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Program "Introspect"4 Administrator ........................................................................................................ 7 Patients index data ............................................................................................ 11 Examination procedure ...................................................................................... 15 Saving to disk...................................................................................................... 18 How to determine the modulation resonance frequency ....................................... 21 Analysis (examination)....................................................................................... 22 Preparing medicine ............................................................................................ 23 Standards........................................................................................................... 25 Analysis .............................................................................................................. 37 Collecting data ................................................................................................... 43 Comparative analysis ........................................................................................ 44 Entropic analysis ................................................................................................. 45 NLS Analysis ...................................................................................................... 47

Program Introspect
Introspect Program is meant for computer nonlinear analysis and virtual informative testing of bioactive supplements.

Program Introspect When you run the program you will see the set of buttons called Main Menu. To start working with the program click the button "Examination (Analysis)". To obtain the data concerning the software designers press the button Developers. If you press the button "Program Setup" you will see . the setup layout, where you can change the language (choose Russian or English), also turn on/off the sound, change the font size and correct the processor deviation if needed. To correct the processor deviation you need to move the triangle sign above the scale to correct the estimation point grade on the organ projection if the point estimation parameters change due to the processor peculiar features compared to the standards of the processor chosen upon authorization. To chose the analysis performing operator from the list, press the button "Operators".

Program Introspect Here you are entitled to: Press the button "Color" to make colored pictures, if you click this button twice the pictures will become black-and-white. The button "Index Color" allows to mark the names of the organs with different functional capabilities with various colors in the examinations performed. Green line means the organs are without any marked functional deviations. Red line means the organs have slight functional deviations. Brown line means the organs have marked functional deviations.

The button "Exit" allows to quit the program.

The button "Administrator" allows the equipment owner to enter the administration mode of operation which gives the exclusive rights to: - Setup (change) the password in the administration mode by pressing the button "Change password"; - Open or close patients card index filing for other users by pressing the button "Close card index" - Turn on or off the mode fixing the payment made by patient for the performed analysis by pressing the button "Register payment"

To delete the patients card press the button "Delete card" In the right column, to delete a single examination record press the button "Delete analysis" above the list of examinations.

To delete the information about all examinations of all patients performed before the specific date press the button "Delete on date basis". Specify the date in the window "Delete on date basis"; all examinations performed before the specified date will be deleted.

To find the list of the operating specialists using this equipment press the button "Choose operator". If you choose the last name of any individual specialist you will see the card index of all his patients. To widen the range of operating specialists using this equipment you can press the button "New" in this catalogue; also you can exclude several users from the list by pressing the button "Delete", the card index of the patients supervised by such users will be automatically deleted. To move the patients card from one specialist to the other press the button "Exchange".

To perform the statistic analysis concerning the period of analysis and the quantity of patients examined and the quantity of examinations performed individually by each user and all specialists together and also to perform financial analysis of each scientific department activity press the button "Report".

Program Introspect Before the examination the patient is sitting in front of the monitor with earphones on, which have built-in magnetic-inductive devices. The ear-phones have to be put on in accordance with the following signs: R is for the right temporal part, L is for the left temporal part. The infra-red transmitter has to be put symmetrically in front of the eyes not father than 80 cm (it exist only in old versions of device).

The card of the patient

When the button "Analysis" is pressed you can see the "Patients card", which contains all his/her relevant data: last name, first name, middle name, age, gender, address, and also the telephone number can be indicated if available. "Saving to floppy disk" allows to save the examination data and results of the chosen patient to floppy disk with further possibility to copy this information to the program.

The below table contains the complete information concerning the examination of the selected patient.

If you press the button "New" you will see the form which has to be filled in according to requirements. It is necessary to indicate the last name, the first name, the middle name, age, address, telephone; gender is indicated by choosing from the list.

The card of the patient

If you press the button "Choice" you will see the the layout of "Patients Card Index", which contains the information about all patients supervised by the chosen specialist, the following information will be available: the last name, the first name, the middle name, age, gender, address and telephone if available. Please note that this form can be closed by the administrator if necessary. To find promptly the card of a specific patient in such layout enter his name (or first letters of his name might be sufficient in some cases) into the line "Patients Card search". The similar search system is applied in "Patients card" layout.

To print out the recommendations prescribed by the specialist on the basis of the examination results press the button "Print the conclusion".

