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Stay in silence...

Are there manynoises inside you...

... listen in the depths of your being...

Are there manypreoccupations in your mind...

...that made your heart so heavy

... listen in the depths of your being...

... Stay alone...

... listen in the depths of your being...

... Enter into your depths ...

... listen in the depths of your being...

The Lord is here and He is calling you...

... He loves you and He is waiting for you...
... Listen to Him in the depths of your being

Stay in silence before the Lord..."

Forget your words, forget your memories, your petitions, your projects; Look at Him, Listen to Him without being distracted from the voices within.

Stay in peace with Him, abandon yourself to Him, all your troubles, all your concerns, all your preoccupations, forget all of them.

Stay detached, free from your desires, poor as the wood dying in winter, empty everything that is not God.

Stay alone, Nothing within your heart that no creature will distract your exchange of gaze: you and God.

Stay without grumbling, nor being disturbed, nor with strange visitors, nothing, except God.

Stay with all your heart, remembering nothing but God, not looking for human consolations, buried with Him and in Him, denying yourself make yourself a gift inside your heart..

Stay without any anguish, nor resentments, without pride, nor false images of your own self..

Stay and listen to His words, transformed into His Word and His will.

Stay powerless, without privileges, without honor, idols, and allow God to be God.

Stay in deep adoration

that nothing will alter your attention,

nor sorrow, nor joy;

Abandon yourself to Him...

Stay in silence before the Lord, Forget yourself and that He alone is living in you.

Stay in silence before the Lord..."

Stay in silence..."


Stay in silence before the Lord..."

(Psalm 37, 7)

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