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People are widely using social networking sites in their day to day life, itsactually become a very important

part of their life. We find updates of whatthey are doing at the moment as well as what is going on in their life. Socialnetworking sites have actually become tracking systems. People who followthese systems give and get advice and encouragement from their friendsand family whenever they need, there is also sharing of videos photoswhich gives a really personal touch to the whole thing. Because of thesedifferent factors it is actually a good idea for the employees to beconnected socially through which both the organizations as well as theemployees will be benefited. I want to find out if the talented employeescan really be retained through social networking. This research can helporganizations to determine whether they should have a internal socialnetworking site to retain employees, i.e. it will help the organizationsdetermine that whether it is worth it to invest and involve in such socialactivities in order to find and retain talent in the organization

Employees are enthusiastic about the concept of incorporating aninternal social network as it has already been done in manyorganizations around the world.2. Unlike other communication mediums, social networking sites notonly provide the ability for users to communicate with each other butalso enable users to find likeminded individuals.3. Due to this proper mode of continuous communication it might helpthe employees of the organization to get engaged in knowledgeableconversations.4. Getting continuous support and push directly from the seniors mayhelp boost their confidence and might help them feel a sense of belonging.

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