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Institute Mens Association / Institute Womens Association

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Chapter Report
Type of report

Semester of quarter


IMA Chapter Report

Chapter Information

IWA Chapter Report

Institute of religion

Budget approved by Institute of Religion Advisory Council

Calendar approved by Institute of Religion Advisory Council





Signature of chapter secretary

Signature of chapter president

Instructions for Completing Report

Chapter Secretary: Complete and sign the report. Submit it to the chapter president 3 weeks before the end of the semester or quarter. Chapter President: Review the report with the chapter presidency and chapter adviser. Include comments and sign the report. Submit it to the institute director 2 weeks before the end of the semester or quarter. Retain a copy for the chapter files. Chapter Adviser: After meeting with the chapter presidency, include brief comments. Institute Director: Review the report and add comments. Submit the report to the area director no later than the last day of the semester or quarter. Retain a copy for the institute files. Area Director: Review the report and retain a copy for the area office files. Send a copy to S&I Training Services in the central office.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total members Average chapter meeting attendance Total members enrolled in institute Total members enrolled in college Total non-LDS members Number of mission calls received 7. 8. 9. Total members who are returned missionaries Members married during the semester or quarter Number of temple marriages IF IMA, number of marriages to members of IWA IF IWA, number of marriages to members of IMA

Please complete as appropriate to your particular chapter. 10.

Comments (Consider suggestions, needs, successes, and special experiences.)

Chapter president

Chapter advisor

Institute director

U.S. Only

2/2010 Printed in the USA 00152SI

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