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ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 1


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


Web browsers have come a long way from the days of the first Internet Web browsers, Mosaic and the like. Web browsers today have progressed from being amore internet exploring tool to being a multi-purposed, multi prolonged application that brings several advantages to the web visitor. The prominent browsers available for personal computers include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and so on. Todays Web browsers are easy to download because it is readily available to the market and comes for free. In web browsers allow users to search for specific topics, download files, watch movies online, listen music online, online streaming, chatting, file sharing send and receive email, playing games, and just about something everyone could imagine. Through web browsers someone can make or access any kind of cybercrime to open malicious files. In web browsers can easily get viruses, malware, spyware, that can harm personal computers. The reason for developing the Alibata web browser is to lessen such cases and to block malicious content. And also to prevent personal computers to viruses, malware, spyware, that can get through internet.

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Background of the Study

Web browser is an application that is most used by people using internet. It is however the most exploited in terms of usage. The advantages of web browser now is, it can be used for online selling, play online games, social networking, watch videos online, listen music online and download files. The disadvantages in web browser today can scam easily on site especially if selling online. Another disadvantage of web browsers is its malicious content. Some files can get while downloading in internet contains viruses, spyware, and malware. With this reasons, the proponent decided to develop an Alibata web browser. The Alibata web browser has the ability to block malicious content to prevent opening of pornographic and violent interest. Alibata web browser has also an ability to prevent from spyware and malware while downloading files using internet.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to develop a web browser and increase its security features from viruses, malicious contents and possible cyber crimes. This web browser will help prevent internet threats that are harmful to computers and the users themselves.

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

The study seeks answers for the following problems. 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Browser preference 1.2 Computer proficiency 2. How do the respondents address security issues in web browsing? 3. How do the respondents assess their preferred browser and the proposed Alibata Web Browser in terms of: 3.1 Efficiency In terms of CPU Usage In terms of Memory Usage

3.2 Speed 3.3 Security malware protection unwanted Jscript application anti-phishing anti-spyware anti-adware

3.4 User Friendliness 3.5 Compatibility

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Hypothesis Based on the problem stated, the proponent has formulated this hypothesis, which was tested at 0.05 level of significance, there is no significant difference between the existing and proposed system in terms of: Efficiency, Speed, Security, User Friendliness, Compatibility. Significance of the study This study is important for the users of internet. It will protect the personal computers in virus threats usually encountered while using the internet. It serve as a guide and it inform the users to protect personal computers when the user is encountering virus threaths. The following are the beneficiaries of the study. User- the user will be informed if he/she encountered malicious content while using the internet. Users will be assured that he/she can be protected while using personal computers and can have a secured web browser. These will surely give safe and secured web browser. Future Researchers- it will serve as a guide for those researchers

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Scopes and Limitations This research has its specific coverage as to what the browser can perform. The following are the scope of this study. The Alibata web browser is created with the idea of fully having almost every capability if not all, of a typical web browser. Basically it has an address bar wherein the user will type the desired website address he/she wishes to go to. It can run everything that can be found on the net from sounds to pictures, videos and such. It may host multiple private websites and constitute an important component and focal point of internal communication and collaboration. Cookies can help users to locate and view information faster and use applications relevant to their roles and responsibilities. It can also bookmark websites specifically chosen by the user. Lastly as stated earlier this browser concentrate mostly with security issues therefore a built-in pop-up blocker is also smartly integrated within the browser. Like any other computer applications, the proposed browser has its limitations. This web browser cannot extend its security capabilities with an already infected system. It does not have a function to scan a virus. In terms of speed of the web browser, achieving best browsing experience is subject to the users internet connection speed. The browser does not cover the some network tools. It also cannot provide themes for customizing the web browser. Also the web browser cannot protect the user when they disabled the security options.

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 2


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 2 Review of Literature

This chapter discusses the studies and criticisms conducted to highlight the significance of the proposed system. These will help to understand the ins and outs of the existing browsers to help come up with the desired results. The review of related literature is done to find out the ways, needs and further wants of web browser users. The proponents will create a system that will provide more convenient and user friendly browser with improved security. This section contains the theory that serves as the proponents guide toward the possible completion of this study.

Related Literature Literature is a part of our lives in which it expresses the essence of direction and point of views. Literature is significant in relation to the nature of application and problems under investigation. Related literatures are composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related. These materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedia, professional journal, magazines, newspapers and other publications.

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Foreign Literatures

According to the author Roger A. Grimes (2009). What is Browser Security Review , Its stated that this article discusses everything about internet security within every web browser out there. It critizices every web browser from its features to its security. According to this website, What is Internet Security Research Paper (1997). , This paper explains that the securty problems of the internet largely are due to the design structure of the internet. According to this website http:// What is evaluating Web sites for Accessibility (1997). , This is a multi-page resource suite that outlines different approaches for evaluating Web sites for accessibility. According to this website What is Orca Browser Review by SoftSea (2009). , It discussed the different features and edge of this newly developed browser among the other existing ones. According to sudy of Wall Street Journal (2010), Google has introduced a new Web browser, called Chrome, aimed at wresting dominance of the browser market from Microsofts Internet Explorer. These omissions include a way to manage bookmarks, a command for emailing links and pages directly

ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

from the browser, and even a progress bar to show how much of a Web page has loaded. Local Literatures

According to the study of Genalyn Kabiling (2010), Palace Denounces hacking, increases Internet security , It discuss security breach within the Philippine Governments official sites. This article emphasizes the significance of internet security which is also the main concern of the proponents in developing this browser. According to this website by Manila Bulletin (2010). RP drops from Top 20 Countries Most Hit by Malware Attacks , This article also tackled the serious effects of malwares lurking in the world wide web. According to the author Abigail Kwok (2010). RP 4th in SE Asia as source of internet security threats , Web-based attacks are launched from computers other than that of the user through redirection or malicious advertisements. According to the author Alexander Villafania, Money is main cause of internet security threats (2008) , Virus makers are more ingenious now and are not just attacking operating system vulnerabilities and multimedia attacks,


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

particularly those that use click-over videos that actually download viruses onto unprotected computers. According to the author James O. Ventura. (1999) SATAN ( Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Network The problem with this is that the internet is a jungle, if you connect a machine to it, you can be sure that it will probed for security weaknesses by the malicious and the curious.

Related Studies This review helped the proponent in understanding how the internet works and how it helps in communication. And how it eases mans lives, Some citations are stated below.

Foreign Studies This review helped the proponent in understanding how the computers worldwide are interconnected and how it can be used as a communication tool. According to the study of Kent State University, a Web browser is a specific type of document that allows you to access resources on the world wide web.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

According to the developer of SpectorSoft (1998). this studys aim is also for additional security purposes same as to our proposed systems aim which is also improved security. According to the developer of Password Management, a small

application created by Bitshifter from is to manage username and password for favorite sites. According to the developer of Home Security with Finger Print, keyless is a biometric lock that uses finger print identification as a method. According to the author Nickun Kach, Kacha Web Browser is a simple web browser using visual Technically the same as to our proposed application the difference is that ours is more complex with smartly integrated security system and features.

