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The company recently experienced the problem of employee absenteeism at lower level management hence; I found this as topic for my study. This study aims at understanding organizational causes for absenteeism and adopting a proactive approach to the best practices. Absenteeism is serious and costly problem faced by companies throughout the world. This problem requires that all employees understand the consequences of such behaviour from a company standpoint as well as personal standpoint. All companies must approach this problem from a proactive position with employee prevention programs and progressive discipline programs. The necessary data was collected from employee attendance records in order to draw the absenteeism rates prevailing in the company. Research was carried out with the help of judgement sampling and through administering direct personal interviews authorities connected and with help of structured questionnaire. Data gathered was analyzed using structure technique in order to draft the recommendation, suggestions and implication.

Objectives & functions


Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board (BWSSB) is responsible for supplying water, sewerage system and sewerage disposal in the Bangalore Metropolitan Area. BWSSB has implemented and commissioned the Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stages I, II, III and IV Phase I with an aggregate supply of 864.22 MLD of treated water in addition to 17.78 MLD water supply from Arkavathy sources. Out of this 882 MLD is received everyday in the city from both sources. The main objectives of the Board are delineated below. Supply of water and providing sewerage system to the existing and newly developing areas of Bruhat Bangalore and facilitating adequate infrastructure facilities for the disposal of waste water. Preparation and implementation of new water supply schemes and programmes to meet the growing demand for water in Bangalore city. Preparation and implementation of schemes and programmes for providing infrastructure facilities to facilitate systematic supply of water to Bruhat Bangalore and disposal of wastewater. Remodelling the distribution system to supply the available water equitably. Mobilizing the finances needed for launching new schemes. Improvement to the existing sewerage system. Revenue collections for the water supply, sewerage and wastewater disposal system.

Water is vital and is, by far, the most precious commodity on earth. Without it life cannot exist. But 97% of the total quantity is sea water, unfit for human use. Of the remaining

3% fresh water, 2/3 rd is in glaziers or in the form of ice and snow around poles. Only 1% of the entire worlds water is available for human consumption and should be enough for all. Water is infinitely renewable. The biggest difficulty with water is mans extravagantly wasteful misuse of it.

Our planets supply of water is given, and remains exactly the same, as when the dinosaurs walked on earth.

But each of us now uses nearly twice as much of water every day as we used 30 years ago and demand is till rising.

If used at the present rate, the flows in rivers will reduce and the natural habitats of flora and fauna will decline. United Nations has declared 2003 to be INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FRESH WATER. Water supply and sanitation in India continue to be inadequate, despite longstanding efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage. The situation is particularly inadequate for sanitation, since only one of three Indians has access to improved sanitation facilities (including improved latrines). While the share of those with access to an improved water source is much higher (86%), the quality of service is poor. Most users that are counted as having access receive water of dubious quality and only on an intermittent basis. No large city in India has full-day water supply and most cities supply water only a few hours a day. As of 2003, it was estimated that only 27% of India's wastewater was being treated, with the remainder flowing into rivers, canals, groundwater or the sea. The lack of toilet facilities in many areas also presents a major health risk; open defecation is widespread even in urban areas of India, and it was estimated in 2002 by the World Health Organization that around 700,000 Indians die each year from diarrhea. 665 million Indians still defecate in open. The level of investment in water and sanitation is relatively high, but the local government institutions in charge of operating and maintaining the infrastructure are

weak and lack the financial resources to carry out their functions, partly due to very low tariff levels. A number of innovative approaches to improve water supply and sanitation have been tested in India, in particular in the early 2000s. These include demand-driven approaches in rural water supply since 1999, community-led total sanitation, and public-private partnerships to improve the continuity of urban water supply in Karnataka, and the use of micro-credit to women in order to improve access to water.

Water supply and water resources:

Depleting ground water table and deteriorating ground water quality are threatening the sustainability of both urban and rural water supply in many parts of India. The supply of cities that depend on surface water is threatened by pollution, increasing water scarcity and conflicts among users. For example, Bangalore depends to a large extent on water pumped since 1974 from the Kaveri River, whose waters are disputed between the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. As in other Indian cities, the response to water scarcity is to transfer more water over large distances at high costs. In the case of Bangalore, the Rs 3,384 crore (US$690m) Kaveri Stage IV project, Phase II, includes the supply of 500,000 cubic meter of water per day over a distance of 100 km, thus increasing the city's supply by two thirds.

Investment and financing:

Amounts: During the 9th Plan (19972000) 395bn Rupees (in current prices) were invested by the central government and state governments in water supply and sanitation. This corresponds to about US$ 9.2bn using the 1999 exchange rate, or US$ 3.1bn annually assuming that the 9th Plan covered three years. This corresponds to about US$ 3 per capita. This investment level is low compared to countries with a similar level of development. The share of water and sanitation investments in total plan investments was 4.6%. About 94bn Rupees (24%) were financed by the central government and 301bn Rupees by state governments (76%). Central governmentfinanced investments are heavily focused on rural areas, with a total of 88bn Rupees or

93% of centrally financed investments. There was an equally strong focus on water, accounting for 93% of centrally financed investments, as opposed to only 7% for sanitation. Institutions: State Financing Corporations (SFC) play an important role in making recommendations regarding the allocation of state tax revenues between states and municipalities, criteria for grants, and measures to improve the financial position of municipalities. According to the Planning Commission, SFCs are in some cases not sufficiently transparent and/or competent, have high transactions costs, and their recommendations are sometimes not being implemented. Important sources of financing are loans from Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd (HUDCO), a Central government financial undertaking. HUDCO loans to municipal corporations need to be guaranteed by state governments. HUDCO also on-lends loans from foreign aid, including Japanese aid, to states. The current system of financing water supply and sanitation is fragmented through a number of different national and state programs. This results in simultaneous implementation with different and conflicting rules in neighbouring areas. In rural areas different programs undermine each other, adversely affecting demand driven approaches requiring cost sharing by users

BANGALORE: Has an extremely finite fresh water source. What is unique about
water supply in Bangalore city is that, the main source of water to city, river Cauvery, is more than 100 kms. From, The city and 510 metres below the city. With the continuous influx of people and the increasing birth-rate, Bangalore citys population is estimated to hit 11 million by 2025. Water is going to be most scarce resource if proper water conservation and management is not addressed. A good alternative source is rainwater. Rainwater Harvesting practice will reap rewards for the future. Even our ancestors practiced the method of harvesting rainwater, keeping in mind their present and future needs. Savings water form wasteful usages or form leakages, is a joint endeavour, of the public and BWSSB.

Fig1-BWSSB Office at Cauvery Bhavan

Background and inception of the company
Bangalore the pride of our nation is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia. With the herald of the 21st century the city I witnessing all round development economic activities are in full swing. Both investment and huge work force is pouring in to the city. The results the rapid growth in population now, the citys population is estimated to be 65 lakhs and expected to reach 73 lakhs by the end of 2011. To quench the thirst of the citizens of the city is an Herculean task. Bangalore water supply and sewage board BWSSB is committed in its mission to supply water to this great city with a great vision. The city built by magadi chieftain kempegowda 400 ago has grown beyond imagination. The old Bangalore was having large numbers of lakes and village ponds. Prior to 1896, the citys water supply demands were met by Dug wells and numbers of tanks in and around the city such as Dharmambudi Lake, Sampige Lake, Ulsoor Tank and Millers Tank, Sanky Tank etc. the first water supply system in the city came to existence way back in 1896, more than 100 years ago. Diwan Sheshdri Lyer constructed a check dam across river arkavathi at hesaraghtta and supplied untreated drinking water to the city in 1930; another dam across the river arkavthy on down stream of hesaraghtta at thippagondana hally was build. It was the vision of the architect of modern Mysore state, sir.m.vishveswaraiah. The result of rapid urbanization, the water supply becomes a challenge for the citys administration. Hence BWWSB came into being on 10th September 1964, through an act of legislation. The only perennial source available was the river Cauvery, which is 100kms away from the city. Hence Cauvery water supply scheme (CWSS) was implemented during 1974. Among the other Metro, Bangalore is the only metro, which is supplied form far off distance certainly and efficiency BWSSB to fulfil its commitment. The Cauvery water was diverted to Netkal Balancing Reservoir (NBR) at Shiva Anicut through open channel.

