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CA-7 Basics & Commands Add a one-time requirement: Use the ADDRQ command to manually add temporary, one-time,

pre-execution user or predecessor job requirements. These requirements must be added to the job while it is in the CA-7 request queue. These added requirements apply only to the current run of the job. SYNTAX: Add a job dependency requirement: ADDRQ,JOB=job name or job number, DEPJOB=job this run is dependent on Add a user requirement : ADDRQ,JOB=job name or job number ,USR=text

Cancel a Job : Use the CANCEL command to delete jobs from the CA-7 queues. This command only removes the job from the CA-7 queues. Cancellation of a job in the CA-7 active queue or ready queue (if it has been submitted) does not cause termination of the job's execution. CPU jobs which may be executing have to be canceled from the operating system separately. SYNTAX: CANCEL,JOB=job number or job name, FORCE=YES,REASON=text (Note: If you want to cancel the job without removing it from the CA-7 queue, do not specify FORCE=YES.)

Change a Job submit time : Type the 'XQ' top line command to get to the queue maintenance screen. Type a 'U' beside the job you want to update, and hit enter.

----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ---------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPWH3 2877 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPWH5 2843 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH1 2833 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH2 2873 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2874 GSAJPDH1 2876 FUNCTIONS: U GSAJPWDE 2773 C=CANCEL F=RESTART H=HOLD J=JCLOVRD P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 20:34:33 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE The next screen displayed is the CPU Job Attributes screen. Here you can change the job submit time, as well as several other job attributes. --------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOB ATTRIBUTES ---------JOB: GSAJPWDE CA-7#: 2773 MCNT: 001 QUEUE: REQ ---------SCHEDULING--------- ------MANUAL REQUIREMENTS------DEADLINE TIME.... 98028 2205 JOB HELD...................... N DUE-OUT TIME..... 98028 2210 MANUAL VERIFICATION REQUIRED.. N SUBMIT TIME...... 98028 2200 JCL OVERRIDES REQUIRED........ N MAINID........... ALL ----------RESTART----------- -----------PROMPTING-----------GENERATE CA-11 STEP....... N ELIGIBLE FOR PROMPTS... N FORMAT CA-11 CMT.......... N PROMPT ACKNOWLEDGED.... N RETAIN JCL IN PRRN QUEUE.. N LTERM FOR MESSAGES..... MASTER

----------------------------RESOURCES----------------------------JOB CLASS............. A JOB PRIORITY.......... 100 ELAPSED TIME (HHMM)... 0000 TAPE DRIVES OF TYPE1.. 000 CPU TIME (MMMSS)...... 00000 TAPE DRIVES OF TYPE2.. 000


Delay schedule start and due out times : Use the ADDSCH command to delay scheduled start and due-out times for up to 24 hours. You can use this command for a specific job, or for an entire workload in the case of a major unexpected and unscheduled change in the environment. Syntax: ADDSCH,JOB=nnnn or ALL,TIME=mmmm nnnn specifies the CA-7 job number of a single job mmmm specifies the amount of time to be added to the start time and due-out time of the job in minutes e.g. ADDSCH,JOB=2502,TIME=0060 Be careful when using JOB=ALL. This command will then apply to every job in the request, ready, active, and post-process queues.

Demand a Job into request queue : It is advisable not to use DEMANDH to run nightly cycle jobs during the day. The post-processing will cause the out-conditions to be posted, possibly allowing any successors to execute as soon as CA-7 brings them into the request queue. Use RUNH instead. Use the DEMANDH top-line command to demand a job into the CA-7 request queue: DEMANDH,JOB=job name, SCHID=schedule ID e.g. DEMANDH,JOB=GSAJPORF,SCHID=070 You will be prompted to enter hold information (name, phone, reason for hold). Go to the request queue and review your job to make sure it has the appropriate requirements. If everything looks okay, release the hold requirement. Schedule ID is required procedurally, but is not required by CA-7. Be extremely careful to use the correct SCHID when demanding jobs into CA-7. If you do not specify a schedule ID, CA-7 will use the first schedule ID it finds in the CA-7 database, which may not be the one you want. Edit the execution JCL : Note: If you are not the on-call SE but plan to restart a job, you need to contact the on-call SE and let them know. When you edit the execution JCL in CA-7 it does not prevent someone else from editing the dataset and they can overlay your changes. Type the XQ top line command to get to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance Screen. Tab down to the job you want to edit and type an 'E' beside it and hit the Enter key. ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ---------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPF24 2459 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPDH1 2449 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH5 2450 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH3 2451 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2454 GSAJPPD2 2384 FUNCTIONS: GSAJPBDH 2386 C=CANCEL GSAJPBH5 2431 F=RESTART GSAJPWH1 2430 H=HOLD E GSAJPWH2 2433 J=JCLOVRD GSAJPF37 2480 P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 16:10:38

MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE HOLD A JOB : Type the XQ top line command to get to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance Screen. Tab down to the job you want to hold, type an 'H' beside it, and hit the Enter key. ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ---------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPF24 2459 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPDH1 2449 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH5 2450 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH3 2451 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2454 GSAJPPD2 2384 FUNCTIONS: GSAJPBDH 2386 C=CANCEL GSAJPBH5 2431 F=RESTART GSAJPWH1 2430 H=HOLD H GSAJPWH2 2433 J=JCLOVRD GSAJPF37 2480 P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 16:10:38 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE POST JOB REQUIREMENTS: Type the XQ top line command to get to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance Screen. Tab down to the job you want to view requirements on. Type an 'X' beside it and hit the Enter key. ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ---------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPF24 2459 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPDH1 2449 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH5 2450 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH3 2451 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2454 GSAJPPD2 2384 FUNCTIONS: GSAJPBDH 2386 C=CANCEL GSAJPBH5 2431 F=RESTART GSAJPWH1 2430 H=HOLD X GSAJPWH2 2502 J=JCLOVRD GSAJPF37 2480 P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 16:10:38 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE You will see the job requirements on the following screen. To post a requirement, type an 'X' beside the job name and hit ent er.

-------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOB PREDECESSORS --------JOB: GSAJPWH2 CA-7#: 2502 MCNT: 001 F-TYP-NUMBER-E-DESCRIPTION X SUB WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME (16:45) PULL JCL FROM ALTERNATE LIBRARY: When a job comes into the request queue, CA-7 will first search the alternate library for the JCL. If the member name is found in the alternate library, the JCL will be pulled from there. If the member is not in the alternate library, then CA-7 will search the champ JCL library. JCL Library JCL ID PGSAJ.SSBCH.JCLPDS 013 PGSAJ.SSBLB.DYNJCL 104 Alternate Library for 013 The alternate library will be used for JCL overrides (e.g. coding the JCL to pull a source member from FIXLIB instead of PRODLIB.) It will also be used for any JCL that gets written out from an ALC module (Draw, Catalog). We have EID write access to the alternate library. RELEASE A HOLD REQUIREMENT: To release a job that has been put on hold, enter the 'XQ' topline command to go to the queue maintenance screen. Type an 'R' beside the job you want to release, and hit enter. (Note: Posting the hold requirement accomplishes the same thing as using the Release.) ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ---------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPWH3 2877 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPWH5 2843 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH1 2833 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH2 2873 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2874 GSAJPDH1 2876 FUNCTIONS: R GSAJPWDE 2773 C=CANCEL F=RESTART H=HOLD J=JCLOVRD P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 20:29:50 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE REQUEUE A JOB: The easiest way to requeue a job is with the requeue command: REQUEUE,JOB= jobnumber or jobname You can also accomplish this through the queue maintenance screen. Type the XQ top line command to get to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance Screen. Tab down to the job you want to requeue, type a 'Q' beside it, and hit the Enter key. Note: If the job is in another queue, you can use the XQ,Q=RDY command to get to the ready queue, or use the XQ,Q=ACT command to get to the active queue. ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ----------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPF24 2459 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPDH1 2449 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH5 2450 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH3 2451 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2454 GSAJPPD2 2384 FUNCTIONS: GSAJPBDH 2386 C=CANCEL GSAJPBH5 2431 F=RESTART GSAJPWH1 2430 H=HOLD Q GSAJPWH2 2433 J=JCLOVRD GSAJPF37 2480 P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 16:10:38 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE RESTART A JOB: Type the XQ top line command to get to the CA-7 Queue Maintenance Screen. Tab down to the job you want to restart, type an 'F' beside it, and hit the Enter key. ----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS ----------------F-JOBNAME--CA7# GSAJPF24 2459 JOB: GSAJP* GSAJPDH1 2449 SEQ: ENTRY GSAJPWH5 2450 QUEUE: REQ GSAJPWH3 2451 LIST: ALL GSAJPWH4 2454