Local Studies According to the study of James O. Ventura, (1999). SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Network) The problem with this is that the internet is a jungle if you connect a machine to it, you can be sure that it will be probed for security weaknesses by the malicious and the curious.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

According to the study of Richard T. Garcia and John Derek S. Susi, (2008). Philippine Search Engine, Internet to promote the Philippines its society and culture. According to the study of Rickson G. Chew, (2007). Generic Pop-up Keylogger This keylogger is a Trojan and at the same time a backdoor. It runs anonymously in the background providing a backdoor server which allows a remote intruder to gain access and control over the computer. According to the study of Onel A. De Guzman AMA Computer College, (2000). Email Password Sender Trojan , he stated that trojan horse is a legitimate program that has been altered by the placement of unauthorized instructions within it. According to the study of Ria Ann D. Ero AMA Computer College Makati (1998), Trojan System: File System Guard , She stated that the software is all about security and protections against unauthorized program running in hidden mode and unknown to user.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Synthesis Local studies tackle security but with a different approach. The related studies prove the relevance of the research in addition with the related literatures where security is the main issue. The epidemic spread of malware and virus attack is very alarming especially in the Philippines as reported by Symantec Philippines. Beyond any features or functions the community of the worldwide web should not forget security to be the main function to look at. This has been evident learning from Onel de Guzmans rejected thesis proposal as to how Trojan works. Same with the study of Ms. Ria Ann D. Ero proposed system in preventing unauthorized access by applications like Trojan. The team will also apply encryption and other innovative way to secure browsing experience just like other web browsers do. Mozilla for functions, Internet Explorer for security and Google Chrome for speed will be the basis of the project. With the same vision of Richard T. Garcia and Derek S. Susi, the study project is to promote the Philippine heritage, so the team named the project, Alibata Web Browser.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Conceptual Framework

Security Compatibility User Friendliness Speed Efficiency

Figure 2.0

Conceptual Framework The figure above shows the conceptual framework showing the difference between the Existing system and the Proposed system in terms of Security, Compatibility, User Friendliness, Speed and Efficiency. Having the

above criteria, the project will help the web users/community to be aware of internet security and assure the safety of web browsing without the worries of being hacked, infected or scammed. The project is an open source, so it is free and open for improvement to suit the needs of the web user or developer.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Theoretical Framework for the Proposed System

Web Application Security Framework

Figure 1.0

Theoretical Framework for the Proposed System

The figure above shows the theoretical framework of the proposed system that filters web frames for any sign of malicious/non-certified content. The proposed system security defense provides protection against such web application attacks since these attacks are launched on port 80 (default for websites) which has to remain open to allow regular operation of the business. The proposed system adds one more layer of protection and it is on the


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Application Layer, the layer that are most exploited, transferring data through Port 80. With all the protection present in the User Layer, Transport Layer, Access Layer and Network Layer, through vulnerability scanning and source code analysis of every web application, the proposed system brings a more secured and more efficient web browsing.

Definition of Terms

Authentication. The method used to verify the identity of a user, program or computer on the web. ASP(Active Server Pages). A technology allowing the insertion of server executable scripts in web pages. Bookmark. A link to a particular web site, stored (bookmarked) by a web user for future use and easy access. Browse. A term to describe a users movement across the web, moving from page to page via hyperlinks, using a web browser. Cache. A web browser or web server feature which stores copies of web pages on a computer hard disk. CGI(Common Gateway Interfaces). A set of rules that describes how CGI program communicates with a web server.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Compressions. A method of reducing the size (compress) of web documents or graphics for faster delivery via the web. Cookie. Information from a web browser, stored on your computer by your web browser. The purpose of a cookie is to provide information about your visit to the web site for use by the server during a later visit. E-mail Address. The address used for sending e-mails to a person or an organization. E-mail Server. A web server dedicated to the task of serving e-mail. Firewall. A software that acts as a security filter that can restrict types of

network communication. Frame. A part of the browser screen displaying a particular content frames are often used to display content from different web pages. Helper Application. A program helping the browser to display, view, or work with files that the browser cannot handle itself. Hits. The number of times a web object (page or picture) has been viewed or downloaded. Home page. The default page displayed when you visit a web site.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Internet. A network that links computer networks all over the world by satellite and telephone, connecting users with service networks such as e-mail and the World Wide Web Java. Mostly for programming web servers and web applets. Search Engine. Computer program used to search and catalog (index) the millions of pages of available information on the web. Spyware. A computer software hidden in a computer with the purpose of collecting information about the use of the computer. Trojan Horse. Computer program hidden in another computer program with the purpose of destroying software or collecting information about the use of the computer. Upload. To transfer a file from a local computer to a remote computer. To transfer a file from a web client to a web browser. URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The standard way to address web documents (pages) on the internet. Web Applet. A program that can be downloaded over the web and run on the users computer. Web Application Security. Science of information security relating to the World Wide Web, HTTP and web application software. Also known as Web Security.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Web Browser. A program used for displaying and viewing pages on the World Wide Web. Web Client. A software program used to access web pages. Web Page. A document (normally an HTML file) designed to be distributed over the web. Web Server. A server that delivers web content to web browsers. Web Services. Software components and applications running on web servers. The server provides these services to the other computers, browser or individuals, using standard communication protocols. Web Site. A collection of related web pages belonging to a company or an individual. Worm. A computer virus that can make copies of itself and spread to other computers over the internet.
WWW (World Wide Web). A Global Network of computers using the internet to exchange web documents.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 3



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 3 Materials and Methods Materials and methods are important components of any formal studies.This section provides detailed information of procedures that will be used in completing studies. This provided a set of instruction and procedures particularly the interview, questionnaire, observation and evaluation in gathered data and information. This chapter uses analytical tool for showing the process of the system through diagrams and provides system requirements for software and hardware specification.

Research Design Descriptive Method

This method is typically used for describing the different characteristics and capabilities to fully understand the differences within two specific researches or in this case software application. The method describes the existing applications in several essential instruments like gathering of information and requirements to ensure the improvement and to also identify the necessities for the proposed system. It aims to make process more accurate, efficent and fast.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Instrumentation It is important for a research to consider the necessary instruments to be used. The success will depend on the accuracy of the information. This study uses the questionnaire, interview, observation and evaluation form in gathering data. Interview An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. Questionnaire A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series

of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton. Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, such standardized answers may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply limited by the fact that respondents must be able


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

to read the questions and respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting a survey by questionnaire may not be practical. As a type of survey, questionnaires also have many of the same problems relating to question construction and wording that exist in other types of opinion polls. Evaluation It is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. An assessment will be conducted after the observation that can now lead to a conclusion and generalization of the study. The proposed system will be measured or evaluated in the criteria the proposed system aims. Observation A process of observing and analyzing gathered data from the interview. This procedure needs a brain storming among the proponents and by this the study can now go to another step of research.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Respondents The target respondents will be composed of at least approximately 30 individuals. This is for the purpose of gathering views from advance users with regards to computer literacy. Procedure The proponents provided questionnaires to be accomplished by selected respondents. Interview was conducted to make an observation and assessment about the problems that occurred in a manual system.

