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Michael Truesdell Group C3 Assignment for Who The Hell is Yuliet?

Question Set 1: 1- List at least two similarities between Yuliet and Fabiola? Neither Yuliet nor Fabiola know their respective fathers, and it has affected them adversely through the years, and both have found ways to survive on their own. 2- Can you list at least one difference between fabiola and Yuliet? While Yuliet acts childish, crude, and self-destructive, Fabiola is more mature, well mannered, and acts in a way to preserve herself. 3- Is there a general story of Yuliet we can piece together? If so, what is it? Yuliet is a girl whos father moved away when she was very little, leaving her mother alone with her brother and Yuliet. Yuliets mother committed suicide, leaving only her brother and her. Yuliet makes money off of whoring, apparently. Even so, she is very well loved by those around her. She has had limited contact with her father, though after the movie crew buy her a ticket to Mexico, she meets with her father, to hopefully reconcile. 4- Who tells this story? Yuliets family, and those who are involved in her life tell her story, as well as yuliet herself. 5- Are all the details of Yuliets story coherent and conclusive? Certainly not. The story of Yuliet is told through nearly unedited intervews, and have many personal opinions in them, many of which are refuted by others

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