To cross Handihalla, a Siphon WA constructed, which is the wonders of Cauvery Water Supply Scheme (CWSS). From NBR water was taken to Torekadanahalli through pipeline through gravity. The raw water is treated at T K Halli and this treated water is pumped in stages over head of 500 Mts for a distance of 100 Kms using 1650 Hp pumps. The water is pumped to Harohalli and then to Tataguni From the city. Thus power charge payable to KPTCL is also high. The fact is about 60% of the revenue is going for making payment to power charges. The CWSS implemented in four stages and supplying 810 million litters of water per day to Bangalore city .The CWSS 4th stage, 2nd phase has been envisaged with the intention of supplying additional 500 MLD of drinking water. JBIC has signed to fund this project. The estimated of the project is Rs.3384 crores. On the other hand BWSSB has created Sewerage network all along the city the waster water treatment plants are constructed in various stages. K&C Valley and V. Valley waste water treatment plants were upgraded to tertiary level. The V. Valley water treatment plant is of 60 MLD capacities and this is the highest capacity waste water treatment plant in India New waste treatment plants were constructed and commissioned at Hebbal and Yelahanka in 2003. The recycle waster water is commissioned to supply for international Airport, NAL etc, for non-potable purposes. Under the guidance of the Hon ble Chief Minister of the state Sri, H.D.Kumaraswamy, his dream project GREATER BANGALORE is being implemented in the year Karnataka is celebrating its golden jubilee. As per the notification of GOK, 7 CMCs and 1 TMC and 3 villages will come under GREATER BANGALORE .our present city, which is of 300 million Sq ft area, expands to its double to 710 million Sq ft under GREATER BANGALORE.

The population reaches to one crore BWSSB is already greeted up to meet the challenge of providing water to all citizens of TREATER BANGALORE with efficiency, using the existing CWSS. BWSSB is intended to increase 100 MLD of drinking water through up gradation of existing pumping stations and boosters. Hon ble chief minister of the gladly laid the foundation stone of the project of 26-12-2006. To meet the demands of GRATER BANGALORE, BWSSB has a vision for next 10 years. Our aim is to

Commission 500 MLD CWSS stage 4th phase 2nd works.

Augmentation of water from Cauvery and other sources. Commission GBWASP and KMRP works. Achieve minimum discharge of waste water into SWD Promoting Rainwater harvesting and used of recycled water for non portable purpose. Take up feature projects A Master plan for rehabilitation/ replacement of existing sewers Remodelling/Rehabilitation/Replacement of aged pipes/PCV pipes Including house service connection in core area. Come; lets join hands with BESSB to realize to dream of GREATER BANGLORE.


Cauvery Water Supply Scheme to Bangalore City:

Bangalore is the fastest growing city in Asia providing a fastest growing city in Asia. Providing drinking water to its population which is well over a 6 millions is a Herculean task. The city, which had the reputation of having an assured drinking water supply system for over a century, had a conventional drinking water supply system changing times and growing demand necessitated for an effective drinking water system to the growing Metro. Cauvery Water Supply Scheme (CWSS) is the result borne out of that necessity and the unwavering commitment of BWSSB to provide its citizens with potable drinking water. CWSS today has become the main stay of drinking water in Bangalore. Heres birds eye view of how CWSS us helping Bangalores citizen with pure drinking water. Water to city of Bangalore is drawn form river Cauvery abstracted at Shiva Anicut and conveyed through a channel to Netkal Balancing Reservoir and transferred to treatment complex at Tore Kadanahalli, which is about 95 Kms from Bangalore on Kanakpura Road. Through gravity mains, here water is treated at the treatment plants of Cauvery.


Fig2-Cauvery Water Supply Dam

Water Supply Scheme stage 1, 2, 3, and 4. Filtered water is pumped to city through 3stage of pumping with the pumping stations located at T.K. Halli, Harohalli, (about 95 & 40 Kms. from Bangalore respectively) Tataguni (about 20 Kms. form Bangalore) through steel transmission mains. At present, the total supply from Cauvery is about 850 MLD. The details of the scheme are as follows.

Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage 1:

The scheme was commissioned in the year 1974 with capacity of 135 million litres per day at the total cost of the project was Rs.36 crores Water is pumped with 3 pumps running round the clock. through 1200 mm dia steel transmission main, 5 pumps are installed at each of each of the pumping stations

Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage 2:

The scheme was commissioned in the year 1982 with capacity of 135 million litres per day at cost of Rs.85 crores. Water us pumped through 120mm dia steel


transmission main 5 pumps installed at each of the pumping stations with 3 pumps running round the clock.

Fig3-Storage of River and Rain Water at Manchanbelle Dam

Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage 3

This scheme was commissioned in the year 1993 augmenting about 270 million litres per day to the city, water is pumped through 1750mm dia steel transmission main 8 pump are installed at each of the pumping stations with 5 pumps running the clock. Estimated cost of the scheme was Rs.240.00crores.

Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage 4:

The designed capacity of the scheme is to supply 270 million litres of water per day. Water is pumped through 1950mmdia steel transmission main. At present 4 pumps out of 8 pumps installed at each of the pumping stations are running round the clock supplying about 240 million litres of water per day. The scheme was commissioned on 29-07-2002. The project was implemented at a cost of Rs.1072 crores, part of which (Rs.804 crores) is funded through financial assistance form Japan Bank for international co-operation.


All Water Treatment Plants at T.K.Halli and pumping stations at T.K.Halli, and Tataguni have been awarded ISO 9901 certification for their efficiency and quality levels during 2001.

Bangalore is a fast expanding metropolis in the Country. With an estimated population of 5,281,927 in the year 2007, Bangalore is the third most populous city in India and the 27th most populous city in the world. With a decadal growth rate of 38%, Bangalore was the fastest-growing Indian metropolis after New Delhi for the decade 19912001. It is estimated that the population may reach the figure of about 10 million by the year 2021. Provision of civic services, specially water supply and sewerage facilities are a challenging task. For a very long-time, these services were undertaken by Public Works Department. In order to provide an efficient and cost-effective service, BWSSB was created by an Act of State Legislature as an autonomous organization in 1964. Since then, BWSSB has been striving to live up to the growing expectations of ever increasing populace of Bangalore metropolis. The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) are committed to providing drinking water of unquestionable quality in sufficient quantity and to treat the sewage generated to the required standards. As the leader in providing water and sanitation services, BWSSB is recognized as an effective instrument of change through adopting


state-of-the-art technologies for improving the quality of its services to the general public.



Service profile

Providing water supply and making arrangement for the sewerage and disposal of sewerage in the existing and developing regions of Bangalore Metropolitan Area. Investigation adequacy of water supply for domestic purpose in Bangalore Metropolitan area. Preparation and implementation of plants and schemes for supply of water for domestic/ non-domestic purpose within Bangalore Metropolitan area. Preparation and implementation of plans and schemes for proper sewerage and
disposal of sewerage of the Bangalore Metropolitan area.





Vision statement
BWSSBs vision resets on its unwavering commitment to provide value added quality services using innovative and cost effective solutions to achieve customer satisfaction, by ever remaining sensitive to their needs by anticipating their requirements, keeping public interface always open and stay in the forefront in all its endeavour.

Mission statement
The Bangalore Water Supply And Sewerage Board (BWSSB) is committed to providing drinking water of unquestionable quality in sufficient quantity and to treat the sewage generated to the required parameters. As the leader in providing water and sanitation services, BWSSB is recognized as an effective instrument of change through adopting state-of-the-art technologies for improving the quality of its services to the general public.


