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Petrology Notes 1/23/12 What are the heat sources within the earth? Mantle Continental Crust Al 2.

35% WT 8.4% Wt K U Th Elements still producing heat.

Heat Sources

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Oceanic Crust

Heat flow at the surface of the earth and across moho, significant increase in heat flow within the continental crust than at the surface in continental crust. Most heat by radioactive decay within the crust of the earth. 38 Tera-Watts of heat are directly related to radioactive decay. 11.5 Tera-Watts related to cooling over time from continental movement. Estimated heat flow at 3.5 Ga (billion years ago) may have been 3 times greater. The Geothermal Gradient- rate of temperature increase as you go within the earth Average about 25 C per km. Base of oceanic lithosphere, curves become much steeper, geothermal gradient has gone down. Rate of increase is much less than it is within the lithosphere. The lithosphere beneath continental shield may be up to 200 km thick, geothermal gradient is a little lower in continental than it is in oceanic. Gradient decreases and temperature increase is much less for each km. Heat transfer within the earth 1. Radiation a. Movement of particles/waves through another medium b. Only possible at great depth within the Earth 2. Conduction a. Transfer of kinetic energy from hotter atoms to cooler ones. b. Efficient for metals, poor for silicate minerals. Something like a silicate mantle, heat transfer involving conduction is very slow. 3. Convection a. Movement of material due to density differences related to thermal or compositional variations b. Relatively efficient in ductile material

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