The card of the patient

If you press the button "Print the Examinations" the examinations results are prepared to be printed. The program allows to print up to 4 pictures with 100X100 mm size on one A4 formatted list. Besides, there is a possibility to look up the older "Recommendations", by depicting for analysis and printing (buttons "Recommendations" and "Print Recommendations") the master processes with large spectral diagrams taken from the patient (where the difference coefficient (D) is less than 0.425). The program allows to print the most efficient bioactive supplements, determined by the specialist on the basis of the performed analysis or to adjust the supplements prescribed earlier by exiting the print preparation layout and going to the analysis operation mode (button "Examination (Analysis)") To print the additional recommendations and notes prescribed by the specialist to the specific patient press the button "Print Notes". To stop printing in order to print on both sides of the sheet please press "Pause between pages". To make the pictures colored press the button "Color", if you turn it off the pictures will be black-and-white. To print press the button "Print".

The card of the patient

If you press the button "Diagram" under the picture of the examined system you will see the diagram with frequency-domain measurements of existing system, which was taken while the examination was performed. To return to the organ picture press the button "Picture".

The main elements of managing "Patients card menu": "Current Analysis" is the current analyses of the results of the examination performed with the possibility of conducting additional analysis by connecting the patient up to the device or without connection (in this case the button "View the Results " is pressed). "Comparative Analysis" is the comparative analysis of the results of several analysis when the patients systematic examinations are performed. If you press the button "Examination" you will see the layout of "Examination Procedure"

Examination Procedure Layout Examination Procedure is meant to prepare the object for examination.

To perform the automatic choice for profound detailed analysis of biological system depending on the marked deviations from the existing norms in its elements press the button "Program Selection". The button "Personal choice" allows the operator to choose individually or exclude several pictures from

Examination Procedure "Examination Procedure" list by putting or removing the flags on the left side from the name of the picture by pressing the left button on the mouse. The button "Cancel choice" removes the examination scheme of all pictures. The button "Restore choice" restores the examination scheme of all pictures. The button "Alphabetic order" classifies all pictures alphabetically. The button "Card index" allows to enter Card Index menu. The button "Current Analysis" shows the current analysis of the examination results. The button "Supplement (Medicine)" allows to prepare the supplement automatically for the pictures, where the centers have been defined. After pressing this button it is essential to define the necessary settings in Supplement Preparation menu and press the button "Start Preparation".

The Examination Nature: Express allows to perform the analysis based on complete topographic pictures without detailed elaboration. Standard allows to examine specific biological structures only when pathologic changes are present. Detailed allows to evaluate the structure of all biological formations that can be essential to perform the qualitative scientific investigations.

Examination Procedure By pressing the corresponded icon in the mode "Icons" you can enter the examination procedure of the icon which is anatomically or functionally linked with the original picture of the object without using the textual diagram of the examination (or if it has been examined already you can enter to the mode of current analysis).

Saving to floppy disk If you press the button "Save to floppy disk" you will see a special layout in the card index which allows to copy the examination data of individual patients to floppy disk or from floppy disk to the existing patients data catalogue.

First of all the saving mode has to be selected: "From program" or "To program" "From program" allows to copy the examination data of individual patients to floppy disk.

Saving to floppy disk You can correct the examinations list of the chosen patient before saving it to floppy disk by putting or removing flag marks. Further press the button "Create a list" and the chosen examinations will be transmitted to the right part of the layout. The button "Clear the list" removes the whole list of patients and examinations which are to be copied (without deleting the original). To start saving to floppy disk insert the floppy disk to the disk drive and press the button "Saving to disk" or chose the source where the chosen information has to be copied.

Saving to floppy disk The button "Cancel choice" removes the flag marks from the examinations list prepared for being copied. "Delete" button removes the chosen examination from the list of examinations ready for being copied.

"Picture" button allows to see the picture of the chosen examination of the precise patient. To exit the copy mode press the button "Exit".

The "Program" button allows to copy the examination data from the floppy disk to the existing patients catalogue in the computer. When choosing this mode, please indicate the source of data (floppy disk, CD) and in the list of patients and their examination data ready to be copied to the computer will be displayed in the right part of the layout. To enter this data to the program from the floppy disk press the button "Copy".