Bangalore is one of the few cities in India, whereFiltered water is supplied to the city for over 100 years. Major source of water ,River Cauvery is situated at a distance of 100 Kms. Water is pumped against a head of 510 mtrs from the source in 3 stages. Equitable water distribution is maintained. Cent percent metering of water connections is achieved. In order to determine the organizational requirements, BWSSB has initiated manpower planning study of the next 25 years. The major objectives include: the role played by the management at present the present state of affairs leading to SWOT analysis the demand for the services for the next 25 years

The modified Organisational structure to suit the needs of BWSSB. To estimate manpower needs of the organization for the next 25 years. To suggest manpower pattern in various units of the BWSSB.

Quality policy
Quality assurance wing headed by an additional chief engineer (QA), comprising of an ACE, executive engineer and three assistant executive engineers comes under the control of chief engineer (Quality Assurance). The wing is concentrating mainly on the following activities. 1.

Check reading of water meters at consumer end. Checking the records at water supply sanitary divisions, sub-divisions and service stations such as ledgers, arrears lists, statement of defective meters, sanction files, water registers of application for water supply and sanitary connections of water supply connections etc.


Checking the unauthorised water supply and sanitary connections, irregular sanctions, etc. Checking the water filling points. Verifications of stock of materials both at works as well as service stations.


5. 6. 7.

Attending to the general complaints from public and directions of higher officers. Any other investigations entrusted by the higher officers. Inspection of different works including project works in progress at random to have a check on the quality of water, usage of materials and to advice on shortcoming, if any.

8. 9.

Collection of concrete samples (cubes) at work sites for verifying the strength of the concrete after curing period. Checking of lead joints in water supply pipelines. Hydraulic testing of water retaining structures such as ground level reservoirs, overhead tanks, sumps and water supply pipelines. Inspections of chlorinators for their working conditions. Inspection of flow test of underground drainage, stoneware and RCC pipes.



Awarded the OIL CONSERVATION AWARD for exemplary work in energy conservation in the large projects category 2000-2001. Awarded the presentations GOLDEN PEACOCK AWARD for innovative product/service 2003. Awarded SILVER ICON for EXEMPLARYINITIATIVE GOVERENCE -2003. Awarded the SPECTIAL ACHIVEMENT AWARD for GIS 2004. Awarded the presentations NATIONAL URBAN WATER AWARDS 2009 from the honourable president of India Smt. Pratibha devisingh Patil. IN E-

The board BWSSB has taken up Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage IV phase II to augment an additional 500 MLD of water to the city with financial assistance from Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC) through Ministry of Urban Development,

Government of India. Total estimated cost of the above scheme is Rs.3383.70 crores. The consultants have been appointed for this scheme. The project is expected to be completed by 2012-2013. BWSSB is also having plans to provide water facility to the extension area of the city as a part of the Greater Bangalore Water Supply Sanity project (GBWASP). BWSSB is providing water supply under GBWASP project which covers the 7 City Municipal Corporation and 1 Town Municipal Corporation.

The 7-city municipal Corporation are:

Mahadevapura Dasarahalli Bomanahalli Raja Rajeshwari Nagar Yelahanka Byatrayanapura Krishnaraja puram.

The Town Municipal Corporation

The only one TMC under this expansion project is Kengeri.

















Overall structure:
The current organizational structure of BWSSB comprises of a Chairman, normally a senior IAS officer who has vast administrative experience and proven executive skills, as overall in charge of BWSSB. The Chairman will be presiding over the Board meetings and the Board is the policy making body which sets policy frame work for the organization. Currently, the Board consists of six top officers of Government of Karnataka other than the Chairman of BWSSB. The following are the members of the current Board.

Area of operation:
The area of operation of BWSSB is regional since its service is ltd to Bangalore metropolitan area only. Its operation is broadly divided into 26 divisions. Divisions Central Sub-Division Central-1 Service station Chikkalalbagh LLR Central-2 Bhashyam park HGR


Central-3 South South-1 South-2

COLES PARK VV PURAM BANNAPPA PARK Devagiri 1 & 2 Katriguppa 1 & 2 Banashankari 1 & 2 Kumaraswamy Layout Hosakerehalli Poornapragna layout BTM layout 1&2 Vijaya Bank Layout (Arakere) MNK Park Chamaraja Pet Mountjoy Nagendra Block J.P Nagar 1 J.P Nagar 3 Hosahalli Chandra Layout Beggars Colony Rajajinagar Nandini Layout Mahalakshmi layout Kethamaranahalli Magadi Road Mysore Road-1 JJ nagar West of Chord Road-1 West of Chord Road-2 Kamalanagar Kamakshipalya Kengeri Raja Rajeshwari nagar Nagarabhavi

South-3 South-4

South-5 West West-1






West-6 South-east South-east-1

Peenya AEE Ele (W) Devaraj Domlur Johnson Market CLR Jayanagar Jayanagar 4th T block Byrasandra 1&2 Koramangala HSR Layout





HRBR-1 HRBR-2 OMBR Layout Indiranagar Ulsoor J.B Nagar HAL 2nd stage Frazer Town Pillanna Garden Machalibetta



East-4 East-5

BEML Layout, Hoodi Ramamurthynagar AEE Ele (E) L. Kumar Naik



Yeshwanthpur Sri Ramapura Malleshwaram


K.G Tower Jayamahal Kumara Park



Sanjaya Nagar BEL Road R.T Nagar AnandaNagar Yelahanka Sahakaranagar AEE Ele (N) E. Nithiyanand Kumar


Ownership pattern
Sl.No 1 Name of Board Member Shri P.B.Ramamurthy, I.A.S., Chairman, BWSSB., BANGALORE. Telephone: 22945100 Shri K.M.Shivakumar, I.A.S. Additional chief Secretary, Urban Development Dept. Vikasa Soudha BANGALORE. Telephone: 22253958 Shri Bharat Lal Meena, I.A.S., Commissioner, Bangalore Development Authority BANGALORE. Telephone: 22237455 Shri Anilkumar Jaa, I.A.S., Secretary to Government Finance Dept, Vidhana Soudha BANGALORE. Telephone: 22251772 Shri Siddhaiah, I.A.S., Commissioner, B.B.M.P BANGALORE. Telephone: 23360843 Shri Subhir Hari Singh, I.A.S.,

Additional Chief Secretary and Commissioner, B.M.R.D.A., LRDE Complex, Ali Asker Road, BANGALORE. Telephone: 22255493

In its day to day operations, BWSSB follows a pyramidal structure of organization with top layer consisting of heads of different departments. At present the 2nd level (Next to Board) comprises the following functional heads: Chief Administrative Officer cum Secretary Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer Chief Engineer (Maintenance) Chief Engineer (Projects) Chief Engineer (Kaveri) Chief Engineer (Quality Assurance) Chief Engineer (Corporate Planning & Waste Water Management) Project Director Public Relations Officer. Law Officer


Providing water supply and making arrangements for the sewerage and disposal of sewage in the existing and developing new regions of Bangalore Metropolitan Area. Investigating adequacy of water supply for domestic purpose in Bangalore Metropolitan area.


Preparation and implementation of plans and schemes for supply of water for domestic purposes within the Bangalore Metropolitan area to the required standards. Preparation and implementation of plans and schemes for proper sewerage and disposal of sewage of the Bangalore Metropolitan area. Levy & collection of water charges on no loss no profit basis.

CHAPTER 3 Marketing department Human resource management department Finance department Research department




















Is a process of persuasive action which makes the buyers to buy the products and services at given price is called marketing. Is a social and managerial process by which individual and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products of value with others is known as Marketing.

Marketing management
Is a process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods services and ideas to create exchanges with target groups that satisfy customers and organizational objectives.


Marketing management is a process involving analysis, planning implementation and control that it covers goods, services and ideas that it rests on the notion of exchange and the goal is to produce satisfaction for the parties involved.

