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OGT Social Studies Study Guide Review

Mrs. Bowyer
1. Enlightenment begins the belief that all men are created _____________ and have
_______________ ____________ rights.
2. Enlightenment thinkers worked to ______________________ power of
____________ and the church.
3 .List three natural rights
3. __________________________
4. Enlightenment ideas led to the Declaration of ____________________ and the
________________ ________________ in 1789 and the Latin __________________
____________________ for independence in 1806-1825.
5. _______________ ________________ is the name given to the massive social,
economic, and technical changes in the 18th and 19th century England and the United
6. Industrial Revolution started as __________-_______________ and
______________-_________________ based economy and moved toward a machinebased ______________________ economy.
7. Name 4 results of the Industrial Revolution
8. _________________________ means the growth of cities.

9. Name 4 reasons why the English migrated to the U.S. during the industrial revolution.
10. Progressives are those who believe __________________ should take an active role
reforming the ______________________ conditions.
11. Progressives wanted to break up _______________, to restore ______________
_________________________, and to succeed in _____________ for everyone.
12. Monopoly is a situation in which a ____________ company or group __________ all of
the ______________ for a given type of product or service.
13. Monopoly is characterized by an absence of _______________________, which
results in _______ prices and _______________ products.
14. _______________________________ is when government does not interfere with
private business.
15._____________________ is when a strong nation has political, ______________,
and social ____________________ over a _______________ nation.
16.____________ ___________ _______________is the idea that the West must
civilize a backward country.
17. _______________ ____________________ is the belief that it is the destiny of
the U.S. to possess all of the North American continent and later expanding influence
around the world.
18. By the late 19th century, the ____________________ of industrial goods led to the
U.S. looking for new markets abroad (imperialism).
19. England, Spain, France, Russia, Portugal, Germany, and Belgium had carved up
___________ and large parts of ________ into colonies and
20. U.S. becomes imperialist power and acquires _____________, ________________,
and Puerto Rico.

21. Name four reasons U.S. built the Panama Canal.

22. Name three results of Imperialism.
23. What are the 4 M.A.I.N. causes of WWI?
24. Name the countries involved in WWI.
Allies-1.___________________,2. _______________________,
3.___________________, and 4. ______________________________
Central Powers- 1._________________________,
2.______________________, 3._______________________, and
25.U.S. entered WWI in _____________ because German u-boats or submarines sunk
the ______________________ and the ___________________________.
26.American foreign policy before entering the war was called ___________________
which means not to get involved in foreign affairs that did not directly involve the U.S..
27. U.S. involvement led to the defeat of the ____________ ________________.
28. President Wilson proposed _________ _________ plan to promote world peace and
introduced __________________ of __________________.
29. Did the U.S. join the League of Nations?__________

30. Does the League of Nations fail?________

31. Name six of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI.
32. How does the Treaty of Versailles help cause WWII?
33. Name 3 causes of the Great Depression.
34.The _____________ _____________________ is the fear of communism.
33. Communism is a ____________________________________________________
35. _______________________ _________________________ is the glorification of
African-American accomplishments as ___________, music, and__________________.
36. WWII is from __________ to__________.
37. WWII begins when Hitlers __________________ invades _______________.
38. Name the two powers in WWII and what countries belonged to each.

39. U.S. enters the war in ____________ after _______________ bombs

________________ _______________________.
40. War ends when U.S. drops 2 ______________ ___________________ on
_________________ and ______________________.
41. Name 3 results of WWII.
42. The U.S. and Soviet Union emerge as ____________________________.
43. The _______________ is capitalist and the ___________________________
is communist.
44. The _______________ war begins.
45. The atomic bomb begins the _____________ ________________ between
_________________ and ________________________.
46. The Cold War (1945-1991_ is intense hostility between_____________________
and _______________________________ without actually ____________________.
47. The U.S. policy of ____________________________ does not allow for the spread
of communism.
48. The ____________________ plan was an American program to aid
___________________ and rebuild European economies after WWII in order to stop
the spread of ____________________________________.
49. The Berlin wall was built to prevent West (__________________________) from
crossing into East(_________________________) Berlin.
49. The _________________________ is when the allies dropped supplies from planes
to aid Western __________________.
50. Describe 3 key factors to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

51.___________________________________ is the when the fear of communism was

worsened by U.S. senator, Joseph McCarthy.
52. The ___________________________________________ is when AfricanAmericans began to demand fair and equal treatment. (DONT FORGET TO PUT DATES)
53. Name 2 prominent Civil Rights leaders. 1.________________________________
And 2.____________________________________.
54. True or false__________________ Large amounts of protests broke out in the
55._________________________________________ allowed for legal separation of
56._______________________________ is the Supreme Court case that upholds
57.________________________________ is the Supreme Court case that declares
separate but equal unconstitutional.
58 . _______________________________is the type of economy with private
ownership of property and voluntary exchanges.
59. _________________________- A person who organizes and operates a business or
businesses, taking on financial risk to do so.
60____________________________ - Economy where the government makes ALL
economic decisionsno private property, no choices (I.E. Soviet Union)
61. ___________________- An economic system that combines capitalism &
communism USA
62. _________________________-Economy where people work and produce in the
same field as their ancestors did (I.E. Peasants in Europe before industrial revolution,
Third world countries)
63. ________________ Tangible (touchable) items that are produced in an economy.
64. Give 2 examples of goods 1._____________________________________
65. ________________________-Intangible (nontouchable) activities produced in an
66. Give 1 example of a service. 1.______________________________________

67.________________________- People who buy goods and services in an economy.

