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Kinzangmo 5/30/2012 Responsible, Honest, discipline, faithful Contact Information Phongmey Geog / Trashigang Dzongkhag kindenzax@yahoo.

com +97517726089

Objectives Dedicated, self-disciplined, sincere college graduate with government accounting, accounting seminar, and international business skills looking forward in accounts session where I can serve the organizational performance, environment friendly and team coordination. Education B B A, Ac c o unt , Jun e 2 01 2 - Ro ya l U ni ve rs it y of Bhut an Gaeddu College of Business Studies Awards / Activities / Accomplishments Participated in college annual marathon competition. Received certificates for cultural activities, member of ESU, DNKT, and Organic Farming. Completed workshop on international conference on GNH, soft skills and corporate governance. Successfully completed research studies on Dietary habits of GCBS students and Gedu Higher Secondary school. Experiences Internship: Programme Division 8th December 2011-31st January 2012 Responsibilities: Visa processing, GGLSS processing for small firm and event organizing. Temporary Job: Book stores in Trashigang 10th December 2007 31st January 2008 Responsibilities: maintaining the records of books.

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