Competitors information
BWSSB is the regional operating service organization which is the monopoly business providing services to the people of Bangalore Metropolitan city .Since it the monopoly service providing for drinking water and sewage service. There are no competitors existing for the company since now

Marketing refers to the four Ps: Product Promotion Pricing


Pricing is relying on the quality and quality ordered by the customers. Whether customer place the bulk orders for the products and services company will quote the low price for the orders or vice-versa. All the pricing quotation is fixed by the head office the BWSSB only manufacturing process will be done by the studied plant. But all sends the cost of the each order placed by the customers head office checks the cost of the order later fix the price of the orders.

Pricing strategy Water Tariff and Pro-Rata:

1. 2.

G.O.No.HUD:139: MNI: 90 Dt. 17-7-1991 G.O.No.HUD: 15: MNI: 90 Dt. 27-7-1994 Notification No. WATER TARIFF W.E.F 01.02.2005



1. Domestic Section 36(I) filtered Water: Sl No I Category & Consumption DOMESTIC (Sec. 36(i)) 1). 0-8000 2). 8001-25000 3). 25001-50000 4). 50001-75000 5). 75001-100000 6). 100000 & above Revised Water Tariff Per Kilo Litre 6.00 9.00 15.00 30.00 36.00 36.00 Minimum Charges 48.00 201 .00 676.00 1326.00 2226.00 5826.00

Sanitary Charges for (i) Rs. 15.00 at flat rate for consumption of 0 to 25000 domestic connection litters. (ii) From 25001 to 50000 litters 15% on water supply charges per month . (iii) 20% of water supply charges per month against for consumption of above 50000 litters.

2. Non Domestic Section-36(IV):


Sl No II

Slab-wise Consumption of Water (in K. Litters) Non DOMESTIC (Sec. 36(iv)) 1). 0-10000 2). 10001-20000 3). 20001-40000 4). 40001-60000 5). 60001-100000 6). 10000 & above

Revised Water Tariff Per Kilo Litre 36.00 39.00 44.00 51.00 57.00 60.00

Minimum Charges 360.00 390.00 880.00 1002.00 2280.00



60.00 (per kilo litter)


Bidadi Industrial Area

51.00 (per kilo litter)


Lorry Loads

250.00 (per Load)

Swimming Pools

60.00 (per kilo litter)


Public taps Section 36 VII

3000.00 (per kilo litter)


1.a Domestic connection Rs. 15/- at flat rate for consumption of 0 to 8000 litters and 8001 to 25000 litters Rs.15% of water supply charges per month for consumption of above 25000 litters up to 50000 litters Rs20% of water charges per month for consumption of above 50000 litters III All non Domestic Connection From 10% to 20% of water charges for month IV For Premises having water supply and UGDRs. 50/- per month per individual connection but supplementing water supply byhouse per flat tanker/borewellsdadi Industrial Area Revised from Rs.200 to 300 per month per HP of borewell a. Domestic and Apartment b. Non-Domestic

V Premises not having water supply connection fromRs.300/- per month BWSSB but having only UGD connection Rs. 1000/- per month IN ADDITION TO SANITARY CHARGES: Hotels having boarding and lodging supplementing water supply by tankers in addition to borewellsRs. 3000/- per month (i) Non Star Hotels Rs. 10,000/- per month (ii) 3 Star Hotels & above (iii) 5 star Hotels & above VI For Hospitals/Nursing Homes supplementing water supply by tankers in addition to borewell (i) Nursing Home & Hospitals having 100 beds (ii) Hospitals/Nursing Homes having more than 100 beds Rs. 2500/- per month Rs. 5000/per month


Demand Analysis:
The broad factors contributing to increased demands of water in the city of Bangalore can be classified into the following. Population growth Area of operation Water supply connectivity Changing life styles of different segments of population and Improved awareness regarding hygiene. The population of Bangalore is estimated to go up by about 10 million during the 30 year period from 1991-2021. Thus, by the year 2021, the demand for water in Bangalore will be nearly double to that of the present demand in 2008. The jurisdiction of BDA is increasing year after year. As per CDP Bangalore, the probable area of Bangalore by 2021 could be 500 sq. km. At present, there are 4Lakhs households that have water supply connections. Assuming the average family size of five, it amounts to about 20 Lakh people being covered by household water connections. The remaining people seem to be depending on their own shallow wells, bore wells or drawing water from public taps. The situation may drastically change with the increased income and the demand for household connections may spurt in an exponential manner. In addition to that, to take care of general increase of the population, additional connections are needed. Thus, in the next 15 years there will be a need to increase the water connections from the existing connections to connections. Thus, the workload will increase by six times during the next 15 years. Unless BWSSB


pays immediate attention in this regard, it may set in enormous dissatisfaction among the citizens of Bangalore

Research department
Research Design of study is a conceptual structure a sketch or plan laid out for conducting the study. It is considered as a blue print pf the final copy of the project where it shows the activities undertaken while doing the study. It constitutes the steps taken beginning with of collection of clarifying it. Analysing, interpreting, processing, and finally putting it is an actual form. Research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with relevance to economy. There are various designs, which are descriptive and helpful for analytical research. In brief a research design contains A clear statement of the research problem. A specification of data required. Procedure and techniques to be adopted for data collection. A method of processing and analysis of data. Research designed in the specific study includes the following: Identifying the statement of the problem Collection of companys specific literature i.e., annual report for the study period and the profile of the company. Scanning through standard books to understand the theory behind the financial performance evaluation. Collection of information from various journals to understand the industrial background of the study.


Statement of Problem:The statement of problem can be generalised here as: Analysis of the relationship between liabilities and assets. Analysis of the liquidity and profitability of the current assets and current liabilities. Detection of the reasons for the variability of profits.

Analysis of various components of working capital such as cash, marketable securities, inventories and receivables.

So the study aims at finding the financial position of BWSSB by means of financial analysis techniques such as comparative balance sheet analysis, ratio analysis, and common size balance sheet analysis and fund flow statement. There analysis gives a comprehensive performance evaluation in the financial parameter of companys financial performance. This will help in certain decision making financial aspects of the companys polices.

Methodology:In this project, an effort has been made to study the financial condition of BWSSB. This report has related to theory and history of BWSSB. The performance, i.e., then analysed by different technique of financial analyse and conclusion are drawn.


DATA SOURCE: Primary Data

The only method through which company primary data was collected pertaining to the operational and financial performance of company is through the direct interviews with financial personnel and other employee of financial department.

Secondary Data
Particularly it is difficult to collect the entire through primary sources. So the researcher has to depend on the secondary data. Any data that has been gathered earlier for some other purpose is known a secondary data. It has been collected from the past records. Consist of information that already exist some where, having been collected for another purpose. Collected from the books of finance, management, internet, journal, and other publication.


Human Resources Department







Introduction Human Resources Management (HRM) is both an academic theory and a business practice that address the theoretical and practical techniques of meaning a workforce. It is relatively new and a developed part of management. It reflects a new philosophy, a new outlook approach and strategy, which view an organizations manpower its resources and assets, and not as liabilities or mere hands. The theoretical discipline is based primarily on the assumption that employees are individuals with varying goals and needs, and as such should not be thought of as basic business resources, such as trucks and filling cabinets. The field takes a positive view of works, assuming that virtually all wish to contribute to the enterprise productivity, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors are lack of knowledge, insufficient training and failures of process.


HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express their goals with specificity so that they can be understood and undertaken by them and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish their assignment. As such, HRM techniques, when properly practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall. DEFINITIONS According to Leon C Muggins, the term HR can be through of as the total knowledge skills, Creative ability, falcate and aptitude of an organizations work force, as well as the value, attitudes and benefits and beliefs of individuals.-(Personal and Human Resource management) According to Ashwathappa, HRM is a management that helps managers to recruit, select, and develop organization members. According to Edwin B. Flippo, management is planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual organization and social objective are accomplished. MEANING
Different terms are used to denote HRM they are labour management, labour administration, labour management relations, employee-employer relations, industrial relations, human capital and assets. The basic nature HRM means emplying people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining, and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization, individual and society.



