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Healing Words Written With Love; Lets Detox The S#@*t Out!
Written by; Shevy Cardoza 6/12/2011

Dear Friend,

Today I weigh in at 105 KG down from 119 KG 6 months ago. I have lost this weight by changing my whole lifestyle around. I do Yoga 5 times a week, I became a vegetarian and I recently completed Dr. Alejandro Junger's Clean 21 day detox program. I look and feel fantastic - much more than at any other time in my life. This of course is a huge change for me as I used to be a person who smoked a pack of cigarettes every day, drank alcohol like a fish and ate every fattening disgusting thing available at the supermarket. In addition to the unhealthy choices I made for my body, my mind and emotions were always a mess and always all over the place. I thus used the detox program and my daily practice of Yoga to not only detox my physical body but also to detox my mind and my emotions. I simply got rid of everything that was causing me to be unhealthy in whatever shape or form. Now I am in the next phase of my life where I am looking to include new, fresh, healthy people and things into my life. It has been an amazing journey so far and how I got here is a series of tales I wanted to share with you all. Thus I documented the emotional and mental part of my 21 day detox program. All the little nitty gritty details, my joy and growth too. I invite you to read it and I sincerely hope it inspires you now or at some later date when you may need it. With love, Shevy Cardoza

Detox Day 1 The Elimination Of Toxic People And The Things Connected To Them
Posted on May 21, 2011 by Shevy

Well, today is a wonderful and glorious day for me. Today is the first day of a month long detox program I committed myself to. The detox will include the elimination of certain foods, sugar (which I am working hard to break the addiction to) and certain attachments in my personal relationships and emotions. This morning then the first thing I did was to eliminate pictures, emails, books, diaries, presents, contact information and blog entries related to past relationships which have soured and or were toxic, are toxic. . As I was eliminating these things and people from my life, I marveled at how much I had been willing to compromise in the name of wanting love and comfort. I saw clearly the patterns I had formed to stay in something familiar because I was afraid of losing love and comfort. I vowed to live my life from this point on in a manner that includes foresight as opposed to hindsight (I.E. By constantly asking myself is this thing / food / person I am choosing right now the best for me?). . The beginning process of elimination already makes me feel clean. I have the feeling I have added light and air to my life. In fact I feel so good in this moment

that I am impulsed to say to the people and things that got the boot, Beautiful thing / person, your presence in my life meant a lot and was in its own way life changing, thank you for having come into my life and thank you for having come out of it. May all of what we once shared rest in peace. . Moving right along. I do plan to document the detox journey and I imagine some pretty pesky, nasty things will come up and out. However, I am looking forward to the challenge and I am ready to say to the Universe, Challenge me! . Now! If you are currently on a detox program, be it mental or physical, I would love to be in contact with you. I am completely open and willing to be your cheerleader and to share with you the ups and downs of the process. Also if you are looking for a spiritual running buddy, please feel free to contact me and let us support each other on this too. Ultimately, I know none of this is possible for me without connecting to Source and if you feel that way too, lets talk. I will respect whatever Source is for you. . Life is good! Lets detox, connect with Source and move on to brighter, better, more loving foods, people and things!

Detox Day 2 Coming Out Of The Closet About My Faith

Posted on May 22, 2011 by Shevy

For a period of my life, specifically at the time when I was

desperately seeking approval from an atheist love interest, I rejected religion, spirituality, God, the Universe and anything related to such ideas. But, as irony would have it, being in the presence of atheism is exactly what drove me back into the arms of spirituality and this time around, in a very potent, life-changing way. During this time, every time I perceived rejection I found comfort in prayers, when I felt like I was losing my footing, I found balance through meditation and during the times where circumstance left my heart completely broken, I found healing by connecting to the highest consciousness of love. . It was also during this time that I committed to my Yoga mat and if you have been following me on this blog you know that my life has never been the same since the moment of my commitment. Now I am real proud to say that my deep connection to spirituality has allowed the mountains and icebergs of my life to shift. It brings me in tune with knowingness. Can you imagine what knowingness is? It is the rock solid confidence I have when approaching the lion in the lions den. Even if I feel fear, even if I doubt my own skills, I know the END result is the result most appropriate and best for me. Of course, sewing my heart, intuition and higher thinking self into spirituality has led me to decisions which have caused the elimination of certain things and people from my life including the atheist love interest who was the catalyst for it all. There was a time when such departures found me holding my head and folding over into a ball of tears, now I can peacefully shrug and with sincerity wish them all the best as they move on in their own lives. This is perhaps one of the more beautiful aspects of spirituality for me; To allow someone to depart my life without animosity, hatred, apathy or repression of any emotions. But instead to simply say thank you for the gifts their presence brought and to send them off in love. .

Turning to a spiritual life has by no means perfected me. I am still as imperfect as they come and I still have so much I desire to work on but alas I have found an affirmative way to live and an affirmative way to handle the waves of my emotions. I no longer feel that I have to play hypocrite to gain approval from anyone and I know spiritual guidance is all I need making it easy then (to live independent of the opinion of others Wayne Dyer). Yet still, a connection to spirit allows me to respect, admire and love others without having to depend on them for my guidance, approval, and love. . What a joyous relief! Through spirit I become more and more free. I pray the same for you too.

