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My interview

By: Marques Oleson

1)how did u learn to cook?-mom 2)how many houses did u live in as a kid?-3 3) what is your favorite color?-purple 4)who was your favorite teacher as a middle schooler?-Miss.Kwalla 5)who was your best friends name?-jenny 6) were you a hippy?-no 7) who was your first kid?-Carrie 8) who was your favorite child to care for?chris

2nd pg interview/answers
9) what is your favorite thing to cook?-steak 10)how long have you lived in the same house for?-30 years 11)how many kids do you have?-4 12)do you enjoy reading?-yes 13)how many jobs have you had?-5 14)do you consider your self successful?-kinda 15)have u done anything illegal in the past 2 years?-no

3rd pg interview/answers
16)how many pets have you had?-6 dogs 17)how many times have u been married?-3 18) have you ever been to jail?-no and never will 19)do you have any tattoos?-no 20) do you have a brother?-yes,1

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