The scope of human resource management is needed best. All major activities in the working life of a worker from the time to time of his entry into an organization until he leaves come under Human Resource Management.

Nature of HRM Prospective of HRM Employee Hiring

Human Resource Management Industry relations Employee Motivation

Employee Maintenance

Employee and Executive Remuneration

Scope of HRM


Need for a new orientation:

BWSSB has started its operation more than four decades ago. Its main customers for the hardware like water pipeline net work, overhead tanks, sewerage systems including treatment plants are BMP and BDA, while for the software- the water, the customers are the citizens of Bangalore. The main problems facing BWSSB apparently is in terms of finance and power supply which has prevented them in supplying adequate quantity of water to citizens of Bangalore, let alone in an uninterrupted way but even on intermittent daily basis. This factor has contributed to the tarnishing of the perceptual image of BWSSB held by its customers.

Fig4-Water Treatment Plant at Yelahanka, Bangalore The monopolist current status enjoyed by BWSSB and the huge supply-demand mismatch has positioned the organization in an advantageous position vis--vis their customers. Since the customers are absorbing the services of BWSSB fully, be it water supply or sewage treatment, with no strings attached, the organization might feel that its products and services are doing very well in the market. The quantitative shortage of the products and services are normally observed to cover up the qualitative deficiencies. This

perceptual illusion of being a market leader can make the organization susceptible to market myopia which in turn can result in the complacency in organization, over a period of time. There is apparently no harm at all, perhaps, if the organization remains complacent and retains a degree of contentment and feels no urgent and strong need to change. The only harm that can take place is the accelerated rate of organizational decay. Progressive organizations that are societal conscious make every possible effort periodically to introspect as well as retrospect so that they can continue to be on the pat of growth and development. In the light of the above, an analysis of the existing organizational structure becomes imperative.

The BWSSB was constituted under the act of the Karnataka state legislature by notification no. PLM/15/MNY/64 dated 30th September 1964 and the board came into existence on 2nd October 1964. With the formation of the Board the entire system of water supply was transferred to the board on 1st December 1964 and sanitation on 21st December 1964.

Some of the non-core activities presently being departmentally undertaken may be entrusted to private parties so as to reduce costs. These being: Security Medical facilities Gardening Maintenance of certain Bungalows.


Housekeeping in BWSSB offices


Employees presence at workplace during the scheduled time is highly essential for the smooth running of the production process in particular and the organization in general. Despite the significance of their presence, employees sometimes fail to report at the workplace during the scheduled time, which is known as absenteeism.

There are two types of absenteeism, each of which requires a different types of approach. Innocent Absenteeism Innocent absenteeism refers to the employees who are absent for reasons beyond their control; like sickness and injury. Innocent absenteeism is not culpable which means that it is blameless. In a labour relations context this means that it cannot be remedied or treated by disciplinary measures. Culpable Absenteeism Culpable absenteeism refers to employees who are absent without authorization for reasons which their control. For instance; an employee who is on leave even through he / she is not sick, and it can be proved that the employee was not sick, is guilty of culpable absenteeism. To be culpable is not to be blameworthy. In a labour relation context, this means that progressive discipline can be applied. For the large majority of employees, absenteeism is legitimate, innocent absenteeism, which occurs infrequently. Procedures for disciplinary action apply only to culpable absenteeism. Many organizations take the view that through the process of individual absence counselling and treatment, the majority of employees will overcome their problems and return to an regular attendance.



The causes of absenteeism are many and include: Serious accident and illness Low morale Poor working conditions Boredom on the job Lack of job satisfaction Inadequate leadership and poor supervision Personal problems (financial, marital, substance abuse, childcare etc.) Poor physical fitness Inadequate nutrition Transportation problems Stress Workload

Employee discontent with a collective bargaining process and / or its results.


Decrease in protectively Employees may be carrying an extra workload or supporting new or replacement staff. Employer may be required to train and orientate new or replacement Workers. Staff morale and Employee service may suffer. Financial costs Payment of overtime may result


Cost of self-insured income protection plans must be borne plus the wage costs of replacement employees Premium costs may rise for insured plans Administrative Costs Staff time required to maintain and control absenteeism


Recent surveys indicated the following trends in absenteeism The higher the rate of pay and greater the length the service of the employee, the fewer the absence As an organization grows, there is a tendency towards higher rates of absenteeism Organizations with the worst records have twice the absence rates of the best ones Women are absent more frequently than married employees Single employees are absent more frequently than older employees but the later are absent for longer period of time Public sector employees report sick more often than those in the private sector Unionized organizations have higher absenteeism rates than non-union organizations



Absenteeism affects the organization from multiple angels. It severely affects the production process and the business process. The effect of unauthorized absenteeism is more compared other types of absenteeism. The management can minimize absenteeism. The following measures are useful in controlling or minimizing absenteeism. Select the employees by testing them thoroughly regarding their aspirations, value systems, reasonability and sensitiveness. Adopting humanistic approach in dealing with the personal problem of employees. Following proactive approach in identifying and redressing employee grievances. Provide leave facilities based on the needs of the employees and organizational requirement. Educating the workers. Providing hygienic working conditions. Provide welfare measures and fringe benefits, balancing the need of the employees and the ability of the organization. Counselling the workers about their carer, income and expenditure, habits and culture. Free flow of information, exchange ideas, problems etc. between subordinate and superior. Offering attendance bonus and inducements.
Provide extensive training encouragement, special allowances in cash for

technological advancement.



An Act called "The Bangalore Water & Sewerage Sanitary Act 1964" under Govt. Of Karnataka - Law department - Karnataka act no. 36 of 1964 was enacted by the Karnataka state legislature in the 15th year of the Republic of India to make provisions for Water supply, Sewerage & disposal of Sewage in Bangalore Metropolitan area & the matters connected therein. Prior to the formation of the Board, the task of providing water supply to the city was with the Bangalore City Corporation in the Cantonment area and KPWD in the city area.

The cost of maintenance was charged to the corporation which was purchasing the water in bulk from PWD. The head works was under the control of PWD.From 14th August 1961 the entire distribution system except the head works was transferred to BCC for its maintenance. The World Bank team which came for first hand appraisal of the project insisted upon the need for creating an autonomous Board for handling the Cauvery Water Supply Scheme on commercial lines which was accepted by the Government. Accordingly, the Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board was constituted under an Act of Karnataka State Legislature vide notification No.PLM/15/MNY/64 dated 30th September 1964 and the Board came into the existence on 2nd October 1964. With the formation of the Board the entire system of water supply component was transferred to the Board on 1st December 1964 and the sanitary component on 21st December 1967


INTRODUCTION:Finance is regarded as the lifeblood of the business enterprise. Efficient financial management is very important to any organization. Lack of this paralyses the activities of the firm. Hence, it is essential to have a sound financial system organized in an organization or enterprise. Every organization needs money and the management of it is very important in any financial system of an organization BWSSB has very sound financial department and well trained and experienced employees to carry out the financial activities. Here very big activities are carried out with utmost care.






Fig. No.5: FINANCE DEPARTMENT In the modern era of making money, finance id one of the basic foundation for all kinds of economic activities. It is the master key, which provides access to all sources to be employed in manufacturing and merchandising activities. It has been rightly said that business needs money to make more money.


For effective and continuous working of organization the main thing that is required is money. Managing the available monetary resources is the primary function of any organization. To carry on this function the finance department came into existence. This function should be well organized in a firm. So there will be separate department to look after the financial aspects of the firm. To work more effectively and efficiently the finance department has several sections such as, Cash section Bills receivable section Bills payable section Payroll section Material accounts section Book keeping and Costing department.


This section is responsible for all receipts and payments cash/cheque and accounting of the same in books. The main functions of this section are: Receipts of cash, postal orders cheque book draft etc., issue of official receipt for the same. Booking of all receipts. Drawl of cash vouchers by cash/cheque.