Analytical Tools Analytical tools serves as the guidelines in developing the system. Through these tools the proponents are capable of performing the creation of the system in a very organized manner. It shows analytical procedures, processes and presentation of the system components. It contains the definition of the context diagram, data flow diagram ad the flow of the system that proponents used to complete their study.

Use Case Diagram. A diagram containing a set of scenarios that describing an interaction between a user and a system. A use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

The two main components of a use case diagram are use cases and actors. Use Case Narrative. Is a table that represents an algorithm or process and use a logical flow of the system in analyzing, designing and managing processes or programs in different fields. Fishbone Diagram. Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams or Fishikawa) are diagrams that show the causes of a certain event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect prevention, to identify potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or reason for imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped into major categories to identify these sources of variation Activity Diagram. Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-by-step workflows of components in a system. An activity diagram shows the overall flow of control.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Statistical Tools The researchers use this method in order to determine the difference between the other system and the proposed system. Problem No. 1 What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and computer Literacy? Percentage. This statistical tool was used to describe the profile of the

respondents of the study in terms of age, gender and computer literacy. This was solved using formula: f P=. ------N *100

Where: P = Percentage f = frequency, sum, of respondents N = Number of respondents


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Problem no.2 which was about the significant difference between the manual and the proposed system, the T-Test and ranking were used. This was expressed through these formulas:
T-test. This was used to determine two variable means, which differ significantly. The formulas are:


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Where: = Variance T = T value WME = Weighted Mean of the Existing System WMP = Weighted Mean of the Proposed System ME = Summarization of the Mean of the Existing System MP = Summarization of the Mean of the Proposed System Mean of the Proposed System Mean of the Existing System x = Class mark Sp = Spooled ne = Number of Respondents in Existing System np = Number of Respondents in Proposed System N = Number of Criteria = Frequency of Responses


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

The level of probability, either 0.01 to 0.05 refers to the distribution table for the computed t-value to determine if it is significant or not. If the t-value is equal to or greater than the tabular value, the former is significant; if less insignificant.

Ranking This will be used to show the positional importance of the item that was analyzed. Five-Point rating the following is the verbal interpretation of the Likerts 5-point rating scale and its interval to be evaluating the overall responses of the users. Likerts scaling is a bipolar method, measuring either positive or negative response to a statement. Verbal Interpretation Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Weighted Mean 5 4 3 2 1 Interval 4.50 - 5.00 3.50 4.49 2.50 3.49 1.50 2.49 1.00 1.49


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Software Development Model Reuse-based Development (Component-based) With the majority of software projects, there are some softwares which are reuse. This usually happens informally when people working on the project know the designs or code which is similar to the required one. Users look for these, modify them as needed and incorporate them into their system. This reuseoriented approach relies on a large base of reusable software components and some integrating framework for these components. Component-based software engineering has the obvious advantage of reducing the amount of software to be developed and so reducing cost and risk. While the initial requirements specification stage and the validation stage are comparable with other processes, the intermediate stages in reuse-oriented process are different. These stages are: 1. Component Analysis. Given the requirements specification, a

search is made for components to implement that specification. Usually, there is no exact match and the components that may be used only provide some of the functionality required. 2. Requirement Modification. During this stage, the requirements are analyzed using information about the components that have


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

been discovered. They are then modified to reflect the available components. Where modifications are impossible, the component analysis activity maybe re-entered to search for alternative solutions. 3. System Design with reuse. During this phase, the framework of the system is designed or an existing framework is reused. The designers take into account the components that are reused and organize the framework to cater to this. Some new software may have to be designed if reusable components are available. 4. Development and Integration. Software that cannot be externally procured is developed, and the components are integrated to create the new system.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Specifications Software Operating System Windows XP, Windows 7, Mac OS, and Linux Kernel 2.6.0 and higher.

Hardware Minimum: 1.6 GHz processor clock speed or lower 64MB RAM Minimum available Hard disk Space 1gb Dial-Up 56 Kbps Internet Connection. VGA Monitor Keyboard Mouse


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Recommended: 2.0 GHz or higher processor clock speed 128MB or more RAM Minimum available Hard disk Space 1gb DSL or Broadband Internet Connection XVGA Monitor Keyboard Mouse


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 4



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this chapter the attention was focused on the presentation of results, analysis and interpretation of data. All the questions stated in the statement of the problem were answered and supported by the following tables: Note: the total number of respondents who took the survey is fixed at thirty (30) Profile of the Respondents

Tables 1 to 5 present the profile of the respondents. Such information served as screeners or qualifiers in evaluating present and proposed system.
Table 1.1

Frequency Distribution Based on Google Chrome Usage

Responses Frequent Often Seldom Total

Frequency 22 3 5 30

Percentage 73.3 10.0 16.7 100


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 1.1 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents with regards to using Google Chrome web browser. Twenty-two (22) answered Frequent, Three (3) answered Often and Five (5) answered Seldom. From the data above, it is safe to conclude that at least the proponents met the standards of the respondents that is Google Chrome. Table 1.2 Frequency Distribution Based on Mozilla Firefox Usage

Reponses Frequent Often Seldom Total

Frequency 6 6 18 30

Percentage 20.0 20.0 60.0 100

Table 1.2 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents with regards to using Mozilla Firefox browser. Six (6) answered Frequent and Often and Eighteen (18) answered Seldom. From this data it safe to say that though mozilla firefox is not preferred by most of the respondents, it is still a significant browser to consider with regards to developing the proposed system.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 1.3 Frequency Distribution Based on Internet Explorer Usage

Reponses Frequent Often Seldom Total

Frequency 6 3 21 30

Percentage 20.0 10.0 70.0 100

Table 1.2 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents with regards to using Internet Explorer browser. Six (6) answered Frequent, Three (3) answered Often and Twenty-one (21) answered Seldom. From this data it safe to say that though internet explorer is not preferred by most of the respondents, it is still a significant browser to consider with regards to developing the proposed system.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 2 Frequency Distribution Based on Computer Skills

Reponses Beginner Intermediate Expert

Frequency 7 18 5

Percentage 23.3 60.00 16.7

Table 2 shows the Computer Literacy or skills of the respondents Seven (7) of the total respondents have answered beginner, Eighteen (18) have answered service for Intermediate and Five (5) have answered Expert.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 3 Frequency Distribution Based on Usual Web Browser Problems

