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BPSC Pre Examination 2011 General Studies Solution

BPSC Pre Examination 2011 General Studies Solution PART -1 SET- A 1. Visible range or light spans 380 to 780 nm. ...B 2. Halophytes. ...... B 3. Environment include...The natural environment, encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth . .....D 4. Xylem tissue....D 5. Flowering stimulus receives...The stimulus is perceived by mature leaves.The substance that transfers the stimulus is believed to be a hormone called florigen which is most probably a complex of hormones like gibberellins and anthesins. ....C 6. A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical substance that is formed through geological processes and that has a characteristic chemical composition, a highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties. .....B 7. Dovelopment of natural system....C 8. Genetics..Genetics is the area of biological study concerned with heredity and with the variations between organisms that result from it.....D 9. Mendal.......C 10. Embryo.....C 11. Loamy soil....D 12. single type atom... C 13. Soil water max....D 14. Capillaries....D 15. Photosynthesis...C 16. Continent drifted apart 17. Solar system not include....D

18. Table salt (NaCl)...B 19. Sexual Reproduction....D 20. Salinity arabian sea...During the monsoon season, the upper waters are less then 35 parts per thousand salinity while in the non-monsoon season salinity is over 36 parts per thousand. ....B 21. Pro-democracy Myanmar leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has been felicitated with Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Reconciliation.2009 ..B 22. Durnad cup...The Durand Football Tournament, the third oldest football tournament in the world.....A 23. 2G spectrum....C 24. A Raja.....D 25. Rajdhani Train.....he Trivandrum Rajdhani (2431/32) is a passenger train service in India,[1] connecting the national capital New Delhi to Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of state Kerala. It runs from Thiruvanathapuram Central to Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station. It is the longest running Rajdhani Express train......B 26. Minimum age for iris mapping in census 2011...B 27. New six AIIMS....Bihar(Patna), Madhya Pradesh (Bhopal), Orissa (Bhubaneshwar), Rajasthan (Jodhpur), Chhattisgarh (Raipur) and Uttaranchal (Rishikesh) 28. National election Watch aug 2010 report.....Among the political parties, the Congress is the richest. It has an aggregate income of Rs.1,518 crore earned over a seven-year period between the assessment years 2002-2003 and 2009-2010. For the same period, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party reported incomes of Rs. 754 crore and Rs. 358 crore respectively......D 29. Bihar election....C 30. 50% Women reservation in local bodiies...states like Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. Bihar was the first state to offer 50% reservation for women in panchayats, in 2005, following which Uttarkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan has also announced 50% reservation, to be implemented in the next panchayat election in early 2010. Kerala recently announced 50% reservation for women in panchayats and other local bodies; Maharashtra and Gujarat followed.....B 31. AVAHAN...Avahan is an initiative sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to reduce the spread of HIV in India. It began in 2003...C 32. Under water meeting...D

33. City bank of river ganga....Uttarkashi is located on the banks of river Bhagirathi ....C 34. Fundamenta right.....C 35. situated in 30 5' N. lat. and 31" 20' E....B 36. International court....A 37. NewsWeek 2010 report on best contries.....D 38. Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is ..Harvard University remains the No. 1 in the world for the eighth year....C 39. Diabetes Day..World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign of the diabetes mellitus world and is held on November 14 of each year..D 40. Julia Gillard....A 41. Burqa Banned...On 14 September 2010, the French Senate overwhelmingly approved a ban on burqas in public, with the law becoming effective beginning on 11 April 2011....B 42. Arjun Munda 11 Sept 2010..Arjun Munda has submitted a list of 45 MLAs in the 81-member house, which includes BJP (18), JMM (18), AJSU (5), JD-U (2) and Independent (2) members....B 43. P. J. Thomas, a 1973-batch IAS officer of the Kerala cadre.....C 44. Mini Ratna..These miniratnas granted certain autonomy like incurring capital expenditure without government approval up to Rs. 500 crore or equal to their net worth, whichever is lower.....D 45. Right of Education 2010..The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE), which was passed by the Indian parliament on 4 August 2009, describes the modalities of the provision of free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution.[1] India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of every child when the act came into force on 1 April 2010.....A 46. XVI Asian game 2010 india.....B 47. Shubha Tole 2010..Dr. Tole; the Associate Professors research at the TIFRs ...A 48. World Statesman Award 2010......C 49. 3rd Antarctica research center.....A

50. Commonwelth game 2010 india women winner 51. Harappan port....B 52. Gupta emperor defeated hunas....C 53. Kalhana book...D 54. Rudradaman inscription...A 55. Slave dynesty 1st ruler......A 56. Devgiri ruler.......A 57. Pilgrimage tax abolished by...Akbar did abolish two obnoxious taxes on Hindus namely the pilgrimage tax in 1563 CE and Jizya....D 58. Dar-ul-shafa ...Firoz Shah Tughlaq was chosen as the Sultan of Delhi after the ... He established a charitable hospital called Dar- ul- shafa...... B 59. Permanent Settlement Concluded by the Cornwallis administration in 1793, Permanent Settlement was a grand contract between the east india company government and the Bengal landholders (zamindars and independent talukdars of all denominations)....A 60. Prarthana Samaj is founded by Dr. Atmaram Pandurang in 1867 with an aim to make people believe in one God and worship only one God...A 61. Father of indian renaissance was Raja Ram Mohan Roy...D 62. Swaraj Dal .....D 63. Theosophical SocietyThe Theosophical Society was established in New York, on November 17, 1875. Chief among its founders were Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ...A 64. Tilak book....B 65. Mahaveer Swami born at.......A 66. Mahaparinirvan.......C 67. Dharmachakraparivartan...........B 68. capital of magadh.........C 69. Ajatsatru Dynasty........B

70. 3rd Buddhist council......D 71. Takla Makan Desert (desert, China), great desert of Central Asia and one of the largest sandy deserts in the world....D 72. Strait betwen Red sea....The Bab-el-Mandeb (variously transliterated Mandab or Mandib, and with article "el-" given also as "al-", with or without connecting dashes) meaning "Gate of Scars" in Arabic ( ,) is a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, Djibouti and Eritrea, north of Somalia, in the Horn of Africa, and connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.....A 73. The Ninety East Ridge is a linear, age-progressive seamount chain in the Indian Ocean and is named for its near-parallel strike along the 90th meridian. ..B 74. Non Capital city...B 75. Highest Coal producing country..The People's Republic of China is the largest producer of coal in the world, while the United States contains the world's largest 'recoverable' coal reserves (followed by Russia, China, and India).....C 76. Folding is the result of.....C 77. Amritsar and shimla....A 78. Cool mine in Jharkhand....A 79. Oceanic salinity..D 80. state of india area wise.....A 81. Bihar census 2001...A 82. Wheat production....D 83. TISCO....TISCO and Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, is the world's seventh largest steel company,[5] with an annual crude steel capacity of 31 million tonnes. It is the largest private sector steel company in India in terms of domestic production. Currently ranked 410th on Fortune Global 500, it is based in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India.....D 84. Sugarcane producer...A 85. Max no SC.....C 86. Bihar population...A 87. East central rail zone....HQ.....B

88. Industries commissioner office of bihar...A 89. North Bihar famous for...C 90. NH-2...D

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