How to determine the modulation resonance frequency The scale of the on-off time ratio of the impulse of the signal under study. Organ pulsing picture. The diagram of measured signal amplitude distribution according to standard frequencies 1.8 - 8.2 Hertz. Comparative diagram of the noise level in the system in decibals. Relative diagram in points showing correlation of efficient signal/noise. The button "Stop/continue" allows to make a pause in the examinations. If you want to continue the automatic examination press the Continue button. Press button Back to go to the Examination Procedure. In the bottom of the screen there is a picture of logarithmic polychromy Fleindlers scale. The mode Determination of the modulation resonance frequency offers the possibility to determine the spectral characteristic of the lesion focus, all main buttons are similar to the mode of determination of system modulation resonance frequency.

The mode "Examination" allows to measure the intensity of the destructive process in the control data points which are located in the standard places on the picture, the results are estimated at the 6-grade polychromy Fleindlers scale, its buttons are on the screen bottom at the right corner. The button "Stop/continue" allows to make a pause in the examinations. Press the button "Exit" to go to Examination Procedure mode.

Grades estimation of the results of NLS Analysis. 1. Latent functional activity level. 2. Optimal regulation level. 3. Characteristics at the higher level, tension status of regulatory systems. 4. Asthenic status of regulatory mechanisms. 5. Compensated abnormalities of the adaptation mechanisms. 6. Decompensation of the adaptation mechanisms, marked destructive processes.

Analysis It is important to remember that the offered grades scale is set up mostly for characterizing the dynamic of the adaptation reserves increase/decrease; even the stable destructive status without evidently marked dynamic changes is poorly registered in such scale.

Natural frequency of the lesion focus is transformed into the frequency of opposite polarity but identical form and as a transformed and enforced information is recorded to such matrix as water, ethyl alcohol, sugar, paraffin. The water with recorded information is recommended to stop the acute process. Such water supplement is effective for 2-3 weeks only, after that period the medicine is not effective. Alcohol is used to treat the sub-acute or chronic processes. In order to eliminate the chronic process it is recommended to use also alcoholic solution of phytomedications, since it

Preparing Medicine Preparing medicine prolongs its efficiency period. Effectiveness of the alcohol based medicine lasts up to 2-3 months and 4-6 months is effective for medicine based on alcoholic solution. To eliminate the chronic processes it is possible to record the information to milk sugar, in this case the medicine will be effective for 6-9 months, but the sugar has to be slightly moistened with alcohol or water while the medicine is being prepared. One dose for acute critical process treatment is 4-8 drops or peas 3 times a day. For children younger than 14 is for 2-3 drops less. For sub-acute and chronic processes treatment the dose equals to 2-4 drops (peas) once or twice per day. For children younger than 14 is for 1-2 drops less. Paraffin is applied in dermatological treatments for skin pathology and for cases with peripheral nervous system lesion (radiculitis, neuralgia, lumbodynia). To stop the acute processes it is possible to record from 2 to 4 medications for one matrix in single-step operation. For stopping the sub-acute and chronic processes the medication quantity can be increased up to 6-8 items. It is important to remember that the more apparent the voltage of the recorded medicines is the less medicine quantity can be recorded to the matrix. The button "Start preparation" initiates the medicine preparation process, the button "Stop preparation" terminates the medicine preparation process. The button "Invert" allows to modify the output signal into opposite polarity signal. Such mode allows to record the medicines successively from various lesion focuses evident in one and the same organ (body slice). To switch the lesion focuses press the left button on the mouse when pointing the arrow to the focus in question.

Standards Each cell has its unique specific oscillations, which are recorded to the computer memory and can be displayed at the screen as a diagram which reflects the conditions of information exchange happening between the tissue and its environment. Each pathological process has also its unique exclusive diagram. The computer memory contains a huge number of pathological processes with different considered deviations such as process intensity, age, gender

and etc. When the frequency characteristics are taken form the tissue, the program can compare them on the basis of their spectral similarity to the standard processes data (healthy, pathologically modified tissues, infection agents) and reveal the most similar pathological process or tendency for its acquisition. Using this analysis procedure you can monitor the status of the incoming signal (it is marked with red color (S)) and outgoing signal (it is marked in blue (N)). They are shown as diagrams on the screen. Looking at these diagrams it is possible to determine

which standard process is closer to the one displayed and also to monitor the spectral similarity degree between the standard process and the patients diagram data.

"Group list" contains the list of the organs groups. Organomedicine contains the standards of the spectral characteristics of the healthy tissues. The "Standards List" below contains standards which are organized on the basis of spectral similarity decrease with the object under study. Healthy tissues almost do not have any differences or dissociation between incoming and outgoing signals (red and blue diagrams correspondently). The less the differences between the organomedicine and the object are, the more integral the examined tissue is, the more such differences are the less integral the tissue is.