GSAJPPD2 2384 FUNCTIONS: GSAJPBDH 2386 C=CANCEL GSAJPBH5 2431 F=RESTART GSAJPWH1 2430 H=HOLD F GSAJPWH2 2433 J=JCLOVRD GSAJPF37 2480 P=RSVP Q=REQUEUE R=RELEASE S=SUBTM OFF U=UPDATE V=VERIFY X=RQMT POST E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-X -- 98.028 / 16:10:38 MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE (Note: If the job is not in the ready queue, you will have to requeue the job before it can be restarted.) The next screen displayed will be the "CPU JOB IN RESTART STATUS" screen. Enter your reason for restarting the job, type an ' X' beside RESUBMIT FOR PRODUCTION, and hit enter. -------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOB IN RESTART STATUS --------JOB: GSAJPWH2 CODE: JCL-ERROR LAST-STEP MCNT: 001 CA-7#: 2433 JES#: 20505 NODE-NAME: LOCAL REASON: JOB NOT RUN DUE TO ERROR. RESUBMIT PER SE. -- X -- RESUBMIT FOR PRODUCTION -- -- FORCE COMPLETE . . .{The rest of this screen contains CA-11 restart options. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RESTART USING ANY OF THESE OPTIONS!!! Our jobs are not set up for CA-11 restart and you can screw up royally.}

VIEW JOBS IN REQUEST QUEUE: XQ -> Lists all jobs in request queue (but only the jobs you have ACF2 authority to view) XQJ -> Lists jobs in jobname sequence XQM -> Lists jobs and a summary of job requirements To view the jobs in other queues add Q=queue parameter Eg: XQ,Q=RDY to view the ready queue XQ,Q=ACT to view the active queue

CA-JCL check: Use the LJCK command to list JCL for a CA-7 job. JCL is fetched from the library indicated on the DB.1 panel or its alternate. LJCK keyword values for DATE, TIME, and SCHID may affect the display if scheduled overrides such as #JI and #JO are used. If the CA-Driver procedures are used, LJCK displays CA-Driver JCL modifications. Syntax: LJCK,JOB=jobname,DATE=YYDDD,TIME=hhmm,SCHID=nnn DATE, TIME and SCHID parameters are optional. The execution JCL for the specified job will be evaluated by CA-JCLCheck and all JCL substitutions, procedure expansions, errors, and other messages returned by CA-JCLCheck will be displayed inline following the relevant execution JCL statements. CA-7 JCL overrides: #JI Overrides Indicates the statement are to be included based on the specified scheduling criteria. #JO Overrides Indicates the statements are to be omitted based on the specified scheduling criteria. #JEND Indicates the end of a set of override control statements #SCC Statements placed within the JCL to define step level condition code tests used to determine whether the job completed successfully. To use these statements, the job must be defined on the DB.1 screen with a condition code of 0 (zero) and the relational operator of #S. Additional overrides and examples may be found in the CA-7 Database Maintenance Guide Section 10.

CA-7 Commands /DISPLAY,ST=JCL Use this command to obtain information about the JCL libraries attached to the CA-7. The ST=JCL parameter provides the information about the JCL libraries and their associated ID number. ************************************************ /DISPLAY,PRINT=SCH Use this command to obtain the information about Schedule Scan (SSCAN). The PRINT=SCH provides the information about SSCAN such as INCR, SPAN, QDWELL intervals and the next run. ************************************************ CANCEL CANCEL,JOB=jobname or job number,FORCE=YES,REASON=text Cancels job out of CA-7 Request Queue. If job is in the Ready or Active queues, cancelling it in CA-7 would not prevent the job from running. It would only prevent CA-7 from tracking the job. If you need to cancel a job that is awaiting execution (ready queue) or executing (active queue), cancel it from SAM or call the operator and have them cancel the job. ************************************************ DEMANDH DEMANDH,JOB=jobname,SCHID=nnn Use this command to request a job to run in CA-7. This command will place a HOLD on the job which must be posted. A reason will be required. The SCHID parameter should be nnn if triggering is not to be done. If triggering is needed, then the appropriate SCHID should be supplied. Caution should be used when executing jobs from the batch cycle during the day. Doing so could cause problems during the next nightly cycle.See also RUNH ************************************************ FJOB,FROM=,TO= FJOB,FROM=(mmddyy,hhmm),TO=(mmddyy,hhmm),SYS=GSAJKJ Use this command to obtain forecasted job execution information for jobs in a specified system for a specified date and time period. ************************************************ FJOB,SPAN= FJOB,SPAN=hh,SYS=GSAJKJ Use this command to obtain forecasted job execution information for jobs in a specified system for a specified future time span in hours. ************************************************ FSTRUC,JOB= FSTRUC,JOB=jobname,LIST=ALL Use this command to obtain job flow structure information for a job. The LIST=ALL parameter provides the job trigger relationships and the elapsed time of each job ************************************************ LACT,JOB= LACT,JOB=jobname or SYS=sysname Use this command to obtain CA-7 information on jobs in the active queue. The JOB=jobname parameter can be a specific job or can be a generic mask such as JOB=GSAJ*. The SYS=system name parameter can be either an * indicating all systems or the value must be a specific system name. ************************************************