68. ____________________-The cheaper a good or a service is, the more consumers will
buy of it and vice versa.
69. ____________________- The higher the price a good/ service sells for, the more
that entrepreneur will provide.
70. ____________________- When supply and demand are equal the best thing for
71._______________________________- Idea that leaders must have control of their
people to lead effectively.
72. __________________-Government where kings/queens are born into power &
people have no say.
73._________________________- When king or queen has unlimited power.
74. _________________________- When the monarchs power is limited by laws.
75._________________________- Government controlled by church leaders
76 ________________________- Government where leader rules by force & the people
have NO say.
77.______________________________-Dictator has total control over every
aspect of his peoples lives (Stalin in Soviet Union)
78. ____________________________- Super-nationalistic dictator that is
worshipped like a god (Hitler in Germany)
79. __________________________- Type of government where a countrys citizens
possess all of the political power of, for, and by the people
80.___________________________________- citizens vote for people to work on
their behalf (USA)
81.__________________________________- democracy with independent executive
branch (president) that checks legislative branch (USA)
82._______________________________- citizens vote on all issues (New England
towns &Swiss canteens).

83.___________________________________- Democracy where legislative branch

(Parliament) holds all the countrys power. (Great Britain)
84._______________________________- NO government

85.________________________ are official changes to the Constitution that must be

ratified (approved) by at least of the states.
_____t= Citizens freedoms= religion, speech, assembly, and petition
_____=Right to bear arms (own weapons)
_____= No unlawful search and seizure- Warrant (court order) needed for arrest or
_____= Due process (laws apply equally to all citizens); cant be forced to testify against
self or self incriminate
_____=Right to a speedy, public trial by a jury of their peers
_____=Trial by jury in civil suits (court cases between individuals for monetary damages)
_____=No cruel or unusual punishments or excessive fines/bail
_____=Abolished slavery in U.S. b/c of Civil War
_____= all natural born citizens
_____= African American right to vote (suffrage)
_____=Direct election of Senators (by the people) due to Progressives
_____=Prohibition of Alcohol (REPEALED BY 21ST AMENDMENT)
_____=Womens suffrage
_____=Illegal poll tax (tax to vote) due to Civil Rights movement
_____= Voting age lowered to 18 due to Vietnam War
86. _____________________- 1803- Established judicial review, or the ability of the
Supreme Court to review the actions of Congress and the President
87. _____________________________- 1857- Pre-civil war case stated AfricanAmericans were property, not people, and had no rights.
88. _______________________________-1896- Made racial segregation acceptable as
long as there were Separate but equal accommodations.

89.__________________________ 1919-WWI era case=citizens freedom of speech

can be limited in times of War
90._____________________________________ 1954- Ended segregation in schools,
started civil rights movement
91.______________________________________ -1973-Legalized abortion for women
92._______________________________________ -1966- Your legal rights must be
read when you are arrested or charges are dropped (Miranda Rights)
93.________________________________ -1978-made non-minority (white)
discrimination illegal but allowed affirmative action (giving minorities preference in jobs
and schools)
94.______________________________- separating people because of race.
95. _______________________________________- Separation of races by law, as
happened in American South and South Africa.
96._______________________________________- nickname for segregation laws in
the South.
97.______________________________- De jure segregation in South Africa where
white minority dominated and mistreated a black majority
98.__________________________________- When races separate by choice or
circumstances, not by law (ex African-Americans in northern cities).
99._____________________- Widespread killing of people because of their race.
100._____________________- Hitler and Nazi Germanys extermination of 6 million
Jews and 6 million other minorities during WWII.
101.___________________________________- Name used to describe Serbias
genocide of non-Serbians in the 1990s.
102.______________________________________- When around 1 million Tutsi
tribesmen were killed by Hutu tribesmen in the African Country- Rwanda.
103.____________________________________- a document, artifact, or other
object that is directly related to a topic.(Example- the Constitution when studying
American Government)
104._________________________________- a document, artifact, or other object
that discusses a topic but was created after the fact (a text book about the American
government and Constitution written in 1990)

105.______________________- Whether something is believable or not.

106._______________________- Whether something is factual or not.
107.____________________-Personal opinions that influence what people write and say.
108______________________- One-sided information that is used to persuade people
or influence their actions. (Ex TV commercials).

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