Standards Biochemical Homeostasis Allows to perform the qualitative estimation of the main biochemical data via wave undulate tissues functions. The evaluation of the biochemical homeostasis is performed in the NLS Analysis mode. It is necessary to remember that the lowest indexes of the enzymes (hormones) concentration within the standard range should be at the point 2 on the diagram, the upper indexes within the standard range should be at the point 6. The figures value at the rate 3,4,5 corresponds to

the index mode, and the extremes values 1 and 7 will characterize the figures value of the biochemical indexes beyond the bounds of the physiological standard norms, lower and upper correspondently. The results of the biochemical analysis on computer will be correct only if the standard rules for carrying out the biochemical analysis by traditional methods in the clinic are applied.

Standards PATHOMORPHOLOGY Here you can find the list of standards applied for destructive processes. This section contains the main pathomorphological conditions inherent to the individual organism tissues. Each destructive process has its own specific diagram.

Standards Microorganisms and Helminths

This section contains the main characteristics of infection agents: bacteriums, viruses, riketcias of mycoplasma, fungi and helminths. Usually the highest dissociation level can be seen in the frequencies where the tissue frequencies to which they have trope are present.

For example opisthorchosis has high dissociation at the frequency level 4.9 Hertz for urogenital system.

The allopathy group contains the wave undulate characteristics of the main chemical (synthetic) drugs used in traditional medicine. Homoeopathy This group contains the wave undulate characteristics of the homeopathy medicine.

Standards Phytotherapy This group contains the wave undulate characteristics of the medicinal plants which grow in the middle region of Russia. Nutrients This group contains the wave undulate characteristics of the biologically active supplements (BAS) of the main Russian and Foreign companies producing food supplements. Allergen This group contains the wave undulate characteristics of food, domestic, vegetative and industrial allergens. Individual tissues frequencies are lie in the following standards of frequency range. 1.8 Bone system. 2.6 Crude conjunctive tissue, joints, mitral valve. 2.6-3.4 Porous conjunctive tissue, intertransverse muscular system, cardiac muscle. 3.4 Unstriped muscular system. 4.2 Monolayer flat epithelium of digestive tract. 4.9 Multilayer flat and prismatic epithelium. Parenchymatous tissue of the liver bile-excreting tissue. 4.9-5.8 Epithelium of the kidney tissue and reproductive organs. 5.8 Gullet lymphatic plexus, upper level of the respiratory tract, lymphatic system, spleen, ovaries, prostate. 6.6 Peripheral nervous system, bronchial epithelium, adrenals, thyroid gland. 7.4 Central sections of sensory analyzers except for optical, subcortical cerebral structure, cerebellum, limbic system and bronchial parenchyma. 8.2 Eye retina, optic nerve, cerebral [brain] hemisphere cortex.

Standards Next to the diagram you can see the following control elements: "Object" shows the diagram of the examined biological object, organ or tissue which was taken during the examination. "Stndard" shows the diagram of the chosen standard process. "Spectrum" press this button to see the enlarged diagram. "Optimum" the yellow diagram shows the normal signal distribution for standard frequencies. "Model" shows the diagram of virtual model. "Invert" this button allows to convert the diagram to the diagram of the opposite polarity.

The button "Clear" which is above the list of standard groups terminates the possibility of dispersing analysis for all groups simultaneously.

Standards The program offers the unique possibility to compare the value of the spectral similarity of all recorded medicine with spectral characteristics of pathological focus. The marked section contains the data of spectral differences (D) of the standard data and the object. If the index is less than 0,425 this means that the spectral similarity with the object under study is more than 95%, where this standard is marked in red. The clinical importance for statistically reliable data concerning the process manifestation is considered if the value of such data does not exceed 0,750 (similarity with examined object is more than 65%). By mathematical summing up of the spectral characteristics of information medications it is possible to obtain the better combination of medications on the basis of the similarity of spectral characteristics of pathological process and consequently choose the most effective medicine. The possibility of combining the frequencies of pathological agents helps to experiment with creating the virtual models of various pathological process. The creation of such virtual models is necessary for example for choosing the medicine groups which give better results in complex.

