O Príncipe e o Poder Mágico - The Prince and The Magical Power

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Long ago in a faraway land, there lived a king and his son, the prince.

They were very happy together in their great and beautiful palace. One day the father said, Son, I have something that is very important for you to do, something that only you can do. I wish for you to go to the village beyond the mountains, to take the love and joy that we have here in our palace to the children of the village. H muito tempo, numa terra distante, vivia um rei e seu jovem filho, o prncipe Eles viviam felizes juntos no seu grande e lindo palcio. Eles se amavam muito mesmo, e se divertiam bea juntos. Um dia, o pai disse a seu filho: Filho, tenho algo muito importante para voc, algo que s voc pode fazer. Quero que v at o vilarejo alm das montanhas para levar o amor e alegria que temos aqui no palcio s crianas do vilarejo.

As the prince was about to leave, his father said, Before you go, I give you a magical power. This is the power to change peoples hearts. And anyone that you give this power to will also be able to use it to change the hearts of others. Quando o prncipe estava prestes a partir, seu pai colocou a mo no corao do filho e disse: Antes de partir, dou-lhe um poder mgico. o poder para transformar o corao das pessoas. Qualquer um a quem voc der este poder tambm poder transformar o corao dos outros.

So the prince set off, on his way to the village beyond the mountains. When he arrived, he saw that there were many children. The children laughed and played and seemed to be having a good time with each other. But as he looked at them, and as he spoke with them and got to know them, he saw that deep in their hearts they were unhappy and afraid.

Ento o prncipe foi para o vilarejo alm das montanhas. Chegando l, viu que havia muitas crianas. As crianas riam e brincavam, e pareciam estar se divertindo umas com as outras, mas quando ele as observou, e medida que conversava com elas e passava a conhec-las, viu que l no fundo, tinham medo. Pareciam estar felizes, mas no fundo, havia uma tristeza.

So the prince called his new friends to him and began to tell them stories of his father and of the palace in which he lived. He told of the great fun he had there, and the great love, and the exciting things that he could do. He told them that they could go there too, and that they also could enjoy these things. Some of the children didnt believe him and said, Youre making this up! No such place exists! But there were others who believed. the words that the young boy said to them.

Ento o prncipe chamou seus novos amigos a si e comeou a lhes contar as histrias do seu pai e do palcio no qual morava. Ele lhes contou o quanto se divertia l, do grande amor e das coisas emocionantes que fazia. Ele lhes disse que tambm podiam ir para l, que tambm podiam desfrutar dessas coisas. Algumas das crianas no acreditaram nele e disseram: Que nada! Voc est inventando tudo isso! Esse lugar no existe! Mas havia os que acreditaram nas palavras que o jovem rapaz lhes contou.

When the prince found those who believed what he said, he called them close and laid his hand upon their hearts and said, My father gave me the magical power. Because you have believed the words that I said, I lay my hand upon your heart and I give you this magical power. Now you too have the power to change the hearts of others. As they received this power, the fear and sadness that was in their hearts was taken away and they were filled with joy. When it was time for the young prince to return, he said to those who had believed his words and had received the magical power, Go and tell everyone you meet the story of the king and the great palace and the joy that is there. Tell them that if they will believe your words and if they will receive this magical power, they will be able to come and live in the palace forever, just like you will be able to.

Encontrando as pessoas que acreditavam no que ele disse, o prncipe as chamou, colocou a mo sobre o corao de cada uma delas e disse: Meu pai me deu este poder mgico para mudar o seu corao. Como acreditaram nas minhas palavras, coloco a mo no seu corao e lhes dou este poder mgico. Agora vocs tambm tm o poder para mudar o corao dos outros. Quando receberam este poder, o medo e tristeza em seu corao desapareceu. No estavam mais tristes. Sentiam alegria e felicidade. Quando chegou a hora do jovem prncipe voltar para casa, ele disse queles que tinham acreditado nas suas palavras e recebido o poder mgico: Vo, e contem a todos que conhecerem a histria do rei e do grande palcio e da alegria que l existe. Diga-lhes que se acreditarem nas suas palavras e receberem este poder mgico para mudar o corao dos homens, podero viver conosco no palcio para sempre, assim como vocs vivero.

So the prince returned home and his friends began to speak to all the other children everywhere, telling them the story of the king and the prince and the palace. Those who believed received the magical power with great joy. Ento o prncipe voltou para casa e seus amigos comearam a falar com todos por toda a parte, contando-lhes a histria do rei, da rainha, do prncipe e do palcio. E aqueles que acreditavam recebiam o poder mgico com grande alegria.

Do you, too, want to receive that magical power? The magical power is Love, Gods Love. The King is God and the Prince, His Son, is Jesus. The palace is Heaven, a wonderful place. Simply talk to God right now and say in your heart and tell him: Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to give me Your Love. I receive Him, and I receive Your Love. Please forgive me for all the things I have done wrong. Help me to now use Your magical power of Love that I have received from Jesus to do good to others and to love them. Amen!

Voc quer receber esse poder mgico tambm? O poder mgico amor, o amor de Deus. O rei Deus e o Prncipe o Filho dEle, Jesus. O palcio o Cu, um lugar maravilhoso. Simplesmente falar com Deus, o Rei, e dizer no corao: Querido Deus, eu acredito que enviou Seu Filho, Jesus, para nos dar o Seu amor. Eu O aceito e aceito o Seu amor. Por favor, perdoe todas as coisas que fiz de errado. Ajude-me agora a usar o seu poder mgico de amor para fazer o bem aos outros e am-los. Amm!


Art and text The Family International

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