Payment of vouchers by cash/cheque. Safe custody of cash cheque books, book guarantee, fixed deposit receipts and other investment etc.

The following are the major accounting register and subsidiary registers are maintained in this section they are. Cash Book Securities Registers

Money Orders Registers



This Section is mainly responsible for preparation of invoices to customer for the Supplies made and services rendered and follow up recovery of the amounts and accounting of the same.

Main functions of this department are;

Preparation of invoices for work done. To be done and services rendered. Review of closed work orders for which invoices have not been prepared. Recording of invoices rendered. Accountable for sales tax returns payments of sales tax. Scrutinize of sales orders including exports sales

Registers maintained in this section are:

Sales journal Manufacturing of spares Overhaul of equipment Miscellaneous Invoice register Dispatch advices register sundry debtors ledger Claims/accounts receivable ledger.



This section divided into 3 Sub section; Bills payable inland Bills payable civil work Bills payable foreign


Main functions of this department are; Payment and accounting of advances to supplier

Payment and accounting of advances to other vendors

Payment and accounting of final bills Adjustment/Recovery of advances Accounting and pricing of receipt vouchers


Main functions of this department are Payment and accounting of advances Payment and accounting of running bills to contractor Payment and accounting of final bills Adjustment/Recovery of advances Capitalization of buildings etc Major accounting register and subsidiaries Work journal Contractors journal Contract register

EMD and security deposit register Advances payment register

The payroll section is looking after time office and payroll section The main functions are Employees gate passes are issued Maintenance of leave records and feeding of attendance data to computer with reference to the document received Disbursement of salaries and wages Payment / recovery of advances Recovery of dues from employees Remittances of amount received from employees to various agencies Accounting of payroll transactions

Registers used are

Leave record legers/register Salaries and wage journal Travel expenses journal LTC expenses journal Loan register Advance register Travel advance LTC advances

Salary advances Vehicle advances Cyclone/food relief loan Special loan Conveyance reimbursement Record of attendance Maintenance of leave records

Feeding of attendance


Main functions of this section are Maintenance of material ledger cards for all material held in store Accounting of receipts of all material by various classes and issues of all material Quality reconciliation of Bin card balance with material ledger balance Accounting of liner divisional transfer of material and its reconciliation Register used are Material issue analysis statement Stock transfer/Stock re classification statement Stock verification statement Surplus/Condemned stores


Main functions of this section are Maintenance of journal /ledger Maintenance of capital assets ledger and location registers Preparation of trail balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet Preparation of final accounts and depreciation schedule Furnishing data determination of income tax liability

Register used are

Journal General ledger Main Assets ledger Department/Location Assets register Semi perishable equipment register Miscellaneous equipment register


The costing department of VSY comes under the preview of the financial department And all its activities are supervised and controlled by these department Duties and responsibilities To ascertain in detail the true cost of production of each operation To collect necessary information to fix standard for a period To measure actual results with the standard and to determined variances if any To provide detailed information to enable fixation of prices of products To measure the efficiency of the workers

To prepare estimate and cost assist in setting stores and providing detailed data for special cost analysis

The department deals with payable and receivable. Here initially the PO (Purchase order) is prepared then the GRN (Goods Received Note) will be made for goods later quality assurance department checks the quality. Once the QAD approves then the invoice copy is sent to the accounts department where the bills are passed, until this stage all the transaction are carried out by ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. Then the future operations are carried out by Tally package.

The company has yearly budgeting for each and every department. Each and every department will dive the schedule as per the requirements of budgets about machining tools etc. if any extra budget is require apart from the allotted amount which contains


Company has procedure of filling in CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) from which contains the details of amount required. To avoid destructions in their working, the company will go for long term or short term borrowing from corporate.




THE 7Ss are a frame work for analyzing organizations and their effectiveness. It looks at the seven key elements that make the organization successful, or not: strategy; structure; systems; style; skills; staff; and shared values. The meaning of some of the terms had to be stretched for instance in tradition management literature the term skills generally applied to personal skills (for example technical, human, conceptual) where in the 7s framework skills means the capabilities of the organization as a whole. The organization capabilities and lack of such capabilities are generally referred to in management literature as the strengths and weakness of the firm. The outstanding feature of the 7S model is that it has been extensively used by McKinsey consultants in their studies in many companies. At the same time, respected business schools, such as Harvard and Stanford, have used this framework. The theory and practice seems to support each other in the study of management. The most surprising fact about the 7S framework is that it support, and is similar to, the framework of managerial functions (Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling) shared values are sometimes called super ordinate goals, and 7S framework theorists emphasize that goals statement are very important in determining the density of enterprise, values must be shared by organization members, thus special attention is given to personal and organization values. The 7Smodel is better known as McKinsey and model. This is because the two persons who developed this model, TOM PETER AND ROBER WATERMAN have been consultants of McKinsey and company at that time. They published 7Smodel in their


article structure is nor organization in 1980 and in their books the art of Japanese management1981 and in search of excellence (1982). The model status on the premise than an organization is not just structure but consists of 7 elements.




Shared values




Mc Kinseys 7S Model


The 3Sacross the top of the model are described as Hard Ss: The hard Ss of 7-s model is 3: Structure Strategy Systems The soft Ss of 7-s model is 4: Skills Style Staff Shared value

The way the organizations units relates to each other; centralized, functional division (top-down); decentralized (the trend in large organizations); matrix, network, holding, etc.

It is the plan for the allocation of firms scarce resources, over time, to reach identified goals; environment, Competition, customers. Today the business is running in a dynamic manner. It is required to manage internal and external environment to be a successful in the field. Even it is required to maintain good control over the environment to remain in the business for long run. Strategy is nothing but the determination of the purpose and the long term objective of an enterprise, following by the adoption of action allocation of resources necessary to achieve these aims. Strategies adopted by BWSSB

Total quality management.

Business intelligence. Create innovative solutions for future.


Adopts dynamic business strategies.

The procedure, processes, and routines that characterize how important work is to be done: financial system; hiring promotion and performance appraisal systems; information systems. System refers to organization methods that flow of information from one department to another. BWSSB has an adequate system of internal control designed to provide reasonable assurance on the achievement of the objective relating to efficiency and effectiveness of operations, reliability of operations, reliability of operations and reliability of financial reporting there is a system compliances to follow rules and regulations and safeguarding of assets. The organization follows the system of flow of work from top level management to lower level of management. BWSSB has its own systems, rules, regulations and procedures to follow which help the company to develop a talent pool with competence to take challenge of present and future. The organization has its own information system, service process and control process that aims to delight the customers through good quality services and solutions. Application of management information system can be seen at various Departments in BWSSB where MIS is adopted in order to handle the work efficiently.

Skills are the distinctive capabilities of personal or of the organizations as a whole. Waterman Etal consider skills as one of the most crucial attributes or capabilities of an organization. The term skills include those characteristics with most people used describe a company. The organization has various skills like managerial skills, development skills, supervisory skills and communication skills.


HRD is responsible for giving training to all employees of the organization and cover all the skills required by an employee to carry out his/her work and to achieve companies objectives and goals. Skills refer to the facts that the employees have the necessary skills to carry the companys strategy. Training and development ensures employees to do their jobs well and stay up to date with latest techniques.

The interconnecting centre of Mckinseys model is shared values. What does the organization stands for and what it believes in; central believes and attitudes. Shared values of the organization can be characterized as the whole of the norms, views and culture shared by the people working in the organization. The value are the things that you would stave for even if they where demonstrably not profitable. The values that BWSSB follows are: High concern for quality, safety and work environment. No discrimination between staff and workmen. Satisfy customers by integrating their needs in the company products. To sustain an organization of able and committed employees and provide opportunities for growth and development. Meet strict environment and also labour policies. Trust and respect individuals. Company has conscious of its moral responsibilities towards its employees, customers.


