Invisible Art

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make & do activity kit

Invisible messages and art

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This activity kit contains:
1. Make and do activity steps 1 - 3 Visit to download any missing elements.

Use the candle to draw a picture or write a message on the white paper. Hint: you can draw or write your message on another piece of paper in thick black texta then place it under your paper and trace the image or letters.

In the container mix a little paint with some water to make thin paint wash.

Things you need:

white paper or card wax candle poster paint water paintbrush container

Put a little paint on your brush and paint over the page. Where you have drawn or written with the candle will remain white.

500 Harris St Ultimo PO Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia tel: 02 6217 0111 web:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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