Reponses Pop-Up Adware Fraud Spyware System Crash Incompatibility Slow Rendering Hacked Account

Frequency 19 15 15 7 7 6 5 2

Percentage 63.33 50 50 23.33 23.33 20 16.67 6.67

Table 3 shows the frequent problems that the respondents usually encounter involving web browsers, Nineteen (19) answered Pop-up, Fifteen (15) for Adware and Fraud, Seven (7) for Spyware and System Crash, Six (6) for incompatibility, Five (5) for Slow Rendering and Two (2) for Hacked Account. From the data illustrated in this table Pop-Ups, Adware and Fraud are the primary problems that need more attention with regards to providing solutions


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 4 Frequency Distribution Based on Typically Problem Solutions

Reponses Pup-Up Blocker Ad-Block WOT Anti-Spyware Force Quit Extensions Report Reinstallation

Frequency 14 12 10 8 7 6 3 1

Percentage 46.67 40 33.33 26.67 23.33 20 10 3.33

Table 4 presents the typical problem solutions that the respondents do in order to solve certain errors regarding their web browser. Fourteen (14) answered Pop-up Blocker, Twelve (12) answered Ad-block, Ten (10) answered WOT, Eight (8) answered Anti-spyware, Seven (7) answered Force Quit, Six(6) answered Extensions, Three (3) answered Report and One (1) answered


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Reinstallation. This is an indicator that Pop-Up blocker, Ad-Block and WOT should primarily be included in our proposed system. Table 5 Frequency Distribution Based on the Typical Browser Necessities

Reponses Pop-Up & Adware Blocker Website Verification Malware & Spyware Protection Standards of W3C Bug/Error solving guide

Frequency 15 13 12 5 4

Percentage 50.00 43.33 40 16.67 13.33

Table 5 shows the typical browser must haves that the proponents prefer based on the survey, Fifteen (15) answered Pop-Up and Adware Blocker, Thirteen (13) answered Website Verification, Twelve (12) answered Malware and Spyware Protection, Five (5) answered Standards of W3C and Four (4) answered Bug/Error solving guide. This data have rendered the proponents a great deal of information innderstanding what are the important matters that needed to be looked at in developing the proposed system.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Evaluation: Existing System versus Proposed System The following statistical test results exhibit the advantages of the proposed system when pitted against the current web browsers preferred by the proponents. Part 1: Assessment of the Respondents in the Existing System The respondents evaluated the existing system using the following criteria, efficiency, speed, security, user-friendliness and compatibility using the Likerts 5-point rating scale. Table 6 Assessment of the Respondents in the Existing System Weighted Criteria Mean Efficiency Above The ability of the system to provide correct 4.1 Average information to the users. Speed 4.1 The system's ability to perform its function in Average Above Description


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

the shortest period of time.

Security The capability of the system to prevent 4.0 unauthorized use of the system. Average Above

User-friendliness The ability of the system to be easy to obtain, 4.2 use, or reach. Average Above

Compatibility Above The ability of the system to perform under 4.1 certain conditions and error-free. Above Over-all Mean 4.1 Average Average

The above table shows that the existing system with the criteria efficiency has an average mean of 4.1; speed has an average mean of 4.1; the


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

security with an average mean of 4.0; the user-friendliness with an average mean of 4.2; the compatibility with an average mean of 4.1 with a verbal interpretation, all got the above average ratings respectively.

Part 2: Assessment of the Respondents in the Proposed System. The respondents assessed the proposed system in terms of the following criteria: accuracy, accessibility, reliability, speed, user friendliness, security, content and the manner of presentation and the usefulness of the system using the Likerts 5-point rating scale.

TABLE 7 Assessment of the Respondents in the Proposed System Weighted Criteria Mean Efficiency/Accuracy Above The ability of the system to provide correct 4.4 information to the users. Average Description


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Speed The system's ability to perform its function in 4.3 the shortest period of time. Average Above

Security The capability of the system to prevent 4.2 unauthorized use of the system. Average Above

User-friendliness The ability of the system to be easy to obtain, 4.5 use, or reach. Average Excellent

Compatibility Above The ability of the system to perform under 4.4 certain conditions and error-free. Above Over-all Mean 4.36 Average Average


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 7. presents the assessment of the respondents on the proposed system based on the criteria. As shown above, the respondents have significantly favored to the proposed system as compared to the existing system. With regards to the proposed system, the criteria efficiency has an average mean of 4.4; speed has an average mean of 4.3; the security with an average mean of 4.2; the user-friendliness with an average mean of 4.5; the compatibility with an average mean of 4.4, with a verbal interpretation, all got the above average ratings respectively.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Table 8 Graphical Representation of the Existing and Proposed System

The figure below shows that the overall weighted mean of each criterion more accurate, reliable, efficient, secured and faster than the weighted mean of the existing system.

4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 3.9 3.8 3.7


Existing Proposed






ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Chapter 5



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


This chapter includes the summary of the study collected from the interpretation and analyzing of the data gathered, the conclusions are drawn from the summary, and the recommendations preffered the conclusion.


The primary objective of this study is to improve the web browsers and increase its security features from viruses, malicious contents and possible crimes. Since the web browsers today still focuses on speed and ignore security. This Alibata web browser intends to develop and implement a security wherein the users of internet can be protected from viruses and malicious content thru the use of the internet. This system offers a security to the users of internet. The results of these tests, which can be more reliable than the existing system most especially to the part of the users because the system implement a security for the users of internet.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

The study utilizes the background of the study, related literature, related studies, statement of the problem, scope and limitation, and the significance of the study. Based on the studies and other related literature that the researcher have done by knowing the different subjects related to the study, different information needed was gathered in order to solve the problem. The Alibata web browser uses a descriptive research method through the use of questionnaires, interview, observation, and an evaluation form. In the designing the software Use Case Diagram, Use Case Narrative, Fishbone Diagram, Activity Diagram and Visual Table of Contents were the instruments used to give a better description and comparison of the existing system and this study. The statistical instruments used in the study was percentage, weighted mean, and five point scale rating.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Summary of Findings An analysis of the data revealed the following findings:

1. Profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Browser preference Out of the thirty (30) respondents, thirty (30) are users of internet. This accounts 80 percent and 20 percent respectively. 1.2 Rate of Computer Proficiency Out of thirty (30) respondents, five (5) of them have beginner skills in computer, which is twenty five (25) percent, seven (7) of them have intermediate skills in computer which is thirty five (35) percent and finally, eight (8) of them have expert skills in computer which is forty (40) percent. 2. Assessment of the Respondents in the Existing System

The existing system with the criteria efficiency has an average mean of 4.4; speed has an average mean of 4.3; the user-friendliness with an average mean of 4.5; the security with an average mean of 4.2; the compatibility with an average mean of 4.4 with a verbal interpretation of the first four (4) criteria have the same as below average and only the last criteria got the average ratings respectively mean of Existing 2.6.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

3. Assessment of the respondents of the Alibata web browser in terms of the following:

3.1 Efficiency Accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort. The proposed system is reliable with a mean of 4.4 and a verbal interpretation of Average.

