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DVX100/DVX100A Suggested settings for Transfer to Film or Use with DVFilm Maker

Settings marked in red are the most important. Other settings may be varied if you have a studio-quality monitor (>500 lines resolution) to check the results. Omitted settings are up to the user to determine for best results. Also it is important to use an optical 16:9 adapter with this camera, for transfer to 35mm. See Panasonic accessory AG-LA7200G SHUTTER = OFF (1/50th). 1/60th sec may also be used, but only to reduce flicker with florescent or arc lighting in 60Hz countries (like the USA). ATW (Auto Tracking White Balance) = OFF SCENE FILE: DETAIL LEVEL = -3 (see note 1) CHROMA LEVEL = 0 CHROMA PHASE = 0 COLOR TEMP = 0 MASTER PED = -6 (see note 2) IRIS LEVEL = -1 GAMMA = CINE-LIKE (for DVX100A use CINE-LIKE-V) SKIN TONE DTL = OFF MATRIX = NORMAL V DETAIL FREQ = THIN PROGRESSIVE = 24P(ADV) for NTSC / 25P for PAL models CAMERA SETUP: ASPECT CONV = NORM (4:3) SETUP = 0% SW MODE: ATW = OFF RECORDING SETUP: REC SPEED = SP AUDIO REC = 16BIT DISPLAY SETUP: ZEBRA DETECT 2 = 100% ZEBRA DETECT 1 may be useful at 80% to set skin tones just below 80, as suggested by Steve Mullen's guidebook on the DVX100. Notes: More info on DETAIL LEVEL DETAIL LEVEL of -7 should turn off all sharpening in the camera processor, which is typically best for transfer to film. However some sharpening may be necessary to overcome the smearing introduced by the CCD sensor where charge leaks from one pixel to another during the sample. Users report that DETAIL LEVEL greater than -3 gives unacceptable sharpening when viewed on a computer screen with high enlargement (which is what happens in a transfer to film). A studio monitor with 500-800 lines resolution should also be able to reveal this effect. Shoot a white or black card against a gray background with best possible focus. A white area with a false dark outline, or a black area with a false light outline indicates too much sharpening. More info on MASTER PED According to this table from, a MASTER PED setting of -6 with SETUP = 0% gives you the ideal black level.

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