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Story of a 2 months immersion into Uganda with Arise and Shine, by Aurelie

Aurlie 26 years old, French MCVP Finance 2007-2008 Since then: Workplaces: Deloitte Luxembourg (audit), Eurocopter India (SAP Project Manager)

Places visited: Turkey, Romania, Laos, Russia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Serbia, Macedonia but I am here to talk about

Why Uganda?
Beautiful landscape with the Nile, its rapids and Lake Victoria, mountains

A safe country in East Africa

Why Uganda? (2)

Amazing wildlife : elephants, giraffes, hippos, amazing birds and many others

An english-speaking country, so a good opportunity to practice your frenglish!!!

Why Arise and Shine?

An organization used to integrate volunteers with a committed director and dedicated project coordinator to help your integration Diversity of the project range and possibility to imply yourself based on your interests: income generated activities to help women empowerment in the villages

HIV, Syphilis, malaria prevention

Birth control orientation in remote communities Adult literacy

Why Arise and Shine?

An international community of international and local volunteers A playful environment with the babies An in-depth immersion into the community life in remote villages

My mission
Implementing a strong financial system in the organization Teaching English to the adults in remote communities Working in teams

My mission (2)
Helping on other projects: malaria and syphilis prevention, HIV testing, income generating activities for the women Playing with the kids

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. GO TO UGANDA!

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