3.2 Speed Rapidity in moving, going, traveling, proceeding, or performing swiftness. It presents that the proposed system is faster to the part of the user a mean of 4.3 and a verbal interpretation of Average.

3.3 Security Something that secures or makes safe: protection. The proposed system is reliable with a mean of 4.2 and a verbal interpretation of Average.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

3.4 User friendliness Ease of access. The proposed system is easy to obtain, use, or reach to its users with a mean of 4.5 and a verbal interpretation of Average.

3.5 Compatibility Capable of being run on another computer without change has a weighted mean of 4.4 and a verbal interpretation of Average.

Conclusions Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are observed: 1. According to the verbal interpretation and average mean of the proposed system and the existing system, the proponents concluded that the proposed system is efficient, faster, secured, user- friendly, compatible in contrast with the existing system. 2. The system will ease the virus threats for the internet users. 3. The system will help the users to protect their personal computers to viruses and malicious content thru the internet.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Recommendations Based on the findings of the study and on the conclusions arrived at, the following are recommended: 1. The users of the internet may implement the Alibata web browser to lessen the viruses and malicious content they encountered in internet. 2. The use of Alibata web browser can fully help the users of internet in terms of speed and secured web browser. 3. Further study to improve the features of the Alibata web browser.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Printed Materials Kabiling G. (2010). Palace Denounces hacking, increase internet security. Unpublished Thesis. Kwok A. (2010). RP 4th in SE Asia as source of internet security threats. Unpublished Thesis. Villafania A. (2008). Money is main cause of internet security threats. Unpublished Thesis. Ventura O.J. (1999). SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Network). Unpublished Thesis. Garcia T.R. and Susi S.JD. (2008). Philippine Search Engine. Unpublished Thesis. Chew G.R. (2007). Generic Pop-up Keylogger. Unpublished Thesis. De Guzman. A.O. (2000). Email Password Sender Trojan. Unpublished Thesis. Ero D. R A. (1998). Trojan System: File System Guard. Unpublished Thesis.

Online Materials

Morgan S. 1997. What is Internet Security Research Paper. Retrieve June 4, 2010 Website:


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Grimes A.R. August 16, 2009. What is Browser Security Review. Retrieve June 4, 2010 Website:

Zahra S.A. 1997. What is Evaluating web sites for Accessibility. Retrieve 2010 Website:

Softsea. December 21, 2009. What is Orca Browser Review by Softsea. Retrieve January 2011 Website:

Spectorsoft. 1998. Spectorsoft. Retrieve 2011 Website:

Manila Bulletin. September 22, 2010. RP drops from Top 20 Countries Most Hit by Malware Attacks. Retrieve 2010 Website:


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix A


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Term: 2nd, School Year: 2011-2012

Thesis/Capstone Project Title Proposal


Alibata Web Browser


Delos Reyes, Edison (Computer Science) Somera, Jefferson (Information Technology) Berou, Lemuel (Information Technology)

Area of Investigation:

The proposed thesis investigates web browsing experience of the clients, especially the illiterate ones, critically studies the security procedure of a web browser and also investigates just how cybercrimes populate the World Wide Web.


Security Features: Security configurations, Privacy mode, Pop-up blocking, Ad filtering, Phishing filtering

Basic browser features: Back/forward functions, Bookmark management, Download management, File management, Cookie Management, Session Management

Accessibility Features: Tabbed Browsing, Tab Navigation


Cross-Platform, Lightweight, Flash Plug-ins ready Document Viewer ready, Fast Layout Rendering powered by WebKit Layout Engine


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Programming Tool:

Qt4 IDE with C++ Framework, HTML, CSS

Approved By:

Mr. Christian Barnard Mendoza Thesis/Capstone Project Adviser

Thesis/Capstone Project Committee

Mr. Jasper Ipapo Member

Mr. Mark Christopher Blanco Member


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Thesis Project Proposal

Name of Proponent/s:

1. Delos Reyes, Edison 2. Somera, Jefferson

Trimester/School Year:

3rd trimester S.Y. 2010 - 2011

Proposed Thesis:

Alibata Web Browser

Areas of Investigation:

The proposed thesis investigates web browsing experience of the clients, especially the illiterate ones, critically studies the security procedure of a web browser and also investigates just how cybercrimes populate the World Wide Web.

Module Description:

Module 1: Security Module is a set of subroutines of the web browser that do the filtering of web content to be displayed by the web browser. This module filters content by frame on a web page to ensure that no malware, spyware, adware, pop ups or any other malicious content can harass the client while browsing.

Module 2: Navigation Module is a set of subroutines of the web browser that presents


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

the navigation buttons like Back, Forward, Refresh, Home and the URL Address Box.

Module 3: Session & Cookie Module is a set of subroutines of the web browser that manages the handling of cookies, sessions and history of web browsing.

Module 4: Explorer Module is a set of subroutines that the web browser use to manage files, saving web pages, saving images, printing web page, and view source code. It also allows the web browser to manage files that is downloaded.

Module 5: Accessibility and Plug-Ins Module is a set of subroutines that the web browser use for accessibility functions and for additional functions to enhance web browsing experience.

Reason for the choice of project:

The reason behind this project is that the faster the web browsing is the faster clients are being harassed, exploited and abused by not that good individual. So our team decided to propose a more secured web browser, just like Alibata Web Browser.

Importance of the Study:

Our technology is changing so fast but the clients around the World Wide Web are being left behind, to emphasize security knowledge. With the vision of User-Friendliness with Care, no more clients are being tossed to and fro by thousands of harmful malware on the web. There will be Safer Learning, Safer Investing and Safer Lifestyle. Anti-virus might fail but with much knowledge produce lesser victims. Prevention is better than cure.

Similarities with any previous study/project:


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Similar to Arora Cross-Platform WebKit Browser in terms of being cross-platform with the help of Qt4, the use QtWebKit and it is open source.

Similar to Google Chrome in terms of using WebKit layout engine for fast rendering of web pages and contents. Also similar in terms of using Google Search as search engine and it is open source too.

Similar to Mozilla Firefox in terms of plug-ins compliance, cross-platform, C++ framework and it is open source.

Similar to Apple Safari in terms of using WebKit layout engine for fast rendering of web pages and contents. Also it is open source too.

Similar to QtWeb Portable Web Browser in terms of using WebKit layout engine of Apple and Qt4

Similar to SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Network) by James O. Ventura of AMACC in terms of the idea of how Internet behave nowadays, scope of TCP protocols and with economy in mind. The differences are the security is on a defensive style, the framework is more of a tracking or administration tool and limited only to few target users.

