the same like in the past. CHPATER 26 This is kind of like POVs on what happened, and this will be my last chapter...i think...maybe the next one will be! Then George's is next! :D 1970 -------------Today it happened, more like last night. I told the paper i was quitting, i also phoned John before and told him i was quitting. I couldn't stand his bickering and all that. He was being annoying, frustrating, and he change. A lot. I didn't like the new John, i like the old one, but the new must come. Hannah went out to get some shopping down, and get me some new tapes, to record. While she was gone Fer dropped by. I didn't want to see any Lennon today. Even though she wasn't really related. Except by marriage. I almost wanted to yell at her, but held it back. Besides she was a girl. But i didn't want to here about John, he was the one who was being annoying and mean. She then left and George came to see me. Finally some one who understands, i saw Fer watch as i greeted George in. But i waved it away. "She came by the house? Paul that wasn't nice at all." Hannah said when i told her. "Well sorry, but i don't want to see any Lennon!" "What if you married one?" "I don't know. Id hate to be related to John." "Your just saying that, again." "No i don't like him anymore! He's not the same!" "Of course he aint the same, he's older, your not the same!" "I really don't care."

"Paul..." "Well, i don't -" A knock came on the door and i slapped my forehead, forgetting my Aunt and uncle were coming. "Hi!" I smiled as i opened the door. They hugged and kissed me then did the same to Hannah, well my Aunt did that is. We talked some time and got talking into me and the band. I told them we broke up. They said they were sorry, but i said it was fine. I didn't want sympathy for something i wanted. ------Later that day another knock came on the door, i heard my Aunt answer it from upstairs. I sighed, i hope its not who i think it is. Hannah was out doing something with my uncle, and i was trying to write. She called me down and i listened, but stopped when i saw who it was. Both John and Fer. "What do you want?" I mumbled. "Just to tell you im sorry." John said. I looked at my feet, John was apologizing? It was about time. But his face looked so sad, he wanted me to forgive him i could tell. John spoke again, saying stuff about how Fer said that it was just a band split and not a friendship all together and that just because the band split doesn't mean John and i have too. I did agree there, i thought back. I felt choked up but held them up, i moved and gave John a hug. He kind of jumped but put his arms around me. "I...i understand Johnny." i said. Suddenly John started to laugh making me laugh. It turned into uncontrollable laughing. Fer and Ringo coughed. And i went over and gave her a hug. "Im sorry." "Its okay Paulei!" She said with a smile. I felt the choking feeling coming again, i sat down and covered my face. "Im sorry i did, what i did." I told them. John sat down and put his arm around my shoulders. Tell me its okay and that we can still be friends, and that he thought it was a good time they go their own separate ways, but we could still be friends. I agreed and smiled. "How syour album coming?" he asked removing his arm.

"Not to good. I cant think, yesterday and last night were bothering me. I felt so bad." "Its alright, you don't have to worry anymore!" he smiled "Hey, you and Hannah come over and the others will too! Then we can have a get together! What about it huh?" He asked. "Sure!" I grinned. THey left and Hannah came in. I put my head in my hands and left the tears come out. "Whats wrong Paul? " She sake sitting down. "Oh Hannah!" is al i said and hugged her. She was a bit confused but patted my hair. "Is everything okay?" My aunt asked. "I don't know, whats wrong Paul?" Hannah asked. I sniffed and got rid of the tears, but they came. "I feel so bad." "What about honey?" my aunt sat down and put her arm around me. "John came over and apologized, and it wasn't his fault, it was all mine. I was just to stubborn and selfish to go and do it." "Oh Paul, i don't think he cares anymore. I wouldn't worry about it, remember, just let it be." My aunt said, quote my mum. I gave her a hug. "I guess your right. " "Now its close to 6, we'll be leaving soon, so why don't you just get ready, huh?" She said. I nodded and took Hannah's hand and led her upstairs. "I love your family Paul!" Hannah smiled. "Me too. I love yours too." "yeah, i think we have good families." She smiled and giggled. We got ready and left for John's place. -----We got home and went upstairs. It was late and my relatives were in bed. We quietly made our way to bed. Hannah cuddled into me as we both feel asleep. The dog sleeping soundly at our feet, and yes i let her on the bed.

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