Standards To sum up the standards in order to create the virtual model press the left button on the mouse in the first column in the standards list opposite the chosen standard. To deduct from the virtual standard mode press the right button on the mouse. To switch off the virtual modeling press on [X] sign in the right column in the standards list opposite the virtual model. If the spectral differences (D) of any of the summed medicine and object taken separately exceed the value of their mutual combination model then it shows the medicine synergy. If the value is less it means interaction antagonism.

Control elements of Standards layout The button "Virtual Activation" is virtual activation of pathologic process. The process can be in the remission state when we are interested in its active status. If you press this button the chosen standard is tuned to the spectral characteristics of the examined object. To tune all standard processes from the standards list press the button "ALL".

Standards "Vegeto-test" allows to use the internal vegetative resonance test mode where the medicine is chosen from the standards catalogue. "Reprint" allows to record any medicine from the standards catalogue to the matrix (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin).

"Standard description" shows the detailed description of the chosen standard. "Entropic Analysis" allows to perform the 2 factors entropic analysis of the pathologic process. "NLS-Analysis" allows to perform multifactor entropic analysis of the pathological process (biochemical homeostasis of the system). "Standard-Object" allows to perform the dispersing analysis of the optionally chosen standard conferring on it object functions. "Recommend" allows to mention all standards with high spectral similarity with the object under study in the printed document. "Recommendations" displays the list of the standards chosen for print. "Absolute model" allows to construct the most optimum virtual mode by creating a complex program algorithm which helps to consider all possible matching of the standards. "Imperative model" is the function similar to Absolute model except for the fact that the virtual model is created on the basis of optionally chosen one (control) standard taken to estimate its spectrum influence on the model creation. The sign 00 for other model standards means that the control standards participation in the model creation is reduced to minimum.

Standards The button above the list of standards: "Fixation" allows to fix three lines in the upper part of the list: the name of the biological object optimal distribution virtual model "Sort" sorts all standards alphabetically. "Filter" allows to mark the group of standards which have similar last word in their names. The search line in the left lower corner under the standards list allows to find easily the necessary standard only by entering the first letters of its name.

Analysis Buttons above the organ picture "Text" allows to obtain information concerning the individual fragments on the picture. To obtain this information press the button "Text" and you will see symbols on the screen displayed as green crosses. To read the text put the mouse arrow to the cross and the message will be displayed next to it in the rectangle. To print this message press the left button on the mouse and tick the square on the left from the text in the layout displayed. This mode also allows to move promptly to the picture examination to analyze the icons with obtained data. If you press the button "Icons" you will see the icons. To see which picture can be displayed from the icon put the mouse arrow on the icon and you will see the name of the picture in the rectangle next to it, press the mouse button on the icon to unfold the correspondent organ for examination. The button "Description" allows to see the description of biological object displayed at the picture. The button "Focuses" allows to hide or display the earlier marked focuses on the picture.

Analysis You can also display (hide) the focus by pressing the left button on the mouse while pointing it to the focus.

Scaling: if you pres the button with "+" sign in the upper left corner of the picture it will enlarge the chosen area on the picture. After that click on the picture and stretch the frame by moving the mouse and after you mark the necessary area click the mouse for the second time. The second click restores the total picture from the fragment.

Analysis "Comparative analysis" is comparative analysis of the examination results when the patients case is followed-up. "Meta-correction" if you press this button you will enter the mode which allows to correct the influence by using the infrared scanner. It is necessary to set up the center of impact influence on the picture projection and press the button "Start".

Analysis "Vegetative Test" Using the mode of vegetative resonance test gives great opportunities and the possibility to add to the personal patients electro-magnetic oscillation counter the electro-magnetic oscillation of the standards from the testing set internal vegetative test or taken by using the resonance camera external vegetative test and to define the effectiveness of the biologically active supplements (BAS) or their influence on the patients organism and its allergic reaction. To perform the vegetative test using the medicine which is not in the BAS allergic standards catalogue, enter the mode "Analysis", place the medicine under study to the resonance camera, press the button "Vegetative Test", enter the name of the examined medicine and press the button "". For better monitoring of the dynamic of vegetative reaction of the organism to this medicine use the mode "Comparative analysis" which calculates the intensification and weakening of organism compensatory reaction when the information influence is performed by the testing medicine.