Cultural style of the organization and how key managers behave in achieving the organizations goals Style refers to the employee shared and common way of thinking and behaviour. The top management sets the objective to the line and functional specialists and provides clear procedure for working. At BWSSB traditional style of leadership is followed where the chairman taken major decisions. All the heads of the departments follows the words of their superiors and is also involved in decision making process.

Number and types of personnel within the organization. Promoters of the company and the qualities of the key staff. The process, which the employees are required, deployed and developed. Staff means the company has hired able people, trained them well and assigned them the right jobs. Selection, training, motivation and assignment to appropriate work are all issues.

Facilities provided to staff:

Training them to handle world class machines. Medical allowances are provided by the management.

Uniforms and shoes are given for the labours.



The performance of BWSSB can be greatly enhances by computerization. Computerization can help the organization in a number of productive ways. It can be a very user tool to develop a comprehensive data base It helps in quick decision making through speedy processing of information In the long run, it can reduce the operational administrative costs, and can also enhance engineering and organizational productivity through better coordination.

Geographical information system linking land uses, roads, and utility lines can greatly contribute to track present location and plan pipeline rehabilitation by assisting in terms of location of pipelines with respect to other utility features. It will also help in organizing, developing, maintaining and operating water supply and sewerage systems in a cost effective manner and .

By computerization, the activities of planning finance and accounts departments can be interconnected with various divisional offices and with the Chairmans office, and this can immensely benefit in efficient and effective functioning of BWSSB.



SWOT analysis refers to the analyzing the strength, opportunity and threat of the organization. SWOT is a compound of two factors namely external factors and internal factors. Strength and weakness are the internal factor which can be controlled by the technical and personnel departments. Opportunity and threat are the external factors which cannot be controlled by the company. External factors may include political factors, sociocultural factors, technical factors, demography, environmental factors etc.

SWOT Analysis:
The strengths of the organization as below:-


The organization has been in operation for the last 48 years and the staff of the organization had developed technical expertise concerning water supply and sewerage treatment activities associated with a large metropolis. The technical experts of the organization have been involved in planning and execution of Cauvery I, II, II and IV Stages. Thus, they have gained comprehensive technical knowledge required in planning and executing large water supply and sewerage projects.

BWSSB is the sole organization to manage water supply and sewerage facilities in Bangalore city. It does not have any competition from any other organizations in its work. This monopoly situation can be use as a very powerful strength in fully harnessing the required resources to make the organization financially and socially vibrant.

The other strength is that BWSSB is a Governmental organization. This helps in acquisition of land, free water from water natural sources, getting interdepartmental deputations, moral support from other Governmental departments, etc.,. This status also helps in getting financial help for new projects from international agencies. Monopolistic organization in Bangalore. Good quality services Associated with hospital across Bangalore. Revised pay scale once in five years.

BWSSB, due to its past history, is still following typical Governmental practices. This is manifested through highly bureaucratic procedures and systems in its functioning. Sometimes, this results in enormous avoidable delay in project execution as well as in management of Human Resources such as recruitment, promotions, compensation etc.


The composition of the Board does not have the needed representation from KPTCL, Pollution Control Board, and Irrigation Department.

The other weakness in the inadequate flow of information among different departments within BWSSB and non-availability of database on some times that help effective functioning of BWSSB.

Dispute between water board and contracts. Government rules and regulations. No external recruitment. Less qualified professional.

It is felt that BWSSB has the potential to change itself into an organization dealing with Total Water Management rather than just dealing with supply of water and treating sewage.

Rapidly change economic environment under which the society is functioning allows BWSSB to fully take advantage of different segments of customers. These customers will be able to pay more for higher quality of service and improved awareness of good hygiene. If this opportunity is really made use of, BWSSB can transform itself into a profit making one, responsive to customer needs and improving general health and hygiene of the citizens of Bangalore.

Government is supporting the organization to carry out its projects.


Foreign financial institutions like JBIC are supporting the Board to carry out its projects. Advanced technology


The changing socio-economic environment may bring in many competitors, internal and external in the business of water needs of society. This competition, if it is not properly and seriously considered, may lead to the development of a situation where in the Government is forced to entrust the water management activity to private operators rather than allow BWSSB to work as a monopoly. This probable competition is to be addressed squarely. It calls for an urgent organizational transformation and appropriate changes in mindset of the people working in the organization before the customers force the government to look for alternative organizational mechanisms for the supply of good quality of water and provide sewage treatment.


Stress related health problems of the working staff. Stringent legal causes imposed on labours.




Most of the respondents fall in to the category of 21-30 years of experience followed by respondent having 1-10 years of experience.

Social and religious ceremonies are witnessed to the major reasons for employees absenteeism, followed by other reasons like fatigue and family problems. Majority of the respondent are satisfied with the adequate leave facilities provided by the management and they are able to manage their need within sanctioned leaves. Generally, the employees do not remain absent apart from the sanctioned leaves, except from some chronic diseases. Almost all the employees communicate with their seniors before taking the leave.


Most of the respondents are concerned towards lob, so they are keen to resume their work immediately after their leave provide.

It is observed that superiors would talk to subordinates regarding absence, but never responded to queries.

The awareness among associates about attendance policy is good. Most of the respondents believe that their job gets hampered by remaining absent from the work place. Employees find their job monotonous as they have to perform in the same domain for years. Most of the respondents feel that their job profile matches with their skills, abilities and interest. Rest are not comfortable with job due to lack of training in new areas. 60% of the respondents say that they dont have work pressure while 40% feel they do have work pressure.

In general, employees are satisfied with the working conditions, training programs, supervisory practices, disciplinary actions, welfare facilities, job satisfaction and motivation to the better work.


Problem of employee absenteeism is best resolved by taking the positive interventions versus taking a negative or punitive approach. In order to effectively develop a strategy to overcome this problem, we must first understand the behavioural determinations that precede an employees conscious to be absent from work.

Incentive programs must be designed to appeal to the employees need for recognition and award. Typical incentive programs may be based on recognizing the employee for excellent attendance.

if employees perceive management to be linier or tolerant of absence then absence increases.


Progressive disciplinary actions must be taken to discourage absenteeism in the work place. The golden rule is that if absenteeism is to be reduced, organization must promote attendance among the majority rather concentrating on the non-attendance of the minority. In BWSB there ere high numbers of the employees with no annual absence at all. This should be rewarded and celebrated but is usually overlooked by the management.

Health - related benefits are valued highly and organizations who gain a reputation for looking after their employees are likely to be on the winning side in the war of talent. For this to happen management must take the pulse of the organization to find out just what it is, that is, keeping people away and providing employees with occupational health, private health care insurance etc.

Absence management is a term effort and should not fall to just one person. Involving relevant parties in the solution will relieve the burden and make it clear that tackling absenteeism is a normal part of working in the organization, not just a flash in the plan project. There should be easy ways for employees to raise concerns about work pressure both informally and formally, perhaps via general supervision and management, as a specific part of a grievance procedure or even under dedicated stress policy.

Many employees would not take casual absence if they knew that on their return to work they would have a discussion with their line management about it. The return to work interview provides reassurance to those who have been ill off work because they know their absence has been noticed and their employer is aware of the situation.

Written policies can give BWSSB added legal protection from employees who have been fired for excessive absenteeism. Communication should be based on an ongoing program not just focused on a high profile launch event. Managers nee to give employees regular reminders of the help and support that is available. Attendance could be reduced by giving some kind of an attendance bonus.


Flexible timings can be provide for workers coming from distant places, wherein the worker chooses his time of work and adheres to the minimum time to be put in for the day.


The study has been undertaken with the objective to analyse and interpret the financial position of BANGALORE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE. The Comparative Sheet Analysis carried out at BWSSB helped in understanding the financial position of firm, helped in understanding the working of Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis and the accounting practice carried in the firm. The study gave the exposure to corporate culture in the firm and helped in understanding accounting practices carried in corporate. An analysis of various statements and performance record show a sustained growth record. Greater strides have been made in balancing the companys growth though effort which has been through encouragement. The entire factors necessary for overall growth and performance of the company are favourable. In this direction, prosperity and development are two effective weapons, which are properly implemented by the company.

