4 Learning Event

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Date / Description

What I Learned

How did this event support the program outcomes of:

1st Semester

Performing patient care with confidence, and certainty will My first foli catheter insertion also make the patient confident of (Veterans Administration): a your ability, ease their patient unable to void his bladder apprehension, and improve the after surgery. patients tolerance of uncomfortable procedures. 2nd Semester Learning project: Dental Hygeine Two are better than one. The project required that I pair up with another student for a presentation to a kindergarten class. I believe our project was more successful utilizing both of our strengths than it would have been if either of us had done it on our own. I learned that the road to recovery is a bumpy one. Sometimes it is necessary to take a step backwards to protect the patient from harm. I also learned that the set backs are very difficult for family to understand and cope with. I also learned the importance of monitoring our patients. Without our close watch of her respiratory status the patients condition may have become even worse and the need for intubation even greater, possibly emergent.

Clinical competence This improved my professional attitude. The experience reinforced my self-confidence and taught me the benefit of being certain of the skills I practice in lab. Communication / Collaboration This was a good exercise to reinforce the importance of teamwork and cooperation. The experience has encouraged me to invite the contributions of others. Critical thinking Critical thinking is required to recognize and act on a patient whose health status is in decline. Recognizing early signs and symptoms allows for a faster intervention. In many cases minutes can improve a patients potential for a positive outcome.

3rd Semester A patient I had care for the previous day had been extubated on night shift. She had passed the spontaneous breathing trial and was placed on bipap. On my shift she did well at first but began to decline as the day went on. Eventually her status dropped enough that the Dr reintubatd the patient.

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