The internal vegetative test is performed in "Standards catalogue" mode, by pressing the mouse left button choose the medicine from the standards list where the medicine is already written as a digitized mode. To start this mode press the button "Vegetative test"


Reprint Allows to record any nutritious substance to the matrix. Enter the menu "Standards Catalogue" and choose the medicine which is effective for this patient (value "D" should not exceed 0.425) and press the button "Reprint". It is important to remember that all medicines are recorded in the inverted form and it has to be re-inverted on the diagram before medicine preparation by pressing the button Invert"; then you chose the matrix in the similar way the matrix is chosen when preparing nazods and press the button "Start Preparation".

Analysis The button "Estimate the fragment" allows to estimate in more details the marked zone on the picture projection using the scaling mode. "Localization" allows to determine the frames of the focus with the most evident structure deviations. To determine the frames press the left button on the mouse pointing the picture projection and mark the area under study; to close the counter press again the left button on the mouse. "Estimate" allows to estimate the focuses of the most evident deviations on the picture chosen by the specialist. The estimation goes automatically, non marked pictures and pictures without focuses are omitted. "Delete paste" allows to delete the marked focuses. To mark the focuses press the mouse right button.

Above the diagram of the organ (focus) you will see buttons "Test" and "Spectrum". If you press the button "Test" you will see the form "Standards". The button "Spectrum" shows the enlarged diagram with amplitude values of the signal by the spectrum frequencies.

Collecting data This mode is intended for the patients active participation in the process of data collection and allows to get into more personal contact in the Patient Operator dialog. Using the method of the dynamic point the operator can localize more precisely the zone of body destruction.

Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis allows to estimate (in figures) the result of the correction made in dynamic, and to analyze the status of compensatory reactions of the system after the vegetative test of the medicines. The left picture characterizes the initial state, the right shows the state of effects in dynamic or after some period of time. The button "Auto Search" allows to find automatically the compared organs in the common data index. The buttons "Improvement" and "Deterioration" allow to emphasize the sections in the tissue structure where the changes have been noticed.

Enthropy Analysis available in the mode "Standards Analysis" Enthropy (2 factor) analysis allows to construct mathematic criterion of the pathologic process, considering the healthy tissue (organic medicine) as a basis stage and clinically evident form of any pathologic process as a final stage and mathematically calculates the diagrams of a number of intermediate states. During analysis the most similar state to one of the intermediate states (or final state) is determined in order to show the maturity of the process. It is necessary to consider that the entropy index data at the values 1, 2 shows that there is no tendency in the development of the process under study; 3, 4 show the pre-clinical stages

of the process; 5,6 shows the maturity of the process. Low spectral similarity with the standard (correlation exceeds 1) if the entropy data value is high at the level of 5 or 6 shows the remission status of the pathological process with low adaptation reaction levels of the tissue.

Entropic Analysis The small difference in spectral similarity (dispersion) of all range of entropic data from 1 to 6 shows the acute process. The more similar diagram in spectral characteristics is marked by bold line on the diagram and the value is marked in red, in our case it is 0.760. To look at the diagrams separately or together press the correspondent buttons in the layout "Hide N(S) diagram

Press the button Surfaces to look at the diagram in the mode "Surfaces", to return to the mode "Lines" press this button again.

Entropic Analysis

The button "Object" reflects the most optimal values of the process under study.

"Vera-Test" shows the diagram with the most spectral similarity.

To monitor the dynamic of the process press the button "Dynamic" above the diagram. The button "Spectrum" shows the enlarged diagram. The button "Exit" allows to exit the entropic analysis.

"Interdance - Screening" allows to monitor the destruction degree of different tissues with developing destruction process. It is possible to monitor the intensity of destructive changes in all groups of tissue structures simultaneously (button" "), and separately by morphological groups. Button "" (red) reflects the arterial system; Button "V" (blue) venous system; Button "N" (yellow) nervous system; Button "L" (green) lymphatic system; Button "" (orange) musculoskeletal [locomotor] system; Button "" (lilac) the rest groups of tissues.

NLS Analysis is accessible from the mode "Standards analysis" NLS- analysis (multivariate) is identical with entropic analysis except the fact that all intermediate stages in NLS analysis are recorded as standards from the biological object in different stages of destructive process to allow to construct the more precise model of the process development. It is a very complicated and laborious form of recording the process and that is the reason why the NLS-analysis is used only to evaluate the biochemical indexes. The growing amplitude of the outgoing signal (blue line on the diagram) reflects the intensification of compensatory mechanisms. At its maximum value the diagram of the incoming signal can abruptly drop down when the amplitude of the incoming signal (red line) is high. This means that the adaptation mechanisms are broken and the irreversible state is developed

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