Detox Day 3 Choose The Right Passenger For The Journey

Posted on May 23, 2011 by Shevy|

Image via Wikipedia

As it is a holiday here in Jamaica today, my daughter, my best-friend, her husband and I, traveling in our separate cars, went for a day trip to the beautiful North East coast of Jamaica. It was wonderful and choked filled with two important lessons I would like to share today. . To behold the beauty of the North East coast of Jamaica is to behold the beauty of heaven. Luscious forests, towering ferns, wild bush, boulder clad rivers and mountain terrain marks the entire journey to the coast. To breathe the air is to breathe away the toxicity of the city. Unfortunately though seeing this beauty comes at the high cost of driving on mountain, hair-pin roads, where the cliff lives

on one side and the mountain wall lives on the other side. In addition to this, it is necessary to share the road with other Jamaican drivers who have very little respect for the roads, their cars and their lives. . The reality of this made my daughter, who was the passenger in my car, very nervous. Heading towards the coast she was afraid we might drive off the cliff. Heading back towards the city she was afraid we would crash into the mountain wall. She shrieked every time a mad driver would take a hair-pin corner badly and end up in a near miss with our car. Then, to control her fear she decided it would be a good idea to alert me every time she could see a car ahead coming around a corner.Her nervousness and shrieks in turn made me nervous until I finally demanded she keep quiet. After the demand I took two deep inhales and explained to her that the passenger is as much responsible as the driver and that her calm approach would help me keep calm enough to drive well. This explanation caused her to be quiet and to stop breathing. Instead of speaking out her nervousness she held it in making the air thick with tension. . I needed a different approach. . The idea hit me to tell her to turn off my chosen music CD and put in her preferred music CD. She put in her favorite pops, started singing and forgot all about the road, the corners, the cars and the cliffs. Some of the pop tunes were so catchy that I started singing along too which pleased her immensely. Before we knew it we were off the mountain and back into the city. The experience as a driver on mountainous road with my daughter as the passenger thus left me with the following two lessons. .

Lesson number 1; I am the only one responsible for how I drive on any road be it the literal road or a metaphorical road. It is my responsibility to ensure that with creativity I make the drive as smooth, safe, and comfortable as it can be while on the way to my destination. . Lesson number 2; Having said that, it would be wise if I choose carefully who sits in the passenger seat next to me on my journey -again, be it on a literal journey or on a metaphorical journey. Luckily for me, my daughter is 11 years old and therefore easily distracted. Had it been someone else, who didnt like music for example, I would have had a hard time maintaining my confidence as a driver in the face of their nervousness. It will always be sweeter then if I choose the passenger most appropriate for my journey an easily distracted passenger like my daughter allowing me to concentrate on my own or a supporting passenger who trusts me, believes in my ability as a driver and supports me with calmness and stability. . In the end, on this day 3 of my detox journey, I can happily declare that today was yet another good day in the life of your author. It is truly a blessing when life offers lessons without the element of suffering and with the incentive of experiencing heaven on earth like the heaven on earth found on the mountains of St.Mary, Jamaica.

Detox Day 4 Universe, Please Help Me Find Total Forgiveness

Posted on May 24, 2011 by Shevy|

Today a short entry. . After reading my usual morning inspiration materials the theme of forgiveness has been on my mind. Forgiveness, I think, is a crucial part of the detox process and so I had to ask myself if I had really come to a place of total forgiveness in my heart. I already knew the answer was no. I also knew that I had to do some work on it via writing a healing letter or simply just writing out all my feelings. I was hesitant as I felt the major subject needing my forgiveness was not even worthy of being written down on paper and certainly not in my sacred diaries. But whatever means to facilitate forgiveness, I still felt must be immediately done. . I decided to write my feelings out on a draft email instead. I wrote every vile, toxic, hateful, revengeful, spiteful feeling I had buried inside of me. I cursed, attacked and wished for pain and hurt in the subjects life. I held nothing back. When I was done, I changed the name at the top of the draft email to my name. In my mind and in my heart, I visualized myself carrying out the same actions done to me on someone else. I imagined why I would have chosen to carry out those actions and what would I have hoped the person I was acting out against would understand about me. With this visualization set in my mind I read the vile and hateful letter back to myself with my name written on top. I felt all the pain I would have felt had this letter been really addressed to me. And then I asked myself, what do I need to do to find complete forgiveness? .

At this moment I surrendered, closed my eyes and started to pray. My prayer was a simple prayer; Universe, I am just not loving enough to find forgiveness on my own, my heart is full of sadness, I feel betrayed, I need help. Help me to forgive, heal my heart and help me to love again.

Detox Day 5 I Have A Voice

Posted on May 25, 2011 by Shevy|

Another big part of the detox process involves letting go of old limiting ways of behaving. It is not an easy part by any means because a lot of my behavior is set at a default so entrenched its hard to imagine behaving any other way. One such way I would like to share today has to do with my voice. This morning I had to remind myself that I have a voice. In the past soooooooooo much of what made me uncomfortable went unsaid. So many times I kept my opinions to myself because I didnt want to be judged because of them. And with my last love interest, though I sent him over a thousand emails, I always felt I was a voiceless doormat in his presence. I wouldnt dare share my deepest feelings or world-views lest they were criticized as morbid, narrow-minded, cliche and/or lacking in substance to be really valid in life. . Choosing to be a voiceless doormat is an old limiting behavior of mine. From as far back as I can remember I have always chosen to be voiceless. When my father was upset <which he often was> I chose to be voiceless in order to avoid trouble. When kids bullied me in elementary school I chose to be voiceless so as not to

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