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NRLI Alumni Association BOD Meeting Minutes Wed, May 16th, 2012

Members Present Stan Bronson Ed Wright Craig Diamond Eric Bush Chris Martinez

Bryan Fluech Nicole Wulf Leslie Corcelli Laila Racevskis

Meeting Notes: Bryan Fluech called the meeting to order Bryan explained that Dianne Hughes (treasurer) was still working on transitioning the NRLI Alumni bank account to a new bank, most likely a credit union. She has been instructed to work with the new treasurer to make this transition go as smooth as possible. Bryan thanked past board members for their dedication and assistance to the program Election of new officers: o Bryan Fluech nominated Leslie Corcelli as president, Paul Monaghan as Vice President, Chris Martinez as Secretary, Craig Diamond as Treasurer, and Nicole Wulf as Annual Meeting Coordinator. o The BOD unanimously passed the motion o Bryan becomes the Past President Bryan will work with Leslie to transition herself as the new Association president. Leslie will be responsible for scheduling future meetings Bryan discussed that the Association has a new website because or existing account with Microsoft Office Live expired. The new website is: Deb Burr former BOD president created the new site, and has been working with Bryan to get it up and running. The new officers agreed that all of the officer should have access to manage the site. Deb will send out invites to make them administrators. Bryan mentioned that he is working on the next Association eNewsletter, and hopes to have it ready by the end of May. Ed Dunne (former BOD secretary) said he would assist with editing the newsletter. Bryan asked Laila and the project team to submit articles on Burl Longs passing, Candys leaving the program, and the upcoming NRLI class. Laila told the group, the project team will be hiring someone part-time to help fill the role left by Candys leaving. The person will help with logistics and administrative duties. Bryan asked Laila if she and Paul Monaghan still plan to offer some professional development opportunities in the future as a way to raise money for the Association and the NRLI program. She said there has been discussion about it, but she needs to follow up with him. The BOD agreed that offering such professional development opportunities would be a productive means of raising more money in the future. Stan Bronson mentioned that he is working on a project that could take the FNRLI model international, particularly England. He and Laila have discussed the possibility of setting up a program overseas because of interest there. The meeting was adjourned.

Leslie will contact the BOD for the next meeting.

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