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July 8, 2010 SONET FILM Greta Garbos vg 13 Rsunda T-bana Nckrosen peter@sonetlm.

se Dear Sirs, Im currently a Film student in Ecuador, and looking to gain experience in the Film Industry through a job or an internship. I would welcome the opportunity it would afford to work in any aspect of the Film Making process, particularly in the Production aspect. I would be free to work in the period from the 1st August through 31st September. I am procient in the use of Final Cut Pro ( and the Final Cur Suite in general), After Effects (and the Adobe suite in general), an so far Ive participated in about 16 short lm productions as assistant director, producer, camera assistant and in other duties. I am currently in my second year of Directing and Acting at the INCINE Instituto Superior Tecnolgico de Cine y Actuacin, Quito-Ecuador. The INCINE is the only independent Institute of Technology for higher education in Film Making in Ecuador. I have a very good academic record from the INCINE; the main subjects covered in my education within my rst university year are: Scriptwriting, Directing and Production practice (a semestral practice in which we develop, produce, and edit our original scripts), Film History, Sequence Analysis, Film Appreciation, & Mise en Scne. Spanish is my rst Language; My English is uent, I know some Dutch and a little German. Im a hard worker, a fast learner, organized and diligent, prone to solving problems through creativity, work well under pressure, and I know how make a comfortable environment for a crew to work harder. I love cinema, I love shooting; I love everything about the lm making process, the feeling of a job well done, and even the hardships. I would consider my self fortunate to participate in any capacity in the lm making process at SONET FILM. Sincerely, Martn Domnguez Mobile (+593-9) 5-928-973 Home (+593-2) 2-894-287 Email

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