Similar to Philippine Search Engine by Richard T. Garcia and John Derek S. Susi of AMACC in terms of promoting Philippines culture and society.

Similar to Generic Pop-Up Keylogger by Rickson G. Chew of AMACC in terms of studying keylogger system and the use of it.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Similar to Trojan System: File System Guard by Ria Ann D. Ero, AMA Computer College Makati about security and protections against unauthorized program running in hidden mode and unknown to user. This system security is run in TSR mode in DOS environment, all programs running are check by this software to identify either it is a Trojan or not. This system security and protection is not accurate in checking and hunting of Trojans because many of Trojans is run in Windows environment.

Software Engineering Paradigm to be used:

Re-Use Based Development (Component-based)

Requirement Specification

Component Analysis

Requirement Definition

System Design w/ Reuse

Component Analysis given the requirements specification a search is made for components to implement that specification. Development and Integration

Requirement Definition analyze the requirement and the components discovered, modified to reflect the available components.

System Design w/ Reuse the framework of the system is designed or an existing framework is reused.

System Validation

Programming Language to be used: Development and Integration components are integrated to create new system. System integration, in this model, may be part of the C++/Qt4 IDE Application with C++ Framework development process rather than separate activity.

Committee: Mr. Christian Barnard C. Mendoza Thesis Committee Mr. Dennis B. Gonzales College Dean


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix B


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

ISHIKAWA (Fishbone) DIAGRAM Web Content Pornographic Scam Fraud Malicious Content

Plug-Ins Faulty Plug-ins User-Dependent Security Lack of Content Filter Malicious Plug-Ins Unsecured Web No Download Manager No MD5 Checksum Verification No Active Guard Browser

Cookies Not Filtered No Safekeeping of Cookies Session Leaked Session Crashing

Session Management

Download Management

Figure 4.0

There are four factors that affect much of the security of web browser:

1. Web Content - lack of knowledge of the client means prone to malicious content penetration. Pornographic site that promotes sex but working behind to penetrate your system to gather more videos or files of interest for black market. Web sites offering strange business or easy money but working illegal and just want to access your personal info, specially pin number or PayPal accounts. 2. Session Management the worst thing to happen in a session is when the browser crashes leaving a trace of your info and even cookie-coated malware save your system hardware info then destroy it. 3. Plug-ins extensions not functioning well means a clutter in the memory usage and an unreliable functions for your secured browsing. 4. Download Management lots of malware are only gaining access when it is deployed along with downloaded files. Especially those web sites offering free download turns a novice web user into a victim of fraud installer or files.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix C


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera



Web Browser




Request Page

Call Page

[no alteration]

Process Page

[alteration/ interception ]

Process Malicious Content

Display Page

View Page


Send Info to Mal-Server Send Info to Server

Process Malware

[no mis-clicking] [Another Request]


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

This is the everyday scenario of existing web browser system. The client will request a page by opening the web browser and typing on address bar the url address of a website. The good news, nowadays web browsers are really that fast in displaying such content of web site. The bad news is, Internet, like a highway welcomes different person and open to all business and even monkey business. So even before the request reach the server, malicious content is on the loose penetrating packets for great deal of money. The innocent client not knowing what awaits him/her is a malicious content displayed with the other content in the same page from hard working server waiting to be clicked and trigger the espionage. Then infection and worming starts, spreading behind your toolbars, widgets and applications destroying system registry, unauthorized access, consuming lots of memory and cpu power.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix D


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Use Case Diagram

Alibata Web Browser System Request Web Page Download File

Restore Session Web User Install Addson

Manage Web Content


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix E


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Use Case Narrative

Use Case Name: Actor(s): Description

Request Web Page Web User This use case describes the process of a web user requesting for web page to display. MSS-1.0 Actor: System:

References: Typical Course of Events:

1. This use case is initiated when a web user request a web page to be displayed.

2. The Web User typed URL address of a web site is called to the web server. 3. The web page frames sent by the web server are checked for any non-certified content. 4. The non-certified content is verified for any record of harming pc. 5. Non-certified content function that is harmful is automatically blocked. 6. Non-certified content function that is not harmful has an option for display by context menu with the web user consent. 7. Redirect the frame of the noncertified content to advisory page to advise the web user of the noncertified content


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

8. This use case concludes when the web user view successfully the web page w/ an advisory page displayed on non-certified contents frame. Alternate Courses: Pre-condition: Post-condition: Assumptions: 2. If the web page requested is actually a pornographic web page from cybersex web site blocked the whole web page. Web page can only be requested with Internet connection. Successfully displayed web page URL Address is recorded on history and session. None at this moment.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


The file can only be downloaded with Internet connection. The file can only be downloaded with enough free disk space.

Post-condition: Assumptions:

Successfully downloaded file URL address is recorded on the history and session. None at this moment.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Use Case Name: Actor(s): Description References: Typical Course of Events:

Restore Session Web User This use case describes the process of a web user resuming from previous session MSS-3.0 Actor: System:

1. This use case is initiated when a web user clicked the Restore Button on the Main Toolbar. 3. This use case prompted the web user to input password for previous session.

2. The web user will be asked for password to access the previous session.

4. The input password is checked against the saved password for the session access. 5. Incorrect input of password directed the web user to home page. 6. Correct input of password allowed access to previous session.

7. This use case concludes when the web user saw the message box of confirmation of correct password and clicked the OK button then session restored. Alternate Courses: 2. If the web browser lost Internet connection the web user is prompted for save password. 3. If the web browser crashed the web user is also prompted for save password. Pre-condition: Restoring session can only be requested with Internet connection. Restoring session can only be accessed with correct password. Post-condition: Successfully restored session automatically clears the saved session.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


None at this moment.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Use Case Name: Actor(s): Description

Install Adds-On Web User This use case describes the process of a web user installing other plug-ins and adds-on. MSS-4.0 Actor: System:

References: Typical Course of Events:

1. This use case is initiated when a web user clicked the Plug-Ins button to install an adds-on or plug-ins.

2. Plug-ins window opened for the web user displaying all the available plug-ins and adds-on.


This use case is operated by selecting the name of the plug-ins or adds-on.

4. As the web user select from the list, the item is highlighted and a tooltip show the description or use of it.

6. 5. This use case is operated by clicking the install button on the right side of the plug-ins or adds-on name.

The web user clicked the Install button, the web browser start downloading the said plug-ins or adds-on to Plug-ins folder of the web browser.


The web user is advised to save password for session then the web browser restart to complete installation.


The web user is prompted by Session Dialog for password to restore session.

10. The web user previous session is restored. 9. This use case is operated when a web user entered correctly the save


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

password for Session.