LDSN,DSN= LDSN,DSN=dataset name or dataset number,LIST=ALL Use this command to obtain information about a dataset. The DSN parameter can be used with the dataset name or dataset number if known. The LIST=ALL parameter provides information about the dataset, the using jobs and any documentation entries. ************************************************ LJCL,JOB= LJCL,JOB=jobname Use this command to review the JCL contained in the associated JCL library. ************************************************ LJOB,JOB= LJOB,JOB=jobname,LIST=ALL or LIST=TRIG Use this command to obtain miscellaneous information about a job. The LIST=ALL parameter provides information about the job requirements, triggers and characteristics or attributes.LIST=TRIG parameter provides information about the job triggers. ************************************************ LQ,JOB= LQ,JOB=jobname Use this command to obtain CA-7 information on the jobs in the ready, request and active queues ************************************************ LQ,JOB=,ST=ABND LQ,JOB=jobname,ST=ABND Use this command to obtain CA-7 information on the jobs in the request that are in abend status. ************************************************ LQ,JOB=,ST=LATE LQ,JOB=jobname,ST=LATE Use this command to obtain CA-7 information on the jobs in the request that are in late status. ************************************************ LPROS,JOB= LPROS,JOB=jobname Use this command to review the prose for a job. ************************************************ LPRRN,JOB= LPRRN,JOB=jobname,LIST=ALL Use this command to review the last run of a job. The information is obtained from the prior-run queue. The LIST=ALL parameter is optional and provides all data relative to the queue. ************************************************ LRLOG,SPAN=,SYS= LRLOG,SPAN=hh,SYS=system name Use this command to review the run log information for jobs in a specified system for the specified span of time in hours. ************************************************ LSCHD,JOB=LIST= LSCHD,JOB=jobname,LIST=SIDnnn or LIST=BYSID Use this command to obtain information about the schedule(s) for a job. The SCAL=SIDnnn parameter provides the schedule information for a specific schedule identifier (SCHID). (The nnn in the SIDnnn should be the SCHID.) The LIST=BYSID parameter provides scheduling information for all SCHIDs. This is useful if a job has multiple SCHIDs. A month-by-month calendar is displayed for both parameters. ************************************************ REQUEUE,JOB= REQUEUE,JOB=jobname,Q=ACT or Q=RDY Use this command to move a member from one the ready or active queue to the request queue. The Q=queue name parameter is optional. If the Q=queue name parameter is not used, then the RDY and ACT queues are both searched. This command must be used whenever a job enters the request queue in skeleton mode (no JCL attached to job). ************************************************ RUNH,JOB= RUNH,JOB=jobname Use this command to execute a special run of a job so that requirements will not be posted, and jobs will not be triggered. This command places a HOLD on the job which must be posted.Note that any mutually exclusive conditions the jobs have (which are requirements) will not take effect. ************************************************ XQJ,JOB= XQJ,JOB=jobname,Q=REQ or Q=RDY or Q=ACT Use this command to review and/or perform actions on the request queue. The JOB=jobname parameter may be a specific jobname or generic such as JOB=GSAJKN*. The Q=queue name parameter is optional and the queue name may be REQ (request), RDY ( ready) or ACT (active). The list is displayed in jobname sequence. If no members are found matching the jobname criteria, the QUEUE MAINTENANCE panel is displayed. ************************************************ XQM,JOB= XQM,JOB=jobname,Q=REQ or Q=RDY or Q=ACT Use this command to review and/or perform actions on the request queue. The JOB=jobname parameter may be a specific jobname or generic such as JOB=GSAJKN*. The Q=queue name parameter is optional and the queue name may be REQ (request), RDY (ready) or ACT (active). The list is displayed in jobname sequence and a summary of the requirements is displayed. If no members are found matching the jobname criteria, the QUEUE MAINTENANCE panel is displayed.

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