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Writing 50E Mid-Term TEAM EVALUATION What work have you contributed to the team/design proposal so far?

Be as specific as possible and include everything, not just drafting or editing. (Example: I spent 4 hours researching van der Waals forces to improve our prototype robots climbing). I spent several hours (~3) researching how to implement the computer program component of the HITEC laser diode tasting station. I also spent 2 hours on the content of the presentation (the computer program part of it).

Please divide up 100 points amongst yourself and your team members, to reflect the contribution each member has made to the team up to this point: NamePointsYourselfMetehan Ozten25Team Member 2Amir25Team Member 3Omar25Team Member 4Chris25Team Member 5 Please explain your ratings: When we met at Chris' apartment we divided up the work pretty evenly, so since we all put in a seemingly equal effort and contributed an equal amount of work, I think we all did an equal share of the work.

Anything else I should know about your team or your work so far this quarter? Nope.

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