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Lesson Plan in English Grade IV I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: A.

Identify transitive and intransitive verbs; B. Discriminate /b/ and /v/ sounds; C. Construct sentences with transitive and intransitive verbs II. A. Learning Content Subject Matter: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs B. Learning Resources Reference: Gianan, Veronica V. et. al. (1999). Language Wonders 4. Rex Bookstore Inc. Manila, Philippines. Materials: Cartolinas, colored paper, manila paper, adhesive tapes, marker, pictures III.Learning Strategies A. Daily Routine 1. Opening Prayer 2. Checking of Room Condition 3. Checking of Attendance B. Pronunciation Drill /b/ Bend Bolt /v/ vend volt

Bile Bail Best Rebel Lubber Curbing Swab Verb Robe Dub C. Motivation

vile vail vest revel lover Curving Swave Verve Rove Dove

The teacher will show pictures to the students and the students will tell the teacher what they can see in the pictures. The teacher will discuss the students answers. D. Presentation The teacher will ask the following question: 1. How many of you love to go to the mall? 2. Do you go there with your parents or friends? The teacher will distribute copies of the reading selection to the students. The teacher will ask the students to read the story. Reading Comprehension: 1. Where did Minda and her mother go? 2. What did they plan to buy? 3. What brought them to the second floor of the department store?

4. What is an escalator? 5. Should Children play on escalators? Why? 6. Who ride on escalators? 7. How are heavy loads move if they to be transferred from one floor to another? 8. What is an elevator?
9. Give a similarity and a difference between these two?


What do escalators and elevators provide to shoppers?

The teacher will show the students sentences taken from the reading selection. The teacher will ask the students to take note of the single and double underlined words.

Minda and her mother went shopping. They bought linen. They found grocery items. They took the escalator. The saleslady stays at her post. She smiles sweetly. She works silently with a smile on her lips.

E. Lesson Proper The teacher will discuss the following:

A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object or a receiver to complete its meaning. Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects or receivers.


Read the following sentences. On the blanks before the number write TV if it has a transitive verb and IV if it has an intransitive verb. ___________1. The mailman delivered the letter next door. ___________2. James calls his friends on the weekends. ___________3. The children played in the morning. ___________4. The Malins lost their last game. ___________5. The soldiers celebrated last week. Wrap-up When the action of the verb goes across to a receiver or direct object, it is called transitive verb. If it does not go across the receiver, it is called intransitive verb. F. Evaluation: A. Complete the following sentences by supplying direct objects. 1. Mother cooks __________________________________. 2. The class receives _____________________________. 3. We study ____________________________________. 4. I drink ______________________________________. 5. The principal gives ____________________________.
B. Complete the following sentences. Be sure that your verb is an

intransitive verb. 1. The NBA team arrives __________________________. 2. The swimmer collapsed _________________________. 3. The young girl sings __________________________. 4. My plants grow _______________________________. 5. The participants performed _____________________. IV.Assignment:

What are active and a passive voice? How do we construct an active and a passive voice? Why do we need to use an active and a passive voice?

On a Shopping Spree

It was Saturday and Minda went shopping with her mother. They were going to buy some linen for the coming fiesta. They went to a department store. On the first floor of the department store, they found grocery items. Also, the restaurant was located there. They learned that the linen, including the appliances and kitchen ware were on the second floor. They took the escalator to the second floor. The escalator is a continuously moving stairway used for carrying passengers up and down. Minda likes to take an escalator very much. Minda knows that an escalator is found in very large department stores or in shopping malls. While on the second floor, Minda noticed a door where salesladies and some employees of the store were coming from. She also learned that heavy loads were passed through this door and carried to the upper or lower floors. Minda found out that it was an elevator. An elevator is a moving platform or cage for carrying passengers or freight from one level to another, as in a building. Minda got so curious that she tried. After taking the elevator up and down, she decided she preferred the escalator.

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