11. This use case concludes when the web user selected plug-ins or addson is installed. Alternate Courses: 2. If the web user chooses to uninstall the plug-ins or adds-on, the web user can clicked the Plug-ins button on Main toolbar and select from the list of Plug-ins window then uncheck the checkbox of the plug-ins or adds-on to be uninstall. The web browser restarts to complete the process. Plug-ins or adds-on can only be installed when requirements for plug-ins or adds on is met. Successfully installed plug-ins or adds-on displayed with a checkbox checked right beside the plug-ins or adds-on name. None at this moment.





ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Use Case Name: Actor(s): Description

Manage Web Content Web User This use case describes the process of a web user managing the content of the web page. MSS-5.0 Actor: System:

References: Typical Course of Events:

1. This use case is initiated when a web user clicked any button on the Explorer toolbar.

2. The web user clicked the Save button on Explorer toolbar show up the Save file dialog and list directories. 3. The web user clicked the Save Image As button on Explorer toolbar show up the Save Image dialog and list directories and what file type the image be saved. 4. The web user clicked the Print button on Explorer toolbar show up the Print dialog. 5. The web user clicked the View Source button on Explorer toolbar show up HTML Code Viewer. 6. The web user clicked the Exit button on Explorer toolbar show up the Exit dialog and offer to save password for session before exit. 7. The web user clicked the Copy button on the Explorer toolbar the selected content is copied. 8. The web user clicked the Paste button on Explorer toolbar the copied content is pasted on area of the text cursor. 9. The web user clicked the Bookmark button on Explorer toolbar the current web page URL address is saved on the Bookmark List.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

10. This use case concludes when the web user manage the content with the desired action. Alternate Courses: Pre-condition: 2. If the web page has a non-certified content that content cannot be access using the buttons on Explorer toolbar. Web content can only be managed with Internet connection. Web content can only be managed with certified content and proven trustworthy content. Web content can only be managed with a mouse well functioning. Post-condition: Assumptions: The web contents URL address is saved on the history and session. None at this moment.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix F


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


Name: Gender: Address: Occupation/Course: Age:

Contact No: Civil Status: Email Address: Area/School:

Direction: Satisfy the following questions by answering Yes or No and explain in simple sentences your answer. Your answer will be treated confidentially and so dont hesitate to answer each item honestly.

1. Do you use Internet? If Yes, where are you using Internet? If No, would you like to get into it someday? 2. When you are using Internet what application you used? (eg. Online gaming, Social Networking, Blogging and etc.) 3. Besides the application you used, what are the web browsers you know? State the answer respectively according to what comes first in mind. 4. In all the web browsers you have mentioned, which of them you always use and what makes you it always among other web browsers? 5. If there is one thing lacking to web browser you always used, what is it you wanted to add? 6. Do you have an anti-virus installed on your PC? If Yes, what are common viruses you encountered? If None, are you experiencing such slowing down of your machine? 7. Do you have any idea where your pc got infected by viruses or malware? If Yes, where do you think you get it? 8. Could you name at least 5 websites you most often visited? 9. In all the answers you have made, what do you think is the purpose of using Internet, in your own opinion? Does Internet really help you a lot?


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

10. Have you heard other web browsers releasing lately? If given a chance, would you like to try it or just stick with your favorite web browser?


Signature of Respondents


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Evaluation Form
Alibata Web Browser

Name: Gender: Address: Occupation/Course: Age:

Contact No: Civil Status: Email Address: Area/School:

Direction: Please rate the existing system and the proposed Alibata Web Browser according to your observation on the space provided below:

Legend: Use the code below for rating each statement 5 - Excellent, 4 - Above Average, 3 - Average, 2 - Below Average, 1 - Poor


Proposed 1 5 4 3 2 1

Efficiency The ability of the system to perform its function well at low cpu power/memory consumption. Speed The system's ability to perform its function in the shortest period of time. Security The ability of the system to provide safety procedure on system.


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

User-friendliness The ability of the system to be easy to obtain, use, or reach. Compatibility The ability of a system to execute on different types of computers without modification of the program or the computers.

Suggestions / Comments:

Signature of the Respondent


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix G


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Frequency Distribution Based on Google Chrome Usage Frequent Often Seldom 22 3 5 73.3% 10.0% 16.7%

100.0% Frequency Distribution Based on Mozilla Firefox Usage Frequent Often Seldom 6 6 18 20.0% 20.0% 60.0% 100.0%

Frequency Distribution Based on Internet Explorer Usage Frequent Often Seldom 6 3 21 20.0% 10.0% 70.0%


Frequency Distribution Based on Other Web Browser Usage Frequent Often Seldom 29 1 3.3% 0.0% 96.7% 100.0%


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Frequency Distribution Based on Computer Skills Beginner Intermediate Expert 7 18 5 23.3% 60.0% 16.7% 100.0%

Frequency Distribution Based on Always Encounter Problem in Using Web Browser n / Total Respondents Pop-Up System Crash Slow Rendering Adware Spyware Incompatibility Hacked Account Fraud 19 30 15 30 15 30 7 30 7 30 6 30 5 30 2 30 63.33% 50.00% 50.00% 23.33% 23.33% 20.00% 16.67% 6.67%


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Frequency Distribution Based on Solutions Users Normally Do n / Total Respondents Pop-Up Blocker Force Quit Reinstallation Report Anti-Spyware Extensions Ad-Block WOT 14 30 12 30 10 30 8 30 7 30 6 30 3 30 1 30 46.67% 40.00% 33.33% 26.67% 23.33% 20.00% 10.00% 3.33%

Frequency Distribution Based on Functions Want to Include in the Browser By Default n / Total Respondents Pop-Up & Adware Blocker Bug/Error Reporting with Intensive guide in solving the problem Malware, Phishing and Spyware Protection Extensions widely used and meet the standards of W3C WebSite Verification like WOT, XSS Auditing 15 30 13 30 12 30 5 30 4 30 50.00% 43.33% 40.00% 16.67% 13.33%


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera






Existing Proposed Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 4 3 5 3 5 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 2 4 1 5 5 4 4 4

Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 5 3 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 2 4 3 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 5 5


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

3 4 1 3 5 4 3 5 122 4.1

4 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 132 4.4

3 4 3 3 4 4 3 5 122 4.1

4 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 130 4.3

3 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 121 4.0

4 4 3 5 5 5 5 4 125 4.2

3 4 3 3 5 4 3 5 127 4.2

4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 134 4.5

3 5 3 3 5 4 3 3 123 4.1

4 5 3 5 4 4 4 4 132 4.4

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Mean Variance Observations 4.066667 1.374713 30

Variable 2 4.4 0.455172 30


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail

0.226679 0 29 -1.5052 0.071544 1.699127 0.143088 2.04523


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 4.066667 0.96092 30 0.115417 0 29 -1.2782 0.105657 1.699127 0.211314 2.04523

Variable 2 4.333333 0.505747 30


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 4.033333 0.654023 30 0.104697 0 29 -0.70109 0.244418 1.699127 0.488836 2.04523

