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"Golden Rules FOR CVS AND ADDRESSING SELECTION CRITERIA ( for medical students applying for internships) by Robin

n Ikin MEA LGH. Read the job description and define the position. Tailor your CV to that job description. A well thought out CV represents the critical aspects of the position. What are the values that underpin the role? As a medical doctor you can have a foundation CV targeted to an intern job. This will need to be modified as you move up the ladder depending on the level of responsibility (as you move up more emphasis needs to be placed on leadership, supervisory skills, teaching skills, complex problem solving skills and the like). The emphasis in an intern role is about safe practice, knowing your limits, seeking assistance appropriately, showing that you know how to behave in a professional and ethical manner. Remember this is the first time that you are the doctor and all the responsibility implied. An intern role is quite specific with defined professional duties and responsibilities so your CV should be targeted and functional in nature not general. This is not the time for a long history without meaningful context. Job tasks are to be found on the DHHS website Create a good first impression (primacy effect) with a clean clear format that looks professional, font that is easy to read, headings in a larger font in bold. Do not include your photo unless it is required. Target your CV to the intern role. What do you have to offer? What is your track record? Provide insight into your competencies Remember that a CV is a self marketing exercise. Do not make it too long or too short! If there is a word limit stick to it. Be careful about what you read on the internet or hear from others about things like the length of a CV. Different professions can require different sorts of CVs. Think of the culture and context of your work. Photos of you and coloured paper, fancy fonts do not look very professional when applying for an internship. Your first page should contain either a short summary of your key achievements or something else that is a strong selling point. This comes after your personal details and your education & qualifications. If you think you have no key achievements in your uni career, leave this heading out but make a heading Key Personal Qualities or something

similar that might list a few dot points about excellent communication skills, team player attributes etc

Your education and qualifications should be in reverse chronological order ie. The latest/newest first. Do not include primary school. Include secondary if you wish and particularly if you studied in English (international student) Note that your secondary schooling was in English if that is the case. Another heading could be for your extra training courses and electives. A suggested title might be: Electives and Short Courses or similar. Write a short summary of where your elective was, what was special about it from a learning, medical, skills, insight etc point of view. Use dot points where possible. If you have had any part-time work while a student please include it after your education / electives etc. under a heading that says something like: Employment Experience. Do not list every single thing you have ever done if it is all similar. Then it would be best to put Employment Experience Summary: Emphasize those positions where you can show you have gained valuable interpersonal skills, good time management training, opportunities to problem solve effectively and know how to be a cooperative team member. You must give factual information such as names, dates and locations to back up your statements so that your CV can be verified if necessary. Next include a heading suitable for listing your main interests outside the hospital, especially sports and hobbies that show you are a balanced person with interests that will assist you to deal with stress in a healthy way! Without being fluffy give information that suggests an interesting personality. Choose your referees with great care. It is all very well to ask a top consultant who knows you well. Check out their communication skills and willingness to speak well of you. Offer to give them a copy of your CV to help them out as a prompt to remind them of all your wonderful achievements. If possible ask Dr Rooney or Dr Radford to be one of your referees ( in their roles as Head and Deputy Head of the Lton Clinical School ).

PS There are numerous example of CVs on the internet and various templates. There is no one correct style as long as it is clear and professional and targeted to the position for which you are applying There are many myths about the length it should be. About 4 pages is appropriate for internship applications.

ADDRESSING SELECTION CRITERIA The STAR acronym is simple and effective. FOR EXAMPLE: The selection criteria for intern positions in Tasmanian hospitals in 2011were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Knowledge of recent advances in medicine Understanding of current drugs and technology Understanding of infection control principles Understanding of patients rights and responsibilities Knowledge and commitment to the principles of occupational health and safety BRAINSTORM SHEET FOR GETTING STARTED IN WRITING YOUR SELECTION CRITERIA 1. Knowledge of recent advances in medicine Start with a positive claim: FOR EXAMPLE My knowledge of recent advances in medicine derive from follow up study after tutorials, regularly keeping up to date with recommended internet web sites and medical journals, attending all possible opportunities to extend my learning such as seminars and ground rounds, talking with specialist consultants about case in the hospital and taking every opportunity to learn. from where? Tutes? Research? Internet? Elective experience? Specific exposure at LGH? Ground Rounds? Seminars? Conferences? Etc List examples, be specific, put them in context

The way in which you might use the example could be the following: A demonstrated example of new knowledge that I gained from the ( name the med journal) was concerned with acute pain management and the evidence- based research result that---------------------. Or During a surgery elective I took the opportunity to spend extra time in theatre with a visiting ------------ specialist who demonstrated and explained a new technique for safely ----------. My regular habit of consulting the Up To Date website keeps me abreast of current hot topics in medicine, and provides me with a tool for searching for information about effective approaches to managing medical problems. One recent example is---------Describe what you did and some specific information that you learned.


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