Absenteeism is a serious and costly problems faced by the companies throughout the world. This problem requires that all employees understand the consequences of such behaviour from a company standpoint as well as personal standpoint. All companies must approach this problem from a proactive position with employee prevention programs and progressive discipline programs.

The training in BWSSB helped me a lot in studying functions of various divisions. The training was very much helpful and knowledge. I came to know about production process the company is operating. I came to know about the practical knowledge of management concepts. The experience that I had this company enhanced my knowledge which will become in my future career. Every day was of great learning process. It is always believed that theories are being implemented in the day to day activities but in reality I saw the other side of it wherein theories were being adjusted as per the business activities. Employees would suddenly react on the inadequacies in there work place, which would be solved by practical negotiation rather than theoretical procedures. Learning always support in boosting our knowledge level. Meeting new people and adjusting to their work environment has always been challenging to me and I feel replica of it in my organization case.


Benefits derived from project: It involved practical exposure to business environment by means of various facts of company. Enriched my skills of observation and interaction. It strengthened my vision and self-confidence.

Financial Management: I.M. Pandey Financial Management: M. Khan and P.K. Jain Annual Reports


ANNEXURE BALANCE SHEET, PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT TABLE-1 Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis for the year 2004-05 and 2005-06
Particular LIABILITIES Loans Grants and Contribution Reserves Fund TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED Represented ByASSETS Fixed Assets Assets acquired at the time of formation of the boardSundry assets taken over 144246.293 45083.007 7400 196729.300 140752.539 57822.475 7400 205975.014 -3493.75 12739.5 0 9245.71 -2.422075 28.257805 0 4.6997138 2004-05 (Amount in Lakhs) 2005-06 (Amount in Lakhs) Absolute change Percentage Change

60897.944 10.69

64433.735 10.69

3535.79 0

5.8060926 0


Work-in-progress on deposit works Investment WORKING CAPITALCurrent Assets Work-in-progress Sundry Debtors Other Current Assets Inter Divisional Transfers Cash and Bank Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Other Current Liability Sundry Creditor Provisions Total Current Liabilities WORKING CAPITAL

23813.843 20165.646 157110.18 20888.034 3992.201 378.986 14585.764 196955.165 46636.764 6499.475 51977.749 105113.988 91841.177 196729.300

34484.898 24709.169 162784.551 22099.631 3544.001 307.738 11450.385 200186.306 55964.417 7321.831 54563.537 117849.785 82336.521 205975.014

10671.1 4543.52 5674.37 1211.6 -448.2 -71.248 -3135.38 3231.14 9327.65 822.356 2585.79 12735.8 -9504.66 9245.71

44.810302 22.531006 3.6117144 5.8004358 -11.22689 -18.79964 -21.49616 1.6405465 20.000644 12.652653 4.974798 12.116177 -10.34901 4.6997138

TABLE-2 Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis for the year 2005-06 and 2006-07
Particular Liabilities Loans Grants and Contribution Reserves Fund TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED Represented ByASSETS Fixed Assets Assets acquired at the time of formation of the boardSundry assets taken over Work-in-progress on deposit works 140752.537 57822.475 7400 205975.012 142824.739 80601.913 7400 230826.652 2072.2 22779.4 0 24851.6 1.4722307 39.395474 0 12.065366 2005-06 (Amount in Lakhs) 2006-07 (Amount in Lakhs) Absolute change Percentage Change





10.69 34484.898

10.69 49954.513

0 15469.6

0 4.48591


Investment WORKING CAPITALCurrent Assets Work-in-progress Sundry Debtors Other Current Assets Inter Divisional Transfers Cash and Bank Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Other Current Liability Sundry Creditor Provisions Total Current Liabilities WORKING CAPITAL





162784.551 22099.631 3544.001 307.738 11450.385 200186.306 55964.417 7321.831 54563.537 117849.785 82336.521 205975.012

9408.6 23738.939 4708.87 166.647 26417.577 64440.633 56724.398 8342.869 61139.495 126206.762 -61766.129 230826.652

-153376 1639.31 1164.87 -141.091 14967.2 -135746 759.981 1021.04 6575.96 8356.98 -144103 24851.6

-94.22021 7.4178071 32.868755 -45.84777 130.71344 -67.80967 1.3579718 13.945118 12.051928 7.0912111 -175.01669 12.065366

TABLE-3 Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis for the year 2006-07 and 2007-08
Particular Liabilities Loans Grants and Contribution Reserves Fund TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED Represented ByASSETS Fixed Assets Assets acquired at the time of formation of the boardSundry assets taken over Work-in-progress on deposit works Investment WORKING CAPITAL142824.794 80601.913 7400 230826.707 151232.917 111983.916 40880.396 304097.229 8408.123 31382 33480.4 73270.52 5.8870192 38.934564 452.43778 31.742654 2006-07 (Amount in lakhs) 2007-08 (Amount in Lakhs) Absolute change Percentage Change

214987.196 0 49965.204 27640.383

217768.136 0 68415.811 41433.62

2780.94 0 18450.61 9565.126


36.926912 109.27128


Current Assets Work-in-progress Sundry Debtors Other Current Assets Inter Divisional Transfers Suspense Debtors Cash and Bank Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Other Current Liability Sundry Creditor Suspense Creditors Provisions Total Current Liabilities WORKING CAPITAL

9408.6 23738.94 4708.87 166.679 0 26417.578 64440.667 56724.398 8342.869 0 61139.496 126206.763 -61766.096 230826.707

23056.712 26549.86 8781.728 239.674 1221.814 28774.271 88624.059 66861.194 10066.209 1260.71 33956.284 112144.397 -23520.338 304097.229

13648.11 2810.92 4072.858 72.995 1221.814 2356.693 24183.39 10136.8 1723.34 1260.71 -27183.2 -14062.4 38245.76 73270.52

145.05997 11.840967 86.49332 43.793759 8.9209276 37.528153 17.870258 20.656443 -44.460968 -11.142324 -61.92031 31.742654

TABLE-4 Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis for the year 2007-08 and2008-09
Particular Liabilities Loans Grants and Contribution Reserves Fund Less; Net deficit as per previous year B/S Add Transitional Provision Add deficit of the year/ Surplus for the year TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED Represented ByASSETS Fixed Assets Assets acquired at the time of formation of the boardSundry assets taken over Work-in-progress on deposit 151232.917 111983.916 40880.396 18886.824 0 4228.111 280982.294 136522.434 188550.894 47070.771 23114.935 2100.471 5313.31 341615.383 -4710.483 76566.978 6190.375 4228.111 2100.471 1085.199 60633.089 25.66628454 21.57897145 -9.7270378 68.37319209 15.1426493 22.38656431 2007-08 (Amount in Lakh) 2008-09 (Amount in Lakhs) Absolute change Percentage Change

217768.136 0 68415.811

228603.446 0 82849.464

10835.31 0 14433.653




works Investment WORKING CAPITALCurrent Assets Work-in-progress Sundry Debtors Other Current Assets Inter Divisional Transfers Suspense Debit Cash and Bank Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Other Current Liability Sundry Creditor Suspense credit Provisions Total Current Liabilities WORKING CAPITAL





23056.712 26549.86 8781.728 239.674 1221.814 28774.271 88624.059 66861.194 10066.209 1260.71 33956.284 112144.397 -23520.338 280982.294

26699.24 30283.209 9177.134 1218.834 1221.814 31379.618 99979.849 78471.857 13853.229 1738.423 34178.196 128241.705 -28261.856 341615.381

3642.528 3733.349 395.406 979.16 0 2605.347 11355.79 11610.663 3787.02 477.713 221.912 16097.308 -4741.518 60633.087

15.79812421 14.0616523 4.502599033 408.5382645 0 9.054432691 12.81343929 17.36532405 37.62111436 37.8923781 0.653522629 14.35409029 20.1592256 21.57897074


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