Variable 2 4.166667 0.557471 30


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 4.233333 0.529885 30 0.307029 0 29 -1.48891 0.073653 1.699127 0.147307 2.04523

Variable 2 4.466667 0.533333 30


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Mean Variance Observations Pearson Correlation Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 4.1 0.851724 30 0.350945 0 29 -1.72545 0.047544 1.699127 0.095089 2.04523

Variable 2 4.4 0.524138 30


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix H


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

#include "mainwindow.h" #include <QtGui/QWhatsThis> #include <QtCore/QUrl> #include <QtGui/QIcon> #include <QtNetwork/QUrlInfo> #include <QtCore/QDir> #include <QtCore/QDataStream> #include <QtCore/QTextStream> #include <QtCore/QIODevice> #include <QtGui/QMessageBox> #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkCookieJar> #include <QtNetwork/QNetworkRequest> #include <QtCore/QList> #include <QtCore/QListIterator> #include <QtWebKit/QWebHistoryItem> #include <QtWebKit/QWebElement> #include <QtWebKit/QWebFrame> #include <QtGui/QFileDialog> #include <QtGui/QTextEdit> #include <QtGui/QPrintDialog> #include <QtGui/QPrinter> #include "downloader.h" #include "preferenceswindow.h" #include "addressbar.h" #include <iostream>


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

#include <fstream> #include <QtWebKit/QWebInspector> using namespace std;

MainWindow::MainWindow() { setupMenus(); setupActions(); setupToolBar(); setupCentralWidget(); loadWidgets(); createConnections(); setCentralWidget(centralWidget); setDirectory(); setWindowTitle("Alibata"); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/Alibata_logo.png")); loadSettings(); setupShortcutKeys(); updateCompleter(); enablePopUp = true; loadHomePage(); }

bool MainWindow::setupCentralWidget()


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix I


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix J


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Curriculum Vitae CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Edison A. Delos Reyes Address: 103 P. Estanislao St., Brgy 34, Maypajo, Caloocan City, NCR, Philippines Telephone: +6322857262 Cell Phone: +639239369149 Email: PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: March 15, 1981 Place of Birth: Brgy. Sirang Lupa, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines Citizenship: Filipino Gender: Male Optional Personal Information: Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Marissa A. Delos Reyes Children: Aeon A. Delos Reyes EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Work History: Maypajo Market Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MMMPC) J.P. Rizal St., Maypajo, Caloocan City August 2007 to February 2011 EDP / Accounting Department Encoder Cybersquare Internet Caf A. Mabini Ave., Caloocan City January 2004 to September 2005 Computer Shop Assistant American Power Convergence (APC) PEZA Rosario, Cavite, Philippines May 2000 to October 2000 Production Operator Academic Positions AMA Computer College Caloocan SY 2006 - 2007 PRO Cube President


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Research and Training: Firepower Fellowship Navotas October 2010 to April 2011 School of Leadership 1 & 2 Training AMA Computer College Caloocan SY 2010 2011 Alibata Web Browser Thesis A CCIT04 Cisco Training ROTC University of Batangas SY 1998 1999 Military Science 11 to 41 1st Lieutenant Charlie 1 Platoon Leader CAT Colegio de San Juan de Letran SY 1996 - 1997 1st Lieutenant Alpha 1 Platoon Leader

EDUCATION High School: University:

Colegio de San Juan de Letran SY 1993 - 1997 AMA Computer College Caloocan SY 2006 - Present

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Computer Skills : Computer Programming in C++, Javascript, VB2010/2008/2005, Qt4 and Clang. Computer Encoding in MSOffice and OpenOffice. Basic Art Design in Paint.NET, CorelDrawX3 and GIMP. Worked in MS Windows and UNIX/Linux Environment. AWARDS Outstanding Consumer Award in MMMPC Gen. Assembly February 2011 Most Behave Award in MMMPC Employees Night December 2009 1st Place in SEED Harvest SongFest June 2001 Winning Title: Hes On the Lead
Duty Award in Colegio de San Juan de Letran CAT Ball March 1997


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

#1178 Sta. Monica Subdivision Ugong Valenzula City 09234714357/



BS Information Technology AMA Computer College Caloocan City 2006 - Present


Colegio De Sta. Cecilia Valenzuela City 1996 - 2000


Colegio De Sta. Cecilia Valenzuela City 1990 - 1996



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

3d Animation using Maya

Student Activity Center AMA Computer College Caloocan City November 12, 2010

IT Security

Student Activity Center AMA Computer College Caloocan City February 2, 2011

WiMAX Technology

Student Activity Center AMA Computer College Caloocan City February 2, 2011


Age: Birth date: Civil Status: Height: Weight: Citizenship: Religion:

29yrs. Old September 22, 1982 Single 5'7 143 lbs. Filipino Catholic


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Father: Mother:

Jose B. Somera Pacita I. Somera


Mr. Dennis Gonzales Dean

AMA Computer College Caloocan City

Mr. Christian Barnard C. Mendoza Professor

AMA Computer College Caloocan City

Mrs. Bobbie Dela Cruz Government Employee

Bureau of Internal Revenue Laguna



ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Lemuel Berou Address: 3 Bronce St. Tugatog, Malabon City Phone number: (02) 2855634 E Mail ID: Career Objective: To make a remarkable and responsible career as a Programmer in your multinational organization where I can use my knowledge and skills to help the organization grow. Key Skills: Knowledge of different programming languages Possess leadership character with good sense of responsibility In depth knowledge of working of IT industry and hence problems associated with it Fast learner Self-organized

Technical Skills: 1. Programming Languages o Visual Basic o HTML, CSS o Java, VB Script, JavaScript, PHP o C, C++ and C# 2. Operating Systems: o Windows: 98, Millennium, XP Premium, XP Professional, 7 Premium, 7 Professional o Macintosh o UNIX o Mac Educational Qualification: Pursued Bachelor of Information Technology from AMA Computer College


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Personal Profile: Name: Sex: Marital Blood Group: Date of Birth: Birthplace: Home Nationality: Hobbies: Swimming, Areas of Preferred Place of Work: Manila References: 1. Name: Post: HODIT Organization: RRJ Phone No: (105) E-Mail id: 2. Name: Post: LeadProgrammer Organization: Digital Phone No: E-Mail id: James Experience, 123 Robinson Department Atlanta 1357 James Status: A 23 Atlanta, Town: football, Interest: computer 01 Turner Male Married -ve 1978 U.S.A. Atlanta American games Computers

Susan Web (105) Designers, 123

Walker Atlanta 2468

References: 1. Name: Dante Castillo Post: Sales Manager Organization: RRJ Phone No: (02)2825298 E-mail id: 2. Name: William Berou Post: Computer Officer Organization: Magsaysay Phone No: 2855634 E-mail id:


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera

Appendix K


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


ALIBATA Web Browser

Berou, Delos Reyes, Somera


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